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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5069633 No.5069633 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the point of non-iodised salt?

>> No.5069641

Easy: it appeals to customers who are paranoid and afraid. In other words, targeted marketing to the ignorant. Sort of like lottery tickets.

>> No.5069657

whats the difference?

why the fuck are there so many different salts? is there even a difference?

>> No.5069658

To fill giant voids of earth underground.

>> No.5069663

I'm curious too
there was a sale on fancy pink Himalayan, black Ceylon or something and this light brown salt

>> No.5069665

You mean what's the point of iodized salt? The point is that dirt poor dirt farmers living in shit holes were getting horrible diseases and iodized salt was invented to solve said diseases. It's the same as enriched parboiled rice or powdered milk with vitamins added: it's a band-aid solution to solve poverty in the context of the primitive early 20th century supply chain. Anyone living on a middle class income doesn't need it because he gets enough iodine from the diet he should be eating (of course, this being /ck/ the land of latch key kids raised by alton brown and rug rats cartoons, "should be" and "is" don't necessarily have anything in common)

tl;dr it's Golden Rice for white people

>> No.5069669 [DELETED] 

It will protect you from the militarized iodine mind control chemicals of the NWO.

>> No.5069672

your question answers why they may make iodised salt

anyway you're a fucking retard if you dont believe you need iodine

>> No.5069712

So my mom who has a glandular problem can have salt.

>> No.5069728

>anyway you're a fucking retard if you dont believe you need iodine
I'll take a balanced diet for 100.

Maybe you need the feds to make sure you get all your nutrients, but some people aren't spoon fed babies.

>> No.5069732 [DELETED] 


So our third world slave population will be able to toil for an increased number of years with meager rations and unsanitary conditions, thereby reducing production cost and maximizing profits for the ruling elite,.

>> No.5069744
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>I'll take a balanced diet for 100.

A balanced diet contains iodine. Are they teaching basic reading in home school yet?

>> No.5069748

>A balanced diet contains iodine.
Then why is iodized salt needed? No one is saying you don't need iodine. You sound retarded and argumentative.

>> No.5069759

>No one is saying you don't need iodine.

is this not you?

>> No.5069760

BUMPO for tihs questions

>> No.5069764


They look neat, and they have different textures, and the taste is slightly different. Some people consider these differences interesting and aren't so ridiculously poor that they get upset at paying an extra dollar to have fancy looking flakes on their margarita glass. Other people are poor and make retarded posts on the internet about placebo and penn & teller.

I myself boil pasta with fleur de sel just to piss those people off. Feels good to have a job.

>> No.5069766

More than one person on /ck/.

Why do you think iodized salt consumption is a prerequisite of a balanced diet?

Why do you think the federal government has to enforce these regulations instead of educating the public better?

>> No.5069779

>Why do you think iodized salt consumption is a prerequisite of a balanced diet?

It's not. But iodine is. You posted to argue with a guy who said you were retarded for thinking iodine was not necessary. You could have avoided being slapped down like a tard by simply acknowledging the difference between "needs iodine" and "needs iodized salt"

>Why do you think the federal government has to enforce these regulations instead of educating the public better?

I already explained where iodized salt came from up here >>5069665 back when you were struggling with your hatred of yuppies and placebos. Its creation was entirely voluntary and no jackboots were involved.

Why do you /pol/esmokers think that everything you have trouble understanding is a commubama gay fascist conspiracy? I have no trouble finding non-iodized salt in stores. Maybe you should try not shopping at the poor people store.

>> No.5069800

If you're living like this then how did you get internet?

>> No.5069807

>panem et circenses means we are free, happy, and successful

>> No.5070563


Iodine can't be used in canning.

There are also people who prefer getting iodine from food sources, rather than as a chemical additive and conditioner.

Some people claim iodine alters the taste of food, but I have yet to correlate that.

Some people prefer traditional salt, rather than industrial salt, I guess I could say.

>> No.5070579

Iodized salt tastes like shit.

>> No.5070581

Iodised salt tastes off when used in pickling/brining and bread baking. I do a tonne of each, so I don't buy iodised salt as a general rule.

>> No.5070598

Iodide is not very common in most food, a "balanced" diet is not guaranteed to supply a sufficient amount

>> No.5070601

>There are also people who prefer getting iodine from food sources, rather than as a chemical additive
Iodide is iodide, it makes no difference where it comes from, and you need to consume a ridiculous amount for it to become too much. That should not be a concern of anyone

>> No.5070610

>alters the taste of food
I find it to be true only in brining/pickling and in bread baking. Nothing else.

>> No.5070649

I remember doing something where non-iodized salt was recommended. It may have been brining but I don't remember.

>> No.5070664


A balanced diet contains all necessary nutrients, that is what balanced implies. This has nothing to do with which particular foods you personally consider normal or rare. If you are not eating foods containing what your body requires, then your diet is not balanced, period.

>> No.5070670

iodized salt is part of a balanced diet

>> No.5070677

>Not having terrible money sense means you're poor


>> No.5070692
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Historian/Dr Nick reporting in as ordered Sir!

Iodine is an essential trace element and without it you become a cretin (growth stunting syndrome of sorts, or turns you into a whiney fat chic).

The US wiped out polio, smallpox, etc. and then we set our sights on vitamin/mineral deficiencies. Rickets, scurvy, jugglers despair, achey breaky pelvis, we were good.

Then we get into this whole cold war thing. The #1 dangerous isotope that lingers after fission-based atomic blasts is iodine-131. The thyroid gland is the only part of your body that has use for it. It concentrates there. However, the thyroid absorbs a certain amount and then sort of coasts until it needs more. If you feed it well, it only gets hungry occasionally.

My theory is, US wanted to keep everyone's thyroids saturated in case the commie shennanigans resulted in nuclear fisticuffs. Thyroid already loaded up with iodine? The radioactive iodine will not have anywhere to take root. It will just light up your pee hole when you piss it out.

Seems like an overbearing response, but not really. Between 1946 and 1962 there were enough nuclear experiments at the Nevada Test Site to put enough radioactive iodine in the air to cause between 10,000 to 30,000 cases of thyroid cancer.

I could imagine a government wanting to protect the people without scaring them so they don't end up being at the top of the list of medical infirmities when the ruskies eventually drop "the bomb". At the time it was just a word on the package and no ones bitched about it until now.

Pic not related: how many Sterling Hayden pics do we really need? Man I really miss this guy.

>> No.5073279
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>MFW OP no understand buttcancer

iodine reduces that to negligible.

{you're welcome!]