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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5093860 No.5093860[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>when you eat food, you're eating part of the universe

>> No.5093864

>when you breath you are inhaling the universe

your point,op?

>> No.5093865

Entropy will devour us all.

>> No.5093871
File: 134 KB, 600x771, 1389501526194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what yer gonna get!!!

>> No.5093872

>when you poop, you're excreting part of the universe

>> No.5093868



>> No.5093881

>when you exist, particles almost too small to be observed even with the most advanced technology under the most perfect conditions are literally blowing your body apart at the molecular level

>> No.5093886

dude fuck

>> No.5093907

>Matter is made chiefly of nothing.
>The nuclei of all the atoms of all the chemicals that compose your body are never in contact with each other. All matter is held together simply by various forces.

>> No.5093911

It's those those really big ones that my neighours try to spout out, ARRRRRRGGGGG, ARRRRRRRGGGGHHHH, that's what happens what people become assholes.

>> No.5093916

That's deep dude, you should write a dissertation on that shit

>> No.5093924

>when you eat food, you're neither removing nor adding anything from the universe besides entropy.

>> No.5093929


Any given second, millions of your cells are dying, with millions of others being born to replace them.

What are you, in the end? The specific organization of cells of your body? If so, you've died billions of times over.

>> No.5093937

Jaden is that you?

>> No.5093962
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Your entire body is actually remade every 7 years.

So as you get older... are you still 'you'?

>> No.5093974


Well, not quite. Different cells are replaced at different rates and the rate that they are replaced can also change as you get older. Certain cells, like neurons, aren't replaced, but can reconfigure themselves to continue functioning despite cell loss (See: Brain plasticity).

But yeah, the concept of being itself is shakier than most people are comfortable with admitting.

>> No.5093993
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>implying we aren't part of the universe
>Implying I am not already star dust
What a fucking tool and pleb

>> No.5094036
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I can't wait until 40-50 years from now when prosthetics and artificial intelligence have gotten so advanced that people start questioning things like that.

...that is 'if' we can make it that far without our species going full retard and tossing nukes and bio-weapons around

>> No.5094065

>you are made from your dads xum and moms period.
>your mother has had a mouthful of cum and kissed you with that mouth
>your father wants to have sex with a 15 year old

>> No.5094098

>This universe does not encompass everything that exists.
>Outside the realm of this universe, the "rules" might be different.
>This universe could be a thought, a simulation, or could even be being played backwards.

>> No.5094120

>Not enjoying incestuous snowballing
>Not wanting to fuck some of these girls in high school these days

It's like you're not even human.

>> No.5094124

When you cum, you are painting the universe on your girl

>> No.5094133

no homo

>> No.5094136
File: 30 KB, 288x300, eyelash follicle mites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these things exist

>> No.5094144

Holy fucking shit I want to puke after looking that up. Why is this a thing. I seriously want to rip my eyelashes out fuck.

>> No.5094148

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

>> No.5094150

Just chill.

It's not as bad as knowing that there are millions of bacteria living on your skin and in your body at this very moment and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.5094151

But I did know that and I don't give a shit. For some reason tiny mites living in my eyelash follicles bothers me way more.

>> No.5094152

I guess you haven't heard about the mites in the pores on your face, either.

>> No.5094153

I don't know man, that doesn't bother me either. Like it's just something about the eyes that gets me really badly.

>> No.5094157


>> No.5094160

I'm too drunk to read all of that.

>> No.5094161

Dude, you can't freak out about something that's a natural part of being on this planet that you have zero control over. Even if you ripped your eyelashes out, those mites would still live in the follicles. Instead of freaking out about it, think of them as your little friends that keep your eyelashes looking good. :)

>> No.5094162

>when you eat dick, you're OP.

>> No.5094163

worms that live in your eye and cause you pain as they squirm around in your eyes.

>> No.5094166

I guess I have more pets than I realized. I'm not even sure what creeps me out about it. It's like every time my eye itches or I pull a white spec from them I'm going to think of that shit now.

I would have preferred being ignorant.

>> No.5094170

Well, that's why they say "Ignorance is bliss". But, in the long run, knowing is usually better than not knowing. Don't worry about it, anon, everyone in the whole world has the same thing, so there's no point in worrying about it, it's part of the "human condition".

>> No.5094171

That doesn't really bother me either. Maybe I'm just autistic about eyelashes.

>> No.5094174

I have OCD, so my mind likes to think about this kind of retarded shit more than it should.

>> No.5094196

When you inhale, about 23 air molecules enter you from Caesar's last breath.

>> No.5094236
File: 45 KB, 128x128, bill nye tho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u may have breathed the same air a dinosaur breathed 1000s of years ago and if u dont think thats the tightest shit then get out of my face

>> No.5094316

>you are the universe experiencing itself

>> No.5094342

>Certain cells, like neurons, aren't replaced
Wasn't that disproven?

>> No.5094356

Go to the beach and swim.
Thousands of whales ejaculated in that water.

>> No.5094363

Most of the water on Earth has at one point or another, been the urine of some animal over the course of the billions of years things have been peeing.

>> No.5094403
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I can fap to this

>> No.5094627


If so, I haven't heard about it.

>> No.5094705



tl;dr: They multiply but this doesn't magically bring back all the synaptic networking that was lost when a cell died. The new cell has to start over.

The notion that we had cells that were incapable of multiplying never made sense to me and always sounded like a cop-out to make identity immutable.

Even back in school it occurred to me that it was highly unlikely we could go upwards of 100 years of the sort of day to day wear and abuse that we do without any real regeneration of our nerves. It just sounded like bullshit even then. That and the Bohr model.

>> No.5094711

>That and the Bohr model.
I was with you up to that point.

>> No.5094734

when you ejaculate, you are ejaculating the universe

>> No.5094742
File: 2.60 MB, 772x322, keepinganeyeout.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see.

>> No.5094745

There are more stars in an average Big Mac than there are atoms in the universe.

>> No.5094756


Yeah, same here. I just can't claim something without there being evidence, though.

Good to know.

>> No.5094774


Obsoleted long ago in favor of the electron cloud model, and who knows what we'll find wrong with that 20 years from now. The math governing electron energies in the bohr model is sound (and it ought to be given that it was experimentally determined) but the model describes physical behavior of electrons that simply does not occur and in retrospect it''s rather silly to expect it to.

You've got these little negative charges whipping around at near light speed, actively repelling each other and giving no fucks about their trajectory with the huge disparity between their mass and the atomic forces at play. Why should they behave in any orderly fashion at all?

>> No.5094837

how can trees be real if our eyes aren't real

>> No.5094910

I am part of the universe, therefore, I am eating myself when I eat food.