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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5041827 No.5041827[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When is it acceptable to leave a restaurant without paying? Pic unrelated.

>> No.5041834

If there was some kind of disaster that caused the restaurant to evacuate everyone. Actually happened to me, once. Christmas Eve dinner at a place called Harrigan's. They had a really nice fireplace in the middle of the dining area. Something happened and the place caught fire. Burned the whole damn place out. Everyone was fine but they never reopened. Real big bummer because it was family tradition to have dinner there that night.

If you leave without paying because the service or food was shit, I don't think that's right. If you had a problem, it's time to call the manager over and explain everything. Most of the time they are going to comp your meal anyway. It's a real shitty thing to do to just bail because you were upset. Give the restaurant a chance to make the situation right. If their offer isn't sufficient to you, then you elevate the conversation to the, "I don't want to pay for this because x, y, z reasons". Again, most of the time they will agree because they want to keep the situation calm and not stir up the people around you.

>> No.5041839

When you see a sign like that.

>> No.5041923


>> No.5043953

I think the only time I've left without paying anything was when the server couldn't be arsed to come by and take an order after 20 minutes, or when there was something seriously wrong with the food (e.g., when my mother found a cockroach in her food).

If you mean "not tipping", I've given zero tip, or a penny, or a nickel, a few times for really bad service. Still paid for the food, it's the law and all that.

>> No.5043982

I'll get in early before the tipping fight begins.

In the US of A, it's is federal law for all employees to make at least minimum wage. They can be paid below minimum which then has to be made up to at least minimum with tips, but if they do make it then the employer HAS to pay the difference.

It is ILLEGAL not to do this. They can sue if this does not happen.

>> No.5043990

>server doesn't make enough money in tips to cover at least minimum wage
>restaurant fucking fires server without paying them a dime

Yeah, that's not how it works.

>> No.5043998


Whenever you are short on cash and are fairly certain you can get away.

>> No.5043997

I've only done it once. It was some chain place, and they wouldn't bring me my bill. I asked my waiter for it 3 times. I snagged a waiter passing by and asked him for it. I waited half an hour for my bill, and nothing. So I figured they must not really want my money and left.

>> No.5044001


Generally speaking, the servers who can't make above minimum wage in tips alone are the ones that get fired before their first week is up. Or the restaurant has no customers and is going under.

>> No.5044004

One time I left without paying because I was really drunk and stoned on benzos and just didn't care.
I feel bad about it now, I wish I could go back and pay them, the food was good.

>> No.5044028

>In the US of A, it's is federal law for all employees to make at least minimum wage. They can be paid below minimum which then has to be made up to at least minimum with tips, but if they do make it then the employer HAS to pay the difference.

That would require accurately reporting your tips, which most servers won't do because we like our tax free money when we're way over minimum.

>> No.5044035

Doesn't matter they are going to be replaced by tablets anyway so who gives a shit?

>> No.5044042

So, according to that picture,
what happens when I tip 11-14%? Everything but the first implies >__% to me, so there's a hole there.

>> No.5044048

You are still considered a 'cheapass' for tipping that low.

>> No.5044084

This is why having to tip is retarded. Tips aren't money earnt, it's money gifted.

If you can't charge enough for your food to pay your staff and keep business afloat on base menu prices, then you shouldn't be in business.

This should be properly enshrined in law.

>> No.5044091

If I see a sign that demands I tip a certain amount.
Also, just see
And the response by
Indicating that servers want a 20% tip forced because they like their free, tax-free money so that they don't have to be subject to the same things as everyone else.

>> No.5044093
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This can't happen fast enough. I haven't had tip worthy service for years. It's always just bare minimum. Bring on the tablets! Better accuracy of orders, ready to order the moment you are, refills on command.
Only down side is turning servers into fight attendants, and we all know how useless they are.

>> No.5044098
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When is it acceptable for customers to pay extra on a bill so that employers can pay less

>> No.5044099

>buffet at casino
>all the wait staff do is take away dishes and clean up any shit should it hpapen I guess
>food was free because they give out so much shit to lure gamblers to come
>somehow expect tip
I think I just had some pocket change I gave which considering the circumstances they should have felt lucky with

>> No.5044100

In my eyes, the only time you can leave a restaurant without paying is before the food hits the table and you had nothing to drink but water.

>> No.5044131
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> <10% for awful service

>> No.5044135


>> No.5044150
File: 133 KB, 960x856, 1385696904944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why this is huge thing on this fucking board. I have been to other countries and tipping is normal there to, the only countries i was in it wasn't was the UK and that was only in some restaurants. I have worked many restaurants, and honestly if you're expected to tip or not you are still paying out the ass I.E place expects you to tip, so there food is slightly below average market value, for food + labor, so you make up the difference or place doesn't expect you to tip so food is way above market value of food + tip, like twice the price it should normally be. And this is a well known fact. Look at mom and pop coffee shops that get good tips vs shitbucks, mom and pop stores are generally cheaper, so you end up making up the difference either way. so shut the fuck up.

>> No.5044160
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Sorry I am tired as fuck, I meant if a place doesn't expect tips, they will charge you a flat rate up front for your food that is way more expensive then a place that expects tips.

The only acceptable answer for people on this board is that they all eat at shitdonalds constantly never tip anyone, never enter a dining room that would cost around 100$ a plate and fuck up the experience for everyone else by being a bunch of money grubbing shit bird, dick licking, fuck knuckles.... I quit this place... you are all hopeless. oh and fuck blue rare, fuck sriracha, fuck anything about ramen... its all shit.

>> No.5044162
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'murrifat please

>> No.5044166

>backwaiter aka food runner at PF Chang's
>make 6.50 hourly + tips
>tips come from servers/bar
>backwaiters receive 2% of the night's sales, divided up between ourselves by how many hours you work that night or afternoon
>typically ends up being $6/hr in tips alone even on a shit night
>tfw making ~$12 or more per hr with my first job
>came home the other night with $80 in tips from a 6 hour shift
>don't have to deal with shitty customers either

>> No.5044182


Ausfag here. People like you are why when I eventually visit America i'll make sure NOT to tip, despite being made aware of it by /ck/ (and no, tipping is not all that common in the UK despite the backwater restaurants you visited).

>> No.5044190

None of that explains why YOU should get the money just because you serve, you little cock sucker.

>> No.5044192

Is it safe to assume that once upon a time servers were paid minimum wage regardless of their tips? This hasn't always been a thing, has it? I don't understand how something like tips, which are not guaranteed can factor into the wages you are paid per hour. Seems illegal.

>> No.5044193

It's only a thing that happens in America

Almost every other country enforces the law that employers actually have to pay their staff.

>> No.5044205

The USA is really weird. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.5044210

what else is there?

tipping at the grocery store for bagging your shit?

>> No.5044212

Only if you do it fast as shit and with a smile.

>> No.5044217

You know why Servers don't demand higher wages in America? because they make a metric fuck ton from tips, especially women.

>> No.5044224

I believe the national average is less than $12, still good for what is ostensibly a minimum wage job.

Also, some anon posted an article once that detailed the projected increase in cost to the customer if tipping were abolished. Interestingly the customer would save money in this scheme.

>> No.5044230

I don't think you understand tips. You pay the person what you think their work is worth. Not paying anything is basically insisting you be served for free.

>> No.5044234

>Not paying anything is basically insisting you be served for free.
Restaurants don't pay servers?

>> No.5044235

They pay them a little over 2$ an hour. You determine their pay rate. That's how tips work.

>> No.5044237

tipping is meant to be an addition to what they are paid. Tipping nothing is that you believe they did the bare minimum or worst job they could. It's not what you think their work is worth but what level over standard expectations did they go to while doing their work.

>> No.5044240

>They pay them a little over 2$ an hour. You determine their pay rate. That's how tips work.

And if they don't get tipped the restaurant makes up the difference up to federal minimum wage...

>> No.5044241

Yeah you definitely don't understand tipping then. If they just did the bare minimum and you don't tip them, then they just didn't get paid. If you go back I can guarantee you've eaten some form of human excrement.

>> No.5044243
File: 279 KB, 260x188, 1212960403330.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this idea, serve me for free and shut up.

Always nice when a place has an open window to the kitchen so you can wave and say thanks to the cooks, the real workers that decide the fate of my food.

>> No.5044244

Get a job and try that. They'll fire you on the spot

>> No.5044245

but that's not the whole story
if they don't make up to min wage the restaurant is supposed to pay the difference.

This is jut a whole load of bullshit that they play around to try to guilt people into paying them more meanwhile avoiding paying taxes like that of a normal wage (because let's face it hardly any report full salary with tips). They're a burden to our society and are overpaid for what they do. THen they have the nerve of complaining and wanting more. Instead complain to the government and ask for regular wages, but wait you earn more than you would with that (and avoid a good chunk of taxes) so why would you? Maybe they should think twice whether or not they need a new ipad and mac every year when all they do is take down orders and bring food to tables.

>> No.5044246

no I just live in a normal country not some backwards place like murica

>> No.5044247

The cooks hate you too because they get some of those tips.

>hey cookbro, that faggot who doesn't tip is back.
>got it serverbro, one visene sauce coming right up.

>> No.5044249

The servers report just enough of their tips that the restaurant doesn't have to pay them that much. If the server doesn't, well they find a new server.

>> No.5044250

>comments on thread about US tipping
>doesn't understand it
>should probably shut your cockholster

>> No.5044251

and that's not my problem
again, complain to the government not about me

>> No.5044252


>bragging about a shit tier food service job with low pay

W-what? My first job I made commission on computer repair so I made an average of $38 per hour.

>> No.5044253

can't wait for more places to get rid of waiters
high end places? Sure. Regular restaurants? No need. Into the trash they go and another victory for efficiency.

>> No.5044254

But until then, don't rip off the server. The price on the menu is lower than what it should be because you're expected to pay the server. If they paid them a flat wage, the price on the menu would be higher to compensate. Either way the same amount comes out of your pocket. Some people just don't understand this and feel the need to rip off the server. If it's that much of an issue, stay home and cook.

>> No.5044255
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>Going to the same place often enough that they remember you
>Having such terrible relations with wait staff that they risk jail time to soil the millionth burger they flipped today.

I've worked kitchens. I'd be amazed to see that level of communication about an order for such a task to be done to it. Cooks don't really make much from tips, also an issue of if the floor staff tip you out or be bitches. Yeah a few $$ is nice at the end of a shift, but the pay checks are the money.


The pay checks are the money.

>> No.5044256

what about when robots gain sentience? Will they be wanting 25% since they can do it better than humans?

also this thread is why I dont eat out. Easiest way to get rid of the system is to participate as little as possible.

>> No.5044257

> Either way the same amount comes out of your pocket
no it doesn't
and I'd rather it be a flat wage
do they pay all their taxes on all their wage? I highly doubt it. At least with a flat wage that shit would be reported and there'd be less bitching about m-muh tips, m-muh feeding 12 kids.

>> No.5044260

If you go a second time, they'll remember you. And I've worked kitchens too. I don't personally mess with food, but plenty of people do, servers and cooks, with zero risk.

>> No.5044263

Well that's not how it works. So until it is a flat wage, quit fucking people over or stay the fuck home. When you literally cost the server money in lost tips from other tables because they have to wait on some broke ass, your business is a net negative as far as the server is concerned. You aren't wanted there.

>> No.5044264

Then the restaurant gets used

>> No.5044266

nope. they pay you up to minimum for the week you worked there and you're gone.

>> No.5044267

Zero risk? Where do you live so I can never visit.

Around here we have health inspectors and they get called all the time to come in. Do you not have cameras?

>> No.5044269

not wanted by the waiter but the restaurant does want me there as sales. Implying they give a fuck what the workers make. The fact they make waiters rely on tips so much is proof of that.

>> No.5044270

every time I see waiters complaining about tips it inspires me to tip nothing except of course at local places that I actually care about and enjoy.

>> No.5044271

"How is it?" and two refill runs for a table of four is not a large time investment.

If I'm expected to stay home are you expected to find a real job that pays a real wage?

Let the place that wont pay it's staff go under without employees.

In b4 "Not that easy to just get a job"
It is if you shower.

>> No.5044272

I think everyone should have to work a year in service/retail. Then these shitstains will get some decency.

>> No.5044273

can I get that serving of tears 2 go?

>> No.5044279

now you're an edgy cheapskate. good job faggot. maybe when you move out and have to do this when your womens studies degree doesn't pan out, you'll change your tune.

>> No.5044280

Denny's server girl that looks half retarded and leaves me with an empty glass for 10mins get shit.
Local place with nice food and pleasant greetings and service gets a tip for making it a nice night out with the lady.

>> No.5044288
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Who has not worked retail/food at least once?
My attitude is due to knowing how little these people are expected to do, and worse that they do even less.

Food service is in the shits as seen by this and other threads

Walmart hires you to stock shelves, clean up mess and return products to the place they belong. Various tasks are added during the day, but the core expectation is to just clean up.

I ask you all: When was the last time you saw a clean store? Are products priced and organized? Everyday items in stock?

I'm so happy that more and more can be bought and delivered from online sources. Fuck unskilled workers.

>> No.5044344

>cooks will fuck with my food if I don't tip
If the customer doesn't know their food was fucked with then what's the point? Never understood this

>> No.5044356


>> No.5044398


You've been out of it so long you forget how tiring it is to deal with assholes. Or you're just that much of an asshole that you can do no wrong.

I bet you've got a notalwaysright story up.

>> No.5044496

If there was a bug in your food/ someone was murdered in the restaurant/ the restaurant is on fire.

>> No.5044521

Most people do not want to consume large quantities of a stranger's (or strangers') spit and/or semen, even unknowingly (especially unknowingly!). You clearly do not mind.

>> No.5044554

Don't give Heston ideas.

>> No.5044664
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>Be in Denny's
>College stoners on a late-night run
>Finish eating
>Ask for our check 5 times
>Realize we finished eating 55 minutes ago
>Fuck y'all we out

>> No.5044694

The only time I've ever walked out of a restaurant was when my server threw out my food when I went to the restroom. Moreover, she had seated two people at my table in that time. She moved like fucking molasses getting me to a table and taking my orders, but I take a minute to take a leak and she somehow clears my table, wipes it clean, and seats two people. I told her she fucked up hard and walked out.

>> No.5044717

I hope you didn't pay

>> No.5045151
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Well I would say something like fair wages, you know it is the employers job to pay us, but they don't. they are exploiting a system that makes if so if you don't tip you are fucking over another human being. Please stay home neck beard... no one wants to serve your kind, ever. And another thing. look up why tipping is such a big deal for servers. Most of them are just trying to make ends meat... if you can't afford to tip fine, go in at lunch rush so they won't remember your faggot ass face.

>> No.5045217

When they cant be bothered to cook a meal and serve it to you before the fat and grease congeals

>go to a nice restaurant
>order a pizza
>wait an hour and 45
>ready to leave
>pizza comes
>its cold as shit and tastes like pizza that's been left out for a while
>start to leave when the server sais she will reheat it
>right next to kitchen door
>hear a microwave turning on in the back

out the front door and into the car

>> No.5045241

>tipping based on percentage

Shit I just leave five bucks on the table when I leave.

>> No.5045903

>your business is a net negative as far as the server is concerned

The server is an employee, not an independent contractor. That's not your decision to make. Maybe you should take up no-pay, commissions-only work.

>> No.5045910

Apart from tip reporting, another issue with this is - if the employer refuses to make up the difference, does it really make monetary sense for the server to engage legal counsel over a few hundred bucks?

>> No.5045925

>I have been to other countries and tipping is normal there to
Unless it was some third world hellhole (in which case they were just ripping you off for being foreign), I seriously doubt it was anything other than rounding up or spare change. Not America's ironclad 15-20-or-you're-a-monster rule.

There are even countries where it's rude to tip, but maybe that's too alien for you to even process.

>> No.5045933

>if you're expected to tip or not you are still paying out the ass I.E place expects you to tip, so there food is slightly below average market value, for food + labor, so you make up the difference or place doesn't expect you to tip so food is way above market value of food + tip, like twice the price it should normally be. And this is a well known fact.
>If they paid them a flat wage, the price on the menu would be higher to compensate. Either way the same amount comes out of your pocket.

You silly geese, you can't turn old wives' tales into facts through sheer force of asinine repetition!


Freakonomics also did a podcast interviewing a researcher who related some interesting facts about how tipping's other purported benefits really don't pan out once you run the numbers but I'm sure you can look that up yourself.

>> No.5045942

Ah, oui, zeez "teeps" are for stupide americans, oh ho ho!

>> No.5045961

This is fucking sad. I cannot believe the number of asswipes on this board that would rather have their food handed to them in a sack than be taken care of by a real person. Enjoy your McDick's, faggots.

>> No.5045969

luckily i live in a state thats not full of ass backward shit heads who give minimum wage the finger for their servers and they make minimum wage on their own no matter how many tips they get.

>> No.5045991

Maybe that's how it works where you are, but insisting the customer pays your staff directly is retarded and flat-out illegal in most countries.

>> No.5046001

I went to a restaurant that added tax (15%) and service charge (10%) to the bill. The waiter started to cuss me out when I was leaving without tipping him and I told him to ask his boss for the service charge that was on the bill.

>> No.5046040

Fucking stupid americans, tipping is not compulsory and if I were in your shit hole of a country I would not tip anyone for anything.
You're all stuck in the dark ages and employers should pay their staff a decent wage, it should not be up to the consumer to decide if your staff eat food that week or not.

>> No.5046052

I don't tip because servers are basically worthless and they make way more than minimum wage anyway.

When I worked at a restaurant I got almost all of my work meals there. It was never a problem ordering or picking up the meal myself. In fact it was faster and easier than it would have been if I had to wait for a server. Yet the servers made way more money than me.

To speak more to the opening topic: I only walk out on a bill when the server is too lazy to deliver the check. Coincidentally this is usually when I'm eating alone and they totally neglect me since I won't be giving them a shitload of free money in the form of a tip.

Also when I'm flat broke and just looking for a free meal.

inb4 entitled waitresses berate me.

>> No.5046075

Basically this. Faggot food service fucks will always whine about being so poor and not even making minimum wage (despite the fact that employers are legaly bound to pay them minimum wage if their tips do not net them minimum).
But the second you suggest perhaps they should find a job that pays at least minimum wage or better, they bitch that they wouldn't make nearly as much money...
tl;dr servers are just whiny faggots.

>> No.5046111

sucks bad when unpleasant waitresses who suck at their job and are rude to customers who have the nerve to show up when it is not rush hour compare themselves to nice friendly waitresses who are pleasant even to customers they probably suspect wont leave a good tip but are still decent customers anyways. which waitress would you prefer tipping? i like nice waitresses

>> No.5046114

i fucking hate these comics almost as much as i hate neul smokedegrasse tyson chicken

>> No.5046152


> be me
> finish dinner at a semi-fancy restaurant
> service was sub par
> give maybe 10% anyways because, whatever
> begin to leave
> waitress picks up ticket. sees my tip
> "um excuse me, did you know waitresses son't even make minimum wage. Blah, boab blah."
> fuck off bitch
> next day
> go to another restaurant near previous one
> see that same waitress come out of a fucking BMW
> I fucking drive a honda

all you lazy fucks that want free money for as little work as possible can suck my dick until i cum in your mouth and bitch slap you afterwards

>> No.5046156


> green texting a made up story

>> No.5046162


> lazy fuck that wants free money

>> No.5046166

>I would not tip anyone for anything.
You would be best off only visiting each place once.
American culture is heavily consumer based, the customers approval is what matters, they have the power.

>> No.5046169

America does everything it can to keep the proles paying the proles and immunizing business from paying their employees.

It's a shithole that would make the ferengi blush.

>> No.5046199

My sister is a cashier at the local grocery store and she came home with $70 in tips on a 6 hour shift and she makes $9.50 an hour.

Bullshit that anyone should tip a cashier anymore. I can scan items. It isn't a talent like it used to be where they had to hand input every price by hand (when they had to memorize every price on every item).

$70 in tips for scanning items and faking being nice to people... Jesus fucking christ...

>> No.5046207

Does your sister have nice round tits?
That might be one reason for the tips.

>> No.5046220

This happened to me once I think. I had a gift certificate for this bar and woke up with it the next day still. Then again I guess someone paid for it at some point.

>> No.5046222

OP is a faggot for using that picture.

>> No.5046224

You do bring up a fairly valid point...

Still pisses me the fuck off. She's part of a union too. (Also pissed because the stupid place won't hire male cashiers)

>> No.5046240

Why are you such an unpleasant person.

>> No.5046256

She needs all that money for her hair and shoes you sexist pig.

>> No.5046277


I worked as a cashier in a supermarket here, we were told to refuse tips. Worked there for 3 months and I think it only happened once. I jusr told them to take it back and donate it to charit.

>> No.5046295

Yeah, you're a better person than my sister ever will be.

She'll never refuse money. Still hasn't paid me back for that Hobbit double-feature I took her to either. Might have to give up on it and just tell her it was an early Christmas present.

>> No.5046314

><10% = Another way of saying to your server "You suck and I hate you"

>Being an ingrate after recieving money
I wouldn't tip a fucking penny if I saw that sign

>> No.5046335


> is still hanging on waiting to be paid back the price of a movie ticket

If that has really fucked your budget long term, I pity you. If not, I still pity you, but for different reasons.

>> No.5046336

I have news for you: your sister is a prostitute. Nobody tips cashiers.

>> No.5046339

Busser here. I see every tip on every table. Do not let them fool you with their sob stories about barely making ends meet when they don't get 20%. They make more than most of you on a BAD night.

>> No.5046342

Who the fuck do you think you are? I have worked a shitty restaurant job for awhile. Nobody has even once considered tampering because we don't care enough if you're an asshole, not to mention its typically too busy. You might see that happen in fast food, but not most restaurants.

>> No.5046346

I was under the impression cashiers were not supposed to accept tips.

>> No.5046350

never seen that before way to busy to fuck with peoples food always take myanger out on something else or just call the customer an asshole
never seen that actually
maybe at mcdicks during early morning drunkard hours

>> No.5046351

here is a pro tip if I owned a place the empl;oyee that posted that sign would be fired. don't need that 'tude. IfI were a customer and saw that sign,' i'd turn an walk. I would sooner eat potted meat, crackers and a canned soda then eat in a place like that. I uasually tip 20% if the service was decent. I recently ate in a place and recieved the bill. it said and I qyote " for your convieniece an 18% gratuity has been added. then the guy stands there lokking at me, like I am giving him more? fuck off. talk to your boss. a hundred dollar bill, nine bucks tax, 18 bucks "gratuity" added and you want an adidionalonal tip? ok here is one. get a different job only thing worse is cab drivers 10 miles = 30 bucks and want a tip. for what?if I had 4 bags and 2 people ok, 5 bucks but for you sitting on your ass for ten min? I don't think so. long ago grocery stores paid people to take the stuff to your car. and you gave the guy a buck. in a day they might make minimum and 60 -75 in tips, tax free. now you can hardly get somone to bag the damn stuff literaly. the other day the cashier kept ringing things up pushing them down and looking at me. Hey the bags are on your side of the counter. finaly says assistance please on line 3 a guy wanders over and bags the stuff at the speed of smell. 8 check out lines, only 3 open at 1pm on a SATURDAY and one of those was 10 items or less. 160 bucks . it took 20 min to shop and about 30 to pay and check out. god I hate grocery stores

>> No.5046373

when they treat you like shit because they know everything and obviously know your a poor fag that wont tip.

>> No.5046384

lol waitress jobs are for high schoolers. but i guess bitter older people still cant figure out why a nice high school teenager who is happy to receive 50 cents as a tip but yet somehow makes $275 a night while bitter older people make 20 dollars a night. get off your bitter ass and be pleasant and serve! stop figuring out how to make the most money with the minimum efort and the least amount of cheer and good customer service possible

>> No.5046386

its hard to disagree with this rant but the way it swerves off course completely makes me think this guy must be blasted or drunk.

>> No.5046417

The whole tipping thing makes every restaurant visit feel pretty much like a hostage situation. I know mericans like action movies but..

>> No.5046442

>not knowing the /ck/rambler guy
>this close to 2014

>> No.5046463


I've worked in retail for a few years, and I still think it's fucking stupid for wait staff to be tipped. They provide a useless, and meaningless service. If they just brought food out to a counter and called me up, they could not even bother with a wait staff, and it would be functionally the same. I don't like depending on someone for refills, or for extra sauces and whatnot. They are literally a burden to the restaurant, and offer little to no help that someone at a register couldn't give you.

Aside from wine consiglieres at high end restaurants, who have useful knowledge I do not have access to, wait staff are useless wastes of money with entitlement complexes that they acquire by willingly working a bad job. Fuck them.

I tip my hairdresser, and other service people who perform tasks that I cannot perform myself, and I tip them based on how well they do it when it comes to things that can be places on a gradient of bad to good -- a hairdresser and a haircut are good examples of this.

I don't think retail workers deserve to be tipped, either, and I routinely decline tips after having helped a customer to their car with furniture, for example, because I'm already doing the job I am fucking payed to do.

>> No.5046480

you know that some restaraunts provide free things to great waitresses to bring you for free to help you enjoy your dining experience.

>> No.5046483 [DELETED] 


I'm not sure if it happened. On several occasions I should've just got up and not paid, but I don't think I every unpurposefully dined and dashed.

>> No.5046493

Such as?

>> No.5046509

i dont know. i dont eat in high class restaraunts but the main guy and cook would make samples/tiny snacks/bread and what ever for my 16 year old gf to pass out to customers she was serving. odd thing tough is that the sucky waitress who didnt look to friendly except to the bus boy she was busy talking to about how my friend makes more money then her never ever passed out any free stuff to her customers. atleast not while i worked their as well.

>> No.5046538


Without paying? If you're not getting your order in a reasonable delay or if what you get is clearly bullshit (getting a half cooked steak with a tumor in it, as an example). Otherwise, even if you thought the meal or service was bad, you still got served and so you must pay. If you didn't like it, feel free to never go back and tell as many people about it as possible however.

>> No.5046738

which if you understood the economy at all or anything about artificially inflated food/gas/real estate prices you might understand why this is becoming more and more difficult.

Or again without the tone, it's just really fucking expensive and inflated in the US so we have to guilt ppl into spreading the money around, preferably from rich smart class to dumb service industry class.

>> No.5046743

I'm a britfag and I feel bad for waiting for change, I don't do % but if its over 10, iI'll leave 15, over 15 leave 20, ect

>> No.5046878

Thread isn't about US tipping. It's about leaving a restaurant without paying.

>> No.5047386

How did no one else catch this Carlos-tier joke

>> No.5047651

Because all the americans became blinded by rage and immediately got on the defense for someone making fun of their country. (again) which caused them to fail at seeing the obvious humour.
I for one read it and proceeded to beat my chest and howl like a gorilla.

>> No.5047665

>20% great tip for great service

kek, if I get truly great service it's probably gonna be around 30-40%, depending on how much that would set me back

inb4 some Jew reams me out; be more generous it'll come back to you

>> No.5047668

No, it won't. The only reason you can say that is you are fortunate enough to tip 30-40% as great and highly in other circumstances. That affluence exposes you to enough good fortune for you to credit your luck to your own generousity

>> No.5047669


I only ever tip more than 20% if they accommodate any special requests I may have made beforehand.

>four year anniversary with my squeeze
>make a reservation at the nicest restaurant in town
>get there, shown to a table in the bar while we wait for our table
>complimentary snacks while we wait, since it's a special occasion
>shown to our table, it's the best seat in the house
>corner table, next to the fireplace
>every woman in the dining room is shooting daggers out of their eyes in jealousy, it's january, snowing outside, and my lady got the comfiest seat in the house
>complimentary glass of champagne, since it's a special occasion
>order three courses
>free dessert, since it's a special occasion

tipped the waitress a benji, kicked an additional twenty to the kitchen. wrote a letter to the owner complimenting them on their stupendous service and cuisine, he sent me a gift certificate for $50.

>> No.5047671

So everyone was generous, and everyone felt good after.

>> No.5047682

>my boss pays like shit, you'd better make up for it or i spit in ur food!!!

kill yourself america

>> No.5047695

I actually wonder how restaurants got that law passed. If they tried that shit today there'd be significant outrage and repealing attempts. How'd it get through and stay there so long and still no one mentions "Hey maybe we shouldn't."

>> No.5047932

Honestly I think she may be doing something on the side. That or she has a fucking dream job in regard to uh the "Retail" field.

No way in hell the average grocery store chain has a union anymore, and tips are probably frowned upon as "soliciting". Whatever the hell she's doing, she doin it right.

>> No.5047967

>Is it safe to assume that once upon a time servers were paid minimum wage regardless of their tips?
>This hasn't always been a thing, has it?
it has
>I don't understand how something like tips, which are not guaranteed can factor into the wages you are paid per hour. Seems illegal.
fucked up but american minimum wage laws have always excluded wait staff.

>> No.5048426

What the fuck are you even saying
I gave up trying to comprehend the stupid shit coming out of this post after two sentences

>> No.5048434

>He only gave me 10% of his bill as extra free money in addition? He must be TOTALLY ANGRY

>> No.5048437
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>> No.5048439

Why are you posting here if you have done something like that before?

>> No.5048467

>When is it acceptable to leave a restaurant without paying? Pic unrelated.
When I have gotten something not worth paying for.

But they only time I have dined and dashed was when the waiter never came by with my check.

>finish eating
>waiter comes by
>herp depr n e thing i cn git u u want desert
>just the check please
>o k i b rite back
>10 minutes later no check
>assume the meal was comped
waiters that to to kidnap you are the worst

>> No.5048477

>I think everyone should have to work a year in service/retail.
Sorry m8 we aren't all unskilled shitfucks like you.

>> No.5049382

I was with a group at a restaurant when, before the food came, the waiter came out, sat down at the table and told us "Hey, guys, you don't see golden arches out there, so remember to tip."

We got up and left on the spot.

>> No.5049384


>> No.5049438

>go some chain restaurant owned by big storechain with 2friends
>food is bad, mine is hamburger that's dry as fuck and barely has any condiments is
>friend has somekind of chicken that's covered in ham/bacon that's like _cold_
>when he asked the waitress to take it back and atleast warm it up or something minute later we heard "DING" and she came with the food which was now smoking hot from a microwave on steroids
>3rd guy had pizza that was "okay" but with the prices it was -5/5 utter shit
Best of all, we had to wait for about 15minutes to give our orders, 30minutes for food, then abou 35minutes after we'd eaten and the waitress had taken our food before we finally left because she didnt bring the bill. We actually yelped her back to our table and asked when are you going to bring the bill at around 15mins of waiting or so and she said soon just wait a second and when we were leaving the manager or someone yelled back at us because we didnt pay and told he's going to call the cops on our ass.
TLDR: shitty food shitty service no cops on our ass though and we didnt pay.

>> No.5049464

>implying perfect access to the legal system

>> No.5049479

Daddy must have hooked you up with a sweet job

>> No.5049481

What's the legal system have to do with that?
If you don't like the service or are expected to tip and don't want to walk the fuck out as that other guy's group did then you're a homosexual weirdo.

If some fucking waiter had the audacity to sit down at my table and said he expected a tip, I'd tip him, a fucking penny. I did that to some french bitch in nyc once who was rude to my girlfriend.

If the fucker chased me I'd have smacked him, called the cops, and told the cops that he was a menacing cunt.

I don't take shit from a fucking waiter.

>> No.5049537

That's a perfect situation where you would tip handsomely, unlike diners and such.

>> No.5049598

>tipping AT ALL when your server "sucks" and you "hate them".

Explain this shit. Who the fuck would tip in this case?

>> No.5049615

I have a bad habit of wandering out of my local pub without paying my bill. Everyone there knows me by name, so they keep a tab for me to pay the next time I come in. It's actually kind of embarrassing.
I've never not paid a bill at a restaurant, but there was this one time I went out to eat with a group. When the bill came, I noticed they had only charged us for 5 plates instead of 6, specifically my meal. We decided not to correct the mistake. I paid for the tip because my meal was "free", but I still feel like I got away with robbery.

>> No.5049621

Why don't I tip the chef?
In any case, I'd rather serve myself. Having a waiter is a custom I don't see much functionality in.

>> No.5049641

Americans, please explain. Why is your system flawed?

For example, if I'm paying $100 dollars for the meal, then I'm expected to pay $20 for tip. But if I pay $300, I have to pay $60 for the tip despite the fact that both have the same levels of service (assume same cover, just more expensive items).

So how is a tip an indication of service quality if it's influenced more by the prices, instead of the actual service quality? I tip, but it's still confusing to me.

>> No.5049876

Lol...i forgot tipping was a thing anymore. Never eat anywhere besides home or fastfood. Mostly because time and i want the food not the service.

>> No.5049881

Because in both instances he didn't spill it in your lap you cheap faggot. It's a commission paid direct from the consumer to sales associate and is now an unwritten additional cost to the product. If you don't like it, don't participate in the economy.

>> No.5049887

Chill motherfucker he was just asking a question no need to jump down his throat.

>> No.5049902

I wish this thread hadn't devolved into a tipping argument.

The current tipping system in America is backwards and definitely needs to be rewritten, but I still tip when I go out because regardless of how I feel about the system, fucking over my waitress isn't going to change anything.

Basically the only place I go anymore that expects tips is a small family oriented breakfast chain, and all of the waitresses know my girlfriend and I. We have never had poor food or service, and we always leave a great tip.

>> No.5049928

Well. I put a cap on how much I tip that's directly proportional to the size of my party.

Aside from that, who the fuck has a $300 meal just to themself?

>> No.5049935

>You would be best off only visiting each place once.

Not him, but I tend to do this.

>> No.5051563

Buttmad service industry faggot detected.

>> No.5051566

If the service is bad take a bill and smear butter or jelly along the inside, fold in half and leave on the table.

>> No.5051681



i've served tables alongside paramedics who were paying their way through medical school, schmohawk. i'm a physics major. so your puffed chest education superiority complex needs to be shoved up your ass.

if you want to pay menu price for food, go to burger king or the grocery story and eat that shit on your stained couch in your underwear like 95% of your other meals jacknob.

enjoy never getting a refill on your arnold palmer and missing out on that side of ranch and bottle of hot sauce you requested on separate occasions. because without incentive based tips, thats what'll happen on the 1st and 15th when you go out to eat.

>> No.5051685


wanted to clarify, the 1st segment was written to >>5046738

the final 2 were directed at shitty tippers. fuck off and stay home.

>> No.5051688


i like to do this with shit and drop it in the lobby of the movie theatre or in the mall

>> No.5051703

Well great, you showed that guy by planning to screw over a server.
Good job

>> No.5051797

Actually, you don't have to pay anything. Just carry a dead or live june bug on you, order a huge steak with beans and what you actually want to eat, put that june bug in the beans, and get your entire meal comped.

>> No.5051853
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>tip of the iceberg

>> No.5051873

>been on /ck/ for years
>still don't know the guy

Come at me bro.

If he'd just make the posts actually readable, it'd be fine. I don't mind rambling.

>> No.5051880

That was silly.
>eat food
>request to see manager
>say the waiter was harassing you
>group confirms
>manager gives you meal for free.