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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 64 KB, 1025x442, starbucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5091280 No.5091280[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ask someone who just applied to Starbucks anything

>> No.5091282

how is your vagina doing

>> No.5091289

But I don't have a vagina

>> No.5091292

How is your vagina doing?

>> No.5091293

B-but I don't have one

>> No.5091294

How much do you know about coffee

>> No.5091296

But I don't have a vagina

>> No.5091297

Do you have thick rimmed glasses and/or how many tattoos do you have? Bonus points if you have tattoos on your neck.

>> No.5091298

But how is YOUR vagina doing?

>> No.5091305

You probably won't even get a call, but if you do, don't fuck up my latte, you limp wristed faggot.

>> No.5091306

Almost nothing, I know the difference between espresso and americana thanks to that infographic

No tattoos, no glasses. I do have a friend with "REBEL" tattooed on his neck

>> No.5091325

Will you tell us if you get a callback

>> No.5091328

Hi, OP!
How was your day?

>> No.5091330

You'll be the first to know anon

>> No.5091335

It was ok, made steel cut oats with strawberries and honey for breakfast and saw Frozen with gf. Contemplated joblessness and applied to several places, starbucks among them.

>> No.5091368

I work at a place that is nearly exactly like a starbucks and it's a terrible job. Have fun OP.

>> No.5091417
File: 129 KB, 480x360, 1387737902403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lordy, do they make you wipe the counters and take people's orders? Sounds terrible.

>> No.5091424

Why weren't you cool enough to apply at Dunkin' Donuts instead?

>> No.5091427

Starbucks has some of the best employee benefit packages of non-skilled labor jobs. Unfortunately, they have some of the most insufferable pickyshit uppity customers of any food chain. I could never do it. I'd be fired for lipping off at shitty cunts.

>> No.5091526

> a friend with "REBEL" tattooed on his neck
Story behind him getting the tattoo?

>> No.5091538

He is an idiot, like cartoon character level stupid. One time I told him to stick his hand in the deep fryer at my old job and he did. Great guy though, fun as fuck to drink with. Anyways he joined a metal band that is in the process of making it and tattooed himself with every cheque he got. Don't know why specifically he chose that.

>> No.5091540

No Dunkin' Donuts in my town.

>> No.5091541

>cartoon character level stupid
You painted that picture perfectly.
Gotcha. You seem like a cool person OP, I hope you get a job. Where else did you apply?

>> No.5091553

Ace hardware, I grew up in a greenhouse and they usually need someone that because people need it explained to them that plants die without water.
A hole in the wall Mexican place I eat at 3 times a week when I can afford it. Sadly no real restaurants in my town other than mexican joints since the one I worked at closed, all chilis and fast food bullshit.

>> No.5091558

Hmm. West coast US?

>> No.5091561

Texas, that fucking greenhouse sucked in summer

>> No.5091564

Damn, and I meant "mexico-bordering state" too.
I'd probably like the mexican restaurant most out of those three, but after you work in a fast food esque place like Starbucks, every job becomes better

>> No.5091572

Man my last one wasn't great. Whole new brand of stupid, one girl who was supposed to be an expediter couldn't light a match. Another insisted the Norse pantheon was made up by the movie "The Mask"

>> No.5091576

You seem way too smart to be in Texas. What's the deal? Still with family?

>> No.5091588

School, girlfriend, family kind of close. My best friend just shipped out to bootcamp so Im thinking about trying to get out of here.

>> No.5091595

We definitely shared a moment OP. I hope you have a good life

>> No.5091598

>i.e. underageb&

>> No.5091599

You too, anon. People like you are the reason I keep coming back to this site,

>> No.5091600

Actually he is 25 and I'm 23

>> No.5091602
File: 16 KB, 503x410, colonthree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5091605

Same thing.

>> No.5091607


>> No.5091610

What, did you think 23 was different than 17?

>> No.5093453
File: 143 KB, 239x243, tels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not?

>> No.5093600

its not the job, its the costumers

>> No.5093604

what went wrong

>> No.5093630

If you work in food service or any area of hospitality, the customers are the job.

>> No.5093632

Get over it, child.

>> No.5093641

>What, did you think 23 was different than 17?
It's pretty sad that you think this. Very telling too.

>> No.5093650

That you're 19 and think you know everything? Yes, very telling.

>> No.5093653

my dad is the manager at starbucks i can get you a job op whats your social security number