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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 212 KB, 768x1024, 1389653184183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5099172 No.5099172 [Reply] [Original]

This is how Europeans like their steak. How do you like your steak, /ck/?

>> No.5099173
File: 23 KB, 288x499, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Ketchup on steak

>> No.5099174

I'd try it, but the "steak" looks overcooked. (probably some mudslime beef chunk)

>> No.5099176
File: 13 KB, 360x361, bait 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why don't people have more productive things to do than troll the board with the same shit every day?

>> No.5099181

Because posting on 4chan is very productive.

>> No.5099203

>he doesn't like sweetened tomato puree

>> No.5099225

a lot of middle class uncultured kids that eat their steak exactly like that.

source: my friends are uncultured swine that douse their well done steak in catsup

>> No.5099238

oh thank god, I thought I was the only one who liked steak this way. Better pack my bags and get to europe.

>> No.5099288

Get out, you filthy pleb.

>> No.5099292

Medium rare.

With nothing but the original spices that were put on it before it was cooked.

>> No.5099298

What exactly is it that's objectively wrong about ketchup?

Or is this the same type of contrarian bullshit like on any other board?

>> No.5099304


Nothing is objectively wrong with ketchup, but it's wrong to put it on a steak.

>> No.5099306


It's a strong condiment; it dominates the taste of the steak. So, the theory goes, it's a waste to take a good steak only to cover up its flavor.

>> No.5099314

>being productive
>on 4chan


>> No.5099318

Except it's not.

>> No.5099322
File: 69 KB, 250x250, 250px-Coolface_troll_seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, it fucking is you troll.

>> No.5099324

>take a $80 steak
>put sugar vinegar tomato sauce on it


>> No.5099327

But it's not you faggot.

>implying cheap diner steak is "good on its own"

>> No.5099332

>all steaks are $80.00

>> No.5099333


You probably like your steak well done too, faggot. Go back to whatever fast food thread you came from.

>> No.5099334

>eating inferior cuts as steak

fucking pleb

>> No.5099337

The term "steak" isn't just one thing you fucking moron. There is a vast difference between a cheap diner steak thrown on the griddle and an aged prime expertly crafted steak.

Quit being a fucking retard.

>> No.5099340

>English pleb

I like my steak Bleu, and my general gotos (when at home) are tournedos chasseur or steak au poivre. I tend to go for tournedos Rossini whenever I see it, but this usually ends with disappointment.

If I'm in a mediocre restaurant and it doesn't have truffle I resign myself but don't make a fuss. When they exclude foie gras, however, you can't help but wonder what's wrong with the head chef.

>> No.5099344


Where does a typical steak cost that much?

>> No.5099348


>"Hello, I'd like the steak on this diner menu please! Also, could you cover it with something that completely masks the flavor of it, like ketchup? I don't actually want to be able to taste what I'm ordering. Thanks!"

The city of you.

>> No.5099356


Buy some actual Prime and not select all the time.

>> No.5099384

Ketchup on steak is just stupid and wrong.

Ranch dressing like a mixed race American patriot.

>> No.5099387


Looking at OPs picture it's a shitty cafe. I know perfectly well how much steak costs at a good restaurant, but that's not what we're discussing.

That said, I just realised that $80 is £49, I thought the £ was lower when I made my comment.

>> No.5099406

Are you retarded?

>go to diner
>want beef, but not burger or salsbury/whatever
>order a steak medium rare
>pretty bland, nice texture
>put some type of sauce on it

Honestly, I love diner steak and eggs. Runny yolk is the best sauce, but hot sauce, A1 57 sauce, ketchup, etc is fine on some bites of it. Just stop being such a faggot.

>> No.5099412


>> No.5099416

I can understand egg and beef. A nice rare beef, seared in butter, with butter friend onions and a fried egg is heavenly. Preferably served on a crouton.

However the vast majority of sauces, especially the factory made varieties, which are almost always incredibly sweet/sour/etc. to mask the poor taste, simply detract. A slightly spicy and rather savoury homemade ketchup, that could go well.

>> No.5099420

It's obviously in a home, there is a dog crate right behind him

>> No.5099425
File: 457 KB, 1600x1200, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how I roll.

>> No.5099427


Watch this... Worcestershire sauce is available at almost every restaurant, tastes better, and doesn't completely destroy the flavor of the steak.

If you can't appreciate the flavor of meat, you shouldn't be eating in the first place. But if you're absolutely that retarded and have to have some kind of sauce, use Worcestershire.

>> No.5099438

You're right, didn't look closely enough. Well, then there's no excuse.

Still, going back to the $80 point. How heavy is this steak? I spent quite a while sourcing my meat, and eat a mixture of tenderloin and sirloin, even so the tenderloin is £55/kg. I have a good relationship with the farm, but that only gives me a 15% discount or so.
So if we're saying $80 per steak at home, I'm even more confused.

Worcester is nice. It goes very well with the onions.

>> No.5099503

I see you neckbeards still haven't grown up. People cater to their own tastes, not yours.

>> No.5099526
File: 56 KB, 640x360, 1389660486744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i've tried cooking steak using the method gordan ramsay has up on youtube.

Seems fine but high heat + butter always ends up with burning butter on the edges and fire alarm going off. Now i've been able to cook it without it smoking up but jesus theirs gotta be a better way to cook steak indoors on a frying pan

>> No.5099528


You'd be very hard pressed to pay $80 for a steak at home.

At a restaurant? Not hard at all. A good rule a of thumb is that the food cost is about 1/3 the price on the menu, so a steakhouse serving Prime could easily hit $80. If the steakhouse is serving something exceptional like dry-aged or artisan quality beef then it could be higher still.

>> No.5099543

Went I originally quoted $80 I was referring to a nice steak house steak

Nothing behind it, just pulled it out of my ass. I was making a point as to why you would want to cover up the flavor of something you spend good money on. It's like going to a really nice sushi place and dunking everything into soy sauce. All you end up tasting is a sauce that costs penny's compared to the expensive meat your paying much more to enjoy

>> No.5099547


Ah okay, then it's all making sense. I wasn't sure if we were talking about restaurants or not.

>> No.5099599
File: 95 KB, 400x594, 1295348848474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thick as fuck cut
>salt and white pepper

>> No.5099619

Medium, sometimes with nothing on it, sometimes with a spice rub, sometimes with a blue cheese crust. Usually with a salad and some kind of potato on the side.

>> No.5099667

>there are people on this board who eat their steaks anything other than rare.

/ck/ is about as good with food as /fa/ is as good with fashion.

>> No.5099674


You're an idiot, some cuts are fucking awful if you eat them rare.

>> No.5099685

>How do you like your steak, /ck/?

Medium well because I like food that's cooked.

>> No.5099694


God I thought that plate was a bunch of napkins or a paper towel.

What a bunch of heathens.

>> No.5099717

A local place sold steak dinner at 7$.
holy hell, and was it really good.

not the best restaurant but damn.
7$ for a good steak.

>> No.5099745

in someone else's mouth

>> No.5099762


I bet you also bite into Kit-Kats without breaking them apart first, you sick fuck.

>> No.5099776

Those fries look good.

I have never had steak and ketchup, but I'm not sure what the huge outcry is. There are many, many popular "steak sauce" products that exist. Why aren't people crying about HP or A1?

For that matter, why is it acceptable to put sauce on ribs, brisket, or any meat? Why do you think beef steak is so holy? Is it a vestigial believe passed down from your Depression-era grandparents?

>> No.5099820


This. And yes, it's that fucking sad.

>> No.5099825

My dear ol mom put "not getting food borne illness" ahead of "delicacy". She always overcooked steak and pork. We needed something a little stronger than the salt, pepper, pad of butter, and pretentious lah-dee-dah that you fucks push on everyone. Only one condiment in the fridge could make it edible: ketchup.

> Wish my mom would have graduated magna cum gargler from Little Lord Fontleroy's Finishing School like you fuckin worldly geniuses

>> No.5099841

Haha. Having your wife try to roll your ass over when your 65 to wipe your ass and change your bedsheets bevause bacon. And all the fuckin tattoos on your wrinkly old asses. Soooo glad I made it through my youth with 2 earring holes in left ear and broken heart from using power ballads to cheer me up after getting dumped. I thing I did alright. We never got into the tats and bacon thing, that was for faggots and sailors when I was growing up.

>> No.5099870

Yep. I'm the only person (besides my spouse) I know my age without any tattoos. I'm so glad I didn't fall into that fad when I became the "thing" to do when I was in college. I have a few friends who are starting to see the ugly effects of aging with tattoos. I can't image what these people with giant ear holes, covered in tats, pierced tongues and nipples and faces, etc. are going to look like when they're older. Hilarious. I saw a woman who look like she was in her late fifties / early sixties at the store with a tramp stamp that looked like it was melting into her butt crack. Fucking LOL.

>> No.5099875

when *it* became the thing to do
I think my Freudian slip was showing.

>> No.5099939

>57 sauce

Why'd you name two kinds of ketchup and then say ketchup? It's redundant.

>> No.5099947

Totally untrue. Everyone knows yuropoors put mayo on their steaks (which are made out of horsemeat).

>> No.5099949


how do you feel about chamomile tea?

>> No.5100113

The annoying thing is I like horsemeat, you just can't get it in the UK. Why don't they just market horsemeat so I can go to my butcher and get cuts of horse.

>> No.5100130
File: 160 KB, 616x462, french_steak_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You trolls need to be lined up and shot.
England is as European as Ukraine.

>> No.5100173
File: 134 KB, 287x344, 2ee (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like the most pretentious faggot.

>> No.5100345
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>> No.5100520
File: 196 KB, 1600x1200, CIMG1311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5100606
File: 101 KB, 800x600, filet_mignon_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if you aren't a pleb your a pretentious fedora cunt?

>> No.5100644

>sauce everywhere

Mother of God, why

>> No.5100688

gotta get dat joos nigga

>> No.5100693

What are the green things on top

>> No.5100695

sprigs of rosemary

>> No.5100708

Forgive my plebetry, but do you eat it?

>> No.5100712

I cook something like that at work every birthday.

>> No.5100714

oh shit you mean the rosemary, yeah I eat it, some won't eat it raw though

>> No.5100733

that's a fucking huge plate of food, how the hell is he ever going to finish that?

>> No.5100746

by being a man

>> No.5100752

By mastering perspective.

>> No.5102031
File: 440 KB, 1024x717, IMG_0639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this make you feel?

>> No.5102087

Where's the motherfucking pork?

>> No.5102096

Where we're going, we don't need pork.

>> No.5102101

It astonishes me how can rednecks and their retarded ilk can find their way around the internet. Do you seriously believe manhood is measured by how much can they eat?
And stay there, white thrash.

>> No.5102158

Manhood is measured by how raw and bland your steak is.

>> No.5102217

threads like this makes /b/ look good.

>> No.5102242

>pretty bland
I have never had a bland steak
m8 are you high

>> No.5102244
File: 908 KB, 1944x1458, 1389735601466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look good?

>> No.5102245

open both your doors. that's what i do

>> No.5102248

Are we pretending to enjoy steak more we do because of our masculinity insecurities again?

>> No.5102254

What do you mean?

>> No.5102256

Maybe. Are we pretending not to be a whiny faggot?

>> No.5102260


>> No.5102266

Men like to pretend to enjoy steak more than they actually do because they have masculinity issues. I usually groan after every bite and make comments about how delicious blue rare is while I eat it.

>> No.5102274

I've never heard of that. I think you are projecting.

>> No.5102279

I literally just told you that's why I do it, and it's obvious that's why other men do it too, that's just how it is. Scroll up, there's an article on it.

I want to get this blue rare steak pregnant, it's so good.

>> No.5102287

>daily mail
you're the only one who does it m8
sorry to burst your bubble, twink

>> No.5102292

Needs more ketchup and the steak looks undercooked.

>> No.5102299

greasy neckbeard choking down a raw steak/10

>> No.5102319



>> No.5102405



Nothing has inferred pretense, only that eating steaks is perceived as masculine by third parties.

>> No.5102417

Not really. Red meat tastes better.

Hell, my sister has her meat rarer then I do, so it's not masculinity.

>> No.5102559


>> No.5102584

You're the one saying 'I'm secure in my masculinity because I eat my meat well done!"

I just like steak. I've never given it any more thought then that. I had never even assigned it any masculine qualities. It's ordering a steak, not a bloody cavalry charge.

>> No.5102673

This. I find it rather bemusing that there exists a gender security debate surrounding consumption of steak.

How in the world do these pseudo-scientists get funding for their madcap research?

>> No.5102680

>How in the world do these pseudo-scientists get funding for their madcap research?


>> No.5102715

Always medium. Kills bacteria and it still nice and pink.

>> No.5102716


disagree, i don't like the taste of red meat at all. i love a well-done steak.

i don't understand the love for red meat. it's kind of disgusting.

>> No.5103175
File: 195 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_2633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this delicious olive steak make you feel?

>> No.5103431

You know, people make a big deal about putting ketchup on a steak, like the way other people eat their food has some effect on them personally.

If you don't like it, don't do it.

I don't like ketchup on my steak, or sauce on my brisket, but c'mon, maybe it's time everybody stops worrying about what other people enjoy, it has nothing at all to do with you.

>> No.5103432

Bloody af

>> No.5103764

medium-high to high heat (high heat doesn't always mean cooking-on-the-surface-of-the-sun hot)
use a oil not butter, but not alot, just coat the pan.
I flip it often (easier heat distribution, no burned stuff) after the initial searing (for crust)
turn down / remove from heat and add butter
scoop molten butter over the steak
check doneness, return to heat for a bit if not done.

>> No.5104632

Do you moan while you eat it though? That's essential.

>> No.5105134

I moan after every bite, and I've actually assaulted someone after a waiter told me a patron asked for ketchup for his steak. The owner gave me a raise afterwords, shit was so cash.

>> No.5105433

I thought I was the only person who assaults people for eating ketchup, glad I'm not alone.

>> No.5105453


you need olive oil in the pan before you add the butter otherwise the butter is just going to burn

>> No.5105682


>> No.5105970

>not putting ketchup on your steak

>> No.5105974

>someone has a different opinion than me or doesn't agree with the hivemind


>> No.5106656

But steak is so manly, you need to attack cows while they're still roaming to have the best possible steak.

>> No.5106663

That fine gentleman is from my home town. Noice.
We're not European though. And we're not a homogenous mass; I eat my steaks properly.

>> No.5106694
File: 47 KB, 360x274, BBQ_Marinade4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i put steaks into those jack daniel's marinade pouches, and let them sit for 2-3 days so the meat absorbs as much flavor as possible.

when the steak is cooked, its so bursting with sweetness and flavor that there's no need for any sauce.

>> No.5107493

its like you are new

>> No.5107518


>> No.5107846

That's a 10/10 meal to you? It looks trailer park-tier.

>> No.5107982

You say that like those two things are mutually exclusive. Good food can come from anywhere.

>> No.5108214

Tell that to the British.

>> No.5108224


>> No.5108815

What are they going to do? Bite me with their gross teeth?

>> No.5109322

Well done
I love the actual meaty taste you get, I once has a medium steak and it was just really soft and squidgey and pretty tasteless

>> No.5109328

>mfw the inside of your steak looks like vagina
>mfw the rest of your food is delicious too

>> No.5109367

how disappointing. i thought they had more class then that. i suck! but still i only ever eat steak with a homemade sauce using carrot juice onions meat juice and other spices. im not even classy

>> No.5109401

They might ignore you or make fun of you.

>> No.5109464

You're a fucking moron.

>> No.5109673


I lol'd.

>> No.5109714

>You know, people make a big deal about putting ketchup on a steak, like the way other people eat their food has some effect on them personally.


>> No.5109718
File: 2.84 MB, 1920x1080, american class.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orchestral music
>founders of fine dining
>leaders of fashion (Milan)
>most of the best wines are from France, Germany

>> No.5109797
File: 654 KB, 2000x1124, 1342541049980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing says classy like this.

>> No.5109802


Scotland lol

>> No.5109815

>disrespecting the munchy box

For shame!

>> No.5109819
File: 1.27 MB, 1429x762, yuropclass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5109914

What are the red things?

>> No.5109924

>Google search "class"
>kids in school
>some guys in tuxedos

What exactly are you trying to prove with those images? I understand you're trying to say Europe is "classier" than the US, but that is the laziest, most piss-poor way of doing it.

>> No.5109926

euro hotties are automatically classified as having class just by being a hottie. all other euros smell like spotted dick and burnt hash

>> No.5111170

Oh god, what are the red things? Do I even want to know?

>> No.5111539

Ketchup? Seriously where the hell in Europe are you? The two most common sauces are pepper and standard cream

>> No.5111560

i don't understand why people have fire alarms in their kitchen really. Some foods will just smoke quite a bit. A firealarm seems to be asking for trouble.

Of course, I don't think I've ever seen a single apartment with a firealarm ever so...

>> No.5111590
File: 36 KB, 324x324, 460282798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how i ate it this christmas. This is Rossini, plebs. Learn some real cuisine before posting your digusting pics.

>> No.5112166

What are the black things?

>> No.5112188

The black spot

>> No.5112211



>> No.5112241

Fire Code in most places because around fifty percent of structure fires start in the kitchen or even higher percentage if you just mean apartments.

>> No.5112306


>> No.5112457

The hell is this?

>> No.5112487

It's called a munchie box, it's a fine European delicacy.

>> No.5113318
File: 848 KB, 1920x1440, tasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my...

my mother cooked one into oblivion tonight, i think i'll cook my own steak in the future.
pic related, my steak, chips and eggs

>> No.5113319

i mean, how i cook steak chips and eggs

she cooked the meat grey the whole way through, it was barely edible with a lot of spices

>> No.5113330

Well done because i don't like to eat raw things like a Neanderthal.
Don't give a fuck about "muh taste muh moist muh flavour"

>> No.5113347

You have to understand, different regions have different levels of class. This man is from the traditionally working class town of Wigan, he is probably a hard-working man who is evidently proud of his town and it's rugby league team. I imagine after a hard day of work, all he wants is a simple, high-calorie meal to satisfy his hunger.
This sentiment is eloquently expressed by this comic-folk group from a neighbouring town with a similar history and culture:

All these fucking Americans thinking my country is homogenous, let alone the entirety of Europe.

>> No.5114005

Europe is full of classless scumbags, deal with it.

>> No.5114011

>This is how Europeans like their steak.
Which country? Not this one.

>> No.5114043

It's full of every variety of people that any other part of the world is. You're not special. Nor are they.

>> No.5115562

Mostly Indians though. They get liquor sales banned yet?

>> No.5115566


>> No.5115568

>Scots are European
>American education

>> No.5115570

>magna cum gargler
>my sides

>> No.5115574

>Mostly Indians though
Isn't the US 50% black/ Mexican?

>> No.5115575

new record, /ck/s most unjustly high-and-mighty

>> No.5115578


>> No.5115618

You post trailer park-tier.

>> No.5115653


>> No.5115689

No shit, you're holding out pretty well.
Although they include Hispanics in the percentage of whites, which would mean 65% real Eurpoean whites.

>> No.5115734


white pepper? why?

And not why as is "does it make it taste different? does it bring out some natural bullshit flavor?"

Why as in why the fuck

>> No.5115984
File: 141 KB, 540x397, grilled-rare-steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Medium-rare German masterrace here, get your fucking nationalities right.

Also try garlic butter, it is goat on steak.

>> No.5115998

Yuropoors are disgusting holy fuck