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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 110 KB, 488x248, überfacts vegetarians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5055495 No.5055495[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5055510

Ur a faggot

>> No.5055512

>no citation of the study

>> No.5055520

Correlation =/= causation.

>> No.5055519

They're also more likely to join a cult.

>> No.5055528

results at

>> No.5055541
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>> No.5055548

People with high IQ are more likely to question the norm. Isn't this obvious? Doesn't mean that the norm is automatically wrong and whatever alternative you find is automatically right.

>> No.5055549

no but my dick correlated with your mom's pussy causes her to scream my name

>> No.5055568

more retarded vegans grasping at straws to boost their awful ego, or they just grasp at them for food

>> No.5055579
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Though the tweet may be real, it's very easy to fake this sort of stuff. Post sources.

>> No.5055584
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>Interestingly, the strong association between childhood intelligence and adult vegetarianism is not replicated in the US. Vegetarians in early adulthood do have significantly higher childhood intelligence in junior high and high school, but the difference is not large (101.5 vs. 99.3). And it is only significant among women (101.4 vs. 98.5), not among men (101.7 vs. 100.1). This is very strange given the historical division of labor noted above. The significant effect of childhood intelligence on adult vegetarianism among Americans disappears entirely once mother’s or father’s education or religion is statistically controlled.

Looks like the real story here is that Britbong's meat makes you retarded. What are you limeys putting in your beef?

>> No.5055597
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>> No.5055603

Fuck a graph and green text

>> No.5055627

There's a large vegetarian Indian community that's lived in the UK.

They do well in school but many of them are off the boat country bumpkins so higher IQ seems suspect, at least for first generation.

>> No.5055648

yeah, but how do they explain the fact every adult vegan and vegetarian i meet is borderline retarded. more than likely its due to the fact that whites and asians have a higher on average IQ that other races and that there are more white and asian vegetarians than black and arab vegetarians.

>> No.5055678

If I had to eat what the British call food, I'd probably go vegetarian too

>> No.5055830

>Meat consumers are dumb.

>> No.5055857

Children born to vegetarian parents are 5x more likely to be gay. I shit you not.

>> No.5055860

>more attempts at the same old shitfest

>> No.5055862

>d-d-d-don't make me think about my eating habits, I find it threatening

>> No.5055909

Assuming that it's true, I would think it might be being smart is correlated with trying new things.

>> No.5055930

that's old news dude

>> No.5056235
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By your logic, retards, the depressed, and aspies are more likely to be vegetarians.

Now get back to reddit.

>> No.5056620

Children with high IQs are also more likely to become serial killers.

>> No.5056631

Easy. A higher IQ leads them to question the established truth an turns them into a vegan/veggie. Then, due the deficit of nutrients and proteins their diet causes them, their IQs plummet drastically and they become too dumb to realise how stupid being one is.

>> No.5056636

that much is actually true

>> No.5056645

I prefer my steak to be medium, but when my vegetarian friends are around I order Rare just so I can see the horror on their faces as I slowly cut into a nice bloody steak. Thats what I think about vegetarians. Go fuck yourself San Diego

>> No.5056654

They're probably laughing at you right now

>> No.5056659

fun fact: every vegetarian I have ever known has been severely depressed
most have drinking and drug problems

>> No.5056661 [DELETED] 

That's not a fact, that is an inference you are deriving from subjective observations

>> No.5056673
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>this entire post

>> No.5056674

I'm just messing with you.

I do the same thing around my vegan friends all the time

>> No.5056677

>british study.

Considering the country has been over run and invaded by muslims, kebabs and niggers everything they say has no meaning.

>> No.5056682

>no citation
>more likely compared to whom
>out of a group of how many

Most likely it's 'technically' true due to the bottom of the barrel types that would eat anything anyway skewing the results(ie. less intelligent people more likely to eat unhealthily)

>> No.5056695

>he thinks there's blood in his undercooked steak

>> No.5056710

>British study

Stopped reading there

>> No.5056714


I take it one step further and eat a vegan diet. When I see people eating meat it doesn't bother me on an emotional level, I just think "why do people do that to their body?"

I look at it the way you would look at someone who eats ice cream as the centerpiece of every meal

>> No.5056722

You mean, why do people eat a varied, omnivorous diet like the human body is meant to run on? probably because they don't suffer from eating disorders like you do, anon. I knew that amino acid deficiencies wreaked havoc on cognitive abilities, but I had no idea of the severity.

>> No.5056725
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>every study ever shows vegans living longer and in better health than "omnivores"
>still trying to claim "malnurishment"

Like I said, what you're saying is like telling me "a balanced diet includes ice cream. If you don't eat rocky road every day, you'll be nutrient deficient"

>> No.5056728

Do all of your arguments involve sweets?
Are you a child?

>> No.5056730


Do all of your arguments end in you losing and calling people names?

>> No.5056732

And those studies are where? Right, you're just another vegan retard spouting bullshit. I like the attempt at a straw man, that's a really nice touch anon. I'm not even gonna waste my time with you, the brain damage from your poor diet is too extensive for me to reach you.

>> No.5056738

Not knowing that correlation =/= correlation.
Yeah, I've read those pop-science studies too. They all carry that disclaimer. Also, the studies apply to sensible vegetarians, not fanatical pro-ana vegans. Try again snowflake.




>> No.5056740

Damn, that should read: correlation=/=causation

>> No.5056761
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>okay, so they're healthier, but it's not because they eat healthy food, it's because they're just healthy assholes for no reason!

Them excuses. More whole plant foods, less animal products is always associated with increased lifespan. Even lifestyle factors like exercise don't help the meat-eaters be as healthy as sedentary vegans.


>> No.5056762

Not the guy you were arguing with, but it just seemed as though you were equating red meat with candy, a bit strange.

>> No.5056764
File: 51 KB, 716x800, 97 percent shared dna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high IQ equals intelligence

Then one of our closest relatives should be much smarter than us.

>> No.5056767

YOu didn't read any of those studies, did you? Then you'd know that the vegetarians were healthier because they generally tended to live more moderately (in terms of alcohol consumption, regularity of exercise, etc.) Sorry, but a crappy youtube vid from a biased source is not going to help you make your point when you build your entire argument on bullshit. Tell you what, why don't you tell me where you're at, and I'll direct you to resources to help you with your eating disorder. I want you to be healthy, no one deserves to suffer in silence.

>> No.5056773

Whoops, I meant to add VEGAN equals high intelligence

>> No.5056775


Many studies account for smoking, age, and genetic factors. The adventist health studies are currently the best long-term dietary comparitive research we have for that reason, and vegans, especially vegans who eat nuts, are always the healthiest group.

>> No.5056776
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>a biased source

By that you mean one that doesn't agree with the point you want to make

>> No.5056780

YOu're still not getting it, are you? Do you genuinely not grasp the difference between correlation and causation? Again, those people are the healthiest not as a result of their diets, but their overall lifestyle. They tend not to smoke, they tend not to drink, and they tend to exercise. Now that we're done with that, my offer still stands. I want to help you, help me help you. How long would you say you've been suffering from eating disorders?

>> No.5056782

No, I mean a slanted video put out by a vegan with an agenda and then cherry picked by someone with no grasp of what logical fallacies are. Specifically, confirmation bias. Now, back to business, where are you at? I want to help you recover, anon. It pains me to see another human being suffer from mental illness. Seriously, make this easy for us both.

>> No.5056784


>Again, those people are the healthiest not as a result of their diets, but their overall lifestyle

As I just explained, even when lifestyle factors are taken into account and diets are directly compared against each other, not as a general survey but as a medical experiment, the plant-based diets virtually always show better health. Your excuse for why the people you claim are unhealthy are actually statistically the healthiest doesn't hold water

>> No.5056789


>a vegan with an agenda

Yeah, I'll bet that asshole's trying to get people to EAT HEALTHY FOOD! How GHASTLY!

Seriously, vegan or not, check out the other videos on that channel. You'll learn a lot about the proven health benefits (and some detriments) of many plant foods.

>> No.5056790

Still waiting for you sources, anon. Peer-reviewed, preferably. Or you could just give this charade up and take me up on my gracious offer.

>> No.5056794

No, he's trying to convice people that eating disorders are normal, like many mentally ill individuals. There is nothing healthy about omitting vital nutrients from your diet, anon. If you're through playing games, I'm serious about helping you.

>> No.5056802



Here's 6 cohort studies, 5 of them showing low meat consumption associated with a longer lifespan

>To account for potential confounding by these factors, ever-smokers, alcohol users, and subjects with history of coronary artery disease, stroke, and cancer were excluded from the analysis of Seventh-day Adventists given in this report.

>> No.5056807


How the fuck did you get that conclusion out of:
Conclusion: Current prospective cohort data from adults in North America and Europe raise the possibility that a lifestyle pattern that includes a very low meat intake is associated with greater longevity.

Did you miss the part about "A lifestyle pattern"? This is what happens when you don't recognize confirmation bias and skim over articles, anon, you look foolish. At this point, you are trying my patience. I really want to help you, but if you can't even recognize your problem I'm not sure there's much of anything that I or anyone else can do for you.

>> No.5056808
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A lifestyle pattern as in the inclusion of exclusion of a meat-based diet in groups of people

>> No.5056810


*or exclusion

>> No.5056816

no, wrong again. Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it? The conclusion states that a very low meat intake (not exclusion) is A PART of a lifestyle that is POSSIBLY associated with greater longevity. It's abundantly clear that your faculties are failing you; I implore you to take me up on my offer. Please anon, I beg you; let me help you get over this debilitating disorder.

>> No.5056828
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Now that's some of the heaviest denial I've seen on this board. Honestly, I'm not even trying to be a dick, I just go with where the evidence points. It seems that the overwhelming majority of information supports the idea that the less meat you eat, the better, scaling all the way to 0. I WISH it was the opposite so I could eat some steak and chicken and actually be healthier for it, but science says that's not the case, and wishful thinking doesn't change reality.

With that, I bid you goodnight. I'm sure I'll see you again.

>> No.5056835

Damn, you're really trying, aren't you? Sorry, but when your incorrect analysis of a paper is picked apart, that is not denial. Denial is in fact continuing to cherry pick your sources and engage in other logical fallacies when it has become abundantly clear that you haven't a leg to stand on. I understand that this is not entirely your fault, as your eating disorder has very obviously had ill effects on your cognitive functions. Once more, I would love to help you, but you need only ask. Throw up some more tired meme pictures tho, that always helps when you can't be bothered to use things like logic and critical thinking.

>> No.5056838

>Used your own source against you by quoting the conclusion verbatim.
I knew vegans were a delusional bunch, but this is just sad.

>> No.5057572
File: 382 KB, 120x107, nah bro. nah..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meant to
biological teleology is the hallmark of a stunted mind.

>> No.5057632

I like to think about my eating habits. Eating meat is great. What, you don't eat meat you pussy?

>> No.5057645

great for getting colon cancer, heart disease, and hypertension, you mean.

>> No.5057652


Why do vegans talk such tonnes of utter bullshit? All the empirical evidence points to a pescetarian diet as the healthiest (also, veggie myself).

>> No.5057655

You're going to live a few more years than me at the most.

Is it worth it?