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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5072435 No.5072435[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/. Its my first time posting on this board. Hunger made me do it. I'd like to know how to cook something efficient timewise and costwise. pls hlep!

>> No.5072436

white rice takes like 10 minutes to make

>> No.5072441

id like something with variety of nutrients. Something i could live of for several days

>> No.5072444

...white rice
several days of malnutrition isn't gonna kill you, look at everyone at mcdonalds

>> No.5072448
File: 160 KB, 1280x800, bigos-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i dont want to be malnourished. I'm not desperate to survive. Id like it to be somewhat healthy and enjoyable, something like bigos.
pic related.

>> No.5072450

chili, then
but that's not time efficient at all

>> No.5072455

Combine equal weights of chopped potato and rolled oats.
Combine this mixture with equal weight of milk.
Boil, salt to taste and consume.
This mixture, potatoes, oats and milk, provides all essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain human life; a person could live off of this indefinitely. Don't believe me? Look it up for yourself:

>> No.5072471

First google results lead to survival sites and as i said im not that desperate. I'd like to enjoy it and it doesnt seem like it tastes good. I need something to cook in a batch. Thanks for the contribution tho, we are getting closer.

>> No.5072474
File: 16 KB, 320x320, jauhis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burger soup. This is thinner than bigos, but still nutritious, somewhat agreeable in taste, and especially warming in wintertime.

1 package of ground beef, pork, or mix of both (400 grams)
1 large onion (150 gram)
6-8 potatoes (600 grams)
2 carrots (200 grams)
1 swedish turnip (150 gram)
1 parsnip (100 gram)
1 root celery (100 gram)
1/4 of a cabbage (250 gram)
1 dl of green peas
1 dl of chopped long green beans
10 allspice peppers
2 bay leaves
2 stock cubes
1 tbsp canola oil
water enough to cover all ingredients
salt and pepper to finish seasoning
optionally cayenne, parsley

First, heat up a large soup kettle to medium heat and add the oil. Mince or just coarsely chop the onion, and together with the meat, toss it in the kettle. Stir apart and brown. Meanwhile wash, optionally peel, and dice your potatoes to uniform size. When meat is browned, dunk the potatoes in, and add water enough to cover. Repeat with every other vegetable, add the spices, cover partially, and let boil for 30 minutes. Serve with a sprinkling of minced parsley, and some dark rye bread with butter and cheese on the side.

It is important to remember that the separate vegetables are very easy to replace with ready-made frozen soup vegetable mixes. This eliminates 50% of the time required to prepare. Also, the only limit on how much you can cook in one go is kettle size, since the soup in question keeps for a week in the fridge, and a year in the freezer. Soups like this are also famous for improving from every re-heating after the first, as ingredients begin to break apart to form a thicker broth. Meat is also replaceable with whole meat, sausage, ham, or even hot dogs or other poverty/failure-at-life fare.

>> No.5072488
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fukn saved. thanks anon, got any more?

>> No.5072506


>> No.5072516
File: 71 KB, 960x640, makaronilaatikko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like bears, so I guess. Everyone likes pasta, right? Well, another highly nutritious and time/cost efficient recipe from the same country of origin as the previous one is macaroni casserole.

400 grams dry macaroni or other small figure pasta
water and salt for boiling
400 grams ground pork, beef or mixed meat.
2 onions
4 eggs
5 dl milk
5 dl stock, aka. water with 1 stock cube dissolved in it
Optionally grated cheese or mozzarella slices.
salt, powdered white pepper, curry powder
oil for frying

Prepare a kettleful of water, a frying pan and a casserole dish. Bring water to boil, salt liberally, and add the pasta. Boil for 5 minutes, strain, dunk into casserole dish. Mince onion while the pasta boils, bring the pan to heat, and in a tablespoon of oil brown the onion and the meat. Dunk the mix into the casserole dish too. Once those are out of the way, combine the milk, stock, eggs and seasonings, beat them together, and pour over the mac/meat mix. Stir it all together in the casserole dish, and optionally, top with some cheese, or even mozzarella if you're feeling rich. Set your oven to 170'C, let it come to heat, and pop it in for 30 minutes. Pull the casserole out, stir well with a spoon, and pop in for yet another 30 minutes. Serve with fresh vegetable salad, and a good helping of ketchup. Yes, ketchup. This is one of those traditional foods that are perfectly okay to eat with the red menace, much like freedom fries or omurice.

Also, the meat can also be replaced with poultry such as ground chicken or turkey. In this case it also stands to reason to use chicken stock instead. The recipe also works out with using fully stock only instead of milk, although it becomes less full-bodied.

Yet again, prepare big batches, as it keeps a week in the fridge and... well, you know the rest.

>> No.5072563

aw shieet, nice one. What country is it from anon?

>> No.5072574

Well, check other results, too. Not just the first one.
Historians Joel Mokyr and Cormac O'Grada did studies of economic standpoints of world history, paying particular attention to Ireland during the famine in their article in The Economic History Review titled 'New Developments in Irish Population History, 1700-1850.'
Despite the famine, the Irish of the time were considered healthy-looking and rosy. The women in particular were described as being robust and attractive. Nutritional studies were absent at the time, of course, but modern dietetics has come to understand that not only their survival but their healthful appearance came from their diet at the time which was made up almost 75% by potatoes, milk and oats. The rest of the diet contained beans, barley and salt fish. Considering how enormous Irish families are thought to be and how they were large (and according to period sources, healthy) even during the famine, potatoes, milk and oats, with their ease of availability and growth, saved the Irish from total extinction.
So there you have it: you can live off the three for quite some time. Longer than, say, only hamburgers (which would have you croak from vit C deficiency in a few months' time).

>> No.5072577
File: 41 KB, 640x480, aurinkosalaatti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a place of mystery and secrets. And bears and trees and dead communists and white supremacists, a place whose inhabitants are incomparably inbred and paranoid about anything from the outside.

Oh, and a salad I like to make - you always have to watch that veggie intake, right? And well, the greens are cheaper than the meat.

2 carrots
1/4 of a cabbage
1 can of pineapple rings

Peel carrots, stem cabbage, remove pineapple rings from the can. Grate carrots with a grater, shred the cabbage with a knife, dice the pineapple, combine it all in a bowl, and pour the pineapple juice from the can on top of it all. Voila. Keeps a week or longer in the fridge

You can also include oranges or mandarines.

>> No.5072615

shit anons, id like to carry on with this thread but i need to go. thanks for sharing the knowledge.

>> No.5072640

Oh, the US.

>> No.5072660

Cheers. Hope it'll be to your taste.

Oh, I wager these qualities are mighty common these days, around the globe. If only people spent less time around trying to point out how the others are worse in these regards, and instead focused on finding a way to cope with this state.