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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5044258 No.5044258[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any diseases that restrict what you can eat?

Cyliacs disease here. No wheat or gluten. ever.

>> No.5044274

I have fat-a-beetus. It prevents me from eating whatever I want or I'll become bloated and overweight

>> No.5044277

alergic to salt

>> No.5044296


Same here, I have it since kindergarten.

>> No.5044312

allergic to dairy.
Sucks balls.

>> No.5044314

sort of
I have emetophobia

>> No.5044324

I'm trying to gain weight so I bought a bag of almonds a few months back. My throat and tongue were swelling really bad. Do these things come and go or just come? I've never had an allergy until now.

>> No.5044331

u got a nut allergy bro. careful with that shit i'd get it checked out

>> No.5044334

Ulcerative colitis, had it for 5 years now and going through a flair up. Use to weight 180 losing 2 lbs a day and I'm at 156 lb

>> No.5044335

Wouldn't it be better if I just avoid almonds? Pecans, cashews, peanuts, and pistachios don't bother me.

>> No.5044348

your call, but if I were you I would at least go in to get an allergy test and see if there is anything else

RIP in peace

>> No.5044352


>> No.5044353


Oh, the brand new GLUTEN ALLERGY! Something that has only popped up maybe a decade ago!

>oy vey, you have a disease that you can't eat gluten! it is very common (now) so buy your expensive gluten free food products!

>> No.5044358

Coeliac disease isn't an allergy.

>> No.5044363

If he's actually diagnosed Celiac, that's a real thing. It's an intestinal sensitivity that will eventually make your small intestines to scared to digest anything if you don't stick to the diet. It's very different from, "I just FEEL better when I don't eat bread" bandwagon types. It's also pretty rare in the population since gluten containing grains have been a major food source for thousands of years in the middle east and west, and incidental minor ones in africa and asia.

>> No.5044365


>it's rare
>gluten free food products in your every day super market

>> No.5044369

The disease itself is rare. You just see a lot of gluten-free products because that's the current fad.

>> No.5044368

You cannot be allergic to salt.

>> No.5044378

It's actually not SUPERrare; celiac disease---and I don't mean gluten sensitivity, I mean diagnosed celiac sprue---has an estimated prevalence of between 0.1 to 1 percent in the US. That's anywhere between 300,000 to 3 million people.

>> No.5045657

I am.

>> No.5046154

I will pour my 40 for all the beer you can never have

>> No.5046179

They're common (and overpriced) because some crazed yuppies have latched on to it as the latest thing.

>> No.5046184

I recently developed psoriasis, I think there may be some connection with what I eat and it's severity, but I haven't quite figured it out. For example, if I don't eat much all day, then drink alcohol, I'm fine. If I eat a lot and drink alcohol, I'm fucked.

>> No.5046196

Not trying to downplay the suffering of people with celiac disease, but I just thought I'd point out that (in the US, at least) the Rare Diseases Act of 2002 defines a rare disease as one suffered by 200,000 (or less) 'muricans.

Pretty close to your lower bound of 300,000. In other words, almost rare enough to require special legislation to stop drug companies and researchers from ignoring it entirely.

>> No.5046337


I have non-fatty beetus. Shit sucks.

>> No.5046344

I have food intolerances to food high in acidity and ingredients that relate to soy so that means...
No tomato, onion, softdrinks, chocolate, soy sauce, large amounts of salt, large amounts of oil, large amounts of sugar, avocado, beetroot, gravy, sauces AND EVERYTHING NICE

>> No.5046358

You'd think having a disease would at least teach you how to spell it.

>> No.5046366

A fad doesn't mean celiac and other diseases preventing you from eating gluten aren't real.

>> No.5046370

Do you have interstitial cystitis?

>> No.5046399


Yes. My heterosexualitis prevents me from swallowing cocks. OP, on the other hand...

>> No.5046410

Peanut allergy. Causes hives and projectile vomitting.

>older brother puts peanut dust in my soda on airplane
>dont notice
>15 mins later
vomitted all over the aisle like you couldn't step over it. I had eaten bowl of potato soup and sandwich before getting on the flight.

I should have known what was up when earlier he asked "you brought ur benadryl and stuff?"

>> No.5046516 [DELETED] 


I do. It prevents me from eating you.

>> No.5046519

God I am so sorry to hear that

>> No.5046530

>or gluten. ever.

>> No.5046592

I have immune system issues from Lupus, so I can't eat raw oysters, sushi, or other uncooked food that might give me an infection.

(I still do medium rare steaks, though, because I'd rather die than have never truly lived.)

>> No.5046623

Celiac disease isn't the same thing as that silly gluten free paranoid food fad.


>> No.5046644

Went vegan for almost a year, now I can't drink milk without getting bloated. Probably a mild lactose intolerance. Cheese and yogurt is fine, tho.

>> No.5046645

It can, but see an allergist if you can. My allergies shift around every seven years or so.

>> No.5046648
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>> No.5046655

I'm allergic to poultry.

I just became a vegetarian though.

>> No.5046657


>it is very common (now) so buy your expensive gluten free food products!

What gluten free food products? You mean 99.9% of all the food in the world that's always existed since the beginning of time?

>> No.5046676


The bitter sweet taste of cyanide.

>> No.5046679

Enjoy your tomato allergy

>> No.5046737
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Salt is essential for controlling the water content of the body via osmosis. It's a component of proper nerve and muscle function. Human blood has a saline content in the form of plasma electrolytes. I am calling you out on your bullshit.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt#Diet_and_health

>> No.5047145
File: 159 KB, 500x577, 2345784356567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I developed a garlic allergy at the age of 22. What's weird is that my mother also developed a garlic allergy when she was around that age. I'm pale and have black hair so I get vampire jokes quite often.

cake unrelated

>> No.5047154
File: 63 KB, 500x375, Potassium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm allergic to bananas. I used to eat them all the time when I was younger, only recently became allergic like 4-5 years ago.

It's not that bad, but it is a bummer. Bananas are delicious, probably the best fruit.

>> No.5047160 [DELETED] 


Bananas are banned under the /ck/ agreement of 2013.

You will be taxed 1000 internets for your heresy.

>> No.5047170
File: 28 KB, 450x305, elvis peanut butter cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't keep nanners down you fucking fascist.

>> No.5047172 [DELETED] 


I've taken bigger men down than you, Picard.

Banana production numbers will be altered.

>> No.5047198

Lactose Intolerant and starting to develop allergies for certain kinds of fruit.
Thanks Dad

>> No.5047200

Same here, I could eat bananas for 18 years then all the sudden one day I ate one and had such a bad allergic reaction that my eyes swelled shut and hives covered my body

Same with oranges, 18 years no allergy then one day I have a glass of OJ and I need to be taken to the hospital to get epinephrin

>> No.5047202

I don't know if I've suddenly become lactose-intolerant or if it's because my gallbladder has been removed, but every time i eat a dairy product, especially cheese, it almost immediately comes out of my ass in liquid form.

I really love cheese, too. I don't deserve this.

>> No.5047234

I have a bad intolerance to nuts. I get incredibly painful stomach aches when I eat even a small amount.

The only exception to this is peanut butter. I can eat peanut butter fine, but chunks of actual peanuts (crunchy peanut butter included) produces the issue. I'm not sure why.

It's especially bad with pecans and almonds. I don't like nuts, though, so not a big issue for me. I feel bad for you suckers who can't eat cheese. Or garlic? C'mon.

>> No.5047592

>believing the health jew
>believing the wiki jews

>> No.5047605


I know that fucking feel

>> No.5047608

>Health is a jewish conspiracy

my sides

>> No.5047610


Dude what, osmosis in the body is a scientific fact

plz leave /pol/

>> No.5047617

I have IBS.

>> No.5047619

I am allergic to tap water and non-organic food

>> No.5048188

Tomato allergy. Fresh ones cause swelling in my mouth and throat, and cooked ones have a 50/50 shot of getting thrown up later.

I also have Oral Allergy Syndrome (insert laugh here), where the proteins in the plant pollen that I'm allergic to are close enough to the proteins in foods that my body freaks out on them the same way they would as the pollen itself. So it's not a true allergy but I can totally die from it. Forever on the list of "may kill me" are avocados. Other fruits and veggies affect me differently at different times of the year. Mostly I react to bell peppers, citrus fruits, cucumbers, and stone fruits. When my allergies are the worst (fall) I pretty much cannot eat any fruits. I may eventually develop a latex allergy because that protein is also similar.

All of this popped up in the last 5 years. I *really* miss avocados. =(