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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5108606 No.5108606[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you eat a century egg, /ck/?

>> No.5108607
File: 807 KB, 1600x1200, Sliced_century_egg_by_.Florian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5108611
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>> No.5108612

Who wouldn't?

>> No.5108618

I'd like to try it. Seems like it'd be too much for me, just wedged like that, but I'd give it a go.

>> No.5108625

I eat those often, theyre good. eating foods like that, you cant think too hard about what youre eating because it's easy to gag from simply the thought of a lot of "exotic" foods.

>> No.5108632


what does do they taste like

>> No.5108657


That looks vile.

>> No.5108703


Like bathroom cleaning liquids

>> No.5108749

Anyone can eat the outer part without gagging. It's the yolk that gets people.

I'm Chinese and I've been eating this shit for a good part of my life with congee. That being said, I sometimes still have trouble downing the yolk, gotta eat that shit with a big spoonful of congee to be able to enjoy it or its simply too over powering.

>> No.5108783


it looks like "reverse" fruit

>> No.5108810

Already have. It's like a savory egg custard.

>> No.5108819

If it were a century old I'd try it just for the hell of it. As it is though it just looks and sounds disgusting

>> No.5109114

I'd rather eat egg custard

>> No.5109428

I don't like eggs much, so I suspect lye pickled eggs wouldn't be enjoyable for me.

>> No.5109434

jesus, these things are amazing.

>> No.5109458
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Would you eat balut, /ck/?

>> No.5109565
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Dear God, why?

>> No.5109574
File: 32 KB, 412x550, virgineggs60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you eat a virgin boy piss egg, /ck/?

>> No.5109586

freakish subhumans

>> No.5109601
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>> No.5109608


Chef Cain here.

I adore century eggs. My mother would make them using her ova.

>> No.5109632

don't lump the filipinos with us please

it's certainly intense but I've never gagged on eating one

>> No.5109649
File: 24 KB, 319x443, SHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the image you are looking for is this one

>> No.5109655

I'd try one, sure.

>> No.5109661

Thank you for posting, Chef Cain. You've given me another name to add to my extensive filter list.

>> No.5109665


Oh no. There are feathers and it's staring.

>> No.5110008

No. Century Eggs aren't inherantly disgusting, they just look disgusting and it's yolk has a really odd flavour/texture combination.
THAT however, is inherantly disgusting.

>> No.5110024

I tried it in HK. I was expecting something truly horrid, or at least something that tasted strongly of cleaning chemicals. It was actually decent. I don't know how to describe it exactly, it's a unique, salty, eggy flavor

>> No.5110061

second this tried one in Thailand a couple of weeks ago centre taste ok creamy consistency, smells very sulphur

>> No.5110095

they're good in rice porridge

they have a non salty but fetid smelly taste

with an alkaline mushy aftertaste

>> No.5110120
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>> No.5110141

Are they genuinely 100 years old or is this one of those things where you call them century eggs but they're actually only a couple years old?

>> No.5110147

Lol I think it takes a few months to produce these eggs. They're just named so because they look all old and rotten.

>> No.5110397

Ive eaten them often, in congee.

>> No.5110479
File: 276 KB, 1092x883, Ritter Sport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you eat German chocolate?

>> No.5110535

>mfw pad thai....

>> No.5110659


the blutwurst is 50% blut :(

>> No.5110704


Fuck you and fuck that shit. These filthy fucking foreigners are not going to convince me their rotten eggs and garbage is fucking good.

>> No.5110837

>Döner mit "ein bisschen" scharf

>> No.5110870

The egg"white" is a bit saltier than you'd expect and like hard jello, the yolk tastes like, well, creamy yolk. All in all it's not really an exciting experience, it's not that different from a normal egg flavor-wise.

>> No.5110892

They aren't rotten though.

>> No.5110903

When I was in high school every year there would be a Fear Factor event, and in my freshman year everyone participating had to eat one of those. It was pretty vile to watch, and it was probably much worse for the people that ate them. One poor girl threw up in front of half of the school.

>> No.5111060
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>> No.5111180

A local noodle shop has century/milennia/whatever egg congee, I tried it once, just to say I did.

Maybe it's because I'm just a white boy but I couldn't really taste what made the egg so special. If I go there again (and I'm sure I will) do you suggest requesting just an egg by itself on the side?

>> No.5111186

>virgin boy piss egg

>> No.5111213

It's a real thing, cooked in actual boy urine:


>> No.5111229
File: 94 KB, 800x600, Milbenkäse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you eat spider-cheese, /ck/?

Don't worry, it doesn't contain actual spiders.
They're mites

>> No.5111589


>in the chinese city of Dongyang

Chinese are pig disgusting

>> No.5111633

I would try it.

>> No.5111652

I was born on a US Navy base in the Philippines but left when I was too young to appreciate it, but when I was 22 I went back to check it out and Balut was a must try. It's like a really strong egg cooked in duck fat with just a hint of duck meat flavor. It was much tamer than I had expected, but it is intimidating to eat at first.

>> No.5111659

What's the texture like?

>> No.5111660

I actively want to try a century eggs. Balut looks fucking gross, but i'd give it a go. There's nothing inherently wrong with it, it's just culturally unacceptable in the west. Probably tastes ok.

>> No.5111670

The egg is, well, like a hardboiled egg but the the embryo is very soft and almost fatty consistency without the chewiness. It's on the unusual side of textures (as a westerner) for sure.

>> No.5111678

Not only do they drive just about every large creature in Asia and Africa to near extinction for their medicine they also cook in piss. The world really would be a better place without the Chinese.

>> No.5111709

had this once
flavor was good
texture, not so much for me
didn't mind the bones, but beak, and mine had some small feathers
maybe it was more mature than it should've been, I dunno, but that part made it not so good

>> No.5111717

No, I'd rather eat a millennium egg.

>> No.5111727

I'm quite fond of tea eggs.

>> No.5111755
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But those are just hard-boiled eggs soaked in tea. I'm not sure why the Wikipedia page for century eggs even links to the one for tea eggs.

>> No.5112844

Because they're both Asian styles of egg cooking.

>> No.5112994

>Anyone can eat the outer part without gagging. It's the yolk that gets people.

Both taste pretty inoffensive though. Exactly like egg with a hint of sulphur.

>> No.5113001


Ritter Sport is disgusting. I'd rather suck cock than eat Ritter Sport.

>> No.5113009

Tea eggs sound like something I'd actually like to try.

>> No.5113036

>I sometimes still have trouble downing the yolk, gotta eat that shit with a big spoonful of congee to be able to enjoy it

Or you could, you know...just NOT eat the thing that makes you want to throw up.

Fucking Chinese people and their disgusting food habits...

>> No.5113038

Why wouldn't you?

>> No.5113040


Chinese people are vile.


>> No.5113043

I'd try it, sure.

>> No.5113042

So are homosexuals.

>> No.5113047

Probably not an entire one. I'd try one of the slices in the image out of curiosity.

>> No.5113049

But the only use natural flavors.

>> No.5113096

>Chinese people are vile.

>So are homosexuals.

>mfw Chinese gay guy..

>> No.5113144

i ate the almond one and i was dissapointed.
Those 50% cac ao chocolates are 10 times better, it might be because where i live but they cost the same

>> No.5113174

They're not even that bad. They just look like shit - I'm sure the people who say they won't try one because "it's vile" in this thread eat stuff that is legitimately more disgusting in make-up than a preserved egg.
Plenty of genuinely disgusting shit in Chinese cuisine but this isn't one of them.

>> No.5113197

I fucking love the shit out of Balut. I grew up in a Philippino cultured household so we ate these things for fucking dessert. When I saw this on a Fear Factor episode I thought the contestants were goddamn pussies. The soup that you get at the top is so delicious and savoury and the duck tastes delicious with a dash of salt.

>> No.5113222

what the fuck germany

>> No.5113226

This, century eggs are pretty tame. I'd eat ten of them before I'd choke down another serving of natto, that shit is legitimately the worst thing I've ever eaten.

Balut is next on the list for me to try, I know I won't enjoy it but I need to give it a chance.

>> No.5113228

Bro I cannot think of anything I would eat more vile then a discolored sulfuric rotten fucking egg dug up out of the ground.

>> No.5113232

Guys, hear me out here...

Guys... Balut Century Eggs.

>> No.5113234

The pissboy eggs?

>> No.5113244

Bad eggs are one of the most wretched things you can experience. These always reminded me of hardboiled version of those.

>> No.5113260
File: 117 KB, 800x686, W020110312199375100313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pissboy eggs


>> No.5113321

>dug up out of the ground.
I don't think anyone makes it like that, atleast not in the last century or so anyway.

That being said, I probably wouldn't eat an entire century egg either - I'm not a fan of pickled eggs in general so I doubt I'd like this. I'd try a slice like shown in OP's pic though, maybe.

I can't even imagine what half of those would taste like.

>> No.5113324

Buying random German chocolates with unknown contents is half the run.

It's regular candy type shit, mint or coconut or almonds, rice crispies, ect.

>> No.5113329

I suppose so.
I must admit I probably wouldn't hesitate to try the pad thai and doner kebab ones in that image, just out of curiosity.