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[ERROR] No.4987[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There is no way you can convince me that CN isnt doing this on purpose.

The mystery of the leak was solved; some kid watching Steven Universe On Demand saw the episode and recorded it from his TV to upload to YouTube.

So I ask you. What the fuck is going on with CN and SU?

>> No.4988

What even the fuck are you talking about

Don't you have a containment thread anyway?

>> No.4989

The same that happened with Nick and Legend of Korra.

>> No.4990

SU makes no money so they want to burn it off and tell the higher ups that the show gets no ratings while refusing to admit to leaks so they can bump it off and start giving the money to a kids show that'll actually give back some revenue than an internet fan service show to a bunch of Tumblrinas who like to pirate and buy unofficial shit on Etsy.

>> No.4991
File: 7 KB, 149x140, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watched the episode

Literally Storm in the Room 2

>> No.4992

>It doesn't make money
Why the fuck did they fund a full price console video game?

>> No.4993

>SU is getting close to being buried and forgotten thanks to the TTG channel.

Thank Christ.

>> No.4994

>full price
that's just a meme, they do that to hire amateurs and keep most of the money

>> No.4995

Considering SU is incredibly shitty I wouldn't be surprised if they were trying to kill it

>> No.4996

They're making a 3D several hour long RPG. That shit isn't cheap at all. If the franchise didn't make money they would just keep releasing android games. Shit, the devs themselves are pretty forward with the fact that they got the budget because the first game sold really fucking well.

>> No.4997

Because VIDEO GAMES sell, anon. Especially RPGs. Not Steven Universe specifically. The game could have been reskinned with entirely new characters and it would've been a hit on Steam Greenlight regardless.

>> No.4998

>it isn't cheap
it's literally no different than the shovelware wayforward keeps shitting out

>> No.4999
File: 331 KB, 374x558, whew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Especially RPGs.
>A genre that basically died a decade ago and is only now clawing its way back out of the cesspool, and even then mostly via big Japanese releases that play nothing like what the SU RPGs do.
>The game is literally the studio's biggest game to date and is entirely being funded because it's a TV show with a following rather than some other IP.

Keep reaching.
This game wouldn't exist if the previous Steven Universe game didn't make money. It was in the top five paid apps for like a month and held #1 and 2 for about a week, for fuck's sake.

>> No.5000

Where the fuck is my Regular Show RPG?

>> No.5001

It's the Paper Mario/Mario RPG sequel we always wanted that Nintendo refuses to give us

>> No.5002

>Final Fantasy
>Dark Souls
>Divinity Original Sin
>Thinking these don't sell well.

Even games with RPG-like mecahnics like Deus Ex fly off the shelves because people love skill trees and upgrading. Even motherfucking DeathSpank, a nothing franchise, got two sequels.

>> No.5003

On Demand services often receive episodes in advance, and for most VoD services, security is ranging from "lacking" to "nonexistent". Also, all kind of faults happen due to monkeycode and incompetence.

This is how Misseps leaked SU: he found a way to download unreleased episodes. Sometimes you don't even have to do that, because the episodes are "released" due to bugs or mistakes on operators side.

>> No.5004

This, it's literally riding on the success of Paper Mario + Mario & Luigi RPG while taking advantage of the fact that Nintendo has thrown those series in the garbage. It's like how the newest Resident Evil is riding hard on P.T. since Silent Hills is gone now considering their last batches of RE games fucking tanked.

>> No.5005

>Two big budget Japanese productions, neither of which plays like SU's games at this point
>A completely different genre of game from the SU games
>And a fluke meme game that barely plays like the SU games

Damn, you sure showed me when I literally just said that the successful ones are mostly big releases from Japan that don't play like the SU games.

>Even games with RPG-like mecahnics like Deus Ex fly off the shelves because people love skill trees and upgrading.
They don't buy games because of them, but it is a great marketing point because casual gamers think it adds depth without making them actually think about shit, yes.

>Even motherfucking DeathSpank, a nothing franchise, got two sequels.
>EA game was milked to every last drop
Yes, one of the biggest game publishers in the world can afford to push out multiple iterations of a game that didn't do very well in order to profit off it in the end. That doesn't really have anything to do with...well, anything. Mirror's Edge was several times more successful and it took nearly a decade for it to get a sequel. Radiant Historia did well for Atlus, and they're only now making a remake instead of a sequel despite it being an RPG. Your comparisons are silly and nonsensical. You're performing mental gymnastics to arrive at your preconceived notion.

This game wouldn't exist if the first didn't sell well. Go ask the devs. Then go ask them how their other games sold.

>> No.5006


Doe that mean it's possible to get this without the idiot talking in the background?

Because if we can, we've got work to do if we want to get this before CN takes it down.

>> No.5007

What do we define as an RPG? Skyrim was insanely successful, Dark Souls was successful, the newest Zelda, Lisa: The Painful, Horizon, Witcher, Mass Effect, Persona, Dragon Age, Diablo...

>> No.5008

Repeating: >>5004
Because you're dense.

This game was not successful because of Steven, it was successful because of Paper Mario and Nintendo's ineptitude.

>> No.5009

You're not going to listen, are you?
No matter how many times I point out that it's big budget RPGs that have come back into flourishing, you're going to keep giving me big budget examples with maybe one exception per post.

>> No.5010


>Turn based JRPG-inspired RPGS sell

You're confused RPGs* like fallout 4 and Skyrim sell.
*FPS/Action games

>> No.5011

>while taking advantage of the fact that Nintendo has thrown Paper Mario in the garbage.
Fixed. Mario & Luigi's been pretty consistent.
But yeah, the fact that it's basically Classic Paper Mario while not being as crude as Stick of Truth is something in the game's favor.

>> No.5012

I don't care about Steven Universe, but you said the RPG genre was dead for a while. I don't think that's been the case

>> No.5013


Final Fantasy XV and XIII tanked
Undertale was a fluke made by one dude on a shoestring budget
Dark Souls is an action RPG and is still niche as fuck compared to something like skyrim/fallout
I've never even heard of divinity.

>> No.5014

I'm not arguing that the Paper Mario inspired gameplay isn't a factor. I'm arguing with this retard who's saying that being an RPG inherently gives it a boost.

The first game sold because it was a cute but competent little game at a low price based on a then-hot commodity. Even then, that has absolutely nothing to do with what started this whole silly argument in the first place; the sequel is only coming out because the first made bank. To say the series doesn't make money when it made enough money for them to double down on their investment in games based on it is an oxymoron. Whether you think it's of its own merit that it made that money is beside the point.

>> No.5015


> idiot

the dude is like 9 lmao

>> No.5016

counterpoint: most of the kids who played and loved the SU game don't even know about the first 2 paper mario games

>> No.5017

>tanked in any way shape or form

go away /v/

>> No.5018

07-11 had it struck dead as fuck while the shooter genre took over the market, and RPGs in the vein of Attack the Light have struggled outside of handhelds up from around 07 to just a few years ago. Even upon the relative resurgence a few years ago, most of the high selling "rpgs" weren't story or roleplaying focused games at all, just action titles with stat or customization elements and big environments that called themselves "RPG-like/inspired/hybrids" and other such things.

RPGs haven't dominated the market since the PS1 days, and their presence hasn't recovered to the levels they were at back in the PS2 era either.

>> No.5019

only on consoles - most RPGs migrated to handhelds

also, shooters aren't eating into the JRPG market - smartphone gatcha games are.

>> No.5020

Just because a single aspect of Steven Universe makes money doesn't mean shit for every other aspect of their merchandising. At this point, Attack of the Light 2 is just CN trying to recoup their losses for whatever money they've poured into SU which they probably thought was going to be their next AT.

The fact that fucking Magiswords and TTG also have successful mobile games just means that games fucking sell, and the property it's based on is just a way for people to notice it among the sea of apps.

Does SU's brand name sell merch on the same level that AT used to? With figurines? Buttons? Hats? Clothing? Stickers? Are you going to walk into a Forbidden Planet-esque shop and see a bunch of SU stuff on shelves outside of some Funkos and maybe a comic? No? Then it doesn't fucking sell.

>> No.5021


Tanked was NOT the right word, I was gonna post a addendum, but the game's reception was lukewarm at the very best and it's an ARPG anyway so it's irrelevant at best and makes my point that turn-based RPG are culturally irrelevant at worst given that THE turn-based RPG is now action-oriented.

>> No.5022

Rebuttal, where are you getting those numbers or facts?

>> No.5023

the fact that most of the people who downloaded the fucking game are under the age of 12?

>> No.5024

My GF is at substitute teacher and has seen multiple children drawing SU characters which really surprised me. I think SU has a bigger draw for kids than /co/ gives it credit for.

>> No.5025

Then why bring it up numbnuts?

I think you're just pulling everything you post out of your fucking ass.

>> No.5026

JRPGs aren't RPGs.

>> No.5027

>Posts no source
That still would not prove dick for the fact that kids have not played the earlier games considering Paper Mario 1 is still available on WiiShop and a new Paper Mario has just recently come out and kids have incredibly easy access to find out about early entries in the series.

I was fucking pirating shit at 10, dude.

>> No.5028


Because the post I responded to specifically mentioned Final Fantasy and those are the most recent entries in the franchise? You complete buffoon.

>> No.5029


The SU Funko POPs were a pain in the ass to get (They were first released in November 2015) and had resale prices comparable to chases and some con-exclusives until Hot Topic got a restock of the first wave and a GITD variant of Steven around this time last year.

>> No.5030


>> No.5031

Only if the haven't taken it down yet, and you have access to whatever VoD that leaked it.

>> No.5032

Problem is the leak is from the leaf country.

>> No.5033

said the guy who claims that FF XV tanked

>> No.5034

uhh there's an SU rpg in the works? oh damn. anyone got some deets?

>> No.5035

the numbers of eshop sales shows that most of those who downloaded the first two paper mario games are in the mid 20s to 30s range, and is dwarfed by those playing attack the light.

>> No.5036


Says the guy who doesn't have the reading comprehension skills to follow a string of comments on 4chan.

>> No.5037
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Goddamn it, I knew it was too good be true...

>> No.5038


That has everything to do with availability, basically everybody in the US has a smartphone or tablet, compare that to how many have a DS.

Save the Light won't do as good as the last Paper Mario/Mario & Luigi game, I think that's a given.

>> No.5039

I'm sure nintendo made a bigger profit and did remarkably well, but no - attack the light actually has higher numbers

>> No.5040

Somebody give me the low down please

>> No.5041


Didn't they just renew it for another season? Why renew it if they just want to kill it?

>> No.5042


It's Attack the Light 2: Save the Light. There's been screenshots floating around for a while now, bro.

Google that shit.

>> No.5043

says the guy covering his ass after being called out

>> No.5044

Bravely Default sells like gangbusters, as does pokemon and SMT games. FF15 was a massive success, as was undertale so I'm not sure what your point is? RPGs, J or otherwise, have a significant loyal audience.

Believe it or not Squeenix has a better market research department than you do, so when they stop dumping cash into turn based RPGs you might actually have a case. Atm you're just speaking out of your ass.

>> No.5045

Why is that a good thing?

>> No.5046

I want the real shit though, that underground stuff. The real newz, ya dig?
don't u fukin tell me to google it u fukin reprobate

>> No.5047

theres 8 threads of SU right now
fucking stop

>> No.5048

The episode was scheduled to air, and then CN changed their minds at the last second.
Comcast didn't get the memo, and put up the VoD as originally scheduled

>> No.5049


Don't forget Kingdom Hearts.

>> No.5050

So wait

Not only did CN leak the damnable thing

But it sucks and absolutely nothing new is introduced other than that if Rose and Greg had a girl they'd have named her Nora?

For fucks sake, DO SOMETHING

>> No.5051

Kill by sudoku

>> No.5052

Since this questions gave me so many (You)s in the other SU thread, might as well put it here too

>I always hear how the Gem Homeworld is the greatest fictional alien species and how they could glass this planet if the wanted to, so how can the earth win?

>What's stopping homeworld from glassing the planet the moment things don't go their way? What's stopping homeworld from glassing the planets if they lose? What's stopping homeworld from glassing the planet later just for revenge?

>The answer is fucking nothing, so i don't think earth will win by force of arms

Having said that, yes, i know saying gem homeworld is the greatest is retarded, but that's what everyone in SU says, i just wanted to know conspiracy teories for the finale that you might had that answers the "Glassing" questions

>> No.5053


>Spotted the guy whose first "RPG" was FF7.

Now you have to drop your Sephiroth wallpaper.

>> No.5054


>SU draws anyone outside of tumblr and the closet-cases who shit up this board


>> No.5055

For some reason, I don't believe SU should garner this much attention one way or the other.

>> No.5056

It was a big pile of nothing, but at least Steven's finally come to terms with the fact that Rose had him because she wanted him to exist. Not for some grand destiny of some sort, but to live for himself.

>> No.5057


One option would be that Homeworld wants the planet for one reason or another, necessitating a conventional invasion.

Another option would be Steven having to go into space and stop the Diamonds from glassing the planet.

I hope they do the former.

>> No.5058
File: 1.18 MB, 380x380, bpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone whose seen the leak give me a quick rundown?

>> No.5059

>so they can bump it off and start giving the money to a kids show that'll actually give back some revenue

So more reruns of TTG

>> No.5060


Here's the rundown

>Starts with Steven watching Rose's video. Rewinds it constantly during her message to Steven to find hints about what his magical destiny is.
>Lion spits up a big pink key.
>Steven tries it on the chest on Rose's Island, nothing.
>Steven tries using it on various other Rose-based locations. Her armor collection. The healing fountain. Rose's Room. Nothing to unlock there.
>He begs Lion for help. Where did you get this key, Lion? Take me there!
>Lion takes Steven to the desert where they first met. They travel for hours until they finally reach a big decaying structure with some pink pillars sticking out of the ground. In the center: A lock. He uses the key and behind the door... A room full of garbage.
>Frustrated Steven kicks the garbage around and finds a tape labelled "NORA".
>Steven begs Lion one more time: Take me somewhere to understand this tape!
>Lion takes him to Greg where they both watch the tape.
>It's the exact same tape Rose made for Steven, but replace all the names of "Steven" with "Nora".
>Upset Steven asks for an explanation for this. Who is Nora? What is my magical destiny? Why is this tape telling me nothing?
>Greg explains they narrowed it down to two names: Steven if he was a boy and Nora if he was a girl.
>They finish watching the tape with Rose gushing over how great humans are and Greg gives a speech that lets Steven come to the conclusion that his magical destiny is being Rose's Kid and he's O-K with that. Oh and he cries the entire time this happens.

Credits to the other anon that saw it

>> No.5061
File: 12 KB, 236x327, 3f1ec6eb1af9861c40e1233e071968cd[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking tell me about it.

Attack the Light scratched an itch that's been up my ass for fucking ages.

Well no. Do you honestly think it's less likely people were drawn to the game because of the branding than the gameplay which they wouldn't even know about unless they were around people who talked about the brand in the first place? It feels like you're reaching for just about ANY reason to attribute the game's success to anything but Steven Universe.

>> No.5062
File: 45 KB, 540x405, 1465529194509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that's FUCKING retarded
but thank you

>> No.5063
File: 71 KB, 647x594, 1470006164332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah nah I'm done. This show is irredeemable

>> No.5064
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YD just wants that planet to fucking die already, its going to be the second option im afraid

>> No.5065

>because people love skill trees

>> No.5066


I'm just about at that point

Of course, I've been just about at that point for a couple episodes now

Room for Ruby eased it off a little, but not much

I mean Goddamn, the one chance you have to salvage this string of shitty episodes and you still manage to fuck it all to hell

>> No.5067


All we do is rehash the same episodes over and over and over and over and over

> Steven has mom issues
> Pearl is still bitter about Rose
> Amethyst has self-worth issues
> Peridot has autism, is "learning the ways of Earth"
> Lapis is depressed
> Lars is an asshole but really just wants loooooove
> Ronaldo is a greasy pathetic manchild


>> No.5068

> the 'Leak' Shit

>> No.5069
File: 193 KB, 800x600, onii-chan idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The twist is literally "If it's a boy, Shinji. If it's a girl, then Rei."

>> No.5070
File: 128 KB, 573x296, 2017-03-31 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5071


Except that actually had some emotional weight to swing

This is just retarded

As retarded as it would be, having Nora show up and be Steven's secret sister (despite making absolutely no sense internally) would at least add something to the show, something unexpected and new. It might be good, or it might be complete and utter shit that tanks the show, but at least it would be SOMETHING

>> No.5072

>Gee, I wonder what anime I will rip-off this week...

>> No.5073

have him be the hero this series deserves.

>> No.5074

>"Except that actually had some emotional weight to swing"

true: it was "The austic mute girl who looks like your mom is the name they wanted for you if you were a girl"

>oh btw that girl is sort of your alien-half-sister-mom-clone thing, who's been repeatedly cloned and shit and will now turn you into TANG

>> No.5075

>SU makes no money

What, did Sug say no merchandise allowed or something?

Usually Cartoon Network is TERRIBLE at merchandising their shows. You can't just stick a few shirts in Hot Topic and call it a day. They have only themselves to blame for a lack of merchandising ideas.

>> No.5076
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To be fair, the last time they went with a toy company other than Funko it ended badly. Do I need to remind people about Regular Show's toy line by Jakks?

>> No.5077

So this was a clickbait episode? I hope everyone see the leak, so the ratings of this episode crash

>> No.5078
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You know what? I'm glad that I (or we, if more people share the same thoughts as me) got to watch it now and be done with it, instead of waiting for the unpredictable hiatus to end and discover it's a somewhat unfulfilling episode that probably wasn't fucking worth the wait

>> No.5079

this was pretty sweet. I just wish Steven's voice was so annoying to listen to.

>> No.5080

Crystal G's go full arab on those mineral fuckers

allah akubara

>> No.5081

With pops In heaven. jolly good show.

>> No.5082

That's still marketing and merchandising departments fail.

The thing with SU, you need some unique merch to get the bucks rolling in. The kids WANT the stuff. It'd be goddamned easy to make something cool.

Funkos are safe. Even though I hate them, they'd sell decently. Action figures wouldn't work out too well. They'd be better making on-character statues/dioramas.

Clothing line is like a no-brainer. Steven star shirts, SU themed socks. Could also go Venture Bros style and have a shirt club with one time shirts. Gem candy.

Educational gem growing kit? Idk. There's things that could be done.

>> No.5083
File: 249 KB, 1024x672, Regf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no terror tales of the park this year
> no thanksgiving special
> no Christmas special
> no ninth season

>> No.5084

but SU is still on tv.

>> No.5085

Take this /sug/ shit off to fucking >>>/trash/

>> No.5086


There were a few things that were shown at last year's New York Toy Fair that some folks would've gone gaga over, the most notable being foam versions of Garnet's gauntlets and Steven's shield. The main issue is that, as far as I know, those never saw the light of day.

>Educational gem growing kit?

I never see those outside of science museums and occasionally Target, the fact that you can only pull off the look of certain Gems (Pearl would be hard to do) with 'em due the crystalline structure of the crystals in question.

>Funkos are safe. Even though I hate them, they'd sell decently.

Agreed, I remember how hard it was to get a set of the first wave when they came out. Bloody scalpers...

>> No.5087

Connie and Greg will save the show

>> No.5088

Fuck off faggot, we're discussing a specific episode

>> No.5089


Not to mention that the stickies have only been about the General.

>> No.5090

That would make sense if the show wasn't just renewed...

>> No.5091

is there a link to the video or is it not going to be up?

>> No.5092

All we have this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWg68hM8fQ0
We're going to have a low quality version with a squeaker talking in the background until someone makes a higher quality rip of it

>> No.5093
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I want to believe the reason SU gets leaked so often is that someone on the crew understands how poorly the show is paced, and how much the constant hiatuses exacerbate the problem. Leaking the show is their attempt to right the ship in some small way.

>> No.5094
File: 123 KB, 318x315, Confused_Pearl-Icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me why people hate this episode? I actually really liked it. It was basically Storm in the Room with all of the problems fixed. Are people really disappointed that Rose isn't a mustache twiddling supervillain or something? Isn't a well intentioned and genuinely compassionate war criminal a more interesting character? And this "maybe I wasn't created to be a weapon or to fulfill a magical destiny" realization was something Steven really needed at this point.

This episode actually made Storm in the Room important, since it calls on stevens feelings which were established in that episode.

This episode referenced the chest in lions mane in a way that explained that the reason we don't know whats inside it yet is because steven can't open it, meaning it WILL be brought up again eventually.

Greg was GOAT

Steven's feelings were genuine in this episode, unlike some times when I feel like his newfound outbursts of frustration are OOC or uncalled for, this time I really felt with him.

This episode, in the first time in a LONG time, actually didn't feel like it was over too soon, if you told me after watching it this was a 22 minute episode and I hadn't checked, I may have believed you.

For fucks sake, the only real nitpick I can think of is that the "twist" of it just being stevens "if born a girl" name was pretty predictable IMHO, but that didn't lessen my enjoyment of it.

Yeah, I'll admit it was less Lion 4 than Storm in the Room 2, but it was Storm in the room with all the problems fixed and written in an engaging and competent way.

Tl;Dr This episode was GOAT and anyone who doesn't like it should kys.

>> No.5095
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>All that shit

Yeah, okay man, its great that you can find some enjoyment out of it

Good for you

>> No.5096
File: 424 KB, 591x595, Disappointing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RPGs died and are barely crawling back into popularity

Surely you didn't actually mean this

>> No.5097

Its not that I "found some enjoyment out of it" I legitimately don't understand what everyone's problem is with it, unless you people are so obsessed with lore that just because there wasn't some big revelation automatically makes it a bad episode.

>> No.5098

What I took away from this is that this episode may be soft confirmation that Steven won't be the one to take down the diamonds, that it may be the gems or Connie

>> No.5099

what? How?
Just because its basically confirmed he wasn't created for the sole purpose to do so?

>> No.5100

it's fucking nothing

>> No.5101

It's like us, the audience, literally became Steven in this episode. He too went to the chest first like we would probably do as well and extremely frustrated when there were no answers to look for. The only difference is that we don't have a cool dad like Greg who tells us it's okay to be just a kid while we're left frustrated after all.

Personally I thought the episode was okay. No mind shattering stuff (although Pink Diamond's ship could be possible foreshadowing) which I was honestly expecting a bit with a title like that, but it was still cute. Also the animation looked good again at the very least.

>> No.5102
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if that was a giant post calling the episode shit you know there would be fifty people going "ha ha yeah steven CRIES"

>> No.5103

You want the truth? Because it's hard to care by now. I don't care about Steven's feelings on the past anymore. I don't care about Rose's time on earth. I don't care about magical gem mysteries left behind.
The show has had ample time to deal with all of these and winking to the audience to tell us that it will pay off when so little has come of it all is worthless. Steven needs to learn to be himself and act free of his supposed destiny? We've been here before, and I'll bet a shitload of money that we'll be back for several more entire episodes

>> No.5104

where do watch?

>> No.5105

The idea that Steven wasn't made for a "magical destiny" seems like an out for Steven to not kill anybody like Sugar wants

>> No.5106

If you're talking about "not killing anyone" as in a finding a non violent solution, I don't see what that has to do with anything

If you're talking about "steven not killing anyone" as in someone else resolves the conflict with the diamonds, I find it VERY hard to believe they will go in that direction.

>> No.5107
File: 123 KB, 2000x1333, samurai-jack[1].2895px&resize=2000%2C1333&ssl=1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/co/ don't like SU
>CN don't like SU
>episode leaked is shit
How /su/ can even exist?
pic related

>> No.5108

Just watched the episode and it was great, one of the best in recent memories.

>> No.5109

That's true, perhaps it just has to do with my desires to see any of the other characters do anything of note

>> No.5110

I'll admit, I was somewhat invested in SU, mostly because of the tidbits of lore here and there, thinking that it would be going somewhere. Boy was I wrong. Really, this show is nothing but a mobius strip of weak plotlines with a care bear tier message repeated by a pussy. Characters became flanderized, townie episodes became too frequent, and the show is so far up its own ass that I dont blame CN for trying to sabotage it. About the only ok thing in recent memory on the show was fucking Carl

>> No.5111

>Tl;Dr This episode was GOAT and anyone who doesn't like it should kys.
>this is how desperate is /su/
> " I actually really liked it. It was basically Storm in the Room with all of the problems fixed"
>i love rehashed episodes
there is no hope for /su/ , they like Simpson 23S tier episodes.

>> No.5112
File: 243 KB, 398x354, 1477534952349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Steven will beg, cry and maybe sing at the diamonds in order to stop them from raping the Earth
>they are almost GUARANTEED to go "oh ok Rose 2.0" and fuck off/become friends with him because PFFFFFBTBTBUJTSBDFJSDG

>> No.5113

Kids don't want to play with lesbian action figures

>> No.5114
File: 313 KB, 618x720, skeleton-30160_960_720[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow there is crying and singing in steven universe gee i haven't heard that observation before in the past four years

>> No.5115
File: 393 KB, 1276x1920, here's my stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at this point the only way for the show to be salvaged is for Steven to die

>> No.5116 [SPOILER] 
File: 612 KB, 640x2328, 1490941728132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they just don't give a shit anymore.

>> No.5117

>show ends with steven and company sitting on a beach watching as homeworld activates their superweapon and destroys the planet set to soft ukelele
I'd watch that

>> No.5118

I'm just waiting for the episode that reveals singing is like some super important part of Gem culture/biology.
Singing resonates their stones and gives them pleasure or something.

>> No.5119

>Mom, what is my density?!
>To be my son.

Their cash machines are making too much money. They can't hear you.

>> No.5120
File: 117 KB, 500x401, tumblr_inline_o7kn7kr0KU1txfl54_500[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah , fuck this
I am out , never gonna go to /su/ again
S4 was the last straw

>> No.5121

As much as I get SU is all about "love and understanding" and will most likely end with a big song that saves the universe, I wished that there was more punching and laser beams

But alas, the constant hiatus killed my hype and I went back to anime and its 20 shows of varying quality every three months

>> No.5122

what'll end up happening obviously is that steven somehow convinces homeworld not to fuck them all up, and/or kills/incapacitates the diamonds.

I don't think there's gonna be a full scale war, I think the CGs will end up meeting with the diamonds, some sort of parley or something maybe.

>> No.5123

We'll have one big fight where homeworld is fended off, then we'll timeskip to Steven and Connie getting married, they'll have babies which go on to bring peace between humans and gems.

>> No.5124 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1080, 1490943169088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wished that there was more punching and laser beams
I've been out of the loop for a bit more than a year, but has any Gem ever, you know, shot a laser blast from their (light-projecting) gem? I'd been expecting that to happen, but as far as I recall it never did. And then when I thought about it I remembered that I'd just seen it happen in a different show!

>> No.5125
File: 33 KB, 448x439, 1487964668379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad time for the episode to come out, SJ has everyone thirsting for blood

>> No.5126
File: 812 KB, 1203x623, Lizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys wait just a fuck. A lot of people are saying this episode proves that steven was made with minumal planning or purpose, but what if I told you there was evidence to the contrary?

We all assumed this episode confirmed that rose never had other children besides Steven, but did it really? We know Rose has taken many human lovers, what if it IS possible for rose to have a child without passing on her gemstone. What if she has done it before but wasn't satisfied with that. She DID want the gem human Hybrid.

We've seen plenty of evidence that rose was working on organic/hardlight fusions. We've seen multiple times that she collected gem shards, her flowers have gemstones in them, the lions, the lizard lion was eating in Lion 2. It had an organic body that didn't disappear when it was killed, but it also had gemstones on its body. And in this episode, we saw that exact kind of lizard again.

>> No.5127

I think you mean Lion will turn into Pink Diamond and marry Steven.
That one episode where Connie and Steven discussed the ending to that book series was foreshadowing.

>> No.5128
File: 73 KB, 1280x533, iron_man_vision_thor_blast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, come to think of it, THIS is what I was hoping to see. Just once I would have liked to see Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl go all-out and remind us why they deserve to be known as protectors of an entire planet.

I think my expectations were set a bit wrong.

>> No.5129

Hopefully, intentionally trying to kill it off.

>> No.5130
File: 27 KB, 574x358, 1487453604035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alright, fine

I don't care about steven or steven's feelings anymore, not in the least

Its been way to fucking long already, 120+ episode of steven's feelings, and really its the same thing over and over again but "With a small twist" to make it justifiable, like right now, all that shit could have happen in storm in the room, shit, one could argue that shit could have been done just with the final scene in Lion 3 episode. And sure, one could take small bites at his and everybody's problems and slowly overcome it, but it doesn't do that, it LICKS at its problems and it takes forever to get to something concrete, its never real change, its IMPLIED change, its solved until next episode where its not becouse there's a new "Twist" to cover

When the show isn't running in circles, like when this kind episodes happen, then its just running in place, where things like room for ruby happen, where nothing really does happen in the episode besides implied change (Steven learns to not trust his enemies all the time and being less naive, until the next episode were he trust his enemies and its naive) and the "Twist" at the end where she stole the ship "WHAT A TWIST! NOW ITS TOTALLY IMPORTANT GUYS! THIS WASN'T WASTED TIME AT ALL! WHAT WILL HAPPEN NOW I WONDER?" and its implied that interesting things will happen later on, but we all now the track record of this show and payoff

Cont 1/2

>> No.5131
File: 24 KB, 326x244, 1489787049376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



All the "Lore" episodes are always buildup for the next, like it will be interesting when they use those implied things they setup, like with the Zoo episodes, what exactly happend in those really? Just a bunch of implications about the Diamonds andt heir plan to wait for earth to explode and if that doesn't work they MIGHT do something, but not right now, at worst they will actually do something about in the next 30 or 40 episodes. We now know about the Zoo and the implication that PD care about humans to some extent and that most of the Zookeepers were cool people willing to help

The problem with all of that is that its all setup for future episodes to come, little really happen for the characters, setting and story that wasn't, again, implied, its a lot of cools stuff we are waiting to see in actiont and by being misterious and not quite clear they are implying they might make something cool with it later, but they won't, becose they don't know how

And like that its everything "Lore" related, a small bit of information building up into something that by all means should be cool, but its never cool

And that's why im sad about this show, they have all the pieces to make something memorable and great, but they either do nothing with them or just don't know how to put them together in a way that's interesting

There's more problems with the show, there's a lot more to be honest, but those are the problems with the this kind of episodes, the "Feeling episodes" and the "A dash of lore" moments

>> No.5132

If they glass the planet they might kill or aggro the incubating Clutster.

That's my take on it.

>> No.5133

SU has been it's own thing

But the constant breaks killed it

>> No.5134

Watched the episode
It was disappointing considering how the other Lion titled episodes set up important backstories and lore.

Sincerely disappointed/10

>> No.5135
File: 835 KB, 500x375, aku.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all already know that sugar is a hack and that the show runs on tons of build up with no payoff

>> No.5136

Is there really nothing more to the characters than this? This shit is sad.

>> No.5137

screencap this just in case this actually happens.

>> No.5138

thanks mate

>> No.5139
File: 64 KB, 494x407, 1490417435654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jasper will make Steven Universe great again

>> No.5140

Its a marketing strategy.
Leak the episode early, create buzz, get more viewers.

>> No.5141

the last time they leaked episodes early the actual airing got very low views

>> No.5142

That has never actually worked in practice

>> No.5143

This shit could be easily photoshopped. Right?

>> No.5144

It's the exact opposite. Forces within Cartoon Network are trying to kill the show, and they're seemingly at odds with opposing elements who feel there's still more money to be squeezed from it.

>> No.5145

If they bring Jasper back, they're just going to ruin her by shoving the magic of crying and singing down her throat and rob her of everything that made her a dynamic and interesting character.

>> No.5146

It's not like it's major spoilers anyways. The only thing it hints at that I was unsure about was if the corrupted gems were going to be left corrupted or get healed. If you were expecting some edgy shit as an ending for a show about crying and singing and forgiveness then you're the stupid one.

>> No.5147

>leak our newest episode of failing series
>have prepubescent kid leak it on youtube for authenticity

>> No.5148

Of all the aspects of "tumblr style" writing I hate, there are none I hate more than "suddenly switching to allcaps in the MIDDLE OF A SENTENCE" and "everything is a panciked question?!?!"

>> No.5149


Most tumblrinas have crippling anxiety issues. Everything makes them frantic and confused.

>> No.5150


>> No.5151


>> No.5152

Anon's just bitching and moaning for the sake of bitching and moaning. Ignore it.

>> No.5153

ah, I figured as much

>> No.5154

And yet they're not the ones having meltdowns over how people write on Tumblr.

>> No.5155

Because it's shit

>> No.5156

That's because tumblr worships the fuck out of this show.

>> No.5157

You clearly haven't been to tumblr.

Wise of you.

>> No.5158

I'm not expecting that. More like the chances of Rebecca casually replying feels like someone could easily shop this. But like you said it's not too spoilery so it might as well be real.

>> No.5159

>Jasper will make Steven Universe great again

>> No.5160


i agree with you except for

>>A genre that basically died a decade ago and is only now clawing its way back out of the cesspool

RPGs have never stopped being popular

>> No.5161

>Grand finale is that everyone shares their feelings, has a good, healthy cry, and then sits on the beach.
Okay, but then when do we get the villain who dates one of the girls and betrays her and it turns out he's Steven's evil twin?

In all honesty we've been going on for a while and I feel like there's no sign we're moving towards a goal or resolution. Steven HAD a spaceship, but the Gems sat around passively and only reacted to things that specifically came to them. When does something happen?

I figure the show will get cancelled and we won't actually ever see Homeworld or get a proper ending.

>> No.5162


its the "i dont like this cartoon therefore it should stop existing" logic.

>> No.5163

CN has at least been telling shows they're getting canned in advance so they can write their final seasons with that knowledge. Getting cancelled is probably the best thing that could happen to this show because we'd finally see the plot going.

>> No.5164

Zelda isn't an rpg

>> No.5165


>> No.5166

because they're literally 9 years old and didn't care

>> No.5167

>Oh and he cries the entire time this happens
wew lad i havent laffed this much in a long time

>> No.5168

Just fucking end this show already.

This leak wasn't even important. Just another hyped up episode where nothing fucking happens.

>> No.5169
File: 225 KB, 800x800, 1489430996726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay Rebecca, now comes the part where you totally detail Steven's destiny and start moving the plot forward in contrast to Greg's relaxed approach. You've set up the fucking space opera Rebecca, you can't just take it back. Rebecca... you can't just keep releasing episodes where nothing happens and call it atmosphere. Rebecca... open the door Rebecca.

>> No.5170
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>> No.5171
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>> No.5172

24 fucking hours and still no high quality leak.
According to a comment on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKJxpzYuJ10
the episode is on demand on comcast's service. Can any anon with comcast confirm?

>> No.5173

>You've set up the fucking space opera Rebecca, you can't just take it back.

That is something that bothers me a lot, and still love SU. People usually defend the show by saying that the lore and space opera aspects are secondary and that the show is all about SoL and melodrama, as if it is something positive, but the question is: why make something cool and exciting as side plot and do low effort and usually boring stuff as the main focus?

>> No.5174
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>> No.5175
File: 8 KB, 225x225, hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, so the whole aspect of solving the mystery of artifacts left behind by rose was just for a retarded VHS tape, and nothing else? Not even one single thing that advances the story or give details about the war and Homeworld?

That's retarded as fuck, why do they constantly drop the ball in the hardest way possible? Eh, thanks anyway, anon.

>> No.5176
File: 59 KB, 680x478, rebecca-sugar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Don't you see Anon! The plot twist was that there was no overarching story! Isn't it so creative!? Who needs story and narrative when you can have crying and ukulele?"

>> No.5177
File: 11 KB, 867x133, paul and hilary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it was sucrose who made the episode

>> No.5178

I found this:

>> No.5179 [SPOILER] 
File: 256 KB, 813x419, 1490995014148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5180


What merchandise would SU even have? Pink plastic captain America shield? Dumpy purple sociopath action figure? Bird faced lesbian doll?

There is absolutely no merchandising potential in that show. Anything that there even could possibly be there's already three more like it with more notoriety.

>> No.5181


This. They had their chance. Nobody cares anymore. This is why premieres don't even get a million views an episode anymore.

>> No.5182

So, where is the entrance?

>> No.5183

Jesus christ can you guys be whiny about nothing
this episode sounds perfectly fine to me

looks to me like you just fell for your own created hype

>> No.5184


Oh, Christ, the panicked question one is the worst. Half the time it looks more like they don't even know how to use punctuation.

>> No.5185

yeah the episode feels like a middle finger aimed directly at every critic of season 4.

oh was the whole thing with rose built up since season one fucking nothing? great how subversive. at club'll eat it up,

>> No.5186



>> No.5187
File: 26 KB, 251x498, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a shitty voice impression

>> No.5188


That's part of the problem

She lets her storyboarders run the show for her and rarely actually takes the reigns, as per her own admission

>> No.5189

So what you're telling me is have absolutely no standards and ill love it?

>> No.5190

I knew that fucking lizard would be important, way back when. It didn't poof goddammit, IT DID NOT POOF.

>> No.5191
File: 234 KB, 1280x720, Tumblr_o2rtduVOd21uj2r2lo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy, but I work at ToysRUs and literally the only Steven Universe merch I've seen are these things, not sure how long they've been sitting in the isle. We did get a single box of SU Funko Pops that sold out fast, but nothing else since.

>> No.5192

People want Homeworld. Simple as that

Sugar is delaying more Homeworld stuff, so people get mad.

A lot of people feel Steven reached his character development peak, at least when it comes to FEELINGS, same with almost all of the CGs, as such the only obvious step is develop on the lore the show constantly alludes to, but Sugar refuses to do that.

>> No.5193
File: 41 KB, 411x555, IMG_2871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, let's start with painfully obvious...


Yeah, I know Hot Topic hat them in for at least a week when they first came out.

>> No.5194
File: 294 KB, 842x467, Gre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even one single thing that advances the story or give details about the war and Homeworld?
The bigass pink pillars sticking out of the sand and more of these things. Also, it looks like Lion's mane is only for things that are Steven and Greg related, the room in the Sahara is for everything else she's hoarded over the centuries. Which brings an interesting question, if nobody knew about Lion, then who put the Nora tape in Rose's other room? Why bother hiding all of your stuff in the middle of the desert at gem base nobody else knows about? What do the Orange Star and the Blue Hexagon for is Rose is the Pink Hexagon on the door?

>> No.5195

*if Rose is the Pink Hexagon

>> No.5196

Here's a higher quality rip of the leak:

>> No.5197

anon those aren't legs, they're arms. Its a torso.

>> No.5198

The lore sucked, but it was a pretty nice thinly veiled trans-positive episode.

>> No.5199
File: 170 KB, 500x500, 1401224004046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He STILL Hasn't learned his lesson yet.

Do we have to fill up your home with rotten eggs and weasels again?

>> No.5200

How do we know it's not a giant hand and those are two fingers? Also, no warp pad. Did Rose have Bismuth scavenge what she could from the ship so she could make a room?

>> No.5201
File: 104 KB, 372x358, steven_universe_carl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just feels so useless even though it's trying to be meaningful. I just don't give a shit about Rose making a second tape in case Steven was a girl. I don't want to watch the same video over and over again. Their had to be a better way of making Steven realize he's his own person.

Fuck like so much character development they'll probably forget about this and he'll probably have to learn the lesson again in a later episode. Wasting yet another 11 minutes,

>> No.5202

These are my sentiments. You've got a cool planet conquering alien rock people in your show. Use them.

>> No.5203


>> No.5204

Why is that exactly? Like what does she do on the show honestly?

>> No.5205

Did she learn nothing from Pendleton Ward's example and her own time at AT? Ward letting the storyboarders run roughshod and make shit up with no oversight is what fucked the series more than anything else.

>> No.5206

Have they ever had good scheduling?

>> No.5207

Hamburger Backpack
Steven's T-shirt
Foam Garnet hair with shades and punching hands
Plush Lion

There's quite a few ideas, that said I'm pretty sure CN would much rather just release apps since that's what kids are into, and is considerably a safer choice.

>> No.5208

no, to have no expectations so you won't cause your own disappointment and then have to cry about it on an anonymous message board.