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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 436x295, hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5073546 No.5073546 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the best frozen food you ever had? I know there is a lot of awful frozen food, but this is about the best

pic unrelated

>> No.5073558

banquet dollar tv dinners

or that one kid meal that had a brownie in it

I would eat about 8 of them in a day

>> No.5073562

>pic unrelated
I was gonna tell you you have shit taste until I read that.
Honestly? Marie Callender pot pies. They're quite possibly the only frozen food that's decent. I've never had their frozen dinners, but their pot pies are rather good. They're the only convenience food I buy. You should buy them, too.

>> No.5073563

I don't eat a lot of frozen food but Amy's burritos are pretty good.

When I was a kid I liked those Jose Ole taquitos. God knows what's in em.

>> No.5073604

Kid cuisine?

>> No.5073606

ice cream :3

>> No.5073613

i love chicken taquitos

>> No.5073617

The Michelina frozen entrees. Specifically the creamy alfredo sauced noodle varieties. They are very, very good. And quite cheap, as well.

>> No.5073689
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There used to be a beef version too, in a blue box.

>> No.5073698

> banquet
> kid cuisine
> michelina
This shit is fucking disgusting man...Having been reared on those for a few years, I can say that for truth. I learned to cook so that I wouldn't have to eat that shit.

>> No.5073729

>banquet dollar dinners

Are you for serious? The frozen dinners where the ONLY goal of the manufacturer is to cut all corners in order to hit that $1 price point?

I mean, there's a lot that can be said about Banquet, but "tasty" isn't usually one of them.

>> No.5073730
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trader joes sells these things. they are really good

>> No.5073742
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I fucking love these with a bunch of instant mashed potatoes

Trader Joe's makes the best variety and selection though for frozen foods

>> No.5073743

Some of the Stouffer's stuff is pretty decent. I like their lasagna.

Boston Market meat loaf is a good nom in a pinch too.

>> No.5073749
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damn near anything frozen from trader joes is delicious.

>> No.5073774

Pic related

>> No.5073776


They sell frozen dry cat food?

>> No.5073793

How long do you have to cook this in an oven? Do you have to defrost it?

>> No.5073801

Trader Joes sucks dick. Pretentious and overpriced. Any TJ I've ever been to has a shit produce section.

>> No.5073818

you never defrost frozen meals

trader joes is cheaper than regular grocery stores and you aren't supposed to buy the produce there

>> No.5073840


I went to one for the first time about a week ago. They were competitive with Publix on many things. Their eggs were actually a full $0.30 cheaper per dozen.

>> No.5073868

Is it a microwave meal?

>> No.5073892

probably both

most frozen things give you the option of microwave or oven with oven being the preferred option

>> No.5073911
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I dunno about best, but those cheap ass fuck taco picante frozen burritos at Wal-Mart aren't bad. Especially for the price... 8 burritos for $3? Count me the fuck in. I usually add cheese and guacamole or sour cream to them.

>> No.5073919


>> No.5073923
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>> No.5073928
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Sometime I use oncor ribs to make my own version of mcribs, they are pretty filling and you can make 6 for pretty cheap. I think hungry man also makes a version of ribs too, but these are slightly less saltly and don't come with the salt mashed potato side.

>> No.5073932
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eating like 4 eggs will do that to you nutrition label

pic related

>> No.5073933

Had some frozen meat pies that were delicious, but they were from a specialty meat store so I don't know if that counts... Fucking delicious though.

>> No.5073945

I sure hope you are filled by eating 6 of those things, fatty.

>> No.5073949

That's fucking disgusting. I thought this was a troll threadf I can't believe people would microwave a breakfast like that. I would actually throw up if I was served one. Surely it is just a doggy mess?

>> No.5073954
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man I just can't stomach cheese and BBQ sauce together

>> No.5073961
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don't knock it till you try it

I took the cheese off because it wasn't in harmony with the other flavors

>> No.5073985

That is fair comment as i havent tasted one but I can't imagine any frozen breakfast tasting nicer than a freshly cooked one
Are defrosted and reheated American pancakes nice?(genuine question)

>> No.5073999
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I've never froze pancakes but fresh is always better and home made is always better than store bought

I've been freezing cupcakes and defrosting them and they come out pretty good so I can imagine pancakes being OK as long as they don't get freezer burn

>> No.5074001

I sometimes make a big batch of pancakes and freeze most of them. I just pop them in the toaster later in the week and they're almost, but not quite, as good as fresh ones.

>> No.5074033

Holy shit. Holy holy HOLY shit. 64 grams of fat, 2,090 milligrams of sodium, and enough cholesterol to kill anything that's ever lived. The 'justification' is that you're supposed to eat shitty food in the morning, as it supplies you with a suitable amount of energy to get through the day. Unfortunately, Swanson's supplying you with enough 'energy' to get through a week, and even if the only other thing you ate after this breakfast was oxygen, there's still a relatively high chance that your ass will grow hands and tie your intestines in knots to prevent this shit from ever passing through. Really, really awful stuff.

>> No.5074054

usually like 45 mins in a oven 5-6 in micowave

>> No.5074066

>Swanson's supplying you with enough 'energy' to get through a week

It's less than half the daily calorie intake of an average adult male.

>> No.5074069

>231% of your daily need of cholesterol

>> No.5074104
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if you're shopping at trader joes and not eating these you are missing out big time

>> No.5074118

Thank you. Only faggots and lazy motherfuckers buy meat and produce from TJ's. I go there only for frozen dinners, sauces, cheese,snacks, and milf. If you actually plan on cooking something not in the microwave, go elsewhere.

>> No.5074119


I like how it lists BBQ sauce as the main ingredient.

>> No.5074123
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mmmmm anon try this if you're in canada

>> No.5074125

They sell milfs?

>> No.5074129


It's got as much cholesterol in it as about 3.5 eggs. I'm not saying it's not excessive for one meal, but I think a lot of you guys don't realize how excessive normal restaurant meals are.

>> No.5074183
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well put

honorable mention to the herb pizza dough for a buck and the french bread

>> No.5074210

the milf is free or at least no more expensive than a few drinks if you got dat cock game.

never had the pizza dough
>tfw to scared to relight my gas oven
>tfw landlord hasn't sent anyone to fix it
>tfw bro mexican repairman hasn't been seen for months and the new ones can't fucking understand me and won't come inside for me to show them whats wrong

my microwave is my oven.

>> No.5074258

California Pizza Kitchens frozen stuff is pretty good, not as good as it is if you get it fresh obviously, but still damn good.

>> No.5074264

>implying California Pizza Kitchen is good fresh

>> No.5074275
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pretty good with a little extra cheese

>> No.5074280
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>> No.5074568

hell yeah Amy's. for 60-some cents, those things are FAR, far out of their price range in terms of the price to flavor ratio.

>> No.5074575
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Probably these, they are better than most cheap pizzerias can make. Fuck i havent had these in months i really need to buy one once the shops open.

>> No.5074578
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With guacamole.

>> No.5074593
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pic related

>> No.5074657

bosco sticks are the greatest frozen food ever

>> No.5074741

frozen PF changs is decent if you can get them on sale. They all basically taste the same, but they do in a pinch.

>> No.5074777

>Aldi's frozen pizzas and breaded chicken
The worst food to exist.

>> No.5074957
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these bad boys

>> No.5074986
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>Gandalf, the Gray

>> No.5075011
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bitch please

>> No.5075015

>All those greasy controllers on sleepovers
Good times

>> No.5075039

Farmfoods use to sell a chilli corn carne but I think it stopped production. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about it?

Was my best childhood food memory

>> No.5075610

That's the blandest shit I've ever eaten.

>> No.5075616

good joke

>> No.5075636

So many burns and blisters from stoned nights biting into a lava inferno

>> No.5075637
File: 86 KB, 618x414, 00623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly the food of the gods.

i miss you homie, and wish they would bring you, and your 1500% of RDA of sodium back.

>> No.5075641

Alaskan King Crab, obviously.

>> No.5075649

the new spicy fried chicken is delicious

>> No.5075681

this and omaha steak products if you have money to burn

>> No.5075733



>> No.5076090
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>biting into a lava inferno.

>> No.5076093

I like the lean cuisines that have chicken and vegetables with noodles or rice. The Asian-style ones are always good.

>> No.5076099

Always had those or shared a pizza at my friend's /tg/ night during high school, good memories....

>> No.5076105

Bagel bites.

>> No.5076117

Put one in mouth.
Bite down.
Tilt head back, open mouth.
Try to blow the heat out.
Cover keyboard in crumbs and sauce.

>> No.5076128

Me eating anything hot ever.
>open mouth to blow out the heat
>food fucking everywhere

>> No.5076141

I fucking love Aunt Jemima/Pillsbury/whatever frozen pancakes

>> No.5076152

Frozen pizza usually taste the best. Im not talking about anything over 1.50, those 99 cent Pizzas with little pepperoni sprinkles on it. Those are pretty good for some weird reason.

>> No.5076154

Fine i agree, as of now I declare this the winner.

>> No.5076161

Fucking gross
Especially the pepperoni ones

>> No.5076230
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How has no one mentioned this delicious treat once a week?

>sodium intake for the day

>> No.5076235

even velveeta macaroni is better than that shit

>> No.5077421
File: 36 KB, 425x414, ck thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda expensive at three bucks a bag but quite nice for days when I'm not in the mood for some actual cooking

>> No.5077483

the sauce on digiorno pizza is so bad it makes me nauseous

>> No.5077526
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This motherfuckers.
Also Perdue buffalo wings

>> No.5079637
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tastes even better when it's on sale

>> No.5079643

Bertolli is bruddy gud

>> No.5079656
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>> No.5079665

that looks absolutely disgusting

>> No.5079678


in both cases looks are deceiving

oetker pasta pizza is god tier, and m&m meatshop is about as good as frozen lasagna gets

>> No.5079680

>Amy's burritos
>60 cents
where the hell are you buying them at? theyre usually 150 even if you bulk buy.

>> No.5079685


>> No.5082349

totinos pizza rolls

>> No.5082370
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>tfw dipping them into marinara laced with a little hot sauce

>> No.5082383
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Just bought one for tomorrow. Thanks for the rec. Also got pic related which is excellent.

>> No.5082406


Youre fucking out of your mind.


This shit is amazing. What I like to do is nuke it so the edges are all crusty/chrunchy... I eat that, then put it back in, nuke it again, repeat... I love it when it comes out like it was incinerated... I can eat this shit all day

>> No.5082441

A Frozen Food thread stays on page 1 for a week straight. Meanwhile, every real cooking thread dies with a smattering of responses. /ck/ is dead, like most all of 4chan. My childhood is over...

>> No.5082461

Love the hungry man dinners when im drunk and its like 3am

>> No.5083317

the boston market turkey dinners are good

>> No.5085142


Eating half a bag of those was the best brunch for me to make. This /thread.

>> No.5085148


>> No.5085154
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Ling Ling chicken potstickers.

10 bucks a bag, 50 potstickers, and they come with 3 packets of sauce.

I used to just boil them, but the trick is to boil them, then toss them in a hot pan with butter + the soy/teriaki sauce it comes with. I used to be able to eat like 25 in a single sitting.

>> No.5085219
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there is like, no food in those things. I always end up making 2 and a couple hours later i'm hungry again.

>not cheese stuffed crust
nigger what are you doing.

isn't bertolli the fancy 'fresh' pasta stuff right next to the goat cheeses and delimeats in the super market? It's like 7~8 bucks for a pound of raviollis and 5 bucks for a little 12 oz cup of sauce but holy shit is that stuff good.

>> No.5085231

Those Stouffers spinach souffle's aren't too bad, pair them with some Salisbury steaks and a bottle of JB, now we're talking fine dining!