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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 422 KB, 600x450, grilled-cheese-sandwich-basic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5118618 No.5118618 [Reply] [Original]

hey i was wondering if anyone around here has ever cooked dinner before, ive never actualy tried cooking anything before but today i made a grilled cheese sammich and had problems with the bread geting stuck to my pan, its a non stick pan my sister said but the bread got kinda stuck on there, it was still an okay sandwich though how can i go about making it not stick?

>> No.5118631

Shake the pan

>> No.5118630

Preheat the pan.

Or you have some doughy underbaked loaf.

>> No.5118639
File: 179 KB, 1670x1743, 1385563921276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone around here has ever cooked dinner before
I don't even... what?
>how can i go about making it not stick?
Spread butter on the bread or add butter to the pan.

>> No.5118649

oh ok well i didnt preheat the pan cause i figured it wouldnt matter cause she has gas stove and the fire was hitting it, and i didnt really shake it while it was cooking cause i thought the top might fall off, but ill try that and the butter thing next time

>> No.5118653

How old are you?

>> No.5118656

Slam your face into it until your nose breaks, the blood will act as lubricant.

>> No.5118657 [DELETED] 

12 and 1/2

>> No.5118658


>> No.5118669
File: 6 KB, 160x152, 1387780867577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you insist on browsing underage, try and type in a more mature manner, it's less telling.
Never state your age either.

>> No.5118690

My fucking god. How the hell can someone mess up a grilled cheese sandwich? It is literally--not figuratively--literally, cheese, bread, and butter....

>> No.5118695

>It is literally--not figuratively--literally, cheese, bread, and butter....
You should have listed it by weight: bread, cheese, and butter. Not cheese, bread, and butter.

>> No.5118970

No, no, no, you have to do it alphabetically.

Bread, Butter, Cheese

>> No.5118974

You idiots are small time. You list it by the order of it. Bread, cheese, butter, bread.

>> No.5118979

The butter goes on the outside dingus; butter, bread, cheese, bread, and butter?

>> No.5119967

that worked better thank you, we didnt have any butter but i used some butter spray i found and it worked anyway

>> No.5119973

>only putting one slice
It's butter, bread, cheese, cheese, bread, and butter.

>> No.5119985

>not melting an extra slice on top
It's butter, bread, cheese, cheese, bread, cheese, butter

>> No.5119999

this recipe is the same forward as backwards

>> No.5120002
File: 210 KB, 1600x1063, cheese bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some real cheese and real bread

>> No.5120009

i think your cheese is defective, there are holes in it

>> No.5120011


>> No.5120029

but im a grill

>> No.5120031

then grill me my grilled sandwich damnit

>> No.5120040

it might get stuck to the pan

>> No.5120045


A woman that can't cook is as useless as scuba gear in the desert.

>> No.5120049

Seriously, how are y'all this goofy. If you do it that way, then the cheeses stick together.

>> No.5120053


how is the center bread supposed to toast?

>> No.5120055

>not buttering the inside and outside
Butter, bread, butter, cheese, butter, cheese, butter, bread, butter, cheese, butter

>> No.5120062

>this thread

>> No.5120127

>hey i was wondering if anyone around here has ever cooked dinner before
sorry, you've got the wrong board, homie

>> No.5120159

this better be a troll thread

a few years ago it would have certainly been one but these days all kinds of fucking retards are welcomed here

>> No.5121714

hey its me again, does anyone know some good hotdogs i can buy somewhere? i think the microwave is a better option for me learning to cook for now cause we dont have a stove at our house

>> No.5121757

This - this thread. I never thought a thread about grilled cheese would give me the best laugh I've had today.

>> No.5121775

Fuck the OP, any good ways to make grilled cheese more impressive? How does /ck/ like to spice it up?

>> No.5121780

I love this thread

>> No.5121839

> Noobz

It goes like this:

Butter bread cheese cheese bread butter big juicy ass 1/2lb burger pickles slice of white onion pepper butter bread cheese cheese bread butter

Anything that is touching cheese is grilled on both sides before final assembly

>> No.5121860

Yeah its fun...
I always wondered if there would come a day we could all realize that anons arguing with anons is about the stupidest thing there is. Each one of us already know we are right and with no identity we will be the only person that knows (or cares) that "yeah I showed that anon". If you're truely "right" about something, you respond to someone doubting you with incredulousness, not anger. That anger comes about when you're doubting yourself. If you were confident you would be smug. Like if someone standing front of you accuses you of having three heads. So obviously incorrect its not worth the breath to refute.

We should be yucking it up, not acting like jungle mouth 12 year old girls showing their drunk asses on Springer.

>> No.5121867
File: 760 KB, 259x214, DeanGiveUp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5121877
File: 31 KB, 391x364, 1286159520655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was wondering if anyone around here has ever cooked dinner before

>> No.5121879


Use better melting cheeses like smoked gouda, provolone, and mozzarella. If you don't mind not being a purist, add some hickory smoked bacon you cooked on the side and add to the sandwich right before you grill. While you're adding stuff add grilled onions and tomatoes too for an amazing grilled sandwich

>> No.5122707
File: 961 KB, 240x180, 1365387623076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey i was wondering if anyone around here has ever cooked dinner before

>> No.5123265

go back to reddit

>> No.5124676

Butter bread cheese ham cheese bread butter. Medium heat. Done

>> No.5124680


People fuck up rice on here all the time.

>> No.5124732
File: 142 KB, 826x738, 1361573513018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey i was wondering if anyone around here has ever cooked dinner before

I shouldn't reply, but I am.

>> No.5124749

>put bread in toaster
>put stove on high
>eat cheese slices
>if using singles, don't forget the plastic
>shove butter up ass
>sit on stove
>let the bread burn because you don't know how to make FUCKING GRILLED CHEESE

>> No.5125885

One time my friend tried cooking rice in the microwave with just a bowl of water and rice.

>> No.5126007

That can actually work with some trial and error.

>> No.5126755

this was full of error and very little trial.

>> No.5126786

>not frying your cheese before you put it on your sandwich
ultimate pleb

>> No.5127773

hoooooooooly shit this gave me flashbacks of eighth grade home economics class where during the cooking week, my teacher told the class to make grilled cheese with margerine spread on the inside of the bread and everyone fucking did it blindly. meanwhille, my partner and i said fuck that and put it on the outside and made our disappointing grilled cheese with government-grade american piss gross cheese substitute slices. we got in trouble for not following her directions, but hey, at least my bread wasn't a soggy fucking mess and it was slightly edible.

>> No.5127788
File: 34 KB, 385x500, Fucking WHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you fuckhead it's

Butter, cheese, butter, bread, butter, cheese, butter, bread, butter, cheese, butter
