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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 91 KB, 980x500, dominos-garlic-herb-dip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5117910 No.5117910[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have a question for you, /ck/.
I'm British, and when we have pizza dips, we usually use them to dip the crusts in.
When I went to Norway, my boyfriend poured the fucking garlic and herb 'dip'/sauce thing right onto the pizza.
Is actually dipping rather than pouring a British thing?

>> No.5117929

I think it's entirely personal preference.

You could also ask /int/.

>> No.5117928

Most people in America dip, because we have a cultural aversion to soggy food.

>> No.5117936

Dipping is the correct protocol in America.

Pouring directly onto the pizza is the way fat people do it, and is generally regarded as the incorrect way.

Hope this helps, please see a dentist.

>> No.5117956

Dipping is an American thing passed down to the Brits

pouring the sauce all over is what slobs do from all nationalities

>> No.5118940

>cultural aversion to soggy food.
Dude, don't ever venture farther than 200 miles from either coast of the US. Especially towards that big swath that the Mississippi river goes through.

>> No.5118944

I dip. I also pour sometimes. It depends on the consistency of the sauce and how sturdy the piece of food I'm eating is.

>> No.5118977

When I eat papa johns pizza, i always order an extra thing of garlic butter sauce. one to drizzle over the entire pizza, and the other to dip my crust. Fuck you I love their garlic sauce

>> No.5118987

canadian here... i love putting dip on the main part of the pizza...

>> No.5119009
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Please tell me that you bite off the end of the pepper they include that squeeze its juice onto the pizza as well

>> No.5119235


also canadian, and I also do this


and I also do this

>> No.5119236

Nope. I squeeze the juice into my mouth.

>> No.5119251



>> No.5119252

In germany people dip. Norwegian barbarians lol

>> No.5119275

a pizza place at my town sells pizza with a jug of ranch dressing. People pour it over the pizza. Quite nice actually.

And no, I'm no amerifat. I'm swiss.

>> No.5119321

dipping sauce for pizza? wtf?

>> No.5119328
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Agreed. I am an Amerifat, more specifically a Chicagoan, and I had never heard of putting ranch dressing on pizza, much less "dipping sauces" for pizza, until I came to /ck/.

Frankly, if any of you heathens attempted to "dip" our glorious Chicago deep-dish pizza, the restaurant would call the police on you for your own safety in an attempt to save you from the lynch mob of right-thinking citizens who were outraged by your abomination.

Pic related, it's a real pizza, not some soggy thin-crust crap that lardasses "dip" or "dump" on.

>> No.5119331

Why are you posting casseroles in a pizza thread?

>> No.5119332

I take the piece of pizza, turn it so its kinda upside down, and force as much of the pizza slice as I can into the cup, or on my plate. Attempting to get maximum absorbtion.

>> No.5119469

How can you be 'Amerifat' and never ate at Domino's, Papa Johns or Little Ceaser's?...both of which advertise their dipping sauces.

>> No.5119473

Not every lives in the shit parts of the country. Only places worth going to in the states is New york, Cali, Texas and maybe Florida if you hate yourself.

>> No.5119482

>only shit parts of the country have advertising

>> No.5119491

No but only shit parts go to shit chains.

>> No.5119493

British food sucks
pork pies

>> No.5119509



>> No.5119528

Dipping is disgusting unless you're hogging the sauce. You pour it on your pizza since its more sanitary.
This guy just made this up. Ive never seen anyone dip unless they had their own sauce

>> No.5119618

Fuck you. There is nothing better than a Pukka Pie from your local chippie.

>> No.5119651
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>maybe Florida if you hate yourself.

>mfw I live in Florida and I hate myself

>> No.5119653
File: 227 KB, 500x299, 1389978275067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, its a fat people thing to drench there fucking pizza in pure butter. It IS for the crust, anything more is just being obese. So no, don't feel weird for not being greedy.

>> No.5119665

>10 seconds later and the entire pizza is doused in ranch dressing

>> No.5119667

>names three
>"both of which"

>> No.5119671

>yuropoor education

>> No.5119690

>I'm British, and when we have pizza dips
You guys do that, too? Everyone talks of it as an American thing, but I've never seen it in NY or LA. Only seen it in the Midwest, but it seems like something that would do over in the South.

I'm left wondering why anyone would make pizza with so much extra crust as to require dipping sauce. Seriously, it's not a fucking Cornish pasty, it doesn't need a handle.

>> No.5119692
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>posting a picture of a casserole
>calling it pizza

>> No.5119694
File: 47 KB, 500x329, detroit_frozen_homeless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone from Chicago think they're the greatest city on Earth? I'd rather hang out in Detroit.

>> No.5119695

You really only see it with the chain pizzas, and even then only papa john's gives you the butter garlic sauce complimentary. The other ones you have to request sauce

>> No.5119701
File: 86 KB, 500x309, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


only because Chitown is the best city on earth, mostly due to its complete domination of the pizza.

>> No.5119707

lol ok

>#1 murder capital
>most crooked politicians
>calling a pizza that's 60% mozzarella "good"

bravo windy city

>> No.5119708

If you need a fork and knife to eat a slice pizza, it's not a real pizza.

>> No.5119715

>only papa john's
That explains it. They're a recent arrival in NYC, and like most chains they're viewed in a dim light. Most chain pizza here seems to be consumed by high school students and poor families. Everybody else gets pizza from whichever local joint they happen to like best. (And it's easy to find one, because they're practically on every corner).

>> No.5119721
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If you "fold" or eat pizza with your hands you are a barbarian and it's not even real pizza it's just cardboard with ragu.

>> No.5119722


I'm a middle class adult in NY and I order domino's delivery from time to time. The good pizza place near me always gets my order wrong because it's too loud in the kitchen and half the time I get a guy who speaks arabic or something. The domino's website never fucks up my order.

>> No.5119725
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>implying the cheese isn't the best part

>> No.5119730


Britbong who appreciates pan pizza here. Undisputed goat.

>> No.5119735

For me it's not. My priorities are a really good sauce and crust.

Any retard can melt cheese in an oven, but then again I guess that's why it's so popular in chicago.

>> No.5119737

>not liking a good pork pie with a bit of mustard

>> No.5119739

>The domino's website never fucks up my order.
Except for the fact that you have to eat Domino's, which is fucked up to start with.

>> No.5119744
File: 89 KB, 610x458, 1390232941004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not pan. It's deep dish. Slight difference

This is pan

>> No.5119754


It's pretty terrible, but it's better than the delivery guy getting your phone number and address wrong and not finding your place and you keep calling back and by the time they figured it out they're closed.

I only order delivery in moments of desperation anyway, and when you're desperate, definitely getting domino's is better than hopefully getting real pizza.

>> No.5119748

2 medium 1-toppings for $12. Hard to beat for cheap pizza.

>> No.5119751

I guess I don't like typical Chicago deep dish because it takes an hour to make and feels like a brick in my stomach after one slice.

>> No.5119758


I never knew there were bro's on that island, you can totally come to chitown and hang out if don't talk funny.

>> No.5119755

Either way, i'm not a fan of thin, dry pizza.

>> No.5119761

>hour to make

plan ahead, asshat

>feels like a brick in my stomach

don't eat so much fattie

>> No.5119766

It's extremely over-priced here. About £18 for a large.

Pizza in this country sucks anyway, and you'd be a fool to order one instead of a curry, so long as your local curry house doesnt do the trick of serving meat in a hot orange sauce and calling it a curry. Drives me up the wall when people go to places like Aagrah and claim it's delicious. Luckily, the place I go to has been open about 30 years and my parents always used to go there too. Fab food.

>> No.5119769

If you're choosing to live in one of the most expensive cities in the country, with some of the best food, yet taking pride in getting a deal on shit tier pizza you may want to rethink your priorities.

>> No.5119775
File: 81 KB, 600x400, 44..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Any retard can melt cheese in an oven

lolno, deep dish is a science it's not like your microwaved wonder bread with nuclear yellow cheese.

>> No.5119777

Thanks Mom.

>> No.5119781

>If you're choosing to live in one of the most expensive cities in the country

I would never want to live in that shit-hole people call the big apple. I prefer the beach lifestyle.

I'm jelly. We have one indian place in town and they are "ok". If I want good curry I have to make it myself.

We do have loads of thai, sushi, italian, and seafood places though so it's not bad for a small community

>> No.5119803

I wish there were some local places left around here. Chains have killed all of them, and we don't even have anything less generic than a Chinese buffet.

>> No.5119808

Not the Anon you're replying to, but that's a stupid looking pizza. It looks like a cheese obsessed kindergartener made it. What's the aesthetic? How much fat can we pack in to each slice?

>> No.5119812


im starving right now and that does not look appetizing.....

>> No.5119816

>deep dish is a science

keep telling yourself that fatty

>actually enjoying 3oz. of partially congealed cheese with every slice

I'm no fan of NY style either. Both are 2xtreme4me. Putting a wheel of cheese on crust and topping it with sauce is not pizza

>> No.5119838
File: 70 KB, 448x287, 1390234430104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes I know your type...

>> No.5119842
File: 50 KB, 800x533, IMG_4281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You wouldn't know a good pizza if it fuk'ed you in the ass. Just because you've never had a high quality buffalo mozzarella in a deep dish and you only knowledge of pizza goes from pizza hut to shoney's; how could you expect anyone to take you seriously.

>> No.5119854

Thats a pie not a pizza.

>> No.5119857
File: 221 KB, 640x480, 1331068106305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raw doughy crust

>> No.5119860

I don't dip. It ruins the flavor of the pizza. If I wanted to eat pizza that tasted nothing but of garlic. I would have ordered that god damn garlic pizza.

>> No.5119865

>5% sauce
>80% cheese
>15% crust


>> No.5119867

>you only knowledge of pizza goes from pizza hut to shoney's
More like Totonnos', DiFara, Lombardi's, Lil' Frankie's, Patsy's and Grimaldi's.

Enjoy your cheese casserole.

>> No.5119869

>dipping pizza in fatty "sauce"
>dipping pizza in anything

eat shit you cultureless subhumans

>> No.5119872

If I order wings with my pizza, I'll use the blue cheese dip for my pizza crusts. I've never heard of anybody putting dressing or dip right on top of the pizza.

>> No.5119873


All you're doing here is dignifying Chicago's delusion that it's capable of producing pizza.

>> No.5119877

>namedropping pizza restaurants like it makes you some kind of badass

not even the guy you're replying to, but damn, you embody the new-yorker stereotype perfectly

>> No.5119881
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My friend always has to have some kind of sauce to dip her food in. I think it's because she's been a smoker for 15 years and it's affected her taste buds. I've watched her put ranch dressing and hot sauce on lasagna.

>> No.5119894

you're just as bad as the fatty from Illinois

>> No.5119893

>you embody the new-yorker stereotype
What, being proud of knowing where the good joints are, and eating at them?


If you lived in a place with countless options ranging from shit to sublime wouldn't you take pride in knowing the good ones? Maybe even name dropping a few when another poster says your pizza knowledge is limited to Pizza Hut?

Sorry you have a problem with New Yorkers. Come visit sometime, and maybe that'll change. Check out some of the joints I "name dropped" when you do.

>> No.5119921
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>> No.5119932
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or not.

>> No.5119947

Is that some kind of quiche?

>> No.5120075

Bradfordian here where are you from?

>> No.5120089


Why the hell would that be a British thing? Jesus christ you people can be some real fucking knob heads sometimes.

It's called COMMON SENSE to either DIP or to POUR. It's merely a CHOICE.

>> No.5120096

Here in America we eat the pizza and then use those little containers as shots. It's the only way.

>> No.5120112

>In germany people dip

I'm from Germany and I have never, in my entire life, seen someone eat pizza with sauce.

>> No.5120372

Deep dish with a golden buttery brown crust is amazing. You don't need or want to cover up the flavors with salad dressings.

>> No.5120425

adipöse untermenschen.

>> No.5120447

ausfag here,
we dont have dipping sauces with pizza and dont really understand why you pig disgusting foreigners would take a high-calorie pizza, dripping in saturated fat, and decide it needs to be drowned in vegetable oil and sodium.

>> No.5120453

i only dip my pizza in chilli sauce

>> No.5120467


Canada here. I dip every bite of the entire pizza, not just the crust.

>> No.5120474


entire pizza slice*

I rarely eat a whole fucking pizza

>> No.5122266
File: 171 KB, 1200x786, Chicago_Style_Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I noted, I am specifically a Chicagoan, and we don't eat inferior pizzas. We eat picrelated, you pleb.

>> No.5122271

>You wouldn't know a good pizza
>if it fuk'ed you in the ass

I'm scared, mommy.

>> No.5122273
File: 129 KB, 363x314, great-success.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awright, I gotta full house.

>> No.5122313

>that pic

>> No.5122324
File: 588 KB, 920x3016, Chicago-Pizza-Infographic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fellow chitownfag here, where do you get your pies from?

>> No.5122329

If the pizza is great, you don't dip and you don't pour.

You add sauce to a bad pizza to make it decent, killing the original taste. You don't add taste to great pizza because it's killing the original taste.

I dip the plain crust edges.

>> No.5122373

Sweet looking casserole, bro. Izzat DiGiorno?

>> No.5122412

>Is actually dipping rather than pouring a British thing?
Are you seriously asking if YOU are the abnormal one, and that ANYTHING a Scandinavian viking does is considered normal? Sweet merciful God, they think a delicacy is a dead shark, buried to ferment, then dug up later to serve.

>> No.5122859
