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File: 116 KB, 352x466, wedding-catering-tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5066917 No.5066917 [Reply] [Original]

>one person at wedding is vegetarian
>have to pay caterers £30 extra for vegetarian options

Do you vegetarians realize what petty fucks you are? Why not just eat meat, just this once? There are foods and food styles I do not like, but I will put up with them. I don't throw a hissyfit every time my friends want Chinese but I prefer Italian.

>> No.5066922

>food preferences are the same as moral choices

OK kid

>> No.5066924

That's the problem with ethical vegetarians.

>> No.5066930


>That's the problem with unethical meat eaters.


>> No.5066931

>Why not just eat meat, just this once?
Do you have any idea what that would do to their intestinal track?

>> No.5066935

hopefully it would kill them

>> No.5066936
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>getting married

>> No.5066938
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Its your wedding why do you have to bend over for someone else?

>> No.5066939

Feels pretty close to it.

>> No.5066941

>having morals

I hate to be this edgy but just stop. The universe doesn't give a shit whether you eat an animal.

>> No.5066943

>went to wedding
>filled up on potatoes, veggies, and salad

I didn't make a stink about it.

>> No.5066948


I think marriage is something very private, maybe even implicit between two persons.

>> No.5066955

The universe doesn't give a shit about anything we do, what's your point?

>> No.5066959

Live and let live. I understand people have always used diet to set themselves apart from others, for tribal, religious and/or ethical reasons. And generally people like to be absolutist about these things. But that's a personal choice. Your personal choice.

Making it someone else's pain in the ass is a bit much.

>> No.5066961

>There are foods and food styles I do not like, but I will put up with them

You mean, like vegetarianism? Clearly not, idiot.

>> No.5066965

OP, kill yourself.

>> No.5066967

>have to pay caterers £30 extra for vegetarian options

>> No.5066970

Is this buffet, family style or individual plates?

>> No.5066973

I'm surprised more people are not having smaller private weddings so they're not dropping tens of thousands they clearly do not have.

>> No.5066981

>catering to the mentally retarded
It's like it isn't even 2014

>> No.5067015

poorfag detected

>> No.5067046

>have to pay caterers £30 extra
if you can't afford that, you shouldn't be hosting a wedding

>> No.5067052

I'd tell that catering company to shove it. What kind of catering company has nothing but meat-containing dishes, then conveniently has vegetarian options but you have to pay extra? Its basically a scam to get more money because a lot of people will opt for it to make sure they aren't offending anyone.

>> No.5067054

This. That guest probably won't even show up after you order their special meal.

>> No.5067060
File: 41 KB, 205x271, 29384675582374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invited to friend's wedding
>put down myself plus guest
>date ends up getting pneumonia
>no big, go alone
>bride asks where's my date
>explain what happened
>"We paid for two plates, ya know"

>> No.5067071

What a bitch.

>> No.5067075

You learned your lesson. Never go to a wedding especially if it is Jewish.

>> No.5067076


but i do ;)

>> No.5067083
File: 14 KB, 194x194, 1375598233235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to pay caterers £30 extra for vegetarian options

How fucking low is your budget for your wedding? Fucking 30 quid more? Back to the mosque you go.

>> No.5067087

If your great uncle whoeverthefuck walked up to you and asked you to hand him £30, would you do it? Keep in mind he's a vegetarian therefore a prick and you don't really know him.

>> No.5067104

op your catering company should be able to accommodate your request easily and without charging you extra. that is ridiculous.
>>5067060 I have no idea where etiquette went. This woman is rude and a poor hostess. Your situation was unavoidable, besides- you can always expect a few no shows at an event like that, as well as people who haven't rsvp'ed to just show up.

>> No.5067109

>you can always expect a few no shows at an event like that, as well as people who haven't rsvp'ed to just show up.
I've heard it kinda balances out.

>> No.5067119

I went to one last year. Couple got married a few months prior at a very private destination wedding. For their reception which was fairly casual but still catered, around 50 people who did not rsvp showed up (mostly drunk relatives and friends of friends) and the couple was scrambling around trying to fit them everywhere and ended up calling the restaurant that was catering to order more food. It was a small hall so it was feeling pretty crowded in there. And since they were afraid of running out of food, we were only allowed so much during the first serving. I felt kind of bad for them for that to happen.

>> No.5067122

>Your situation was unavoidable, besides- you can always expect a few no shows at an event like that, as well as people who haven't rsvp'ed to just show up.

I think wedding receptions are generally the one event where these things *are* very thoroughly planned out. People arrange seats, food, and drink down to the person, not just "there'll be about 200-250 people here, go grab enough stuff."

>> No.5067136

Have you considered how annoying it is for vegetarians to be around meat all the time?

>> No.5067153

Thirty fucking bucks more at a wedding.

Big fucking deal.

>> No.5067160

One is self imposed, the other is normal.

>> No.5067163

I am a vegan and always make sure to prepare a meal for myself before I go out, if I don't, I don't eat. Stop creating a strawman oP.

>> No.5067164


It's $50.

>> No.5067167

More than likely there is more than one vegetarian going to the wedding. That one vegetarian just had to be a dick about it.

>> No.5067172

No, that would be ~$50 American and it could be per a plate if it is buffet style.

>> No.5067277

I never eat vegetables but I don't get annoyed that I'm around them.

And if we're talking ethics, eating fungi is far worse. Fungi form mycorrhizal relationships that are vital to the growth of neighbouring plants and local animal life. Yet vegetarians have no problem eating them, particularly as meat substitutes. I'd rather eat the the least-depended-on kingdoms. Animal life depends on plants and fungi, but it's mostly animal life that depends on other animal life, which includes humans. Animals are the orphans with no descendants. Depending but not dependable.

>> No.5067285

>being a fuckin stubborn cunt not eating and sitting there staring while everyone else is enjoying a meal

>> No.5067332

>Wedding Planners

The most useless shit I've ever seen. I don't need to pay someone to walk around looking irritated for two days. I can do that myself.

>> No.5067380

I don't really get why everything you are going to serve must contain meat or fish. Tunnel vision cooking.
plus, people who never eat meat can get really sick of it.

>> No.5067383


My sister has sever GI conditions and pretty much has to eat vegetarian whenever she goes through a flareup [in other words, all the time.], so I try not to be a dick to other people about their choices.

>> No.5067391

If I have no problem creating a vegetarian option for my vegetarian friend, should he be obligated to create a meat dish for when I eat at his?

It's always been a question i've wondered.

>> No.5067406

One time I went to a restaurant and absolutely nothing on the menu contained paprika! I like using paprika in cooking and it's a staple in my local cuisine, therefore it must definitely be in everything, and any paprika-free foods are by chefs actively avoiding it to be awkward.

>> No.5067575
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>Work at sushi restaurant
>fucking vegans come in all the time, make servers check if menu items are "okay" for them
>We have to check sauces and prepared items on request for being vegan-compatible
>We make our own sauces, so we have to check EVERY FUCKING COMPONENT for eggs, dairy, or animal products
>I've had to deal with vegans physically coming to my window and complaining tirelessly to me for not catering to their special needs
>Every knife, cutting board, and utensil has to be wiped down TWICE to ensure no contamination
>After all of this, they usually just order a salad

Fucking christ. If you don't want to eat fish, why did you come to a FISH RESTAURANT? Don't you have some hippy fucking vegan restaurant you could go to instead?

>> No.5067598

>Every knife, cutting board, and utensil has to be wiped down TWICE to ensure no contamination
>After all of this, they usually just order a salad

We go through this with the fucking ultra-jews. No, we do not have a staff member of your special snowflake self-entitled religion on staff scheduled just to cater to your special needs. I really wish we could just tell them to get the fuck out.

>> No.5067603

I think this answer is a resounding 'no' since that would entail supporting the exploitation of animals. Unless your friend isn't an ethical vegetarian and just doing it for his health.

>> No.5067610

Why not just skip the decontamination and sauce-checking? It's not like there's a label.

>> No.5067615

It amazes me just how petty these people are. "Why, I can't eat my salad with this fork--it was used to eat meat!"

It's there anyway you fucks. Unless you have a serious allergy (which would be understandable, but you don't), fuck off and stop being so picky.

>> No.5067642

The restaurant owner is Jewish. When he brings his friends/ family in (which he loves to do, show off his success) occasionally we have to do kosher checks and again, wipe down everything twice

We can't skip decontamination, it's a sushi bar so we're visible to the patrons, and the servers take it seriously and will stand there until you go check whatever sauce/seasoning/component and check back in with them

I've never heard this issue arise, but perhaps the server supplies plastic cutlery in such a case

>> No.5067652

Surely there's going to be meat free dishes. Mashed potatoes, breads, that kind of shit. Why can't they just make due with that.

>> No.5067658

Don't fucking cater to them, and make them starve.

>> No.5067659

Anyone who complains about vegetarians has never had to deal with vegans.

Maybe it's the same thing now...

>> No.5067661

Because then they'd be implicitly supporting the continued enslavement of animals. If I were a vegan, I'd just eat it anyway. Cow's already been made into beef bourguignon.

>> No.5067670

I have a friend who says he isn't an ethical vegetarian, he just doesn't like meat. Fair enough.

A few days ago we were shopping before I crashed at his place. I asked if he'd mind if I ate a ham sandwich in his house. He said he'd be fine with it as long as I ate downstairs, away from him (normally we both eat stuff in his room). Why does this matter? I don't get it.

It's like there's some weird OCD rule among vegetarians: if you ingest a single particle of animal product or have someone ingesting animal products within 5 metres of you, you LOSE vegetarianism and have to start over.

>> No.5067671

Vegans should disassociate with meat-eaters and form their own soy farm colony.

living with and supporting the existence of meat eaters only continues the rape and slavery of insects and animals.

>> No.5067677

The best is when you see vegans wearing nikes while using their MacBooks at the local Starbucks.

Because animal exploitation is wrong.

>> No.5067679

>It's like there's some weird OCD rule among vegetarians

It's not just vegetarians, it's picky eaters in general.

>> No.5067699

But they look at wrappers and say, "Nope, it's not suitable for vegetarians."

Why not just eat it, then decide?

I hate the taste of onions, but onions are in things. If onion was in something and the label said "Ingredients: ... onions" I wouldn't not eat it if I knew it was tasty and didn't taste of onions.

>> No.5067787

OP you and your guest are both cunts. I'm a vegetarian but have never asked anyone to prepare anything special for me. I normally just eat bread and salad if there's no main. Or just get drunkand eat the appetizers. It's not the most healthy option but this kind of situation occurs like once or twice a year so who cares.

You are throwing a fucking once in a lifetime party(hopefully) and an extra 30 quid shouldn't matter.

>> No.5067840

They have some weird purity fetish. It's almost as bad as religious fundamentalists. Funny thing is that vegetables can actually give you enough B12, provided it's fertilized with night soil and the vegetables aren't washed. But I guess even vegans are hesitant to eat shit.

>> No.5067887

truely is not that big a deal. today I had leftover collard greens, (boiled then "fried" in a pan with olive oil need not be evoo, and vinegar) I use cheap balsamic or any kind you like would work) black eyed peas and corn cooked together, small oven roasted potatoes. and fried hog jowl ( could have been fat back) the point is ecumenical. there were were Mrthofist, Babtist , Roman Catholioc, 7 day advent, weslyan, greek othodox , and jewish. and some none affiliated. the 7 day and Jewish were mostly vegitarioan. a nice meal. no one died. no Islam, but because there are few 'round here. hallal and kosher are very close. I would not knowingly defy someone elses creed or consious. but get real. shit happenns. you make baked beans and use canned pork n beans as a base. ug oh. you tell them. on ck it seems a great divide veg or not. that's ok. but really strict vegan, kossher, hallal. is dumb. I ride horses and have had dogs and cats. and certain precepts in my religion restrain me from eating them daily. but once in a while might not kill me. I dislike raw oysters sushi or bottom feeding fish like eel or cat fish or rare /raw liver. spare me the assholes, eyeballs and lungs, and hafgis and chitlins. but rarher than make a "scene", load it up with hot peppers, and down the hatchit goes. on the veg/ vegan side, spare me chick peas, hummus, soy meat "burgers" or cichcken chops. and deliver me from boiled glazed carrots and canned yams. and whilst asking deliver me from lemon swettendd instant tea ,some mres, and treat. spam is bad enough. and prevent me from talking too much on ck world wiyh out end. amen

>> No.5068068

i cooked and ate like 2 lbs of crab legs in my vegan friend's apartment. i can tell you, they aren't all like that.

>> No.5068195

I gotta admit that I am vegetarien, but I can gladly say that I am not one of these dumb faggots who demand sth special. If there are no vegetarien dishes then Ill just eat some side dishes and some salad. Why should I bother anyone with my eating habbits?

What disgusts me personally are vegetarians who are also picky eaters. Went to a friends place to watch the new Sherlock holmes episode tonight and offered them to take care of the dinner and the dessert which they happily accepted. So when I arrived at their appartement after I just spent 20€ on risotto ingredients, his fucking gf tells me that she likes neither risotto nor the walnut cake I prepared. So instead of eating a glorious creamy risotto we were eating salty mushy pasta with a watery tomato sauce which was burned for some reason.

>> No.5068346

>meet up with some old friends
>bro mate of mine is staying on the sofa of this other guy I used to know
>guy I used to know is now like a militant vegan animal rights protesting dickhead
>literally the most loudmouth opinionated hypocrite tosspot I have ever met, all he does is go to protests all day
>gives me a literal lecture one time because I spilled a beer on his carpet (I did clean it up the best I could) and calls me a "liability" behind my fucking back

Fuck, I wish my mate wasn't staying with him, he's been altering his diet and saying he's vegetarian now but fuck sake, he's only just changed recently and I bet I know why. I hate manipulative dickheads forcing shit on people. Shit, I eat vegetarian a lot of the time just for dietary/health/environment reasons but I love meat too and damned if I'd give it up and giving up eggs and cheese? No fucking way.

>> No.5068477
File: 897 KB, 1366x768, thats-awful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>bride asks where's my date
>>explain what happened
>>"We paid for two plates, ya know"

She's a bridezilla bitch, don't let it get to you.

>> No.5068528

I actually understand you, and love you, Ye Olde Rambling poster anon. Keep spreading the gospel of rants against and for the world of cuisine.

>> No.5068538

kill him.

Jesus fuck.... at least just start talking shit about how much of a faggot he is to his face.

>> No.5068544

ungrateful shits

I'd gladly eat risotto and watch Sherlock with you anon.

>> No.5068564

It gets better.

>made a bunch of vegan food for him
>black olive ciabatta, tapenade, hummus
>has the fucking cheek one time to when I'm round his leave the room without saying anything and comes back with a plate of food he prepared for himself

Honestly I don't need to do shit to the little faggot, he can't use an arm since he got in a bike accident years ago, apparently reckless riding was involved; also a couple of months back he got arrested because he called a couple of cops "fucking wankers" behind their backs loud enough to hear.

He's just an angry piece of shit who's gonna get his comeuppance soon.

>> No.5068570

>impotence of the british

>> No.5068578

>Be a vegetarian for ethical reasons
>Every single time people are eating meat and I say I don't want any they make a big scene

It gets old so fucking fast. I don't even go to barbeques anymore because I can't just go there and talk to people.

>> No.5068584

I'm vegetarian but I usually just eat around the meats whenever possible or stick to veg dishes that are offered.

Unless I'm at a restaurant and can request that my purchase be made without meat, I never ask for an exception to be made by everyone else on my behalf.

Sometimes they'll forget and include meat anyway but I rarely complain.

>> No.5068586

>I don't want to eat the meat
>It's already dead and roasted

Yeah, that IS retarded.

>> No.5068596

>Hey we already killed and cooked the guy, why don't you want any?

>> No.5068610

>equating a human with livestock

No wonder I've lost all regard for vegans' opinions!

>> No.5068631

If you take the position that killing animals is unethical, then the situations are similar. Just because one is more wrong doesn't make the other right.

>> No.5068654

Except it's already dead. And yes, it's night and day between killing a human and killing an animal by biological standards.

>> No.5068666

Like I said before, you wouldn't be okay eating somebody because they were already dead.

What biological standards are you referring to?

>> No.5068673

Is there some component of the vegan eating disorder that forces the sufferers to constantly ignore glaring logical fallacies? Reducto ad Ridiculum? Seriously? Is this a middle school debate club or are you seriously just this brain-damaged as a result of the damage caused by improper nutrition?

>> No.5068676

Vegetarian menus are cheaper to produce.

Unless you're a moron.

>> No.5068678

Go to /b/ with this nonsense
nobody cares about your anorexia here. This is FOOD and COOKING

>> No.5068684

You will learn, with time, that a good deal of utter morons forms the gestalt of popular opinion.

>> No.5068689

there aren't any "biological standards"


>> No.5068697

Human>lesser animal

I guess since you're arguing against that, then just go kill yourself already and make up for our species' "genocide"

Or, you know, get a basic grasp of history, biology, nutrition, and (more specifically) agricultural history. We are a lot more efficient and humane than our primate cousins. You don't see us ripping apart animals alive eating their ballsacks and kidneys while they squeal in pain.

>> No.5068699

First, you don't seem to understand the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian.
Second, I don't think 'reducto ad ridiculum' applies. It's a reasonable comparison- the unethical act has already been committed in both cases, so eating the results should not be a problem.
Third, if you want to complain about logical fallacies, don't argue with insults.

>> No.5068716

You should have just eaten both plates

>> No.5068722


>> No.5068725

Your friends sound like arseholes. My vego friends just bring their own things to grill, I usually have some too cos it tastes good

>> No.5068732

I seriously hope you are.
Every time there's a big function at work there's at least 5 of you fucks, we have to pull two chefs off and get yours plated, it puts a massive kink in service and most of the time one or two of you will complain and ask for something else, AGAIN.

>> No.5069246

"It's okay to eat cooked animal meats because the damage has already been done."

Really? Reminds me of the argument that child porn is fine because the abuse is over and and the image already exists.

>> No.5069256

Tract, you uneducated faggot.

>> No.5069262

My favorite ones are the "allergies" that want a different meal, then when we tell them it will take ten minutes, they eat what we gave them originally.

>> No.5069267

Who says it isn't?

>> No.5069268


Are you reminded because of how totally valid the principle is? I'll tell you the same thing I told the child: Don't just stare at it - Eat it.

>> No.5069271

Hmmm. Interesting point of view (inter-kingdom dependencies), thanks.

>> No.5069322


>> No.5069334
File: 21 KB, 299x451, Sid Vicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not use this catering company. They are taking the piss and need to be taught a lesson. Do not blame the vegetarian.

>> No.5069345

i know some of those.
they can either sit it out or bring their own food.

those are even worse. i've been vegan for over 15 years, but i don't give a damn to just pick the meat out of a plate when i get served something non-vegan.

>> No.5069880

I think the real question is why the hell do you not already have even one food that doesn't have meat in it? Vegan I can understand being difficult to deal with, but just simple vegetarian? You've got to be morbidly obese to find that a problem

>> No.5069887


>Live and let live

That phrase loses meaning when you use it to say "just let me live my life so I can not let animals live their life"

>> No.5069888

>You want us to remove an ingredient from some dishes we make?
>That'll be £30

Blame your shitty caterer.

>> No.5069891

This is the problem

>> No.5069903

I worked with woman whose daughter was marrying a quasi-muslim guy. He didn't really practice it, but his family did. Coworker was pissed that since she was paying for the catering, she would also have to pay for halal meat which is expensive as fuck.

>> No.5069922


That's different though.

>> No.5069956
File: 6 KB, 160x152, 1387780867577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god they are the worst, we had a function before Christmas where about a dozen people called in with "allergies"
Half of them were "allergic" to different meats (pork, beef, chicken, salmon) and at least 3 were gluten free.
You could tell most of them just didn't want to admit they disliked some foods, or they just wanted to fell special/superior.

>> No.5070298

>complains about petty fucks
>complains about hissy fits
>gets so fucking mad that he makes a post on 4chan about having to spend only 30 QUID MORE
nice ruse.

>> No.5070313

It's not like 4chan is pay-per-post. Yet.

>> No.5070323

Having an allergy does not many anyone feel superior.
I hate retarded people.

>> No.5070329

apes are herbivores

>> No.5070341



When's the last time you saw a coyote eat a bush because everything else was wrong?

>> No.5070342


Why don't you tell all the animals out there to stop being dicks and eating each other then?

Pretty sure they do more "damage" than one person eating meat at a reception.

>> No.5070367


>> No.5070380

Wow, I was very wrong.

>> No.5070389

I'm a vegetarian for medical reasons (gout). Never had to deal with bullshit, because I'll happily eat side-dishes/salad if available.

>> No.5070411

Your behavior is extremely offensive.

>> No.5070419


fuckin' #rekt

>> No.5070420

And why is that, you little prick?
Ever had to deal with a gout attack?

>> No.5070427

It's an immoral life choice.

>> No.5070432

Thank you for enlightening me.
I will now proceed to die due to kidney failure, because that's clearly an immoral life choice. Now go and fuck yourself, my little troll.

>> No.5070437

Live in denial.
Gout is a choice, it is not genetic like people are forced to believe.

>> No.5070528

That's pretty neat, because you get to stick it to us meat-eaters who complain about ethical/fussy vegetarians.

Still, I'll exercise my right to do it in 99% of cases.

>> No.5070565

>or they just wanted to fell special/superior.
Yeah.That's probably it. Or maybe they knew you'd flip a switch if they told you they were vegetarian and decided to invent an embarrassing allergy than confront your autism.

>> No.5070588

My brother has gout. He just eats white meat when it's flaring up.

>> No.5070608

I would just lie to them, its not like they'd know the fucking difference anyway...fuck these kinds of people

>> No.5070958

When I was in japan for a study abroad we had 2 of those super bitch vegans or vegetarians or whatever they are. me, my friend, one of the vegetarian girls, and 3 japanese girls who we were partners with were talking about what to eat. the bitch girl tried explaining that she wouldn't eat meat in her shitty japanese that she is awful at, NIKU DAME NO NO, and they didn't understand her at all, asking her if she was sick, etc. They didn't get it and just said ok whatever and brought us to a place.

The place was some delicious nabe restaurant filled with all kinds of awesome different kinds of meats/veggies, she was literally disgusted and >told us all to leave and go somewhere else even after we got all the food. The japanese girls told her to wait outside if she wasn't feeling well, and she left in a huff and puff. I literally couldn't stop laughing, I don't care how rude it was, I hate those types of people so much.

>> No.5071047

ITT: meat eaters invent anecdotes to feel better about the fact that they eat the flesh of living creatures.

>> No.5071052

>pretending that vegans aren't insufferable assholes that are trying to ruin food for everyone

>> No.5071087

To any vegetarians here, what do you feel you're achieving by doing it / why do you feel the need to do it? Sorry if I sound antagonistic but I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.5071088

Yes, it is tasty, savoury, juicy, delicious flesh. Salads are for rabbits.

>> No.5071089

I feel pretty neutral about the subject. I don't really care what happens to them as long as its clean/safe when it gets to me. This applies to those poor vegetable creatures too.

>> No.5071092

I do it for health reasons. Managed to drop my cholesterol level down quite a bit.

>> No.5071093

I can assume a lot of it is because they don't like the idea of killing something that can feel pain for our own benefit. I mean sure those animals dont have higher thought processes like us, but they still know when shits getting real.

>> No.5071095

I'm with this Anon. Vegan for health. When I'm out I go with the flow.

>> No.5071112

One of my best friends is a vegan, politically involved (literally works in politics) and studied philosophy, yet I have NEVER heard him complain a single time about food.

Probably has more to do with education and manners than anything else.

People who feel entitled about everything are mostly insecure and pretentious people, who feel the need to make themselves stand apart, by some demented and misguide sense of superiority, based on entirely abstract terms such as "ethics" and "morality".

What does piss me off, is when I hear people saying that being vegetarian is more healthy than being an omnivore.

Its unscientific and simply WRONG. You CAN replace most proteins with veggies, BUT NOT ALL.

The healthiest lifestyle is eating meat 2-3 times a week (not even talking about red meat).

>> No.5071588

So mad.

>> No.5071605
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itt: plebs

>> No.5071606

30 pounds? You have to spend 30 pounds more than usual on a friend or a relative, on a wedding of all things, and you find THEM to be the petty one?

>> No.5071607

>gout is a choice
I'll bet you think diabetes is a choice, too.
Type 1 since I was 10. Clearly my parents should have just reached in there and slapped my pancreas around a little.

>> No.5071630

>Be vegetarian.
>Go to wedding.
>Fuck everything is smothered in meat.
>Whelp looks like alcohol and bread for dinner.

Troll harder plz. If this really happened then it's only because the people hosting the wedding clearly liked this person enough to throw down 30 pounds extra on food options. If they didn't then they would have just told them to eat salad.

>> No.5071645

People are fat mostly because of sugars, not necessarily meat, and vegans can eat sugars too.

>> No.5071650

Do you want a pat on the head?

>> No.5071655

>not being deliberately ignorant
>not closetting their disgust for animal insides and the methods of obtaining them on mass
it would make most veges feel horrible to have to eat meat, you're the petty fuck. meat is expensive anyway.

>> No.5071681

So are you saying, if I took a picture of your cock (assuming you weren't into that) and posted them online, it would make NO difference to you whether one person saw it or 100,000,000 people saw it?

>> No.5071688

>Be a wedding
>Serve salad
>Then potatoes, sauteed greens, and steak
>if vegetarian, replace steak with another salad
How is this hard?

>> No.5071690

>Troll harder plz
Learn what the word troll actually means then try again.

>> No.5071703

>getting married, ever
>inviting a vegetarian anywhere, ever
You fucked up either way, any right you had to complain was revoked.

>> No.5071716

haha ok, weddings are such a waste of money, how can you complain about $50?

>> No.5071777


>What does piss me off, is when I hear people saying that being vegetarian is more healthy than being an omnivore.
>Its unscientific and simply WRONG. You CAN replace most proteins with veggies, BUT NOT ALL.

Has there ever been any study in history that hasn't shown vegetarians/vegans to be healthier than omnis?

>> No.5071781

the only thing worse than loud entitled vegetarians is shittalking meat-eaters who assume every vegetarian is entitled and pretentious

>> No.5071784

>What does piss me off, is when I hear people saying that being vegetarian is more healthy than being an omnivore.
>Its unscientific and simply WRONG. You CAN replace most proteins with veggies, BUT NOT ALL.
>implying you give a shit about being 'healthy' and aren't just an envious fattie

>> No.5071942

>referring to statistic "studies" unable to get the difference between correlation and causation

>> No.5071948


>every kind of data we have indicates a vegetarian diet is healthier

Even without studies, we've identified many reasons WHY meat effects us badly and we understand it on a chemical level. Here's one you may not have heard before.


>> No.5071964


>assume every vegetarian is entitled and pretentious

That IS pretty stupid. Vegans now, yeah that's accurate.

>> No.5072000

Do you have any studies contradicting the studies done on the Inuit and other aborigines? The Inuit eat only meat (seal, caribou, and fish), and the other eats a mixed diet. Both are known for being extremely healthy and don't suffer from any dental problems compared to the tribes that didn't have access to any meat.

>> No.5072025


£30 for cheese sandwiches and a bit of hummus? You've been had, mate.

>> No.5072027

oh cool bullshit from a slanted source with an obvious bias. Thanks, you totally convinced me.

>> No.5072029

Well, you managed to. Seeing that those studies said that it wasn't actually the diet that resulted in better health. Public schools, yes? Would you like some help with your eating disorder? i want you to be healthy.

>> No.5072038


>Both are known for being extremely healthy

They've always had the lowest life expectancies of whatever area they lived in


>if it doesn't say what I want it to say, it's biased

>> No.5072045

No, it's biased when it comes from someone who is very obvious promoting an agenda. Did you flunk out of every logic class you've ever taken? Perhaps you should get treatment for your eating disorder, malnutrition often causes cognitive damage, and your inability to recognize confirmation bias is a worrisome sign when it comes to your faculties. Please seek help, I want you to be healthy.

>> No.5072046


He could be the head of PETA for all I care, the information he uses is valid scientific research

>> No.5072050


>promoting an agenda

Healthy eating is now an agenda.

>> No.5072052

Nope, it isn't. And of course you wouldn't care if he was the head of peta, you don't look at things objectively, you only cherry pick sources that reinforce you disordered point of view. As I said, you suffer from an eating disorder and it has very clearly affected your mental abilities. Would you like some resources?

>> No.5072053



>> No.5072056

It's all one dude. How's it hanging, thekindlife? Why'd you lose the trip?

>> No.5072057
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>Nope, it isn't

Well when you become a scientist, you can say that with some gravity. 'Til then, you gotta bend over and take science up the ass.

>> No.5072060

do you realize you are bitching about people not wanting to eat meat which is generally more expensive?
can you not into raviolli or some shit?
my sister is having a wedding and Im having tortillini
If you have that much hatred for vegetarians choosing not to eat meat don't make vegetarian friends obnoxious fuck
>why can't they eat meat just this once
Why cant you suck my dick just this once :^)

>> No.5072062

No, as a matter of fact, i don't have to accept obvious logical fallacies being pushed by the mentally ill as "science", it doesn't work that way. Perhaps if you had better brain function, you would be able to conceive this. Seriously, I want to help you, anon. Watching you suffer like this is painful.

>> No.5072065


Wouldn't it just be easier to say "I'm sorry, you're right, science isn't the devil's tool to trick people into not eating meat"?

>> No.5072070

No, because that would be supporting a fallacious conclusion. Such is the burden of operating under things like logic and rational thought, TKL. Again, any time you are ready, I will help you any way I can. You shouldn't have to go through this alone.

>> No.5072083


>> No.5072125


>> No.5072134

I hope you are trollin op

I'm a vege, and I don't mind if the vast majority of the meal is meat, I'll just eat muh carbs and vege, because I don't like animals dying for me to eat when I can easily just eat alternative foods. I can't push myself to veganism but I figure vege is a happy middleground.

>> No.5072137

>They've always had the lowest life expectancies of whatever area they lived in
I hope you realize that's because they're adjusting to a Western lifestyle. Traditional Inuit are one of the healthiest groups out there.

>> No.5072142


When I said "always had," I mean always, not just after a transition to western style eating. Eskimos didn't live to 100, the idea that the Eskimos were a vibrant, healthy group of superhumans is a myth. Yes, we know smoking and alcohol badly affected their health (as it did to every other group of people), but there's no reason to think before that they were the elite of human fitness.

>> No.5072158

Yes, but you're saying meat affects you badly when the reverse was true for the Inuit and other natives. And mind you these were studies done in the early 20th century, long before medical practice became consistent and established, let alone established in the Arctic North. I wonder if you're make a gross over generalization when you say all meat is bad for you.

>> No.5072173


>when the reverse was true for the Inuit and other natives

How do you figure that? For tens of thousands of years all they had to eat was meat. Now in the western world, it's not like they've abandoned meat and switched to a diet of what we thought were healthy plant foods and then their health mysteriously got worse. Now they eat meat in addition to a bunch of junk food and drugs, and exercise much less than they used to. Obviously their health would decline, but that doesn't mean their original diet was great either.

>> No.5072176


>> No.5072188

Wow, that is a truly brilliant refutation, good sir. Beautiful ad hominem, so brazen too. Clearly, i am out of my league with an intellectual giant like yourself.

>> No.5072190


that wasn't a refutation. you lost the argument you were in when you started saying science that tells you what you don't want to hear isn't valid

and an ad hominem doesn't mean calling someone a name

>> No.5072193

Wow...Now, an ad hominem is when you attack the arguer and not the argument. Since it's pretty clear that you're out of your depth here, I'm gonna go easy: There was no science. There was only puffery from a biased source attempting to advance an agenda with cherry picked information and ignoring confirmation bias. This is is, in fact, not science, thus there is no science to refute, deny, etc. only logical fallacies and general ignorance. Good day sir.

>> No.5072195

>Maximum damage control overdrive
Seriously do you really think that anyone is fooled by this shit?
>You lost because I say you did.
Again, if you operated on things like logic and reason, you wouldn't embarrass yourself like this, TKL. I am dead serious about your eating disorder, It pains me to see another human being suffer so greatly. Please help us help you.

>> No.5072198


>Now, an ad hominem is when you attack the arguer and not the argument

an ad hominem is when you attack the argument by attacking the user, such as "because you're a child molester, your argument against the effectiveness of Crest toothpaste is wrong." since your argument already got shut down, anyone is free to come call you autistic or stupid as a side note. you don't just yell "AD HOMINEM, I WIN" when someone calls you a mean name

>> No.5072200
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You really should stop. Your public education is showing.

>> No.5072202


>>You lost because I say you did.

You lost because you were presented with objective scientific evidence and you rejected it entirely because "That guy doesn't say what I want him to say. He just has an agenda, so the facts and data he uses shouldn't count"

>> No.5072204

No, when someone has to resort to ad hominems, it is often a pretty clear indication that they have realized that they are in an untenable position. You're really bad at this, perhaps if your diet was better, you'd be a tad sharper.

>> No.5072207

There was no objective scientific evidence posted. There was a bit of propaganda posted by a vegan with an agenda to advance (again, get that through your head, this is a biased source). How are you struggling so hard to grasp such a simple concept? Has malnutrition rotted away your brain?

>> No.5072208


>resort to

The argument ended here >>5072057

And seriously, you're crying about some guy calling you autistic when the entire thread you're going on about malnutrition and eating disorders?

>> No.5072209

Except what you're saying is patently false. The Inuit were always in good condition.
>switched to a diet of what we thought were healthy plant foods and then their health mysteriously got worse
It's not mysterious because we already know their diet has switched to processed and refined foods. There's nothing mysterious about it.

This is corroborated by several studies.

>> No.5072213


>(again, get that through your head, this is a biased source).

I think you think the data in the video is his own science that he came up with. What it actually is, is published works he came across and compiled into a video to explain a well known and documented phenomenon. This is unbiased information. Even if you believe with all your heart that the guy making the video is the absolute most batshit crazy radical vegan nazi, it makes no difference at all because the information he uses is objective information.

>> No.5072214

Thats an entirely different situation compared to fucking paying an extra 30 euro for an already wedding.

>> No.5072215

I'm sorry that I upset you, but if 4chan makes you cry, perhaps you shouldn't browse it. Please samefag some more tho, this is hilarious. I am going on about malnutrition and eating disorders because it is quite clear that you suffer from them both, and I care about your well-being. You've lost the ability to think rationally; this is not the sign of good mental or physical health, typically. Seriously, where are you located? Do you want the number for a good counseling center? You seem like a very disturbed, angry individual.

>> No.5072217

Do you really not understand what confirmation bias is? I don't have the time to teach you elementary logic. As always, my offer stands, just say the word.

>> No.5072219


You're not showing me anything about life expectancy, just cancer/disease deaths, which if you know the inuit means very little as they regularly commit suicide when they feel themselves developing illness.

>> No.5072224
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just entering the thread to say so far everything you've said so far has been an ad homniem against the other guy

>> No.5072226


Not to mention he ironically displays some accute paranoia as well. "I know that's you, TKL! You can't hide from me! I'll get you some day!"

>> No.5072227

You have a short attention span for data that contradicts you? You're saying all meat is bad for you.
>Epidemiologic examinations of Greenland Inuit have disclosed a connection between high seafood intake containing a high level of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and a low coronary heart disease (CHD) morbidity. Other epidemiologic studies have confirmed this interrelation, and a biological substrate for a causal relationship has been established.

>I found a a mortality table from the records of a Russian mission in Alaska (compiled by Veniaminov, taken from Cancer, Disease of Civilization), which recorded the ages of death of a traditionally-living Inuit population during the years 1822 to 1836... Excluding infant mortality, about 25% of their population lived past 60. Based on these data, the approximate life expectancy (excluding infant mortality) of this Inuit population was 43.5 years.

Stop dodging the argument. If you're right, the Inuit should have a disproportionate number of people with cancer and chronic illnesses.

>Dufour (1994) argues that Inuit society has a long tradition of people ending their lives when they feel they have become useless. In the past, however, this kind of suicide involved only the elderly:

>Suicide in early Inuit society was viewed positively when the individual had become a burden for the group. “Senilicide” in particular was deemed to be acceptable and appropriate. Its pattern: a usually elderly person motivated by illness, helplessness, bereavement, dependence on the group, famine, or resource shortage who would decide after consulting family members who sometimes could be called upon to assist. In contemporary Inuit society, the elderly no longer commit suicide. The young people do.

>> No.5072229


>about 25% of their population lived past 60

What about that sounds healthy?

>> No.5072231

Read it again
>1822 to 1836

>> No.5072234

/ck/, what's worse:

Picky PETA-level vegan who treats meat and dairy like arsenic, OR

Manchild who "struggles with" eating veggies and fruits but is completely okay with drinking juice

>> No.5072237

Both are intolerable, but I'd have to say the vegan. The clincher was the PETA-level description; at least the man child won't bother me because I'm eating vegetables and fruits.

>> No.5072240

my dad is an overweight asshole that watches fox news and listens to rush limbaugh unfortunately.

he's super anti-vegetarian.

my mum is a really nice lady but refuses to eat red meat and tries to get my dad to eat healthy

every time we go out, he complains about my mother limiting their options.

i;m going to go with the latter because even while my experience is extraordinary it leaves a bad taste in my mouth when considering all the militant anti-veg sorts.

>> No.5072242


The time doesn't matter, Okinawans were living into their 100s at that time too on a diet that's just about the opposite of the eskimo diet. In my unprofessional opinion, the 2 main factors in the moderate health of the inuit people is a lifestyle involving a lot of physical exercise, as well as thousands of years of genetic selection

>> No.5072246


>at least the man child won't bother me because I'm eating vegetables and fruits.

You ever see a thread about chili with beans in it?

>> No.5072252

That's an entirely different argument. Some Texans get mad that people add beans, which they consider to not be a part of chili. They don't actually accuse you of murder, slavery, rape, and all other good stuff.

>> No.5072255


>They don't actually accuse you of murder, slavery, rape, and all other good stuff.

Right, they accuse you of the opposite. "You DON'T murder, rape, and enslave? What do you think, you're better than me?! Fucking asshole! Get off my board, vegan! Eat some bacon!"

>> No.5072256

That's incredibly fucking stupid.

>> No.5072260

You realize that this is 20th century born Okinawans we're talking about, right? Where did you even get that they lived to 100 at in 1820 figure from? They have access to medical care, unlike the isolated Inuit in Greenland. Please stop pulling things out of your ass. Even if you're right, that still doesn't change the argument that all meat is bad. The incidence of cancer and chronic diseases among the Inuit are low (true), the Inuit commit suicide whenever they feel ill (false, see Notes on Eskimo Patterns of Suicide).

That's why people can't take vegans seriously. So many of you are belligerent and uppity.

>> No.5072264
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Chill, you better eat some B12.

>> No.5072271


>"In contemporary Inuit society, the elderly no longer commit suicide. The young people do."

Which is to say that before westernization it was the old and sick killing themselves, and now, in the time least conducive to your conclusion, it is the young killing themselves.

The thing least convincing about the inuit equation is that it's never been replicated in any other group, leading us to believe that the little information we have has to do with genetic factors from the circumstance of having no choice for tens of thousands of years but to eat a diet of a very small range of foods, which would also explain why they seem to be so much more susceptible to disease from dietary shifts.

>> No.5072274

It's not so many. You can't possibly judge that, because not all vegans are vocal about it and not all of them are on 4chan, where you get your limited exposure to them.

This whole board suffers from confirmation bias towards vegetarians and vegans from seeing and getting involved in troll threads and people pretending to be vegans and making outrageous claims for you to refute and feel better about yourselves.

It's a massive circle jerk,

>> No.5072276

Yes, and still 25% of the population lived above 60. With the median age being 43.5 years.

>The thing least convincing about the inuit equation is that it's never been replicated in any other group, leading us to believe that the little information we have has to do with genetic factors from the circumstance of having no choice for tens of thousands of years but to eat a diet of a very small range of foods, which would also explain why they seem to be so much more susceptible to disease from dietary shifts.
Seriously, why do you do this? So vegans don't think processed and refined foods are bad for you now? Read what I posted before responding. >>5072209
>Caribou, muktuk (whale blubber and skin) and Arctic char (salmon family), were the most commonly consumed traditional foods; mean portion sizes for traditional foods ranged from 10 g for fermented seal fat to 424 g for fried caribou. Fried bannock and white bread were consumed by >85% of participants; mean portion sizes for these foods were 189 g and 70 g, respectively. Sugar-sweetened beverages and energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods were also widely consumed. Mean portion sizes for regular pop and sweetened juices with added sugar were 663 g and 572 g, respectively. Mean portion sizes for potato chips, pilot biscuits, cakes, chocolate and cookies were 59 g, 59 g, 106 g, 59 g, and 46 g, respectively.
>The present study provides further evidence of the nutrition transition that is occurring among Inuit in the Canadian Arctic. It also highlights a number of foods and beverages that could be targeted in future nutritional intervention programs aimed at obesity and diet-related chronic disease prevention in these and other Inuit communities.

>> No.5072280

Same thing could be said about your perception of meat-eaters. Maybe the ones attacking vegans for not eating meat are just trolls. It's just as unprovable. It's not a one-way street where vegans are an oppressed minority while carnivores batter them endlessly because vegans don't eat meat. And are all their claims outrageous? Because they've made arguments which is repeated by large, organized vegan communities.

>> No.5072281


>Yes, and still 25% of the population lived above 60

And then began to get sick and killed themselves. I'm saying at the time that you would most want them to not be into elderly suicide, because it fucks with disease and longevity statistics, is when they were into killing themselves before disease took them, and that now when it doesn't really matter because you can just chalk it up to "new diet," they stopped doing it

Of course junk food is bad, but the thing is everybody eats it and yet the inuit still have 10-20 years lower on the life expectancy rates with all factors accounted for.

>> No.5072282


you nigga made me laugh

>> No.5072287

For fuck's sake, I'm done with this argument. >>5072227
>Dufour (1994) argues that Inuit society has a long tradition of people ending their lives when they feel they have become useless. In the past, however, this kind of suicide involved only the elderly
>"new diet,"

Going to close the argument. It's already been going around in circles after you couldn't prove that all meat is unhealthy for you.

>> No.5072290

Meat is unethical, and the ethical consequences of eating meat aren't outweighed by the health benefits. If you can live healthily without meat, why eat it? Other than selfish reasons, I can't think why.

>> No.5072291


You're getting a little tripped up now. The elderly are the most common people to have diseases, and being elderly by itself does not render you a useless member of society, as evidenced by the elderly in Asia who do physical labor well into the 90s.

>> No.5072297



>> No.5072299

Are you fucking retarded

>> No.5072306

to be fair to him you did spill beer on his carpet you insufferable prick

>> No.5072308

>Our findings suggest a higher prevalence of osteoporotic fractures in Inuit peri and menopausal women of Greenland than in women in Quebec City area. Usuals risks factors of osteoporosis are associated with QUS parameters. Moreover, the mono-ortho PCB concentrations are associated with QUS parameters and this association remains significant after controlling for potential confounding factors. These findings need to be evaluated in longitudinal studies before concluding that these compounds are causally involved in the aetiology of osteoporosis and to accurately defined the onset of adult bone loss and the associations with environmental contaminants exposure.

>The geometric mean of blood concentrations for Cd, Pb, PCBs, DDE & DDT, toxaphene, and chlordane were higher than those in the Canadian general population. A total of 9% of study participants exceeded the intervention guideline of 100μgL(-1) for Pb, 11% of participants exceeded the trigger guideline of 5μgL(-1) for Cd, and 1% exceeded the intervention guideline of 100μgL(-1) for PCBs.

>Based on the analytical findings and the local PTSs sources identified, guidelines on food safety are suggested, as well as measures to reduce food contamination and domestic and local sources. Important and urgent remedial actions are recommended to minimize PTSs environmental and domestic contamination. Waste clean-up activities started in coastal Chukotka in 2007.

>> No.5072310

What country is that? Do you people having meals on wedding? In here we only serve cakes and drinks to them.

>> No.5072312

>It is well known that hormones, vitamins, pharmaceuticals, and metals can have adverse effects on bone. Bone effects, mainly congenital, have also been linked to persistent organochlorine exposure following a few notable poisoning incidents. High-level, accidental dietary exposure to hexachlorobenzene resulted in severe osteoporosis (Cripps et al. 1984; Gocmen et al. 1989), and infants exposed in utero to high concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and poly-chlorinated dibenzofurans developed irregular calcification of their skull bones (Miller 1985)

>> No.5072313

That doesn't seem to refute that they have a higher rate of osteoporosis, based on a diet of acidic animal products sapping calcium.

Inuits are a very small population sample to begin with. Compared to the China Study, the size of the samples of Inuits is insignifigant.

>> No.5072314
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>helffy inuit data full of heavy metals and contaminants

>> No.5072315

Do you have a source for that statement? Sources for anything?

>> No.5072318



>> No.5072323

>T. Colin Campbell
>same person who published the China Study
Into the trash.

>> No.5072325


Right on, brother. Fuck science.

>> No.5072336

>Fuck faulty science

>> No.5072341


>if it says what I don't want it to say, it's WRONG

>> No.5072344
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>implying wrongness

Steak is beautiful.

>> No.5072360

I know that vegetarians can be A LOT healthier than meat eaters. But meat is fucking delicious.
ALSO: We do have "canines" teeth.. Or whatever the fuck they are called.
>We wouldn't exist if our ancestors ate fucking berries.

>> No.5072362

I was just thinking how much this thread annoyed me.

But then I realized that we haven't had a "daily vegan thread" since it was posted.

So it turns out that I love this thread.

>> No.5072401
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Take a side you fuck.