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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5073569 No.5073569[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: those foods you ate once when you happened to be ill, and now you can't think about without vomiting because your body thinks they were the cause of your illness and has permanently associated them with misery and death.

For me - lime pickle, and boursin.

>> No.5073571

Cheese fries at a bowling alley

>> No.5073581

I had leptospirosis a few years back. The first couple of solid foods I tried to eat were some breaded ravioli and tacobell on another occasion. Took me a year to be able to get back into them.

I remember the taco bell. My taste buds were also peeling off so I couldn't really taste anything but "bitter".

>> No.5073594

As a child I LOVED olives. I would practically gorge myself on them. But one day I got the flu after eating a bunch of olives, and even though I don't get nauseous from them, I can't stand the flavor. I'm sorry, olives. It's not you, it's me.

>> No.5073596
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cabbage/kale meatball soup

i think i had the stomach flu and i wanted to put something that would go down easy in my stomach. im hypersensitive to everything when im sick and i tend to sensationalize everything - i bit into a meatball and it was like biting into a sponge and wet liquid just squirted into my mouth and it sounded absolutely disgusting and i nearly threw up.

i gag everytime when i think of meatballs in soup.

>> No.5073597

hot dogs

>> No.5073598
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bad ulcers, now I can't east jalape?o poppers

>> No.5073607

those chalky valentine heart things. not the tart, tangy ones. the chalky sweet ones.

>> No.5073638


Had "chicken stir fry" from a local cafe with my Aunt and Grandmother. Grandma ordered a toasted sandwich and Aunt ordered the same chicken dish. All the lunch specials are sitting in a bain marie, one of those sort of places.
They served up the chicken dishes and sat them in the heater while they made the toasted sandwich, which took so long they had to reheat the chicken in a microwave. Turns out they didn't heat it enough.

Fast forward 6 hours, dad comes home with delicious curries and naan bread. I really wanted to eat a heap but I have this feeling in my stomach, like my lunch was still just sitting there. I enjoy a tiny bit of curry then go watch tv.

Fast forward again, it's 2am and I'm feeling sick. I feel like I've eaten too much. I go to the bathroom and take a seat, awaiting the relief. Suddenly my stomach wrenches and everything since lunch comes up. Chunks of broccoli and noodle from the stir fry, rice and bits of chicken and lamb. It was up the walls and back of the door. Up my legs and in my pyjama bottoms. It was like someone put a bomb in my stomach. I couldn't walk. I could barely see. I sat in the shower and sobbed, swearing to never eat at that cafe again.

Messaged my Aunt the next day and she was sick too, but she's got more of a cast iron gut than what I do.

I miss curry.

>> No.5073660

Parmesan cheese

Makes me sick erry time

>> No.5073667


I am truly sorry for your lots

>> No.5073757

I nearly died from chugging a whole bottle of southern comfort while drumming rockband... Ended up in the hospital. Now anything even faintly peach smelling has me gagging...

>> No.5073773


Thought that was meatloaf or meatballs or something.

>> No.5074291

Squash and fries

>mfw threw up on two different occasions >years apart
>they both happened after eating squash
>mfw threw up after eating fries
>spent the night blowing chunks of fries out my nose

I still have trouble with fries, but haven't touched squash since.

>> No.5074300


Those Tyson cheese chicken nuggets. Home alone, sick as a brick, pop that shit in the microwave because I'm starving to death, promptly evacuate the contents of my stomach all over the bathroom floor.

Was a good day.

>> No.5074302
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As an emetophobic, I feel so awful for you. That sounds terrible.

>> No.5074318

Roastbeef and italian bread most recently. Ate a sandwich involving both the day I got sick, promptly threw them both up. The idea of eating either makes me sick.

Previously, it's been goat curry (threw the acidic shit up through my nose) and raw garlic (ate it the day I got sick with swine flu for six weeks). I got over both of those eventually though.

>> No.5074321
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spiral sliced baked ham.

I ate the leftover ham over the Christmas season one year and violently vomited. I can eat thinly sliced deli-cut ham, but that's it.

>> No.5074322

Pork chops. Not a big loss, really. I never liked them before they made me hurl.

>> No.5074327

sprite and 7-up. my parents made me drink them whenever i was sick.

ill always associate lemon-lime soda with sickness.

>> No.5074343

Me too, it's like trying to drink cough syrup. The smell makes me think of hospitals.

>> No.5074345

Ramen noodles and Sprite.

This is what my mom gave me every time I was sick. Fucking why? My body is at a particularly weak moment and she thinks it's wise to load me up with salt and sugar?? God, mom you're fucking dumb.

Still hate Ramen 20 years later. Can only handle a few sips of Sprite though because I just dislike sugary sweet in general unless it is strictly bitter sweet chocolate.

>> No.5074348

Had stomach flu age 7, Dad grilling steak outside my bedroom window. Never touched a steak 'till my late 20s.

>> No.5074357


My aunt made some kind of fried fish for dinner once when I was maybe 9 or 10. I ate a couple pieces of it and I recall feeling sick and vomiting it all up an hour or so later. Every time I try to eat fish now that's all I can remember and it turns my stomach.

I can sometimes eat some crab or lobster, usually when there isn't much of it and it's mixed into something else with a stronger flavor. But any other fish or seafood, anything with even a slightly fishy smell or flavor just makes me want to gag.

>> No.5074362

Jelly Babies. Last thing I ate before succumbing to the winter vomiting bug a few years back. They used to be my favourite jellies; I haven't eaten them since.

>> No.5074366


7-up/Sprite was the best thing about being sick.

>> No.5074369

>chastising your own mother for just trying to help soothe you and make you feel better, albeit with antiquated methods

Fuck you, Anon. Your mother will die someday and I hope you regret anything bad you ever said about her. Ungrateful shit.

>> No.5074388
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>> No.5074402

No regrets. I've long since taught her the error of her way with that shit. She completely agreed when I explained how that trash is nothing to feed a sick person, especially child. You go on having fun with your retarded acceptance of bullshit instead of teaching better ways to people who don't know better. And I'm not ungrateful, after all, she does know how to take a dick... I guess. The whole "respect your elders" bullshit ended when information became available to anyone who can use a search engine. Ironically, dumb fuck old people usually can't manage even that much. Wisdom is no longer in the elder, it is now in those who simply spend enough time researching. Deal with it, old faggot.

>> No.5074404


>> No.5074407

so edge

>> No.5074412


flat coke was always my mom's cure for upset stomachs. drinking flat coke now just makes me want to vomit.

>> No.5074421

You are being an idiot

When you are sick you sweat.

When you sweat you need to take in more salts and liquids

Ramen provides both salts and liquids.

If you have an upset stomach clear sodas are great. The carbonation helps south things, and the baseness helps reduce acidic levels. The simple sugar is also easy for your body to digest.

>> No.5074424

hot pockets/ calzones (especially pepperoni)

>> No.5074436

Also anything that has teriyaki as the main flavor/smell. A Mongolian buffet gave me the stomach flu and I haven't had stir fry since.

>> No.5074442
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I lol'd but then I felt bad because I know that feel ;_;

I was at work last summer when the power went out. It was in my old apartment, which had a very, very old fridge which made everything get hot very quickly (I didn't keep the ac on when I was at work)
The mayonnaise went sour. But then I guess sometime before I got home, the power came back on, and things started getting cold again.
I didn't notice, or even smell the mayo as I slathered it on my sandwich.
I didn't notice as I ate it all.

I woke up the next day nauseous, I could barley stand, I couldn't walk, I filled up half my bathroom garbage can with my small intestines as my ass blasted the toilet so hard the water was splashing up through my legs, getting it everywhere.

I never knew mayonnaise could get so fucking angry.
never again.
never afuckinggain will I ever touch mayo in my life.

>> No.5074448

tempura... I was already feeling sickish when I ate it as a kid, later that night I puked till my insides were on the outsides. To this day the stuff repulsed me.

>> No.5074458

Kindergarten, teacher carved a pumpkin and I was sick that day. Vomited my lunch. I like pumpkin spice fragrances but I can't handle actual pumpkin.

Back in my military days, I loved to drink and my favorite was green apple Smirnoff. Was at my boyfriend's parents house and everyone was drinking having fun, eating pasta.

I got sick when things died down and threw up vodka and pasta in the living room. Friend had to clean it and said it reeked of been apple vodka.

To this day, my whole body shivers every time I smell green apple candy.

>> No.5074482

I bought a giant bottle (I don't know alcohol measurements, but it was fucking huge) of Captain Morgan for my birthday a few years ago. I don't drink very often, but I wanted to treat myself.
I sipped at it slowly for months, just a shot here, a shot there, till it was a little under half empty.
One morning after a particularly rough night of 3rd shift work, I decide to finish it off.
So I sat on my couch, watching Fantastic Mr Fox and drinking rum and chasing it with sips of coffee.
I finished the bottle and stumbled upstairs, then proceeded start vomiting.
I tried to hold my mouth closed so it didn't go anywhere, and lost my balance, falling down the stairs, throwing up all over myself, the stairs, the walls, everywhere on my way down, till I was on my back crying and puking all over myself and getting it in my eyes.

Now whenever I smell alcohol, my body involuntarily clenches and makes me gag. :(

>> No.5074494
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>> No.5074506
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licorice ropes and pad thai...

>> No.5074512

Jack Daniels.

Went to lay down after I drank too much and ate a bunch of boiled peanuts. Starting feeling violently ill, so I woke up stumbling around trying to unlock my bedroom door unsuccessfully, and instead aimed for the small trashcan in my room.

Sadly, only about half of it made it in, and the rest went on the carpet and my computer chair.

I proceeded to pass back out and worry about cleaning it up in the morning(or night, I don't remember).

>the smell, oh God, the smell

Hard liquor is the devil.

>> No.5074517

Ahahaha oh my god, just visualizing that is bringing my sides off this earth.

>> No.5074523

I had a Chicken in Black Bean sauce from a cheep chines take-way two hours before I got hit with the Norovirus.

I can't even eat crap Chinese food anymore.

>> No.5074576

White chocolate covered pretzels.

>> No.5074581

There's a lot of soda I can't drink because of how much I mixed them with alcohol; not only do they make me nauseous but they don't even taste right anymore.

Off the top of my head there's Sprite, ginger ale, tonic and orange.

>> No.5074583

Also 7-Up.

>> No.5074592

Pizza Hut pizza probably

>> No.5074783

Loaded Fries, I had the stomach flu and my grandma bought them for me, and got mad that I wouldn't eat them even though I was sick, so I forced myself to eat them then proceeded to throw up everywher. Never again.

I also made myself unable to eat meatballs in sauce by trying to gross out a friend at a party by telling them to think of this one fat kid's shrively ballskin everytime they took a bite back in highshool. Insteaf of ruining it for them, now I'm the one who can't even stand them.;_;

>> No.5074784

does tequila count as a food, because i do this with tequila