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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5087629 No.5087629 [Reply] [Original]

This is exactly what vegetarians/vegans think of those who eat meat, isn't it?

>> No.5087641

Vege here. Pretty much.

We think even worse of Vegans though.

>> No.5087645

Not really.

>> No.5087928


Not really.

>> No.5087984

veg here, no. I try not to judge people for tastes or food philosophy.

>> No.5087994

Pretty sure that only would be the vocal asshole one's.
The few Vegans and Vegetarians iv met iv only known to be Vegans or Vegetarians because I asked them why they were only ordering specific shit or eating something else at University.
Im guessing most Vegans and Vegetarians really don't give a shit about what other people do since it's their own preference.

>> No.5088007
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they think we're just sheep

>> No.5088062

You know why I hate vegans? It's not because they don't eat meat. I couldn't care less. It's because they are FUCKING OBNOXIOUS. Here's a sample:

- “This dish was totes inspired by my desire to start liking eggplant. “

- “After the spa we enjoyed some fresh summer air by walking the (tourist-crowded) streets of Bev Hills. I popped into M Cafe for a large Beet-Carrot-Ginger-Greens juice.”

-”The cozy, tiny cafe has a very chill feel with rustic wooden tables and water served in shiny stainless steel glasses. The inside was much tinier than I imagined and I was reminded of the Natalie Portman story of when she dined here. “

- “We finished up with soy cappuccinos at Intelligentsia Coffee down the street and headed home to collapse. Lovely Saturday!”

-”Starting my morning with a mug of hot water with lemon and cayenne is taking some adjusting to. It’s soo good for me though! Ugh.”

-”My favorite thing about being a plant strong blogger is that I am forced to be creative.”

-”Did you know that you can make a cake from a smoothie?! One filled with nutrient rich ingredients, full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties? Craaazy, right?”

>> No.5088080

Is this all from the same person? Because it seems more like they are just a obnoxious but not just about food related things.

>> No.5088087

Did he die?

>> No.5088091
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>one or two vegans are obnoxious so every vegan/vegetarian on earth must be a cunt

who is really the cunt here? it's you

>> No.5088107

Nope, those were random obnoxious quotes I've run across through my internet travels. But they are all vegans, and not all of them are women, some are from men too.

You sound like a huge cunt. Cunt. I'll add your reply to my list of obnoxious vegans.

>> No.5088111
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>a willingness to expand your culinary horizons and being pumped about eating great food makes you a bad person

>> No.5088119

I find it amusing that when you point out to a vegan/vegetarian that their lifestyle would not be possible if it weren't for the modern age, they get quite frustrated.

>> No.5088121

>i found SEVEN obnoxious quotes on the internet so i am going to judge an entire group of people based on me not liking what these SEVEN people out of billions of people said
>i am a totally rational human being

how do you deal with 4chan when so many people are saying such stupid shit??

>> No.5088124

You must be an obnoxious cunt too.

>> No.5088126

Oh no, I found much more than that, those are just the random ones I grabbed. Those fuckers are everywhere.

>how do you deal with 4chan when so many people are saying such stupid shit??

The answer is: it's 4chan.

>> No.5088134

Also, I should point out it's not just vegans I can't stand. I also can't stand rednecks, picky eaters, and stupid and/or willfully ignorant people.

>> No.5088143

Only thing i hate about vegetarians/vegans is that they don't like meat, so we cannot all have a big feast with steak, sausages, ribs and whatnot and have fun.
Why my food is not good enough for you?
I truly don't understand why they choose not to eat meat, i mean i understand if they just don't like the taste but even then im surprised they don't like ALL meat in general.
How can you dislike ALL types of meat? It's absurd, crazy, it's like saying you hate all kind of fruits or vegetables.

>> No.5088152

you must hate yourself then because hating an entire group of people based on a few cherry picked statements is really fucking ignorant/retarded

>> No.5088165

1) Dude never even said anything about being bad or good

2) What does anything you said have to do with vegan/veg eating? Being excited about good food and having a willingness to try new things aren't exclusive to those.

Not singling you out as I enjoy veg and vegan dishes

>> No.5088232


>> No.5088241

Unfortunately, you're the retarded one in this case. I'm not basing this on "a few cherry picked statements", that just what I posted here. I don't have time or inclination to sit and make post after post of all the obnoxious vegans I've had the displeasure of meeting/reading/dealing with. Your response is ignorant.

>> No.5088324

vegan master race here

no not at all

>> No.5088335

stopped reading there

>> No.5088347

why does having fun equate to eating the same meal as you? you do understand that there are and will always be people in this world that don't like the same things as you right?

>> No.5088411

so being obnoxious is a good thing? *and* i never said those traits were exclusive to vegans, though they are present among that community to a greater degree than in the general populace. you're dumb as fuck, don't play at didacticism with me, shithead.

>> No.5088426

>implying being a buzzkill is fun

I hate bowling, but it didn't stop me from participating and having fun without making a big deal out of it the one time I was invited.

>> No.5088505

You're making the same blanket statements you're defending against my dude...

>> No.5088821


That's what I think of people who wear leather.

>> No.5091275


I don't understand why any of that would possibly make you mad

If that's annoying to you, I could find you a billion meat-eaters you'd hate even more


>> No.5091415

My friend is a vegan and does it because he doesn't like the idea of exploiting animals for food. He's never obnoxious about it and makes sure to never bring it up unless someone asks why he can't eat ___ or isn't eating ____. He's a cool guy.

I think I could be a vegetarian, but only briefly because I have no real reason to be one. I think it's cool to see people restrict themselves from certain foods since it shows self-control.

>> No.5091440


Hell, I hate vegans, and even I found that list a little meh.

>> No.5091479

Nice try Vegan, still found you.

>> No.5091603
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>plant strong blogger

>> No.5091633

What's stopping you? If I'm going to a barbeque, I just make sure I bring my contribution is vegetarian/can be cooked in tinfoil. I'm not going to glass someone for eating a steak next to me, so how is me sitting there eating grilled corn or a salad in anyway ruining your experience?

>> No.5091649


>expand your horizons
>by restricting what you eat

>> No.5091660


It isn't, that's fine. It's when people don't bring their own food, complain that an option wasn't offered and generally look down on others who've made other choices than them. I'm well aware this isn't all vegetarians/vegans, but there are a lot of stories and let's be clear, no smoke without fire.

To clarify I'd like to point out that obnoxious people who have a little too much sense of self-superiority annoy me, from ANY walk of life. Again, I know this represents only a small number of veggies, it's just unfortunate that they're the vocal ones.

>> No.5091883
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Why on earth would anyone care what a vegetarian thinks about anything?

>> No.5091895

>To clarify I'd like to point out that obnoxious people who have a little too much sense of self-superiority annoy me, from ANY walk of life.

I think that's what this guy >>5088062 was implying to a certain extent.
And on that note, I was looking for a recipe today, and one of the search results took me to a blog by a vegan that said this:
”Now you may be thinking - can this fool an omni? Probably not. It's not greasy. “
THAT is fucking obnoxious.

>> No.5092172


>To clarify I'd like to point out that obnoxious people who have a little too much sense of self-superiority annoy me, from ANY walk of life.

When you're that sensitive, anybody can appear "self-superior and uppity."

This board is full of people speaking down on people who enjoy junk food/fast food/sriracha and whatever else but you don't bat an eye to that, it's only when the food YOU eat gets passively dismissed by someone who eats one tier higher than you that you shit your pants about it. If you don't want to feel insecure, change how you eat. Otherwise stop complaining about other people vocally expressing how they like another kind of food

>> No.5092302

>obnoxious vegan detected

You don't eat "one tier higher", you eat like you have a mental illness. Omnivores don't feel insecure about their food, they don't have to. It's people like you who present with symptoms of insecurity, because you have to constantly tell people how superior you are. Did you never take a single psych class in high school or college?

>> No.5092314

>I don't like to think about my lifestyle because abstract thinking and introspection threatens me


>> No.5092323


> Omnivores don't feel insecure about their food, they don't have to

Obviously they do if this board is anything to go by

>It's people like you who present with symptoms of insecurity, because you have to constantly tell people how superior you are.

Like I said, when you're that sensitive, you see obnoxiousness anywhere. All it takes is "I ate a salad today" and you start crying and acting like that guy is an asshole because you ate a bacon sandwich and you think he's calling you a piece of shit, when really it's just you feeling bad about yourself. I have a feeling if someone said "I went to the gym today" or "this new book is a good read," you'd feel just as shitty about yourself and come up with excuses for why those people are bad

Settle your own insecurity

>> No.5092333

Nice diversion by making assumptions about my diet, but you fail. I'm sorry you're so unstable, you should seek counseling.
And just so you know, projecting onto other people doesn't work or excuse your behavior. The only person here who is insecure is you.

>> No.5092338

>being this delusional

Oh you.

>> No.5092340
File: 48 KB, 500x629, no1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>if someone said "I went to the gym today" or "this new book is a good read,"

wow what pretentious douchebags. what do they think, they're better than me? THE NERVE of them! raising the bar like that! oh well, I'm just better than them anyway by default because I don't make an effort at anything in my life, so I'm not being obnoxious like they are! I win!

>> No.5092345


Ah, the old "projecting" accusatory defense mechanism. It's like a smoke bomb, and now you flee the thread without having to actually respond

>> No.5092356

It's always fun watching the bat shit crazy vegans come out of the woodwork. Like going to zoo and watching monkeys fling their shit.

Did you remember to take your meds this morning, little one? Playing with your own poo isn't healthy.

>> No.5092365

Respond to what? You're incredibly inaccurate, unfounded nutter post? What's to respond to? You're the one acting out and pushing for an altercation while being completely in the wrong. You're the village idiot, not worth arguing with.

>> No.5092368


he's completely right. inb4 samefag

>> No.5092373
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> "I popped into M Cafe for a large Beet-Carrot-Ginger-Greens juice.”

Yeah, no sign of insecurity there

>> No.5092375

I eat meat once a week or so, but eat like a vegan the rest of the time. I don't do it so I can look down on others or feel superior. I do it because eating a typical American diet for 30-some made me fat, and being fat led to the doctor saying I'd have to take pills for the rest of my life.

Eating a mostly vegan diet leaves me skinny, and I don't have issues with cholesterol and blood pressure when I'm skinny.

I'll take it.

>> No.5092377


for yet another vegan thread.

>> No.5092382

I can see why the tone of that would be obnoxious to some people. And, by the way, who the fuck are you to tell people what they can or can't be annoyed by, you pretentious fuck? Bugger off.

>> No.5092398


I don't see why, how the hell do you get mad about someone drinking vegetable juice?

>> No.5092404

Why do you care? Do you feel like you have to police other people's feelings?

>> No.5092407

>Has to specify what kind of shit went into the strangely concocted sludge for extra cool points

>> No.5092416

everyone is shit
firebomb everything

>> No.5092417


For the sake of the argument over why such things are considered obnoxious, I have to know. I just don't see how:

>"We finished up with soy cappuccinos at Intelligentsia Coffee down the street and headed home to collapse. Lovely Saturday!”

is considered obnoxious. How are you reading it? "that fucking dick had a lovely saturday going out for coffee with his friends? What a piece of shit!"

It's just ridiculous to me

>> No.5092422

I'm not that anon but good lord that sounds obnoxious to me.

>> No.5092425


The irony is, the same guy probably thinks everyone else is "sensitive" when he posts on the internet about how "all {demographic group} should be killed". He's just telling it like it is!

>> No.5092431
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>> No.5092432
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>the same guy probably thinks everyone else is "sensitive" when he posts on the internet about how "all {demographic group} should be killed"

Well I guess that's one way to form a counter-argument. "Well the guy I'm talking to is PROBABLY HITLER'S SON!"

>> No.5092433
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>> No.5092437
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>> No.5092440
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>> No.5092443
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>> No.5092448
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>> No.5092453
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>> No.5092455

wow reddit is so original and funny xD

>> No.5092456
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>> No.5092461
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>> No.5094458
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>> No.5094571

Vegans and feminists are the XXIst century dictators. The most radical ideologies I've seen.

>> No.5094642

50 years from now everyone will be vegetarian or only eat meat a few times a week anyway

vocal meatfags are basically the equivalent of racists 50 years ago. when this time comes, i will be very thorough in pointing out who was a vocal meatfag towards me now, and shame them in similar ways to how nazi's were shamed for their past.

i dont talk to people about their dietary choices though thats a pretty obnoxious thing to do

>> No.5094647


>> No.5094648


So you're admitting you're a Nazi then?

>> No.5094649

I bet you could get hundreds of net downvotes posting that on reddit at the right time, because they're "very progressive". DAE le bacon?? xD

>> No.5094650

I still wear my SS proud faggot. The 4th Reich will rise, and you will burn.

>> No.5094652

>50 years from now everyone will be vegetarian or only eat meat a few times a week anyway
>mfw vegfags actually believe this

>> No.5094694

Why? Because you say so?

>> No.5094725

this guy is fucking hilarious. Listen dumbass, I'll keep this succinct. Most people are omnivores. Most people do not spend all their days on the internet arguing over something stupid like this. Most people are not 4chan, the fact that you would post this
>>Obviously they do if this board is anything to go by
and consider it a good indicator of various groups of people is stupid as fuck.

>> No.5094739

That wasn't succinct.

>> No.5094749

I'm a vegetarian but you can eat what the fuck you want, I couldn't give a shit.

>> No.5094763


50 years from now you will be dead or senile.

>> No.5094800

i wont be senile but maybe ill be dead ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

i can tell you're uneducated and probably stupid by you not knowing that this is a reality, albeit the timeframe may be off by a little

even 10 minutes of wikipedia can tell you that the world's meat eating habit is completely unsustainable

>> No.5094824

>even 10 minutes of wikipedia can tell you that the world's meat eating habit is completely unsustainable

yeah eating shark fin is unsustainable as well but people still party down on it. Resources would literally have to run out for people to stop consuming it.

>> No.5094856
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>Hey guys, you know what? I think I'll start a thread about vegetarianism on /ck/, that will sure get some fun replies!

>> No.5094863

they are and will run out then

do you understand population growth? do you understand food production? the rising wealth of the world is only going to compound this problem

>> No.5094864

didn't you hear?
in 50 years we will be growing meat in vats

no shortages ever

>> No.5094868

artificially grown meat is still terribly inefficient

>> No.5094875


>> No.5094903

It's really not much of a moral victory on your end.

>> No.5094958

dark matter is delicious with Sriracha

>> No.5094978


It's going to be between 10x-20x more efficient than growing whole herds of cattle, so...

>> No.5095085

Growing 1kg meat in a vat right now is more expensive than your car

>> No.5095099

You're an idiot. The first cell phones cost more than your car too, but now you can get one for as cheap as $5. Most technologies start off being terribly expensive until they get the production tech down.

>> No.5095100

hence why he said right now

>> No.5095105

what part of "in 50 years" means right now?

>> No.5096235

you just made those statistics up. in terms of energy input vs output, it will only be around twice as efficient. considering that growing beef is still at a 50:1 ratio of energy input vs output, meaning that at best efficiency, IV meat will still be 25x more inefficient than the growth of plants.
this is without even looking at the negative environmental effects of meat production.

you can yell and argue all you like, but the future of mankind is in an almost vegetarian diet. every day this is put off, is another day that hundreds of people die from starvation, and the world is poisoned further to support your selfish want for meat.

do you really need meat every day?

>> No.5096242

>in terms of energy input vs output, it will only be around twice as efficient
This is completely arbitrary.

>> No.5096266

nothing is less arbitrary

you can grow beef that will feed 100 mil people, or grow crops that will feel 2.5 bil people

with population exponentially growing, we need to be thinking about the most efficient ways to feed the planet.

>> No.5096479

>>negative environmental effects.
grazing cattle on grasses is a hell of a lot less devastating for the enviornment than plowing it up, exposing the top soil and erroding the shit out of it with farming. Global warming may suck but top soil errosion isn't so great either. maybe if you didn't think with your dick so much you'd realize it's the greatest threat to the planet beyond any of our practices of meat eating, farming, coal firing, nuclear planting, fishing, whatever, is the scale in which we do all of these. if you actually give one shit about the environment you will champion birth control, and decisions to not have kids or legislation that restricts the right to just breed like rabbits. I contribute more the environment by not breeding than you do by any ammount of meat you don't eat.

>> No.5096570

I don't hate vegans/vegetarians, I hate the vegan cunt of a neighbour my parents have. Twice she tried to stop barbecues my family was having with friends because apparently she couldn't stand the "smell of murder" that was coming from our back yard.

>> No.5096575

as the vast majority of cattle is grain fed, amountain to needing ~14 times as much land used for crops just to feed the cattle, your point is irrelevant

you're probably an economic conservative too, and don't understand that socialism and raising the average wealth worldwide is the quickest way to reduce overpopulation

>> No.5096584

that should be *amounting

>> No.5096986

>with population exponentially growing

But.. it's not. Population in every developed country has tapered of, and is decreasing in several. If you don't factor in population growth due to immigration, population in almost every developed country is going down. The countries that are still having huge population booms are the ones that are still developing, like India and just about every country in Africa.

I'm all for developing sustainable eating habits, but basing your arguments on falsehoods isn't going to convince anyone.