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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 208 KB, 800x600, Pho-Beef-Noodles-2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5044736 No.5044736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Go to Viet Cong Pho joint.
>Order the beef Pho, of course...
>Pronounce it "Foe".
>Fuckin Gook corrects my pronunciation of said Pho condescendingly as, "You Mean FUH?!?!'
>I apologize, and reply, "Yes, "Fuh" please.
>It's awesome!
>Leave the exact amount for the Pho to the penny.
>No tip for the sass.
>Walk out like a BAWS!

>> No.5044739

What a lovely story. Thank you for sharing.

>> No.5044741

i always say "foe", knowing full well it's pronounced "fuh."

words are anglicized in the english-speaking world. deal with it or go back to gookland.

>> No.5044747

>Hey guys check it out I was an asshole to my waiter after he corrected me for a cultural inaccuracy at an exotic restaurant!
People like you are why America sucks.

>> No.5044749


>pho joint

HAHAHA, where do you live, the middle of the midwest?

>> No.5044752
File: 6 KB, 227x168, benderbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was an asshole to me first. My uncle didn't lose his legs in Vietnam for this bullshit.

>> No.5044753

as do i. "foe" sounds better

>> No.5044762

Close, the top of the Midwest... Wisconsin.

I suppose that constitutes, "exotic".

>> No.5044769

you mean like 90% of america? yes, i actually do. now, are you an east coast snob or a west coast snob?

>> No.5044771

Imagine the roles reversed.

You're a waiter at an American-style restaurant in Korea. Some Korean comes in requests a "hah-meo buggru"

You reply, "Don't you mean hamburger?"

The costumer responds: "O so sorry! So shamefur! I corrected nao!" I habu the hamburgur prease! Itsu awesomo!"

He walks out without leaving a tip.

>> No.5044776

Is using hoisin for my brisket and meatballs sacrilege?

>> No.5044778

Personally I wouldn't correct him. I'm not an asshole, thanks for assuming...

>> No.5044791

Hey, whatever pumps your nads my man...

Customer service, manners, and knowing your place does.

>> No.5044789

maybe you should learn how to pronounce the name of the fucking food you're ordering instead of being a chauvinist shitbag.

>> No.5044798

>Working at a Viet Cong Pho joint
>Some 300 pound neckbeard walks in, wearing a red-white-and-blue button down shirt and cargo shorts
>"Hello! May I take your order?"
>He exhales deeply, then breathes in again in preparation for the impending social interaction
>His breath smells like latex and crusty vomit
>"I'll have the beef foooooo, commie bastard."
>"I'm sorry, do you mean the "fuh"?
>"Yeah whatever hurry it up pieface"
>[screaming internally]
>Get this fucker his meal, servicewithasmile.gif
>He eats
>No tip

>> No.5044813
File: 26 KB, 720x368, rambo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




He drew first blood...

>> No.5044832


East, but its not about being a snob its about the fact that they can be common place here and people can walk in out of the street with no idea. No need to cop an attitude with a costumer.

>> No.5044875

>No need to cop an attitude with a costumer.
Yeah, then they won't make you the costume you want.

>> No.5044882
File: 19 KB, 358x331, Ao Oni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's okay OP. I spent two weeks in Vietnam and concluded Vietnamese is the ugliest language on the face of the planet.

They sound like babies trying to chew gum with the back of their tongue.


>> No.5044888


>insulting a customer in his home country

>not being eternally thankful for being allowed to peddle your mediocre jungle food for profit in his country

If anyone ever corrects me when I'm ordering I'm walking out and telling them to fuck off.

>> No.5044902
File: 39 KB, 565x243, omelette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a oldfeelz kinda day

Pic related: ok rambo, gonna play uno then make an omlette. That's what it sounded it like to me.

>> No.5045554
File: 18 KB, 565x318, walter-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pho is better than ramen.

Eternal debate solved.

>> No.5045558

fine, but the men are fucking sexy.

I want to cum in all their anuses.

>> No.5045939

frees you from the yoke of ur ignorance, u dont tip

>> No.5045943

>implying even vietnam is as shitty as third-world-america-customer-has-to-pay-your-actual-wage