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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5070522 No.5070522 [Reply] [Original]

Is it ever acceptable to eat steak well done?

>> No.5070526

If it's served to you and you have no say in the temperature

>> No.5070525

No. It's a waste of meat. If you want well done beef, braise it or make a pot roast, or cut short so that the fiber contraction isn't so pronounced, like in fajitas.

>> No.5070532

Yes, everyone is entitled to an opinion except those who browse /v/ and /a/

>> No.5070527

Does the tin man have a sheet metal cock?

>> No.5070529

Only in Europe where all beef is infected with mad cow disease.

>> No.5070535

We don't want them.

>> No.5070536

We did. Twice. It sucked so bad we gave it back.

>> No.5070533

Why hasn't the US taken over Europe yet? It's such a shitty rundown country, they need the US.

>> No.5070571
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The middle and bottom pictures should be switched

>> No.5070582

Chefs who make a big deal out of wanting your steak well-done are about as annoying and pretentious and waitresses complaining about not getting a tip.

Which bring me to my next question. Why is the restaurant industry so full of cancer?

>> No.5070586

Acceptable to eat? Sure, if its your only option, but never acceptable to cook it as such

>> No.5070597

Its all about ego. That is why.

>> No.5070603

you'd rather have the Somalis and Pakis throw acid in your women's faces for going without a Hijab, and let the muzzie shop keepers sell tickets to diddle your daughter in the back room? Alright, go nuts with that then.

>> No.5070636

Overworked, underpaid, super stressful and it's so easy to take criticism personally.

>> No.5070635


It's funny how xenophobia and racism always boil down to sexual insecurities. Which is odd because pakis are reputed to have a small pee-pee to the last man, not sure about somalis because there aren't enough of them to have stereotypes about.

>> No.5070655


because im fucking lazy and i don't like waiting 20 min to cook your filet

>> No.5070656

Correct answer is it depends on the cut.

>> No.5070662

I never thought that wanting to protect the most vulnerable among you from those that seek them out to victimize them a "sexual insecurity"

But I guess being a cock-addled liberal self-hating anti-white kike-puppet twat-suck, such as yourself, may come with a certain number of mental problems, as the research on you homosexuals show.

>> No.5070665

If it's past the use-by date its a good idea. Personal preference has something to do with it too.

>> No.5070666

Well stated.

>> No.5070667


So much mad :)

Have fun suppressing those sexual fantasies about muzzies bukkakeing your daughter, anon-kun.

>> No.5070673


>> No.5070686 [DELETED] 

I would like to express my desire to keep this cute poni around

>> No.5070695

I remember that episode, the steak still didn't tasted very good, until he tried organic free range meat.

>> No.5070744

>the steak still didn't tasted very good, until he tried organic free range meat.

Oh fuck no. Please no. King of The Hill is my oasis from liberal bullshit.

>> No.5070748



>> No.5070768

Am I alone in loving things well done and possibly slightly burnt. Not to the point of tasting that nasty ass burnt flavor but enough where there's no chance of pinkness?

I will eat it at a lower cooking stage to be polite, though, it's harder for me to put down.

>> No.5070775

Nah it's true, he had to go to some hippie store and get some kind of hippie steak.
But don't worry, Hank quickly turned the store into a conservative paradise.

>> No.5070843


Who cares, man?

>> No.5070857

then the hippies being hypocrites sold out and destroyed hanks work.

>> No.5070872

Because it's a bunch of alcoholics and drug addicts who have a foot in the grave looking for quick, easy money. And most of the waiters are felons or have multiple DUIs. It's a dead end business. Every now and then you'll find someone working there who isn't a complete fuck up, but that's like 5% maybe.

When I worked at a restaurant, and decently nice one at that, I was the only person on staff without a felony, didn't have a kid, and didn't have a raging drug/alcohol abuse problem.

>> No.5070886

It's acceptable if a loved one cooked it for you but fucked up. You tell them they fucked up, but you eat it because it would be a waste.

>> No.5070903

What's with felons and being in the culinary industry anyways? Half of my old coworkers have been arrested before and have a criminal record and nearly a quarter have been to jail.

>> No.5070919

I can think of two, maybe three reasons.

1. You're at a restaurant of dubious reputation (then again, if you were at a restaurant like that, you would probably order something more simple like chicken strips or wings)

2. You've gotten old and your body can't handle steaks that are less than fully cooked

3. You're a very young child and therefore cannot stomach or appreciate the taste of med-rare or rawer

>> No.5070925

>restaurant of dubious reputation
>ordering poultry

>> No.5070926

Damn King of the Hill is a great show.

>> No.5070935

I've gotten raw chicken wings before

>> No.5070939

Chances are, their chicken strips come pre-cooked, or they're too generous with the deep fryer and end up overcooking it.

>> No.5070946

>go to brand new restaurant down the street
>order buffalo wings
>get frozen chicken strips dipped in hotsauce (still cold in the middle)

And it was like that wet hotsauce with the consistency of water. It was just messy. If the beer wasn't so good and so cheap I would've been pissed.

>> No.5070955

if it is braised then yes.

>> No.5070979

>go to brand new restaurant down the street
>have 6,5/10 burger
>have cheap beer
>order bananas foster
>deep-fried balls of mashed banana with spray-can "whipped cream"

>go to new restaurant down the street
>order ham omelette
>strips of fried egg and fried ham sprinkled haphazardly on a plate

>> No.5071242 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5071447

If you want to enjoy the taste of meat and not blood, always.

>> No.5071459

I'm gonna let you google this one up yourself and avoid some embarrassment

>> No.5071855

Swiss Steak or Chicken Fried steak.

>> No.5072169

Why does one "cook" raw meat anyway?

>> No.5072184

>giving a shit what other people think

>> No.5072192

Yes, if that's how you like your steak cooked.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is a pretentious cunt who has trouble separating fact and opinion.

>> No.5072210

Well the fact is that well done steaks have less of the real meat flavour and are never as tender.

>> No.5072218

That is indeed a fact.

That doesn't mean it's not acceptable to eat them.

>> No.5072232

But it is less good to eat them, and bad things are generally less popular and less acceptable.

>> No.5072261

I tend to like the velvety smoothness of rare ribye.


>> No.5072263


But for some people, like this dude >>5070768
eating well-done steaks is more good. And the best is when everybody experiences the things which are good for them.

>> No.5072284

Cancer is bad.

>> No.5072288


pakistanis have average weewee length about the same as other asians.

its indians that have the smallest

> cock-addled liberal self-hating anti-white kike-puppet twat-suck

so your virulent racism is just to protect the women.
if tomorrow there weren't any crimes against women, racist nationalism would be a thing of the past.

>> No.5072298

never enjoyed well done go to steak house known for rib eye feeling very hungry waitress asks queen or king cut i ask for biggest one she says ok but its an end cut i say why not... its freaking giagantic no room on over size resturant plate for anything else it was well done and fantastic probably due to all the fat melting into meat so id say depends on cut

>> No.5072302

No, there's where you're adding opinion into it. Some people may like them well done even if they're less tender. Eating them well done is not less good for everyone.

>> No.5072320

Mmm, well done, chewy quality meat. No sauce required, because all the yumminess is concentrated in a nice dense piece of meat. Medium, or as I call it half done, is just a sad, floppy excuse for poor cooking skills. It's literally a soggy meat pancake unfit for eating (unless you happen to be a dog or whatever).

yum yum

>> No.5072326


>> No.5072489

I'm pretty sure they *are* the reason why we think Asians have tiny penises.

India & Pakistan are technically part of Asia, and they contribute a sizable population.

>> No.5072492

Of course. It's only unacceptable to eat a steak less than well done.

>> No.5072508


Nah, all asians have small weewees.

Indians have the smallest, not pakis.

>> No.5072540

i don't get it.
I rarely eat steak, am I considered a piece of shit if I say I want my steak well done and my eggs scrambled simply for the sake of not being so picky?

>> No.5072545
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>> No.5072557

I don't think anyone cares if you order scrambled eggs since they're so easy to make anyway. The practical problem with well done steak is it takes significantly longer to cook. Ordering well done is actually being more picky than ordering medium rare, since it takes longer and it's hard to make the meat not taste like leather.

>> No.5072560

will medium rare have blood and/or parasites in it?

>> No.5072569

no steak will have blood in it
and no, it (more than likely) won't have parasites in it, but even if it did i doubt cooking it well done without severely drying out and ruining the steak would get rid of parasites

>> No.5072580

Steak has myoglobin, which is not the same thing as blood. Myoglobin basically transports oxygen throughout the muscle, it's red for the same reason oxygen-enriched hemoglobin is. It doesn't have any of the other properties of blood however.

Beef usually doesn't have any parasites in it, and cooking it won't really help if it does have parasites. Steak doesn't hve much bacteria on the inside which is why you only need to sear it on the outside, cooking it isn't necessary.

>> No.5072589

so raw steak is healthy?
I can't do it, i'll just have a hamburger, Mr. Hill.

>> No.5072598

>so raw steak is healthy?
Basically, although if you're eating it rare you should use high-quality meat. You should usually heat the outside at least in case of contamination, but it's still basically raw.. Much safer than poultry.

>> No.5072606

I'll just hamburger, thanks.

Burger meat should always be cooked fully.

>> No.5072617

Burger meat, while it needs to be cooked more than steak obviously, is still pretty safe. You can get away with medium rare or medium.

>> No.5072620

those places get Bs and Cs from the health inspector though

>> No.5072626

/ck/: Where /pol/ goes to relax.

>> No.5072627

you know what? just go dig a hole and bury yourself in it
you'll be safe there.

>> No.5072633

holes have insects though, they're icky

>> No.5072634

>75 posts
>not one mention of A-1 Steak Sauce

You guys are slipping.

>> No.5072635

it's too tart, I prefer ketchup or BBQ sauce

>> No.5072637
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this fuckin' guy

>> No.5072662

>A1 is too tart but ketchup isn't

Nigga what.

>> No.5072679


>confirmed never had a quality steak that requires no sauce

>> No.5072696

I like my steak done medium well. Full well is shit-tier, but medium's good.

At the end of the day, though, who gives a shit? It's hardly a 'waste of meat', as some of you faggots would say, if the person you serve it to eats and enjoys it. Surely it's more of a waste of meat serving what you think to be better because of your delicate ego or muh cookin knowledge to somebody who doesn't like it and therefore won't eat it.

>> No.5072710


Cooked meat is easier to digest and releases more nutrients than raw meat. Switching from raw to cooked was essential for us to get the necessary nutrients to develop our large brains.

That's why people who like rare steak can't comprehend it any other way, because they're animals with small and undernourished brains.

>> No.5072726

>big brains are better than little brains
it's 2014
how are you this stupid

yes i get that you're trolling but i don't care

>> No.5072727

>eating food for nutrients and not for taste and quality
Maximum overpleb.