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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 831 KB, 2200x1722, 30245u_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5125980 No.5125980[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Walk in. This jerk asks what you want. What do?

>> No.5125985
File: 145 KB, 641x720, 1368016318494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lemon Ice Cream Soda with a Pimento Cheese sandwich please.

>> No.5125986

"Please make me your favorite item on the menu, whatever it is."

Usually a good go-to if I'm not sure what I want. I usually end up trying something new.

>> No.5125991

I feel so guilty for leavign my black friend outside ( ._.)

>> No.5125997

Chicken salad sandwich and a root beer plz

>> No.5126000

chocolate phosphate

>> No.5126014
File: 990 KB, 2300x1805, 30243u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, wiseguy eh? Whatsamattayou buy some maple nut or I'll have vinny here wipe his face on your glass.

>> No.5126026
File: 2.27 MB, 3500x2859, 33510u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a nice yeast milk shake?

>> No.5126029

I'll have a vanilla and a cholocate ice cream soda. Can I take them outside please mister?

>> No.5126053


what's popin' daddo,

sure do, look like your pretty good at jerkin' white ballz. wouldn't mind if you squeezed me out one and then I'll take a slice of your pie....gus.

>> No.5126057
File: 1.17 MB, 2500x2052, 32248u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outside? Why I oughta...

Why don't you go across the street and drink with the transexuals? Those fellas have a public telephone. Yeah you look the type that would be into public telephones.

>> No.5126059

egg cream fizz obviously

>> No.5126068

Go to the back of the store to get my steak and eggs

>> No.5126081
File: 27 KB, 406x460, my goddess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are some great quality photos. Who knew the 20's digital cameras had 12megapixels?

>> No.5126087

You there at the back! Come down here and shine my shoes!

>> No.5126130
File: 1.68 MB, 2800x2193, 29940u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy Smokes! That dude just went up in a flash of light right there in front of me on that last bar stool. I hope Mr. Wilson doesn't make me clean that up. Not again. I'll just act real casual like, maybe he won't dock me.

>> No.5126132

>Walks in
>Douche says "Hey get out of here you chink, you know you're not allowed in here boy!"
>mfw I can't get something to quench my thirst because I'm Chinese
>oh well back to the opium den for me

lel the captcha
>redgebu historically

>> No.5126139


anybody who knows anything.

>> No.5126146
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>> No.5126150

A word of advice compadre, change your marketing strategy. Calling things "egg drinks" isn't going to endear them to your projected audience.

>> No.5126152
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>> No.5126153
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>> No.5126164
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Are you my daddy?

>> No.5126166

>Walk in.

I'm not falling for that. This is a whites-only establishment and I'm not looking for trouble.

>> No.5126171

Somebody get the water cannon we got a live one!

>> No.5126172
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You sure use big learnen words. Ya mean we should go high class?

>> No.5126217


>yfw the only job you can get is as a soda monkey and have to dress up like one of these fags

>> No.5126224


Look how neatly everything is laid out and kept clean. You go into a story today and everything is shitted out on the shelves.

>wat happened to us

>> No.5126229



>> No.5126239
File: 3 KB, 203x219, um.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soda books
>soda cheeks

>> No.5126244


you can go into any boutique and still see shit laid out like that.

plus, look at that floor. it's fucking filthy. that would never fly these days.

>> No.5126248

but you also are forced to interact with a human to get anything because you can't reach it

a human who will doubtless be trying to upsell you to something or trying to stifle his amusement at your bulk order of pessary cleaner

>> No.5126251

That's exactly what I mean, feller. Why I just picture you now with a chain of swell shake shops all over manhattan. Why they'd be the cat's pajamas, you'd brign i nall the fine dames,

>> No.5126252

Order a Cocaine cola and chicken salad sammich

>> No.5126262
File: 284 KB, 1146x854, behind_the_counter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe regale him with fantastic tales from the modern workplace of the far future.

>> No.5126266

Dat spitoon.

>> No.5126270


Wow, that place is filthy.

>> No.5126271

>you also are forced to interact with a human

>> No.5126283


Large format photographic film has an incredibly high resolution when photographed and developed right. 4 x 5 inch film has the equivalent of 200 megapixels.

The switch from analog to digital came hand in hand with a great drop in image quality for quite some time. By now digital sensors have caught up with analog film.

>> No.5126285

Which part of it are you talking about specifically pray tell?

>> No.5126287


You must have missed the part where he said "digital cameras".

>> No.5126292
File: 165 KB, 450x732, greaser hipster leather jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have a Grande, Iced, Sugar-Free, Vanilla Latte With Soy Milk?

>> No.5126297


you act like a hipster would order that and not a yoga mom.

hipsters want a single estate panama, hand grilled, filtered through a sock.

>> No.5126301

...and this guy would still be treated better than a colored person.

>> No.5126308


> must be some FOB Italian immigrant.

>> No.5126310

>Knowing what a hipster would order
>Knowing what a soccer mom would order
>Knowing what people order at starbucks

>> No.5126311


The floor and the guy's apron.

>> No.5126314

> filtered through a sock
When I lived in hong Kong that was incredibly off putting. >mfw some over privileged white boy from a first world country thinks it's the bomb.

>> No.5126316



1) I'm a hipster.
2) I know what soccer moms order because
3) I work at Starbucks.

>> No.5126317

>implying that's not the right thing to do

>> No.5126319

>identifying as a hipster

kill yourself. Or is that too early 2000's

>> No.5126322
File: 43 KB, 692x294, 1390420227245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say, fellas, is this guy a three dollar bill or what?

>> No.5126325


>denying the fact that you too are a hipster


>> No.5126329


wait, you're just being ironic right?

>> No.5126334
File: 956 KB, 2300x1798, 29950u1_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good day, sir. I am interested in making the purchase of one of your finest rubber trusses. As to standard, I must require of it to contain this arrangement.
*unzips war wound*

>> No.5126358
File: 16 KB, 200x194, 2014-01-22-11-59-44-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nut milk

>> No.5126361

I would say I'm a hipster, but that is about the least hipstery thing one could do.

>how far down this rabbit hole are we willing to go

>> No.5126365

>fucking vegans shitting up my early 20th century stores

>> No.5126377

> plus, look at that floor. it's fucking filthy. that would never fly these days.

You dildo. That's not dirt, its the marbling in the granite tile. Of course it "wouldn't fly" today, because those would be ultra classy vinyl/plastic tiles polished by wetbacks instead of some nice old school granite.

>> No.5126382
File: 942 KB, 2000x1600, 29945u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soda? I just came for one of these vibrators they keep warm over the radiator. Maybe one of those fancy french rings up there. My liver is fine thanks.

>> No.5126399

Cherry lime rickey.

>> No.5126400

This floor here, however is scuffed all to hell. Typically this would be 2" wide oak or ash planks, tongue and groove connected and tacked down at intervals and then planed and sanded. Because of the high amount of foot traffic and people coming in directly off the street sometimes with wet, leather-soled shoes, they didn't wax floors in shops. It got scuffed, but I'll bet ya a sawbuck that floor was swept no less than 3 times a day.

>> No.5126424


God, man. That is so interesting.

>> No.5126446
File: 34 KB, 599x548, 1389481827447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you contribute?
Not >>5126400

>> No.5126462

Walk in. Take picture with smart phone. Hung for witchcraft.

>mfw I'm better and superior than people in the past because I own and know how to use a smartphone

Feels good man.

>> No.5126479

> dat radiator

I was always fascinated with this spookyass 3 story house built in 1870 in the town I grew up, and I was looking to move, it came up for sale and I bought it. Awe man it had a fuckin boiler in the basement and a radiator in every room. In winter one of three things occured:

1. Radiator not hot enough. Its so drafty in these old places that you would get cold and once that happened you would never warm up, until about lunchtime when you got to work.

2. Radiator too hot. Once those bastards get rockin and rollin, you can't stop em. Only hope is to open windows. More drafts.

3. Get under several layers of comforters with electric mattress cover, the ol lady, and maybe sprinkle some cats or a big dog around your feet for measure. Then, as the pipes heat up and cool down, if there's any air whatsoever in the system you get "air hammer". Imaging satan is in the basement slapping your pipes with a crowbar at various intervals. Its creppy. Never understood how air bubble could make so much noise.

No matter which happened, the air was always dry and with the volume of empty space in a 21 room house with 12' ceilings, forget about a humidifier. Even if you shut off all the bedrooms and utility rooms, all your heat and moisture always went up the gaping staircase and disappeared.

Neat place though. I still have the odd nightmare because of the creepyness

>> No.5126497

Your opinion is even worse than his. You bring nothing but rampant negativity to this and every thread. Please die.

>> No.5126502

Was that guy being sarcastic? Asshole. I thought it was interesting. I still see some of those floors in old buildings. Nothin like a 120 year old floor to make you marvel at the craftsmanship

>> No.5126551

tobacco and tuberculosis, best friends forever!

>> No.5126561


Is that how you're supposed to insert a suppository?

Goddamn, I was just squatting in my bathroom trying to violate myself, fighting back tears, using a sandwich bag as medical glove. It was awful.

>> No.5126627


What year is it, if there is a lithiated lemon lime soda available I'll have a pitcher of that with a handful of cherries dropped in. otherwise, an orange ice cream soda with a small cup of muscadine punch. and a pimento cheese sandwich, please. oh yes and after I'm done I'll have an auto sponge soaked in cocacola to go

also why do these shops mostly have counters with a marbled look to them, was it just a popular style, is it actual marble, does it serve some kind of function? it lends a pleasant look to the shops I think

>> No.5126650
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He must have been. I do too.


>> No.5126656
File: 896 KB, 2300x1848, 28985u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

several of these are the same chain, Peoples Drug so they'd look similar

those ones are 1920 and 1921

>> No.5126677

>toilet articles
I could live there.

>> No.5126704

Be sure to stock up on Hypo-Cod and Nuxated Iron.

>> No.5126709
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>> No.5126807

Acquired by CVS eventually.

>> No.5126970
File: 89 KB, 640x465, 133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing these threads and pictures, then searching for more pictures really makes me wish I was born in a different, happier time.

Just look at these shops, the service and the prices... we will never again know such a society.

>> No.5127056
File: 959 KB, 2200x1723, 29956u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, anon, can I help you? Please say hello to my zombie daughter first...

>> No.5127078
File: 57 KB, 468x340, 1390431714101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thank you, Mr. McCringle, for your prompt and steady service.

>You are quite welcome, Mrs. Edwards. Kind service with a smile is always our motto. Gosh, it's lovely to live in the world today, isn't it?

>> No.5127102

Pint of moloko vellocette for me and th' droogs.

>> No.5127246
File: 162 KB, 473x750, tumblr_m8vwl93ojg1rrbuhco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok this is a stick up. Hand over the moolah!

If anybody turns yellow and squeals...
...my gun's gonna speak its peace.

>> No.5127264


Tell him I want a white homogeneous society free of hate. And a Vanilla shake.

>> No.5127266
File: 264 KB, 798x1162, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never go into a store with high ticket items out on display, not tethered down or behind a locked case

>you will never experience a soda or shake made by hand from simple ingredients

>you will never see a man who lives comfortably after creating a local business, employing anyone willing to work and smile.

>you will never be able to buy plenty of groceries and household items, completely assured they were all made in the United States of America, the greatest country on earth

>you will never see a man in a silk Bow tie snap to attention for your order, beaming with home-town pride

>you will never gossip with the barman over local politics and news

>you will be forced to check your privilege by feminist harpies, while they get a hot dicking from Trayvonn'quius Washington, after him and his 8 friends play the knockout game on you.

>you will be a slave and a human conduit of fees and debt for the Jews your entire life

>your children will speak Spanish-english pigdin and die in ignorance and subservience.

>pride will be shame, knowledge will be ignorance, love will be hate

>we are in the final stages of humanity's breaking, and nothing can save us

>> No.5127292
File: 621 KB, 1700x1339, 29939u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man, that Seabiscuit won another race. Is that a stud horse or what? That'll be 12 cents for your pack of French purses, sir.

>> No.5127296

>we are in the final stages of humanity's breaking, and nothing can save us

Nah, you're just the next Rome spiralling into decadence. There'll be other great societies and great men America had a good run. Kudos to them.

>> No.5127303
File: 807 KB, 2000x1566, 29938u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been all over town but I knew I could find my Glemby hair nets here!

>> No.5127309

> zombie daughter

Hehe. Why is she barefooted and what's up with her right ankle?

>> No.5127407

cashier behind steel bars

>> No.5127429

>Why is she barefooted and what's up with her right ankle?
Club feet is the mostly likely reason.

>> No.5127535

I'm not convinced. America has outlived the average lifespan of a democracy by far.

But I don't think we truly are anymore. I think the world is being run behind the scenes and has been for several decades now.

There may be no more throne of power for now on. The best we can hope for is a decent life for everyone in a developed country, and a little better life in developing countries.

>> No.5128903





>> No.5128911

It's a medical supply store so they might be examining or measuring her feet for some foot problems.

>> No.5128920

Those look classy in black and white but the details shows those place would look miserable in colour.

>> No.5128921

lol this

WOW your great-grandparents were alive to see it! SOOOO old!!!

haha I love it.

>> No.5128925

I don't see any part of his post where he implied 1870 is old.
And on top of that the point of his post was about radiators, and seeing as how that style of radiator was invented in the 1850's, then yeah, those radiators are pretty old.
Unfortunately not all of us live in houses built during the roman republic.

>> No.5128931


>having 0 history

>living in identikit suburban houses and driving everywhere

stay pleb

>> No.5128937

>implying everyone lives in shitty suburbs in shitty America
>implying 1870 = history

stay pleb American, No wonder you fatties collect merchandise from the 50's and think that shit are priceless artifacts.

>> No.5128940
File: 78 KB, 600x444, sparkles mcfancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh. Cherry Smash with chocolate syrup, a chicken salad sandwich, a glass of water.

>mayonnaise sandwich.
Is there anyone old here that can explain this, it can't possibly be just mayo on toast.

>> No.5128946

>Is there anyone old here that can explain this, it can't possibly be just mayo on toast.
why not? It tastes great.

>> No.5128988

10¢ is steep for just mayo and bread when a cheese or tomato sandwich is the same price. Maybe if you were at your house and need to go to the store you would eat a mayonnaise sandwich. But to have it be popular enough to put it on a menu makes me think there was more to it. It isn't but different than buttered toast, which wouldn't work for a sandwich either.

>> No.5129014

the 50's and 60's were America's golden era, before the hippies and feminists and social justice cockmonglers and political correctness shat the place up.

>> No.5129069

Unrelated, but I'm not American, someone explain ice cream soda to me

>> No.5129084

Ice cream + Soda water

>> No.5129089

That sounds like... A weird combo

>> No.5129100

Amy Sedaris <3

>> No.5129139
File: 132 KB, 1800x996, IMG_20140123_092330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5129169

Um... my great grandparents were born in 1924 and 1926...
That would probably be about new in my great great great grandparent's time, so yeah, that's sort of old.

>hurr durr murrika is a relativy new nation

We seem to have still beat the shit out of the rest of the world in terms of liberty (as originally intended), technology, diversity, and, you know, pretty much everything else.

Have fun living in your stone dungeons nursing a 5,000 year-old grudge against neighboring countries.

>> No.5129172

Chocolate egg cream.

I chuckled and it doesn't make me a bad person.

>> No.5129202


>We seem to have still beat the shit out of the rest of the world in terms of liberty (as originally intended), technology, diversity, and, you know, pretty much everything else.

Incorrect on every count. You are not number one in any of those categories, especially diversity. This is why Americans are stereotyped as ignorant plebs. Have you ever left the US?

>> No.5129338

>Yuros shit up another perfectly fine thread
Way to go fellas.

>> No.5129657
File: 85 KB, 490x1500, luncheonette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it says something before mayonnaise

>__toe Mayonnaise
>__lae Mayonnaise
>__iac Mayonnaise

no idea

>> No.5129658

>implying it's a good thing

Well thankfully everyone from Sweden to Australia are importing as many Ogga Boogas from silly costume countries, so we can all enjoy the benefits of diversity! You know benefits like...

The Knockout Game (King Hit or Coward Strike in the Uk/Aus)
Acid Attacks
Skyrocketing rape rates
GANG rapes
pedophile grooming rings
Infant theft (to get more awesome benefit$$$)
drug smuggling
massive street fights
flash mobs (fifty go into a store, rob it bare, no one can do anything)
Affirmative action (Sorry, we filled the three spots for whites in this university, but Mu'ktumbu and Shamir and their fifty cousins get in for a full free ride, room and board, with a little extra walkign around money)
Race mixing (Sorry white boy, I love BBC only! Just like the cool girls on TV!)
ZERO open jobs
an unwavering liberal voting block (keep those benefits coming!)
parts of cities where no-one speaks the native language
your children picking up durka ook ook language because they are the only white in a class of 50
families slaying goats in the gutter, death spasms in full public view
Sharia-law controlled zones, complete with 'enforcers'
demonstrations and flag-burnings against the country HOSTING them

>> No.5129762
File: 185 KB, 938x735, lakewood_061063.5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does any place still run its own lunch counter? Other than Ikea.

I remember K-Mart had their own cafeteria but they got replaced by Subways and Little Caesars etc. everywhere at some point. I got to see a Woolworths lunch counter full of more black people than I'd ever seen in one place but that was like last gasps o 1992 and we didn't eat there.

>> No.5129804

Target, sorta

>> No.5129822

Oh yeah. (I haven't been in a Target in years, none near me)

I remember sort of half assed with soft pretzels, popcorn, churros, Icees, and ice cream being in drug stores along with a few seats. Those seem to have been supplanted by supermarket chains running their own hot food by the deli counter thing.

>> No.5129824

I'd wager it read 'Tomatoe'

>> No.5130820


> You will never know what it feels like to

> Have skull split open with a blackjack by the store proprietor because you looked swarthy and nervous and therefore must be stealing

> Get food poisoning and bad cases of the trots on a regular basis because of lack of general awareness (or giving a fuck) about proper sanitation and canning technique

> Come down with polio, trichinosis, botulism, tuberculosis, scurvy, rickets, goiter, smallpox and about 30 other antiquated diseases

> Die from or suffer amputation over simple infections like abcessed tooth, puncture wounds, small cuts, bladder infections, simple venereal disease (they were common, and prognosis was worse than what it is for aids today) etc. because of lack of antibiotics or later, a diverse selection of antibiotics.

> Die in your 50s from heart attack

>> No.5130842

sometimes the server will hand you the easiest, cheapest, shittiest item or whatever fell on the floor or some shit if you're not at a place where you trust the server or can't see the grill

>> No.5130869

people in the future are laughing at you

>> No.5130874

> 1870

Uh. No. 1610 Jamestown, first successful settlement. Europoors lived through the middle ages. Not something I would be proud to admit, backwards as serfs.

>> No.5130876

My leg

>> No.5130886

1870 is pretty old for a wooden structure. Who cares about shitty little EU bungalos made of stone that were kept around only because too lazy to disassemble. Anything much older than that would have been a cabin, and not interesting.

And relative to a lot of the "new" home in Murrica compared to everywhere else, that is old.

>> No.5130896

Frisch's/Big Boy in the midwest, waffle house, and a lot of truck stops still have them. Its an efficient way to serve single diners without having to commit and entire tables' worth of space to it. I also see them at variation sandwich shops, usually by the front window. Its like a shelf with several stools.

>> No.5130899


that was fucking funny

>> No.5130922

Hehe, he's just butthurt that the steam radiator is pretty high tech is his neck of the woods.

But enough of this shit, its a fun thread and I dig the ol pics and commentary. Actually quite funny too.

>> No.5130928

No thanks, I'd rather have the "majestic" special. I can't wait to take home my very own little boy!

>> No.5130958


No he wouldn't.

>> No.5131463
File: 515 KB, 1500x1213, il_fullxfull.323605737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>canned marshmallows

>> No.5131482
File: 99 KB, 760x564, 1390435229764cr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey wait a minute

>> No.5131580

One of the drug stores around here still has theirs open. Never been. Pharmacy part of the business got shut down for laundering painkillers. Whoops.

The two major grocery chains around here still have eat-in casual dining, too. It's more-or-less a seating area for the deli's hot case, but I think they make eggs to-order in the mornings.

>> No.5131589

If I remember correctly, Julian, California has a place like this. Along with a two story general store and a pie shop.

Last time I was there was 1999 so shit might've changed a lot since then.

>> No.5131629

Escorted by stern faced secret service blocking their access to the woman of course

>> No.5133116

cherry soda and a shot of rum

>> No.5133460


does that sign say "soda books" and "soda cheeks"?

>> No.5133629
File: 144 KB, 597x725, 1390414400336crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soda Books and Soda Checks

i.e. coupons/gift certificates

>> No.5133700

your hammer's up

>> No.5133751

> Club feet is the mostly likely reason.

I'm depressed now.

>> No.5133774

One tin of morphine, and a beaker of coca extract.

>> No.5133790

So, is this a vintage trap thread?

>> No.5133794

Fuck I LOVE me an egg cream soda :D

>> No.5133795

its all good, kind of like a refreshing way to eat ice cream

>> No.5133797

notice how they're in the back of the store

>> No.5133819

Must have been before Woodrow Wilson (D) started segregation.