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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5059507 No.5059507[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking to purchase all new cooking implements. Definitely a knife block (with knives included), a cutting board, cooking spoons/spatula, oil dispenser, et al. I was wondering if there was a company that makes quality kitchenware I could buy multiple items from, or if /ck/ had a consensus on some of these items.

/ck/ should really have a sticky.

>> No.5059513


Knives aside, I really doubt even /ck/ has strong opinions about brands of spoons, spatulas or cutting boards.

>> No.5059517

Well I figured some kind of cooking implement company would make all sorts of things for cooking that weren't just one specific area.

>> No.5059521

I'm sorry that we don't have a sticky for you, princess.
I suggest that you eat shit. That help?

>> No.5059554

For knives I like Wusthof Classic Ikon. They feel good in my hand, they're made well, and they are easy to maintain.
For cutting boards I like the Epicurean ones. They aren't hard on you knives like glass, they're dishwasher safe unlike wood, and they don't get as gouged up as plastic.

For other stuff, I just tend to buy whatever the store has when I need something. I have a number of Calphalon and OXO utensils, because there used to be a Bed Bath and Beyond near my house and they sell a lot of those brands. They work fine.

>> No.5059566


I generally like J.A. Henckels.

>> No.5060083

Try this company, the stuff i have from their is top quality and really practical. they may or may not shipped to you but definitely in the UK.

>> No.5060096

>definitely a knife block
>with knives included
Here comes the fat controller.

>> No.5060102

dont forget whetstones

>> No.5060107

As far as knives, Wusthof is good and so is Canadian Cutlery. Bought a set of knives from them once and love them. Absolutely love them.

>> No.5060110

>if /ck/ had a consensus on some of these items
/ck/ will fight for months over German vs. French chef knives and whether santokus are an abomination, and all the while there'll be a dude telling you to buy a ulu. One thing they'll agree on is that knife sets are fucktarded. Oh, and probably that a hardwood cutting board is best as long as your're not such a fat piece of shit that you'd want to put it in the dishwasher like >>5059554 seems to (though it figures he'd be into Wusthof).
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.5060114
File: 93 KB, 400x528, garlicpress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Canadian Cutlery

>> No.5060126

You should try ceramic. You'll never have to sharpen those and they go great with teflon frying pans.

>> No.5060124


Eat knobs, I like them and they've lasted for 2 and a half years now. I barely have to sharpen them.

>> No.5060129


I hate everything about that sentence.

If you use non-stick teflon coated abominations you should be dragged out into the street and shot.

>> No.5060252


>> No.5060270

You should get an ulu.

>> No.5060271

Eat shit you pretentious cunt.

>> No.5060290


>> No.5060911

Suck my dick, pleb.

>> No.5061052


You need like, 3 knives. And you can get by with 2. A chef's knife and a paring knife. Spare the block and use a drawer. If you want one, you can get a bread knife.

Wusthof probably makes the best cutlery that's in a price range for sane people. But it's still pricey. I'd just go with victorinox.



I would order that shit online after reading reviews and know what you are getting. If you buy this from a store you could get a very similar consumer version with a shitty consumer handle that's slippery.

Eventually you have to get a good knife steel and a good sharpener. But just wait until your shit is dull. Most people cut with some shit utility knife that they've wound up with for a decade and use on the counter or even on granite. They don't know how to cut safely but years and years go by and they still have their fingers and their food is mangled - but they are fine.

Cutting boards. Go with edge grain teak if you want to spend the money on wood. Preferably thick, it'll be way less likely to warp and won't slide around. Also wood is barely more sanitary than plastic, believe it or not.

Wood or plastic, get the largest cutting board that you can fit in your sink.

>> No.5061059

>just throwing knives in a drawer
have fun dulling them faster

>> No.5061065

>If you use non-stick teflon coated abominations you should be dragged out into the street and shot.

Everyone can use 1 non-stick pan. They are good for eggs, pancakes, crepes, fish, and left over pizza.

>> No.5061072


Oh right that.

My fibrox came with a sheath. But if it didn't you should make one out of cardstock and a stapler.

I'd use a wall magnet if I had a place for one.

>> No.5061193

Thanks guys, I'll look up the things recommended.