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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 638x410, Sriracha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5076124 No.5076124[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of the Sriracha fad?

>> No.5076131

I love cock sauce and embrace the trend fully

>> No.5076134

Do you wear plastic-framed glasses?

>> No.5076137

I think its okay on some things, but its a little overrated.

>> No.5076140

I'm half asian and I grew up with that shit. It's as mundane to me as mustard is to white people. I don't get why people are so into it. People are freaking the fuck out about it, buying sriracha mayo and frozen entres that include it. They put it on everything, talk to everyone about it. I've seen hipsters wear sriracha t-shirts and bash people for using other hot sauces. It's just so stupid considering how fucking old and basic the stuff is.

You clearly do not understand how it's a fad do you?

>> No.5076147


It's not a fad if it's been a thing for at least a fucking decade, which it has been.

>> No.5076155

I understand fads. Just like I understand the autismal types who rage against them.

>> No.5076519

I didn't even know there WAS one until I started seeing people wear those T-shirts. It's the same with Tabasco people. Look, it's just hot sauce. Peppers, vinegar, maybe garlic. You like it. I like it too. There is nothing special about it. You're retarded if you "put it on everything." Not everything is improved by hot sauce, get a sense of taste.

>> No.5076524

Certainly not the best hot sauce; but it's useful, and has a unique taste.

>> No.5076535

Couldn't care less. I don't give a fuck what other people do with their lives.

>> No.5076540

Sriracha is ok. I don't really have a strong opinion about it.

Sriracha evangelicals who think it is a divine gift to sauces (and the only flavor worth tasting) get on my nerves sometimes.

>> No.5076551
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I love the stuff for sushi when I go out, which is rare. And I love it for when I make homemade fried rice. Just at the last frying I add about an ounce to a cup of fried rice and mix.

Tried it once with cheap pizza, not as good as Tabasco and cheap pizza though. And about all I have for that. Though I still stand by it for sushi and fried rice regardless of the craze.

>> No.5076554

>What do you think of the Sriracha fad?
In what part of that sentence does he rage against Sriracha you arrogant fuck

>> No.5076563

Asian fag here, I could almost down an entire bottle of Sriracha with a large pizza. I love that shit. And careful which Sriracha you're buying. There's Huy Fong Foods Sriracha the favored and most popular one. And then there's quite a few other "asian" companies making Sriracha but they all taste like shit compared to Huy Fong. Tabasco is sour and shit compared to Sriracha.

>> No.5076565

>Tabasco is sour

That's why I like it on pizza. Its vinegar cuts into the rich cheese.

>> No.5076575

I tried both, but Sriracha goes with the pizza while tabasco masks the pizza with an overpowering vinegar taste with a "little" bit of a kick to it. I may be bias because I grew up with Sriracha and shit my pants finding out about other hot sauces and how shitty they were. But theres a reason its so great, it started out as a guy David tran making homemade hot sauce for himself, turned into him making it for local markets, and that turned into his multimillion chilli empire, all with his perfect blend of chilli garlic sugar salt and vinegar

>> No.5076608


He's a pretty cool guy.

>> No.5076643

I don't understand it. I was introduced to it about a decade ago and just remember it as an alright hot sauce.

>> No.5076646

It's the ketchup of hot sauces...

I've been eating the stuff since I was a kid.

>> No.5076654

sriracha was a huge disapointment for me, wasn't hot and tasted like shit. that reminds me, i should throw out the bottle, had it for like 6 months, tasted it 2 times

>> No.5076662
File: 159 KB, 690x979, Jaden..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never had it

>> No.5076675

Overhyped by white people whose only exposure to hotsauce have been watery vinegar based ones like tabasco. Good but not that good.

>> No.5076679

what brand is it

>> No.5076823


sriracha gives the the smelliest shit imaginable

>> No.5076881


Pretty much this, I don't understand how it's a fad seeing as how it's been around forever.

Also sage.

>> No.5076900
File: 85 KB, 541x960, Ihavethestrangestboner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sriracha is available as a condiment from subway so I can no longer use it in good conscious. I am really up on all the edgy underground shit, so I am better than you and I use artisanal sambal oelek made in the back of the secret squirrel in Athens, Ga instead.

>> No.5076902


I would wreck them both

>> No.5076908

I just saw a rerun of a King of the Hill episode from over 6 years ago that mentioned it.

I live in an Mexican/Asian neighborhood so it's hard to tell when something becomes a "fad" since apparently that's just what it's called when white people start liking something.

>> No.5076935

They sell the brand with the rooster on the bottle in 90% of the prisons in the US.Also in every ghetto corner store-its not a fad at all.It's the unsung hero of condiments.

>> No.5076936

I like the fact it is now available in more restaurants than before.

>> No.5076954

>[The city of] Irwindale sued Huy Fong Foods on Oct. 21 after nearby residents complained of heartburn, inflamed asthma and even nosebleeds that they said were caused by the spicy odor coming from the hot sauce plant.


This is the only factory facility that Huy Fong operates. Hopefully this isn't a recurring problem, I don't want my Rooster Sauce supply getting interrupted.

>> No.5076957

>hypied up prison-grade food
>not a fad

>> No.5076978

I don't give a rats ass for trends and fads. I like the sauce, I'll always like it. Everyone else can go fuck themselves.

>> No.5076980

I think it'll end up as big as a fad as Tabasco.

>> No.5076984

why cant you stay on /k/ and only fuck up one board

your shitposting is annoying.

>> No.5076985

he probably got banned

>> No.5076989

He's raging about the fad itself.
ITT we learn who the real arrogant fucks are.

>> No.5076993


>> No.5077058
File: 30 KB, 514x386, Best sriracha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kikkoman > Huy Fong

Seriously people, it's so much better.

>> No.5077067
File: 2.33 MB, 2112x2816, p1580061-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying soy chili paste isn't god-tier

>> No.5077073

Is it racist to expect this product to have iron filings and heavy metals in it? >>5077058
This looks much safer.

I like sriracha. I don't care about the whole fad about sriracha being the 'best sauce ever' and 'putting it on everything'. I found it in my local Asian market, and I use it every now and again with Asian things.

>> No.5077094


it's actually not that old, it was invented in recent decades. mustard has been around for centuries. also, you're being racist against white people so check your privilege.

>> No.5077105

>it has funny letters so it must be dangerous

Are you one of those people who calls the cops when he sees an unfamiliar car drive down the street?

>> No.5077109


It's older than 95% of /ck/, and speaking as one of the oldest people on this board, who's been eating it since childhood, there's no reason why it should be considered a fad.

Also fuck white people, I earned my privilege, sorry your SAT scores were so shitty.

>> No.5077113

>it's actually not that old, it was invented in recent decades
That's enough for a lot of people to have "grown up with that shit".
That being said, sriracha sauce itself is around 80 years old, and the cock version is 30 years old.

>> No.5077158

I've read a lot of horror stories about Asian food standards in non-Westernised Asia. The heavy metals in Chinese soil. The reclaimed oil from sewers. The thick smog blanketing the country. The rivers so polluted that the water is no longer safe to drink.

>> No.5077162

its only good in chili

the chunky stuff in the jar is good though

>> No.5077165

Depends on what its put on.

Its got a decent taste, but when it comes to heat or something with a bit more flavor i prefer blair's death sauces.

>> No.5077167

>I've read a lot of horror stories

First of all, that sauce is obviously not from China. Second, you're a scared little girl. Third, you should try actually leaving Wichita some time. Maybe try a supervised bus tour or a cruise, they're used to people like you.

>> No.5077217
File: 231 KB, 699x837, Digest3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of the food fad?

>> No.5077222


>> No.5077224

Breatharian here. Come on my level food fad fags.

>> No.5077229

Not the guy you're talking to, but I'm pretty sure Wichita isn't in Vietnam, which is where Chinese-made fake grapes and eggs made from toxic plastics are a problem

>> No.5077235
File: 102 KB, 400x311, uptonlopez1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jar has thai all over it
>brand has a thai name
>"thailand" is printed on the jar

One thing is for sure, Wichita is in America where they don't have maps...

>> No.5077238

Privileges can never be earned, you are always born with them.

Check your privilege.

>> No.5077249
File: 88 KB, 500x375, Time to Stop posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to be raging right now.

>> No.5077252

I recently moved to a new place, been trying to get all my kitchen shit on lock, had to start from scratch so I decided to include siracha in my condiment list. All they had was a big bottle but I got it anyways. I was hesitant to buy it because I've only eaten it on vietnamese food and I don't even cook that. Later that night I tried a kabob place around the corner, just grabbed an order to go. Got it home and it was quite disappointing, a very bland plate, no sauces or anything, just dry, broke out my siracha, saved the meal. I think me and this hot sauce will have a moderately bright future together.

>> No.5077728

>Fuck if I know, but this apple fad has me fixed for grits. If another hipster faggot eats another apple near me I'm gonna punch his lights out.

>time to post another "fad" thread

>> No.5077839


It's not really a fad, it's a very good sauce. I just stopped buying it because of the owner's behavior during the crisis, and because I'd like to make my own hot sauce.

>> No.5078275


If I can't read the ingredients, read about the company and know where it comes from, I'm not ingesting it.

Western companies are more transparent.

>> No.5078697

I first had it in a philly cheesteak shop, it was the only hot sauce they had. This was ten years ago. I like it, and understand why other people do too.

>> No.5079720

but that's the fucking problem, Pho restaurants now serve that shit at the tables.

>> No.5079723

>whole movie about it
jesus Christ, fucking hipstershits.

>> No.5079726

>its hipster to try new foods, and dislike popular foods

That's like the exact opposite of what every board would say though you fucking retarded degenerate.

>> No.5079729


Where have you been, faggot? They've been doing that for years now. Even if it was recent, having it at the table doesn't mean you have to use it. Are you retarded?

>> No.5079865
File: 80 KB, 500x500, master race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chilli paste master race.

it even rhymes, come on guys.

>> No.5081309

I'm in the same boat, hey. Really weird that people will wear sriracha t-shirts, etc. I think it's an excellent condiment, but I find it really weird when isolated ingredients or elements of azn cooking pop up in western food

I ate at a bar the other day that kept sriracha on every table, they served sichuan pepper fried prawns. Come on kitchen man, you couldn't make a yu xiang sauce if yr life depended on it, so why you throwing ingredients you don't understand on shit???

>> No.5081316


I think he was being sarcastic... I hope

>> No.5081319

I think it tastes like shit and I hate the ketchup consistency. I don't care about the fad though. People seem to like to use sriracha, to each their own.

>> No.5081330


I'll be honest, the rhyming has swayed me.

>> No.5081340

Yeah, this. I served aboard a submarine for five years, and the entire time there was a bottle of sriracha on every table in crew's mess, in the condiment rack with the ketchup, mustard, soy sauce, and tabasco.

>> No.5082409

My folks are from Southeast-Asia. I grew up with this stuff, but I never cared for it.

I'm tired of hearing about it, but hey, whatever helps boost the economy.

>> No.5082733
File: 3 KB, 145x150, dfdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling the perfect medium heat sauce a fad

>> No.5082753
File: 19 KB, 324x432, ketchup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, we've discussed the Sriracha fad for long enough. Now let's discuss the Heinz Ketchup fad. I'd say it's been dragging on long enough already. When will the hipsters quit?

>> No.5082774

When they find a new fad.

>> No.5082784

>>its so stupid considering how basic and old that stuff is
listen youre asian so maybe you missed out on this but white people do the same thing with mustard, it's not a fad, its called pretentious bullshit.

>> No.5082812

meh, it's a tad annoying but generally don't care. the sauce doesn't really taste good and isn't hot so i personally just dont get it

>> No.5082913

I haven't had non breakfast meal without sriracha on it since last year.
Oh my god watermelon and sriracha is the best combination ever.

Anybody know any other GOAT sriracha combos?

>> No.5082920

I usually like spicy, garlicy flavors, but Sriracha is garbage.

>> No.5082922

It's really bland IMO, worse than regular Tabasco, and that shit is the vanilla of hot sauces.

>> No.5082951

I've been eating the stuff for almost 20 years. I don't really care about its recent surge in popularity besides thinking, "good for the manufacturers".

>> No.5083010
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>> No.5083012
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>> No.5083030

It tastes good.

>> No.5083039

>restaurant managers put a popular sauce on their tables
You probably rage about ketchup on tables too

>> No.5083046

I puked in my mouth a little

>> No.5083049

>Pho restaurants now serve that shit at the tables.

Went to my first Vietnamese restaurant in Toronto in like '93 or '94 with my father. Sriracha was on the tables then and was on the tables of almost every restaurant I've been to since that time.

Just because you are now aware of something that has new-found popularity doesn't mean it didn't exist before.

>> No.5083053

I had sri racha candy canes at XMas. That was taking the craze a little too far.

>> No.5083081

The signature hot sauce in the kitchen I run is just garlic fried in olive oil with northern heat hot sauce and it's basically chunky siracha and tastes better imo

>> No.5083085

I've found that the Heinz ketchup served in glass bottles is of superior quality to the glossy crap that comes out of the plastic squeeze bottles. Am I crazy or is there actually a difference?

>> No.5083089

A little bit in pho broth if isn't tasty enough after the herbs, chilli and lemon juice is okay. Also, if I have beef balls I like to dip them.

It's alright, I guess.

The fad? White kids liking something because it's "exotic" and "asian". Who cares?

>> No.5083098

>Who cares?
Debby Downers and Negative Nancies, you know the kinda person I'm talkin' about. Fuck 'em.

Also, leftover Chinese, say, 2 day old lo mein, is really brought back to life with a good squirt of Sriracha. A little is also good on tempura roll sushi. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.5083105


Food doesn't exist until flyover fatties learn about it from facebook.

See also, Nutella.

>> No.5083119

>What do you think of the Sriracha fad?
less annoying than the ketchup fad

>> No.5083126

I like it, but it's not something I remember to stock my fridge with and everytime i buy a bottle of it, like 75% of it goes to waste.

The two most notable aspects about the sauce is how sweet it is, and because of that it can be put different foods than something like Tabasco. It pairs will with bbq sauces, asian dishes, and soups, where as a vinegar based sauces do not. It also has a nice garlic/onion flavor, which is really good for doctoring the flavor of bland food.

second, it's slightly hotter than Tabasco, which for someone with pussy tastebuds like mine grew up eating tobasco thinking it was hot and eventually became acclimated to the spice; Sriracha is just slightly hotter than that.

I guess people just got tired of vinegar based hotsauce, what with your only options before sriracha being Tobasco, Chilula, franks red hot and cajin sauce.

>> No.5083135


Popularity affects the inherent taste or usefulness of a food item:

[ ] True
[ ] False

>> No.5083146

>it's slightly hotter than Tabasco

Tabasco sauce: 2500-5000 Scoville
Sriracha sauce: 1000-2500 Scoville

the difference is in the quantities used.

>> No.5083559

Nope Fuckso the clown, I complain about much better quality chilli sauce being replaced with Sriracha at Pho restaurants MOST popular with El Whitos.

>> No.5083563

>not actually an amerifat
Just because its all you can buy in america land, doesn't mean its the best. Infact, most American versions of foods are lower standard.

>> No.5085445

I said I was from Toronto. Do you have problems with reading comprehension?

>> No.5085483
File: 58 KB, 800x1200, MaePloy_SwtChili25oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up some Mae Ploy "sweet chili sauce" today

>> No.5085501

i fucking love this stuff

>> No.5085505

oh please, you got more chinese in fucking Canada than there are in Malaysia mate, you should bloody well know theres better chilli sauces. Don't break my balls.

>> No.5085507

Yet most Vietnamese restaurants have Sriracha on their tables.

>> No.5085547

I think its a perfectly fine hot sauce, but it's not a universal hot sauce and it damn sure doesn't belong on everything you eat.

>> No.5085575

Shit's tasty yo.

>> No.5085593

Well then, Canada is a pleb.

>> No.5085594

Chilli Sauce and Hot Sauce are different things. Chilli Sauce is predominantly served with Dumplings, Soy Sauce and Black Chilli Oil. Hot Sauce is a South American/Western food condiment.

Sweet Chilli can go with either, but its generally only used in Western dishes for Potato Wedges.

>> No.5086043

If you think it's a fad then you and anyone that agrees with you should probably get out more. They've been in vietnamese and certain chinese restaurants even before I was born (1987). It's not a great sauce but it goes well with certain kinds of foods. It is not really hot at all and those that do feel the sweats are probably using too much in their foods especially in noodlesoups where the broth just adds more to the heat. It's supposed to just give you a sweet chili kick, not burn your tastebuds and make everything smell bad.
I like it with my dumplings and sometimes in fish sauce and lemon juice to dip my steamed crab meat in. When I eat dim sum with the family, I prefer to use chili oil instead since it has less of a smell.

>> No.5086058
File: 135 KB, 499x408, oSqUCcN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh good another hipster ketchup thread

>> No.5086081

That shit's terrible.

>> No.5086119

he's american role playing as a sophisticated foreigner, of course he has reading comprehension issues. as well as no access to maps.

>> No.5086221

>sriracha on sushi

I'm not some "hurr durr you can only eat sushi one way" sperglord, but that stuff is so garlicky and strong, I can't see how it wouldn't totally overpower anything in the sushi

>> No.5086389

I would think it's an okay thing to do if it's cheap as shit sushi but it sure is a waste of money if you put that stuff on expensive sushi since you won't be able to taste a difference anymore

>> No.5086413

I bought some because of all the hype on the internet and I was disappointed. Not that spicy and I don't really like the flavour. Not trying to be hipster, I wanted to like it but it wasn't what I was expecting.

>> No.5086420
File: 9 KB, 320x180, classy ass mother fucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked Sriracha before all these hipsters started slathering it all over everything they eat.

>> No.5086439

>live near hot sauce processing plant
>be suprised when the fumes fuck you up

>> No.5086445

If it's sold in the United States, by law the ingredients list must be in English and it has to pass standards.

Finished food products are generally well inspected, it's raw ingredients you have to worry about

>> No.5086453

Guacamole is Hipster Ketchup, not Sriracha

>> No.5086484

>conspiracies abound on /ck/

Go back to your baby bottle you alcoholic

>> No.5086563

>tfw I've loved siracha for years and now they have shirts I can wear.

I didn't even know it was a fad. I just assumed the hot sauce plant deal reminded everyone it still existed

>> No.5087498
File: 73 KB, 630x420, 1389228594140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad faght in Vietnam and met Hoy Fong and he tok hIm 2 his hosue and gaf him the first srirahco, u odnt' kno NOTHIN ABOUT SRIACHI

>> No.5087556

not trying to make fun, but what other varieties of hot sauce are there? i'm not very familiar with formulas that aren't vinegar based or paste type (chili sauce or sriracha i guess)

>> No.5087560

What's it like cooking for the military?

>> No.5087565

100% asssssss

>> No.5087634

so glad i haven't seen any of these t shirts, its like kids who wear 'vintage' mountain dew t shirts, except worse because they actually seek them out online instead of having their moms buy them at kohls.

>> No.5087654

I liked it before it was cool.

>> No.5087675

I made my own. It was pretty good, but I yielded almost no sauce for all the peppers I put in. 2 1/2 cups of blended pepper mush reduced down to a little over 1 cup of sauce after straining and pasteurizing

>> No.5087690

inb4 stone ground mustard gets called hipster within the next week

>> No.5087754


Ever heard of gutter oil? Around chinese never relax man.

>> No.5087760


I like it on a few things. Pretty good.

>Sriracha fad

Indifferent. I don't think of things in this way.

>> No.5087774

It's more of a craze than fad. Every time I see it on the Food Network I cringe a little.

>> No.5087779
File: 80 KB, 351x923, rekt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masterrace reporting in niggas.

>> No.5087783

I concur, onto the epic breakfast it goes...

>> No.5087841

Old, old news. They put a filter on the vents (or something like that). Problem solved

>> No.5087846

Don't really care. Every Asian had it in my house growing up.

White people "discovered" it

>> No.5087849

According to /ck/?

[x] True

If other people like it, then it automatically suck

>> No.5087882

I've actually never tasted the stuff, and really couldn't care less.

>> No.5088075

nowadays its fairly plebby.

>> No.5088271

Khan's Hot Sauce is the best. Everything else is vinegar butter. Sriracha is some old shit folks and mediocre at best.

>> No.5088456
File: 12 KB, 600x302, 1389328151516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that it's a hot sauce that's different from the typical mexico flavored vinegar that seems to dominate the market. However, the sriracha in anything and everything trendy craze is just fucking stupid.

>> No.5088467

Never liked including asians themselves never understood why it's even popular

>> No.5088485

Calling it a fad is like calling major brand ketchup a fad.

It's just a standard used brand.

>> No.5088490

>137 posts
>replying to OP

Get the fuck out newfags. (It's actually probably OP because this thread's been up for days)

>> No.5088549

>responding to the topic at hand directly instead of responding to someone else's comment makes you a newfag
i don't even

>> No.5091023

i buy it 70% for hipster cred.

>> No.5091552

He's implying anyone talking about sriachia has only just joined and is not tired of the constant sriachia threads, not that you are new for not responding to a comment but the topic

>> No.5091557

Dude, that's the best.