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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5084477 No.5084477[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Okay, so, my doctor has me on an 800 calorie a day diet. Don't ask why, if I tell, people will just shit bricks and fag up the place.
I need HELP. I'M FUCKING STARVING. What kind of shit can I eat? I'm drinking only water. Been eating baked chicken breast in small amounts but it's getting old.
Not a big fan of a lot of veggies but those are pretty much my only choices. What can I eat that is filling, not too expensive, and like 200 calories a serving? My little protein shakes have like 175 calories in them, 2 of those a day takes up almost half my calories for the day and don't do shit to fill me up.

>> No.5084484

canned tuna.

>> No.5084485
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does your doctor wanna kill you?

>> No.5084488

Celery, lettuce, raw vegetables.
You may not like it but it sounds like you're in a pretty extreme situation so suck it up.
Drink more water.

>> No.5084495

It's only for 2 more weeks.

>> No.5084503

cottage cheese

>> No.5084504

I'm looking for recipes that involve cooking...I can't do raw veggies. Lettuce without anything with it...no dressing or cheese or whatever...tastes nasty to me. Maybe if I get desperate enough...which is entirely possible.
I can do celery if it's cooked with something else. I've been drinking a lot, but the lack of food is making me nauseated.

>> No.5084508

Not trying to be picky here, really I'm not, but the texture of cottage cheese makes me gag.

>> No.5084524

>.I can't do raw veggies
>suck it up

>> No.5084531

What's wrong with cooking them? Maybe a tiny bit of chicken broth, some spices?

>> No.5084536

what about those rice cake circles?
You could pack several of those away and they're pretty low cal

>> No.5084539

I know me too

but it fits your criteria perfectly

people on high protein diets eat cottage cheese before bed because it digests slowly and provides lasting satiation through the night

I won't press into your case because you asked not to, but I've never understood calorie diets. I feel like calories are the least important thing to consider about food

>> No.5084546

eat some raw celery/cucumbers, salt to taste

>> No.5084549

i'd eat twice a day: 12:00 PM, then 6:00 PM.

seems most people are the least hungry in the morning, so skipping breakfast is the easiest.

those 2 meals (each being 400 calories) gives you a lot of room. you can even eat a cheeseburger.

>> No.5084550

I will just say that it's before a surgery. They want to help with fatty liver or whatever so it isn't in the way.
I've been working my way down. I was at 1300 calories for a while, losing some weight, then tried to make the jump to 800 and fuck me it's awful.

>> No.5084556

Do you like pickles?

>> No.5084569

your doctor is a faggot

>> No.5084570

raw vegetables are generally not the answer

you will blow through them and end up as if you didn't even eat anything

look into low-fat protein, though 800 calories is fucking retarded and should not be maintained for any long period of time

>> No.5084576

eat fibre, dipshit

i used to eat 1200 calories a day and run for 40 miles a week, you're pathetic

>> No.5084577

36 inches of subway sandwich every day

no sauces

>> No.5084587

If you can't do raw veggies, your life is going to suck.
Okay, sigh...here's what you do.
1. Go to a health food store or whatever and buy some psylium fiber. Not Metamucil, but plain psylium fiber husks. Metamucil has sugar and shit in it, which you don't need. Drink a glass of water with 2 teaspoons of that in it once in the morning (instead of a snack), and once in the afternoon (instead of a snack). It has no calories, is good for you, and will make you feel full. I do this at night because I get the midnight munchies, and it helps me sleep since I feel satiated.
2. Cut up celery, onions, zucchini, (no carrots, too high in calories), and cabbage and "stir fry" them in BROTH, no oil, just a little broth at the bottom of the pan to keep them from sticking. Season with garlic, pepper, or hot sauce and just enough salt to enhance the flavor, not a ton of it.
3. Learn to like unsweetened smoothies. Buy some frozen mixed berries and blend with water and a touch of vanilla extract.

>> No.5084590

I guess I could eat some pickles...seems weird, but what the hell.

>> No.5084599

That sounds doable. I like cooked cabbage quite a bit.
I think I'll avoid the smoothies, fruits still have a lot of carbs,

>> No.5084608

Pickles are a great diet food. They have no calories (as long as you stay away from bread and butter pickles or sweet gherikins, those have sugar in them), and they're flavorful enough to satisfy you. I buy those big jars of movie theater dill pickles and keep those in the fridge as a snack. It's great.

>> No.5084640

Yeah. I like them in moderation, though. But I'm sure I'll eat it frequently...don't know how I never thought of pickles.

>> No.5084642

ice and frozen water

>> No.5084644


>> No.5084648

Are you a grill?

>> No.5084658

Also, look up tsukemono, aka quick pickles, that technique can make raw vegetables more appetizing in a hurry.

>> No.5084659

7 apples

>> No.5084665

>fatty liver
cut out any carbs that don't come with fiber.

>> No.5084666

why? inb4 poor or/also stupid

>> No.5084689

Will do.
No promise I even have a fatty or enlarged liver, but I'm a fatty so it's probable.

>> No.5084727

Pound down water whenever you eat, like a lot. The water will help you fill up without breaking your calorie limit

>> No.5084750

I try, but it seems like if I have too much water in my stomach, I get nauseated. It's like a water to food ratio thing. It feels like water is backing up my throat.

>> No.5084783

I'll second the pickles. Fucking 3 calories each? FUCK YEAH.

Kraft sells a really low calorie "Italian" salad dressing (I believe it's the fat free one) which has something like 5 calories per serving. Put some of that on some spinach, romaine lettuce, arugula or something.

Celery is another great option.

>> No.5084806

That dressing is 20 calories for 2 tablespoons. I could try to stretch 2 tablespoons a long way, though. I like spinach and romaine lettuce. It just wouldn't be that filling, I wouldn't think...

>> No.5084813

idk what kinda doctor is going to recommend a 800 kcal intake unless youre bedridden- TLC special-tier obese

some cheap & filling recommendations from experience (near-starvation diets usually end up in binge/restrict cycles btw):

big bowls of brothy vegetable soup
steamed broccoli and cauliflower
baked potatoes
oatmeal (cooked in water or unsweetened almond milk) loaded with cinnamon
chili (campbells has a spicy vegetable chili that's like ~350 kcals for an entire can)
salads of dark leafy greens (kale, spinach, etc)
snacky stuff like celery, kale chips, pickles
drink lots and lots of tepid water and tea in-between meals
mustard/hot sauce/herbs & spices are crucial

but tbh i wouldnt do this at all and just waver between eating ~500 to 1000 below TDEE level and cardio.

>> No.5084816


My bad. It was the "calorie wise" one.


>> No.5084817


If you eat pickles, make sure they're brined, not pickled. No vinegar. Try to go low sodium, low acidity.

>> No.5084820

Or just plain cucumbers...

Cucumbers are good.

>> No.5084824

oh and walden farms has 0 calorie syrup/dressing/"whipped peanut spread"

>> No.5084831

If you guys haven't been tipped off, OP is morbidly obese. Do not give him advice.

I know the sense of hunger may be foreign to you OP, but this is something you should have learned to accept a long long time ago.

>> No.5084842

Check out popcorn, too. The orville redenbacher "smart pop" is pretty nice and doesn't have too many calories (I like the small 100 calorie bags, myself).

>> No.5084859

Mushrooms. They're low calories and have a meaty flavour so it doesn't feel like you're just eating veggies all day. There's also a Japanese noodle called 'shirataki noodles' that have zero calories, so you can use them to fill out some of your meals.

>> No.5084864


Good suggestion!

If you can get your hands on them, I'd really suggest getting some Lobster mushrooms or Chicken of the Woods. Shit is delicious.

>> No.5084903

Frozen fruit. Blend it into a smoothie with some spinach and a low-cal milk substitute.

>> No.5084910


Unless it has a TON of protein in it, drinking your calories SUCKS. Not filling at all.

>> No.5084941

put it in a blender.

>> No.5084963

Watch it spin around to a beautiful oblivion

>> No.5084970
File: 26 KB, 440x348, 1365442939960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel like calories are the least important thing to consider about food

A healthy diet is one that contains the required amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins, oils, etc. in an amount of calories that does not deviate far from your daily calories burned.

>> No.5085139

That's nice, but I need to lose weight fast short-term for medical reasons. This is not meant to be sustained or really even that healthy.

>> No.5085162

in that case, calories are the most important thing. doesn't matter how much or little of the others you're taking, if the cal count isn't in order you'll be losing nothing

>> No.5085166

For the record, I did a week at 1,300 calories and lost 6lbs as of today. So I can lose weight on this, even if just temporarily.

>> No.5085179

So OP, how morbidly obese are you? You can be honest, we don't know who you are.

>> No.5085187


Is this a "lose weight or lose your foot" kind of situation?

>> No.5085191

Fatty fat mcfatterson level
I can still walk and all just fine.
But fat.

>> No.5085196

No, I don't have diabetes yet.
Fine, I'll budge.
Getting weight loss surgery.
All the naysayers can suck my metaphorical dick.
I've done my research and I'm getting the one that has the most weight loss and the least chance of regain. Duodenal Switch.

>> No.5085198

if she lost 6lbs in a week on a 1300cal/day diet, you should be able to work out her maintenance being over 3000cal/day.
If I were to guess, she's mid 20s and weighed 300-340 lbs

>> No.5085203

nah dog, low cal diets always end up being low sodium

a one week diet could have been 5lbs of water and only 1lbs of actual weight loss

>> No.5085204

I was wondering how long it'd take for someone to figure that out,

>> No.5085210


>having a chunk of your stomach removed and your intestines rerouted just to lose weight

jesus just find a chubby chaser

>> No.5085214

I have a bf. It's just that it's fucking with my health.

>> No.5085216

>chubby chaser
>something to cover the taste after eating out a fat person

>> No.5085226

Stomach stapling is very unhealthy. It only has cosmetic benefits. Your blood will still have the consistancy of licorice.

>> No.5085240

Untrue. This surgery cures type 2 diabetes (which I am on the verge of) - people literally walk into the hospital with it, and walk out without type 2 diabetes.

>> No.5085245

So why don't you just eat right and exercise regularly as a lifestyle?

>> No.5085257
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This is the only way op. You'll lose weighr veryyyy fast!

>> No.5085259

Because the odds are against me on that. Once you've been as big as I am, it's not so easy. We can lose weight, yes. But keep it off? Not so much. They've proven that it takes MUCH more exercise and a lower calorie diet for an ex-obese 150lb person to maintain that weight than a normal 150lb person who has never been morbidly obese. It fucks up our bodies permanently. That's why the NIH said that weight loss surgery is the only effective long-term treatment for morbid obesity.

I've been obese since I was a kid. This surgery gives me the best chance to not only lose the weight I need to lose, but keep it off long-term.

>> No.5085278


Losing weight at a faster rate than 2lbs per week is very unhealthy, though. Unless you're going to get gangrene or something if you don't lose it fast... Don't do it.

Full disclosure: I lost 65 lbs with no exercise (injured ankle) and never starved myself. I was medically obese and I'm now within acceptable range. My blood pressure has gone from dangerously high to optimal on all levels (systolic, diastolic and bpm).

>> No.5085302

It's hilarious that you've convinced yourself that you need radical surgery instead of a healthy lifestyle and exercise.

You literally can't take care of yourself in the most basic manner and probably have created a wall of excuses and justifications. Pathetic.

>> No.5085309

Dont do the staple, get the lapband. That way you can loosen it up so you dont barf every time you eat one bite too much.

>> No.5085310

Excuse me for believing scientific fact.

>> No.5085317

>research shows fatties without discipline have problems keeping weight off


>> No.5085319

Lapband has the worst results - least weight loss, least kept off long-term, and vomited more than any other weightloss surgery.
This surgery doesn't use staples.
They remove a portion of the stomach (closed using stitches and glue) and reroute the digestive juices to come in towards the end of the small intestines.

>> No.5085326

No, a person who is 150lbs and used to be morbidly obese must eat a lower calorie diet and exercise more than a always-skinny 150lb person.

>> No.5085328

You are fat and do not care about your health enough to actually do anything about it that requires effort. Obviously you want to believe you can't do it and externalize your problems.

Is it a scientific fact that lazy people are lazy and fat people keep being fat? You are just a pathetic excuse for a man. You can't stay motivated for over 6 hours and act like it is a genetic problem.

I bet your life is rife with examples of laziness and lack of ambition. Whose fault is it: your parents? Your teachers? Your "genetics"?

Just give up.

>> No.5085329


Yeah but you can fucking adjust the lapband instead of removing shit from your body

>> No.5085334

>No, a person who is 150lbs and used to be morbidly obese must eat a lower calorie diet and exercise more than a always-skinny 150lb person.
So? I'd rather exercise an extra 30 minutes a day and not eat as much than have surgery.

Fat determinism is almost funny.

>> No.5085339

I would go with the standby of rice and beans, you can have a medium size bowl for about 400 calories and it will keep you full for several hours

>> No.5085344

Try 3hrs a day, 7 days a week + be on 1400 calories a day for the rest of your life.
I'd rather have my quality of life

>> No.5085348

>Try 3hrs a day, 7 days a week + be on 1400 calories a day for the rest of your life.
[citation non-existant]
Sorry, fat people are still constrained by the laws of thermodynamics.

>> No.5085353

Wow, so many responses that totally addressed OP's question.

I know you said you don't really like raw veggies, but try big ass salads with just a little bit of oil and vinegar, and maybe some mustard as dressing. Or you can buy fat-free super low calorie Italian dressing and use a crapload of it if you're not afraid of weird ingredients.

Don't underestimate soup. Vegetable soup can be super low in calories and quite tasty.

Protein is very sating, so any lean meats are going have to be part of your meals. And don't forget your spices and herbs, those don't add calories and make a world of difference. Avoid grains and fats in large amounts since insulin spikes will make you hungrier again sooner and fats are just calorie-dense. However, a little shimmer of fat can make all the difference in flavor and satiety.

Good luck, OP. I'm sure this was not an easy decision.

>> No.5085354

Ho Lee Fuk, I'm overweight, but you super obese "I'm putting in the work," slice me up doc fatasses are the worst. My sister had this done, now thinks she is the shit. Meanwhile, all that loose skin drags all over the place. Just admit you are fucking lazy as all shit.

>> No.5085361

>Good luck, OP. I'm sure this was not an easy decision.
I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas.

>> No.5085363

Because type 2 diabetes is being fat, you fucking imbecile. Lose fucking weight the correct way, stick to your 1200 cal lifestyle, you could even move up some, you fat bitch.

>> No.5085398

This thread sure has a lot of people trying to act like medical professionals.

>> No.5085409

here are foods i liked to eat when i used to starve myself (i was much younger then). i have starved myself twice and gained all of the weight back, but it works very well short-term.

salads with lettuce, tomato, onion, and low calorie dressings including:
-the low calorie italian, usually ranges from 5-15 cals per serving depending on brand
-light balsamic vinaigrette (usually around 5-10 cals per serving)
-sugar-free raspberry vinaigrette (i have one by maple farms of vermont that is 5 cals per serving)
-when i wanted to "spoil" myself, light asian dressing at 45 cals per serving
-canned green beans (~60 per can), water chestnuts (~25 cals per small can), bamboo shoots and spinach (don't remember the cals but definitely under 100)
-one small can of chunk light tuna canned in water, 100 cals for the can
-pickles (this is what i ate the most)
-raw bean sprouts
-vegan boca burger patties (70 cal each)
-soup made with beef bouillon cubes, broccoli, some carrot, onion, mushroom, and cilantro
-walmart brand sugar free jello (5 cal per container)
-sugar free popsicles (there is one brand that is 15 calories a pop, heh)
-sugar free gum

>> No.5085412

>Excuse me for believing scientific fact.
Where is your conviction in the scientific fact that burning more calories than you consume will help you lose weight, be healthy, and have a better life?

Oh, that takes effort, so just forget that little fact...

>> No.5085415

>I'd rather have surgery and eat 800 kcalories a day than exercise and eat moderately

Makes sense.

>> No.5085462

>fat shaming

Stay classy, /ck/

>> No.5085464

>licorice blood
Why not figure out your daily caloric requirements, and maintain a diet with the necessary micronutrients and appropriate macro ratios at a slight caloric deficit? Seems a lot more sensible than crash-dieting to get half your stomach yanked out and your intestines rearranged?

As I recall, people who resort to surgical solutions often gain the weight back over time, because they never learned how to lose or maintain weight in a sustained and disciplined fashion.

>> No.5085478

Quick, screencap and send it (with appropriate trigger warnings) to TITP! Do your bit for Internet Social Justice today!

>> No.5085484


Oh god no anything but them

>> No.5085488

Maybe a radfem blog? Tell them we're RAPING her. On the internet, with our patriarchal imageboard hoodoo.

>> No.5085571

Sometimes I buy canned pumpkin and cook it in a pot with cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger. That's at least one thing you can try. 2 cups of it is 160 calories, and it tastes good.
Also try drinking a lot of water when you feel hungry. It'll trick your stomach into thinking there something in there for a while.

>> No.5085588
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Not OP but I eat 600 to 900 calories everyday, is that unhealthy?

OP, how did you get a bf being so fat?

>> No.5085589

Also stir fry cabbage with soy garlic and ginger. Cabbage is insanely low cal.
If you get a hold of an air popper, popcorn is low calorie for the volume you get
Watermellon is like 60 calories a cup.
Cauliflower you can mash like potatoes, or process into a rice like texture.
I'll keep posting as I think of things.

>> No.5085596

Oh add mushrooms to every savory dish you make to add volume without much change to flavor. Mushrooms have chemicals in them that trick your brain into thinking you've eaten a high protean meal and make you feel more satisfied.
It you coat a peeled apple in cinnamon, wrap it in foil and bake it that's pretty satisfying.

>> No.5085598

I could eat stir fry cabbage all day if it didn't make my entire apartment smell like shit

>> No.5085600

Here Op, http://www.whfoods.com/

>> No.5085603

Shredded cabbage, diced onions, garlic, soy, ginger, maby some bean sprouts.. mmmm

>> No.5085610

There are different types of cabbage and some smell less than others, try pac choi.

>> No.5085626

>It's hilarious that you've convinced yourself that you need radical surgery instead of a healthy lifestyle and exercise.
>You literally can't take care of yourself in the most basic manner and probably have created a wall of excuses and justifications. Pathetic.

This is the entire fucking reason he did not want to mention it you superior fuck.

Get gangrene and die slowly fucker!

>> No.5085627

Cooking increases available calories.

>> No.5085642


by how much? does it vary from food to food?

>> No.5085644

Yes, it varies, but most things will have more carbohydrates available after cooking.

>> No.5085656


even boiling? i am not very good at tracking types of calories, only calories in general. is the amount of added carbs very significant, say for example, a half cup of boiled broccoli?

>> No.5085663

Hang in there, OP. I did the same sort of thing that you did, complete with evil 800 calorie/day super high protein pre-op diet.
The first couple of days are the worst, as your body discovers it has been addicted to carbs and caffeine and is screaming at you to eat them again.
The way you get around this is to drink your protein shakes like clockwork every 4 hours that you're awake, and DO NOT SKIP A SINGLE ONE. With such a low calorie count, that feeding schedule is the only thing that will keep your body from shutting down.
But as you do that, your body will start the process of ketosis, protein will fuel your muscles and the rest of your body will start using fat like you won't believe. The net result is you will lose lots of weight while still having the energy to do all of the things you want to do.
Just before the end of my 2-week preop diet, I went hunting with my uncle and brother, and despite having less than 800 calories a day, I had more energy than I had had in years, didn't get tired out at all despite climbing in and out of tree stands, working on little sleep, and hiking miles up and down trails through the woods. In fact, I even squeezed in an extra hunting session one day while everyone else was napping back at camp.
It also works. In the 2 weeks I was on that diet, I lost 17 pounds. I won't lie-it wasn't fun sipping bland shakes while everyone are steaks around me, and I did have some cravings (I wanted a nice crunchy dill pickle SO FREAKING BAD toward the end), but it does work.

>> No.5085664 [DELETED] 

fuck, I forgot to look at units. disregard post

>> No.5085667

It shouldn't matter with broccoli. Just don't put cheese on it.

>> No.5085674

whole grains, OP
brown rice has a nice meaty texture, and even if you don't appreciate the flavor at first, you will grow to like it
same with barley
when cooking whole grains, add some spices and herbs like bay leaf, cumin, cayenne, ginger, oregano, whatever, and other flavors like citrus zest, and a little vinegar to vary it up
adding in dried fruits and other vegetables, too, of course
the options are extremely varied, even if a person isn't creative, since most regional cuisines have traditional dishes based on them, which are usually simple, cheap, and satisfying
usually, a small amount of lean/long cooked meat is included in such dishes, which would be right up your alley

>> No.5085675

A stalk of broccoli is about 100 calories. Did you know broccoli has more protein per calorie than any meat?

>> No.5085676

Dill pickles are the bomb. Nice and crunchy, and their salty flavor profile is a very welcome change of pace from the nondescript, slightly chalky blandness of the protein shakes that are the mainstay of your diet. The big Van Holton pickles that you can find in convenience stores are great, and not too expensive. They do have a ton of salt in them, but if your diet is super protein shake heavy for a week or so, you could probably do with some salt intake, as your body would be getting pretty low at that point.

>> No.5085677


haha, i don't think i'd be putting cheese on it if i'm concerned with the amount of calories added by boiling it

>> No.5085678

>to be completely honest if you cant keep to a diet for more than a few weeks youre just going to regain all your weight. what you need is discipline and self control.

>> No.5085680

this, spices will make even pig shit taste good, it's why Indian cooks love them so much

>> No.5085683


wow, i looked it up. as far as the amount of protein you get per mass, it looks legit, except per calorie amount it looks that steak still has more protein

>> No.5085707

I think you may be misinterpreting some numbers. Broccoli should have about 1.75 times more protein per Calorie than a lean steak.

>> No.5085708

Depends on how big or small you are. If you're 6'4" and 220lbs of solid muscle then 600-800 calories is nowhere near enough. If you're 5'2", petite and 100 even, then 800 might be more than enough.

>> No.5085714

fak, I phrased that wrong
1.75 times, not 1.75 time more

>> No.5085715


to be honest, i did some pretty lazy research and clicked on the first link i saw regarding the issue. here's what i looked at (i would still choose broccoli over steak in an instant, though)


>> No.5085905

It's pretty calorie dense, but it will give you the sensation of being full for a really long time: peanut butter and banana sandwich. If you measure the peanut butter portion out, and use a good fibery bread, you should be good.

By the way OP, most people regain the weight after 2 years, mostly because the biggest problem is patient compliance with lifestyle changes. The surgery does not address the core problem.

Please ask yourself: do I have a healthy relationship with food? Food is a happy, non-shameful thing, so why have I turned it into something that I will use to destroy my body and depend on so extremely?
Do I eat to reward myself? Punish myself? Protect myself?

You may consider looking into cognitive therapy alongside your treatment, which has shown huge improvements in patient outcomes.

>> No.5085910

Shirataki noodles.

>> No.5085918

can i ask how big you are I know its personal but
Im a 6ft 300 lb male
is it that severe?
I'm currently doing some lifting and swimming every day

>> No.5085947

pistachio nuts

>> No.5085973

>sense of hunger
nigga unless you're a 5 year old girl you will feel hungry eating only 800calories a day.

>> No.5085994

>800 calorie a day diet

this is called a murder or a suicide

>> No.5085998

Pickles, pickles, pickles, and more pickles.
1. Depending on the brand you can have a serving of them for 0-35 calories. I currently have a huge jar in the fridge that's 0 calories per serving. It has been my saving grace during this diet.
2. Who doesn't like a giant pickle?

>> No.5086002

I wonder what permanent damage you'll get first. Kidney? Liver? Maybe a good old earth attack.
The only reason you should follow that shit is if you have agood lawyer to squeesh that doctor of his last penny once you enter the hospital for a global body failure.

>> No.5086006


o yeah, eating APPETIZER is sure gonna do the trick. Rotting teeth are a bonus too. who need teeth anyway.

>> No.5086033

The shit fat people go through just to avoid eating like normal person.

>> No.5086054

I was on 800 a day for around a month, once a week had more calory intake on my fast-food day.

I was ridiculously sick at one point so I only drank apple tea, and lemons and honey for 5 days until I got better. After that appetite didn't return.

>> No.5086108

Thing is, they always required a lower calorie diet. The reason they got fat is expecting their body to need as much as the average person instead of working out what their own body needs.

>> No.5086109

>3hrs a day, 7 days a week
>no recovery days
That's about as unhealthy as what you're doing now.

Also, 1400cals is easy to live on, so long as you don't tend towards fast-food takeout

>> No.5086114

Every fat person I've spent a day with ate nearly continuously. Staying fat requires lots of calories.

>> No.5086117


>> No.5086120

she. read the thread

>Get gangrene and die slowly fucker!
Funny, that's the opposite of what we were telling her.

>> No.5086122

unfortunately protein is not entirely fungible

>> No.5086147

on a witches tree

>> No.5086287


Well thats that. Everyone go home. Dont forget your sage.

>omg all i have ever done are shitty crash diets <1300 calories and I end up gaining all the weight back after
>I know! Ill have half my stomach removed so I learn some self control!

I hope you get internal bleeding after gorging on McDonalds one night

>> No.5086372

lol wat

if losing weight cured diabetes then why are there skinny diabetics?

Its all about diet.

>> No.5086404


Not that any of you will care (except op maybe), but rerouting the stomach actually results in an increase in baseline peptide yy, which is your intestine's way of saying to your brain "we're done".

It's also harder for obese people to lose weight because they have difficulties in greylin suppression after a meal, which means they should be feeling full after they eat but they don't.

I'm not saying it's an excuse to not lose weight because it isn't, but you guys need to lrn2science or get the fuck out.

>> No.5086405

It's okay, man. Both my parents are morbidly obese. My mother had her gut cut when I was in high school and weighs 120 down from 300-ish, and it was the best decision she ever made.

My father still weighs about 400 and continues to tell me what he can lose the weight whenever he wants, while he continues to gorge himself and smoke like a chimney.

I'm in AA and I'm definitely not about to give anybody shit for not having enough self-control or whatever.

>> No.5086415

>difficulties in greylin suppression

No that is not the obesity, that is the hormonal imbalance caused by metabolic syndrome. Eat a healthy diet, with all of your carbs coming with fiber, and your insulin and leptin production will normalize.

Getting your stomach stapled will not stop you from eating crap, so even if you do lose weight you will forever have the diabetus

>> No.5086427

There are skinny diabetics because being so fat your body becomes resistant to insulin is not the only way to get diabetes. you can also get it if your islet of Langerhans gets fucked by physical/chemical means(eg. surgery complications)

>> No.5086426

>Excuse me for not wanting to do actual work and be dedicated


>> No.5086431
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>> No.5086433

>if losing weight cured diabetes then why are there skinny diabetics?
There are two types of Diabetes: Type I and Type II.

Type I is an inability to produce insulin, while Type II is the body isn't responding well to the amount being produced (likely its not producing enough)

Generally people with Type I are born with it. Doesn't matter what your diet is, your body just doesn't produce the insulin it needs. These are the people you see shooting up and with the packs and everything.

Type II diabetes generally appears later in life, and usually because the person is unhealthy or overweight. 85% of people with diabetes has this type. This is the type where you can help combat it through diet. Generally (not always) people with this type are the fatty's like OP. And it isn't "cured" overnight like OP says, rather the surgery forces them to eat less, which means the amount of blood sugar the insulin has to fight is significantly reduced, so now you don't have Type II simply because fatty can't fat anymore.

My bro-in-law has Type I. He hates the fact that it's so commonly associated with Type II and people always tell him to just "watch his diet" even tho he is skinny as a rail.

Everyone in our family calls Type II "Fat-a-betes"

>> No.5086434

>which means they should be feeling full after they eat but they don't.
if you feel full after a meal you've eaten too much in the meal.
You eat to stop feeling hungry, not to start feeling full

>> No.5086435

Do you weigh 500lbs?

>> No.5086442

see >>5085198 and >>5085204

>> No.5086443
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>explaining responsible eating to a landwhale

>> No.5086449

Your right, i should have said "if losing weight cured type II diabetes, then why are there skinny people with type II diabetes?"

While it is hard to get exact numbers because diabetes testing is not routine for those with a normal weight. It is estimated that up to 90% of obese people developed diabetes before they became obese.

>> No.5086451

>It is estimated that up to 90% of obese people developed diabetes before they became obese.
lol gonna need some SAUCE on that.

>> No.5086460

>It is estimated that up to 90% of obese people developed diabetes before they became obese.
did they develop it when they were only considered fat?

>> No.5086501


Sorry that should read metabolic syndrome not diabetes. I tend to lump metabolic syndrome pre-diabetes and diabetes type II all together as they are pretty much just varying severities of the same thing.

>> No.5086655

Salad is your fried. Mix in some fruit, top with yoghurt and maybe a sprinkling of toasted nuts or seeds.

You can easily make a salad that's low enough in calories that you can't eat enough that you'll go over your limit.

Also, protein is an appetite suppressant. So it coffee (caffeine specifically). Learn to use them appropriately.

>> No.5086662

>neuropeptide y
Goddammit, are you the same person who insists on saying TRVPA1 or some such nonsense?

>> No.5086831

>fruits still have a lot of carbs,
they're good carbs

>> No.5086866

It isn't that they are good carbs, as much as they also contain fiber, which makes the carbs not bad.

>> No.5086881

that is why you eat the fruit, if you are drinking juice you don't get the benefit of the fiber.

>> No.5086905

10 points awarded to gryffindor

>> No.5087192

For breakfast drink a coffee with butter and mct oil. Bland that shit well. Cut out carbs completely, if you dont eat carbs you don't get hungry for hours. Only eat between 2 and 6 pm, meat eggs and dark green veggies. Buttered broccoli is the best. Don't cut fats.

>> No.5087211

So if I eat 1000 calories of fruit, it doesn't equate to 1000 calories of other foods?

>> No.5087216

No, calories are still calories whether you get them from soda, fruit, juice, or a hamburger.

>> No.5087352
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I found soup to be strangely filling.

>> No.5087371

For purposes of energy intake at the simplest level, they would be equal.

However 1000 calories of carbs are different from 1000 calories of protein or 1000 calories of fat. And anyone who says its all the same should look up rabbit starvation.

1000 calories of carbs from fruit, will also be different from 1000 calories of carbs from soda. Not for energy purposes, but for how your body reacts. The fiber in the fruit will prevent extreme blood sugar spikes. And there will be a lower chance of a blood sugar crash.

>> No.5087510

>And anyone who says its all the same should look up rabbit starvation.
that's to do with nutrients in the food, not calories

>> No.5087588

>this 150 lb person is different than this other 150 lb person

Holy fuck fat people are really this retarded, aren't they?

No you fucking twat, the always-skinny 150 lb person is always skinny because they eat that gigantic cheeseburger once a year instead of once a week. Holy fucking shit.

>> No.5087600

You lack in reading comprehension.

>> No.5087610

I got to the point where I weighed 270lbs before I got my shit together. I ate a lot of chicken, drank sparkling flavored water, and learned to like raw vegetables, as well as how to cook them.

I would eat about 900ish calories a day and burn off 450 from running.

I quickly dropped 80 pounds, easy. Once I got into it, it was great. I also did a lot of bike riding in between. My mistake was I didn't do any weight training till I stopped.

I'm looking to start up again, but I've moved across the country and don't have a bike or tread mill anymore.

It's also a bit more difficult to diet when you feed someone who just wants good tasting food and doesn't need to lose weight, and we get bored and make poor choices and eat out often.

I've gained 30 pounds int he past year since I've moved here, but it's mostly my own fault! I am weak when it comes to sugary drinks like pepsi, and I can drink like a horse. I know if I had a bike, or a safe place to run/bike, I wouldn't be so bad off. I've been sedentary but I never adapted my eating habits to that. My fault!

Every choice you make is going to affect you, it's up to you to realize this. You CAN make good choices. I CAN make better choices, but I haven't.

Right now I'm having tests done to see if my gallblader is working, was told to start a bland diet. I can totally do low fat, but it's killing me to not do garlic/onions/peppers.

I wish you knew how wonderful those three things are.

I wish you luck and pray you find strength to discipline yourself. What you and I need is a lifestyle change. Not a temporary diet. I wish I would have stuck to mine, but I'm getting back into it. It's only hard because I like making bad choices with the person I live with. :p

>> No.5087633

hummus with veg. it's mostly protein and some fat with a relatively low carb content and is filling as fuck. also, drink more and if you can't take the pains, swallow some antacid, that should take care of the worst of it. also, make some stock from your fave meat and you have a nice base for broths of all kinds - the stock itself is quite filling and tasty so you'll feel like you've eaten something.

>> No.5087669

worlds greatest carrot soup:

>12 carrots
>3 onions
>3 baking potatoes
>1 ''finger of'' ginger
>3 cloves of garlic
>1 red chili
>2 table spoons of olive oil
>1 lime
>2 litres of chicken stock
>salt and pepper

1. Chop and slice all your vegetables
2. heat up the oil in a pot, fry first garlic, ginger and chili until golden
3. Add onion, potatoes and carrots and fry for another 5-6 minutes (until the vegetables has gotten a little bit of colour)
4. throw in chicken stock and let everything simmer for about 45 minutes
5. blend it all with a handblender (or normal, if you don't have a hand one)
6. taste with salt, pepper and lime.

1 serving has around 100 calories and it fills you up.

>> No.5087679

>carrots and potatoes
>by quantity instead of weight

>> No.5087692

I would throw out those shakes. You want to eat ur calories, not drink them. Replace with 0 calorie water and that just opened up a meal.

Eggs are 70 calories each which isn't bad. Bread with water will help you feel full but that's up to you.

Fish is good too., with not a whole lot of calories either. Raw tuna is good to snack on because it takes a little bit of time to eat since it will have a dry texture. Plus hardly any calories.

Spaghetti is an option too

>> No.5087696

Try the simplest cream soup recipe there is: veg of your choice, s&p to taste, water. Simmer until veg is cooked, drain but keep some of the water, mash/blitz the veg and add as much of the cooking water as you like. Broccoli, cauliflower, peas, carrots... almost anything works and soups are a great way to feel full without actually eating to much.

>> No.5087746


Large eggs are 70 calories. Extra large are 80.

>> No.5088021

>. And it isn't "cured" overnight like OP says, rather the surgery forces them to eat less,
actually, OP is correct. for some strange reason, they walk out of the hospital not having diabetes. blood sugar levels are immediately normalized.
OP should still learn to eat for her metabolism instead of having major surgery. blood sugar would normalize after she started eating a normal diet as well. as far as her saying that someone who used to be fat and is now 150 vs someone who has always been 150, yadda yadda yadda, obviously the one who used to be fat has always had a slower metabolism and couldn't eat the same amount of food and stay the same weight. is it fair? no, but life's not fair.

>> No.5088057


The only reason you are in the situation is because you are overweight

>> No.5088300

>Large eggs are 70 calories. Extra large are 80.

The egg whites are only ~20 calories each. You could have two whole eggs, or the whites of 8 eggs -- much more filling.

Anorexiafag here. I've been averaging less than 1000 calories a day for the past six months. Seeing how shocked people are getting at a daily intake of 800 calories just made me realize how fucked up my attitude towards food has become.

What works for me is lots of tea, lots of coffee, egg whites, cottage cheese, white popcorn, celery, spinach, and most importantly -- lots of sleeping (can't eat if you're passed out.) Some days I fast for 24 hours and allow myself double the amount of calories the next day. If I ever binge (usually between 1000 and 2000 calories worth of uncontrolled eating for me), I just let myself pass out for a good 14-18 hours.

If I really need to feel at least somewhat satiated, I'll allow myself one casein/whey protein shake with skim milk or slowly lick at a tablespoon of peanut butter. Also helps to remind yourself why you're losing weight, why it's important that you restrict calories, etc. Build up your motivation.

I recently started wearing a rubber band around my wrist and snapping my arm whenever I think something like, "Maybe I could have just one more snack," and definitely anytime I eat over my caloric allowance. Not sure if it's making a difference yet.

>> No.5088307

ding ding ding ding we have winner.
op is probably 800 lb bed whale, going in for extensive lipo.

>> No.5088320

But dude said there aint no difference between 1000 calories of sugar or 1000 calories of lard or 1000 calories of protein powder
There is a difference. The only one there that won't kill you short term is the fat.

>> No.5088330

>baked potatoes

Never recommend high starch foods it's the reason why slavic women turn into wales at the age of 30

Some people like to be productive while having consuming less. What you describe is being lazy and not eating anything

>> No.5088334

Maybe it is the can't eat for 4 days thing.

I'm pretty certain that anyone can cure diabetes by not eating for 4 days. The problem, is most people will then eat a massive amount of carbs again.

>> No.5088360

>skipping breakfast
>understanding how your metabolism works

>> No.5088373

>he still thinks it matters when you eat not what your eat

laughing girls.jpg

apart from feeding your brain there is no benefit apart from psychological ones. Your metabolism doesn't fluctuate that much unless you starve yourself.

>> No.5088436

That is what I thought, I'm 5'1" and never had any problems, but posts like these >>5085994 and >>5086002 worry me, I guess they're tall murricans.

>> No.5088469
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>earth attack
>earth attack
>earth attack

Holy shit, for the love of fuck, don't go on any extreme diets!

>> No.5088719

no, its an actual effect that the diabetes is cured. this was featured in the news within the past 6 months. im not justifying it. im just stating that it is a phenomena with the surgery.

here's some legit proof

>> No.5088765

can't think what reason this would be for other than life threatening obesity, but then I don't know shit. 800 is usually unhealthily low.
i'd probably cut out meat and get protein from other foods that you can eat in higher quantities for the same calories, because I enjoy eating. a lot of veges are super low in calories too so eat lots.

>> No.5088779

gb2 >>>/fa/ with your shit

>> No.5088953

I had 900 calories today but I'll post my intake anyways since it's pretty close to 800:

Breakfast: Chicken Drumstick, half an apple and cooked green+yellow beans and carrots (151)

Lunch: Frozen Peas, Shepherd's Pie (400)

Dinner: Sandwich - Bread, poached egg, beets, mustard and nutritional yeast (218)
You can use a rice cake instead of bread too, for FAR less calories

Snack: 1 cup Mushrooms (23), Dehydrated veggies (52)

Drinks: Coffee, Tea, Sparkling water with grapefruit, sw with lemon and sw with cranberry juice (better than soda!) (49)

Total: ~900

>> No.5088956

Not OP, just posting so he/she gets an idea of what type of meals you can have on a restrictive diet.

>> No.5088962

Remember, Eat your fruits juice your vegetables.

>> No.5088964

Pickled chillis are also awesome as a calorie free snack. God damn I love pickled chillies

>> No.5089004

Buy a juicer and start juicing some fruit and lots of vegetables - not only will you feel full, you'll also be getting a huge nutrient boost

>> No.5089005

No, eat your vegetables (because many vegetables are healthier cooked than raw), and eat some fruits regularly and some fruits only occasionally. Berries are exceptionally good for you, it doesn't matter whether they've been blended into a smoothie or eaten plain.

>> No.5089007

Me too. I have a hard time knowing when to stop eating them. I once won a jalapeno (fresh) eating contest in college, not that that's such a huge deal, but it was fun and easy for me, but I did have terrible indigestion the next couple of days. (I ate 31)

>> No.5089388

good fucking god

any doctor who puts someone on an extreme calorie restriction is 50 years behind current research.

800 calories a day is extremely unhealthy, regardless of how many pounds you may lose.

it's frightening how many people in this thread are okay with this idea.

>> No.5089440

it's obviously in prep for a massive surgery, not just a "diet" plan. The doctor is going to be taking 70% of the landwhale's stomach away. My guess is he wants to get it down to as small size as possible to limit the amount of cutting and stitching he has to do

>> No.5089672

Yes. It is a real effect. But it isn't the surgery that causes it. It is the lack of eating for 4 days and the calorie restricted diet beforehand.

>> No.5090737

no, if that were the case, the control group would have been in remission as well. i never encourage surgery to fix a behavioral problem, but you can't act like you know more than the researchers who did the studies.

>> No.5090740

>800 calories a day is extremely unhealthy

So is being a fatass.

>> No.5090783

>control group

what control group? there was no control group

>> No.5091091

that isn't the only study, and also they did another group with a different surgery and same prep. the other group didn't have the same results.

>> No.5091129

Bullshit. You can take anyone with diabetes. Have them fast for 4 days. And they will have normalized blood sugar levels.

This isn't a maybe thing. This is how the body reacts. They were treating type 1 diabetes with intermittent fasting over 100 years ago, before they discovered you can harvest insulin from pigs.

More recently it was done at newcastle university. 800 calorie a day diets. blood sugar levels normalized after 6 days in all test subjects.

>> No.5091141

As someone with type 1 diabetes who went a couple days not eating anything except water and no insulin, I ended up in the hospital for dehydration and fatally high blood sugar levels.

>> No.5091144

You are a goddamn fucking idiot. My goddamn 50+ year old mother was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes last year.

You want to know what she did? She manned the fuck up, started eating right and exercising. She's not only lost a shit ton of weight, but her health has sky rocketed not only from helping diabetes, but many other health problems she had.

You are just a lazy fucking cunt with no self discipline. Jesus christ what is wrong with this world.

>> No.5091152


It went without saying he meant type II.

>> No.5091159

>This isn't a maybe thing. This is how the body reacts. They were treating type 1 diabetes with intermittent fasting over 100 years ago, before they discovered you can harvest insulin from pigs

>> No.5091164


Huh. I guess my brain overwrote that part to type 2 because fasting with type 1 makes no sense.

>> No.5091180

Fasting with type 1 makes no difference on your blood sugar, having no insulin present just kills you. Vampire legends came from type 1 diabetics who were treated that way, locked in barns and forcibly fasted.

>> No.5091192

Being a half starved vampire is better than being dead.

Although modern nutrition knows that a low carb diet can have similar results. and many people with type 1 diabetes are reporting no longer needing extra insulin. Not all type 1. But a fair portion. Others show they require less added insulin.

>> No.5091198

Make cabbage soup, Put boullion cubes in it, and about 2-3c of cabbage. You can make a HUGE bowl under 100 or 200 calories. This is what I eat like all the time. makes dieting easy.

also... COUNT THOSE CARBS. Controlling my carb intake was the best damn thing I've ever done. I don't get mental hunger anymore.

>> No.5091200

You are pretty screwed OP.

Salmon/Chicken/lean meat

Stay strong bud.

Get in better shape.

In a couple months you'll look and probably feel much better.

>> No.5091224
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This thread:

>OP asks for help
>gets genuinely good advice from people who want to help
>OP exposes reasoning
>Paraphrasing "I'd do anything to not be fat anymore.Except diet and workout consistently. Fuck that."

>4chan's reaction: Fuck you, bitch.
>no more help for OP

I like you guys

>> No.5091239

We've continued to supply advice, and we've also decided to argue about various things.

OP is noticeably absent. Probably chugging a brotein shake and thinking smugly about all the work she won't have to put in once she gets her gut cut.

>> No.5091244
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moral of the story
>eat pickles
>op is a faggot

>> No.5091261

I was looking for a good vege soup and ran into this. Seems like a good variety and you can eat a lot of it and still stay under 800.


If you don't mind skipping the sautee and a small amount of poly/monounsaturated fats (good for u) then you can shave off more calories get them elsewhere, snacking on nuts or dried beans when the pangs are beating you in the hungry bone.

>> No.5091295

>Where is your conviction in the scientific fact that burning more calories than you consume will help you lose weight, be healthy, and have a better life?

One of the laws of thermodynamics. The fundamental rules of our existence in this universe.

I'll leave it as an exercise to you, guess which one applies.

>> No.5091304

This an unusually high quality outpouring of support that don't see around here, then OP waste half the thread being bashful about surgery, lying to use the entire time. They don't go in and start cutting on your liver if you have liver infiltration. That just takes years of good diet to repair (sound like alcohol involvement or off-the-chart triglycerides from hideous eating habits).

I posted some good stuff but I wasn't thinking of OP. Never gave a fuck about OPs. They start a topic but there's 100 other anons here probably got some solid advice. We aint one-at-a-timing here Anons, everybody can benefit.

>> No.5091308
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Today I had:
Rolo Hot chocolate with soymilk (135)
Salad: Granny Smith, cucumber, spinach, iceberg lettuce mix, lemon juice (84)
Sandwich: Raw Vegan Bread, 2 egg whites, mustard, nutritional yeast, lettuce, tomato. (173)
Soup: Bouillon, frozen veggies, фрикаделька (baked meatball with rice+onions, no flour)

Drinks: Coffee with almond milk, tea, diet mountain dew. (26)

The Rolo Hot chocolate was worth every calorie, it tastes like liquid caramel+chocolate, killed 90% of my cravings for the day.

Total: 670

And a 4km walk (~100 cal burnt, not much)

Basically, soups, salads and egg whites are your friend. On days where I need more energy I have whole eggs. I usually try and concentrate my calories in the morning because that's when I need the most energy. You don't need to eat a lot at night, you're going to bed anyways.

>> No.5091311

>Never gave a fuck about OPs. They start a topic but there's 100 other anons here probably got some solid advice. We aint one-at-a-timing here Anons, everybody can benefit.
So much this. Chances are there is always someone else around who's going through the same shit and lurking a thread.

>> No.5091319

Anon wasn't refuting that, he was asking fatty why he doesn't understand that.

>> No.5091320

I'm sorry bro. My mistake.

>> No.5091414

Didn't know about that.
Is this true even for the juices that are made with the whole fruit?

>> No.5091436

If you just blend the fruit, then it's a smoothie and it has fiber.
If you actually juice the fruit, or pass the smoothie through a strainer, you're losing the benefits of the fiber. Insoluble fiber is the "chewy" part of the fruit.

>> No.5091439


The juice still passes through a fine-mesh sieve.

>> No.5091441

>what is soluble fiber

>> No.5091454

>Salad is your fried
Freud would be proud

>> No.5091457

> having the mental image of a so called "modern day vampire" reading that and proceeding to do some funny shit to show how much he stays true to the roots

>> No.5091471

Thanks anons. Never had weight problems but was always sedentary and it's better sooner than later to learn about that stuff.

>> No.5091476

Sounds legit, my mate was born with Type 1 and looks like a spooky skeleton / vampire. He'd be so dead if it was 300 years ago.

>> No.5091486

Oh god I'm dying ahahahaah

>> No.5091584


Steam spinach with lots of garlic