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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5030905 No.5030905[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>at friends house
>about 10 years old
>happily playing videogames when friends mom comes in the room and shouts "alright boys dinner's ready!"
>eagerly run to the table
>friends mom serves me, the 'guest' first
>hands me a bowl of potato chips (or crisps as they seem to be called in other parts of the world, you know the type you get from vending machines) with a melted layer of processed cheese on top drenched in BBQ sauce
>look at friends face in horror as he happily digs into to his 'dinner'
>after he noticed I haven't touched the food, he pauses, looks at me says "what's wrong anon? never had crispycheese before?"
>mfw I take a bite out of one of the melted cheese BBQ sauce drenched chips and they're salt and vinegar flavor
>that was the last time I ever went to daren's house ever again

Though looking back on it now daren's family WERE poor as fuck white-trash scum.

Anyway, what kind of fucked up meals did your friend's parents try to serve to you as a kid?

>> No.5030918

That is comprehensively pig disgusting. I threw up a little thinking about that.

Inb4 this is a meme.

>> No.5030919

Two words: Blood sausage.
Badly made homemade venison blood sausage.

I don't mind blood sausage, but they made the worst I've ever tasted. Friend's mom calls us to the table, and there's blood sausage, pickles, bread, butter, onion, and mustard. Which would have been fantastic, if the sausage hadn't tasted like a rotten deer's asshole.

>> No.5030922

>be 8 or 9
>go over this Italian kid's house for some reason
>he offers me a wad of raw pizza dough
>chew on it for a few minutes
>wtf am I eating
>ask to use the bathroom
>spit it out in the toilet

I've never cared for those people

>> No.5030930
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>Wow Mr. E the BBQ sauce you put on these wings was really good, where did you get it?

>It's home made Anon. Ketchup, molasses, liquid smoke, mustard, garlic powder, and fresh black pepper


>> No.5030935

I don't get it.

>> No.5030940

I didn't realize people did not eat as well as I did growing up (and didn't even realize it until years later). I went to friends house when I was in like 3rd grade. We sat down for dinner and his mom sat down a family size microwave dinner. It had about 5 or 6 thin slices of meat in some kind of gravy. I made myself take one bite but I couldn't eat it. I said I wasn't hungry. I'm sure it was/is cringe worthy.

The only thing I had ever had similar was my dad putting a roast in one of those bag-n-seasons in the oven at lunch and eating it for dinner after it was delicious and tender. That microwave meal was the opposite. I didn't know there were people that didn't cook a big meat entree with 4 or 5 sides for every meal.

>> No.5030948

That is objectively more disgusting than vegans and libertarians combined. Congrats OP, you have churned my stomach like freshly made butter (good story tho, I lol'd hard).

>> No.5030955

When I was a kid my sister had some friends from Jewish summer camp that she visited. My sister LOVES pepperoni pizza (to my Jewish mother's disgust but my dad converted so he would let her order it). Sister was about 14, she insisted on ordering pepperoni pizza, family uncomfortably did so, made her eat it on a paper plate outside while everyone else ate together on proper plates in their dining room so they wouldn't "contaminate" their dishes.

>> No.5030973

Well, not my friends's mom, but my grandma usd to make "chicken and lasagna surprise". It was so god-awful that the dog wouldn 't eat it. And this dog ate rocks, dirt, rotten squirrels, feathers, everything.
The chicken:
>Put chicken in a casserole dish
>Cover with water
>Top off with an entire bottle of ketchup
>Bake until the chicken turns pinkish grey (AKA not even properly cooked)
The lasagna:
>Cook some macaroni noodles
>Mix them with raw ground beef
>fill the rest with ketchup and water as above
>Top with processed cheese slices
>Cook until cheese is only slightly melted. Meat is pink in the middle
So yeah, I know bad food

>> No.5031008

These sound like playing myfridgefood.com on nightmare mode.

>> No.5031018


What is it with old people and disgusting undercooked food cooked in casserole dishes?

>> No.5031019

I'm just going to pretend you made that up. I can't handle it otherwise.

>> No.5031033


>> No.5031046

>8 years old
>friend's dad making sandwiches
>asks if I want mustard on mine
>say yes and turn to go sit down at the table
>he brings the food in
>pick up sandwich
>mustard actually squishing out from sides
>he really put this fucking much
>eat the whole thing to not be disrespectful

It was so bad and incredibly sour.

>> No.5031051

I did not make that up, and yes I once got salmonella from eating it. That is when I stopped going there. I think her food was bad because she was fried on opioids like 99% of the time.

>> No.5031062

My friend's parents made blue box macaroni and cheese for us one night. It was macaroni soup. They added so much milk that it was half milky "cheese" sauce. It was awful. Nothing else was served for dinner, so I went hungry.

>> No.5031128

I'm so glad my mother and grandmother knew how to cook. For Christ's sake, even my father wasn't this bad, even though the most he could do was hot dogs and grilled cheese. He was handy with a grill, though, so we ate well 12 months out of the year. If I was any of you guys I would've been fucking malnourished because I simply couldn't eat any of this shit.

Cooking, at a basic level, isn't really that hard, and with good planning can even be done on a shoestring budget. Why do people feed themselves this absolute garbage?

>> No.5031129

>Be dating Indian
>Invites me over
>Mom is cooking in the kitchen
>OMG, you loved my mom's masala chicken wings
>Try this
>Gives me an aloo ki tikki
>Holy shit, it is not spiced, and has a fucked up consistency
>Never eat that shit again, happy that we broke up

>> No.5031140
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Yeah but was the vag spicey?

>> No.5031147

Indian vag and Caucasian vag both smell like death.

east Asian vag is the best.

>> No.5031156

Spaghettios, the "weiner" spaghettios, ravioli, just generally the shitty canned meals. Hamburger mac and cheese was a favorite, and I refused to eat that shit, I just drank milk.

I was friends with a lot of white trash kids who would just eat corn, or would send me home before dinner because they were either embarrassed or didn't want to serve an extra 70 cent can.

>> No.5031159

Meh I've made worse on ambien.

>> No.5031163

>just corn

Nigger are you joking? Pretty sure you'd be malnourished as fuck.

>> No.5031164

Everyone knows Indian women have spicy vaginas.
I prefer my vaginas vertically oriented rather than sideways.

>> No.5031187

>east Asian vag is the best

I've dated a lot of asians, and their vag is just as smelly as the other races. They have the added benefit of being souless money sponges, too. Enjoy your manipulative chinks, kek

As for OP, I never went to friends' houses for food, because I always felt weird about eating food other adults bought for their own children. My aunt, though, would make shitty meatloaf made with whatever she could scrape up in the fridge, she would put jam on her potates, and mustard on everything else. Absolutely horrifying. Corn + ketchup + mustard = a normal weekly meal.

>> No.5031194

>They have the added benefit of being souless money sponges

>implying that's a race thing and not a gender thing

>> No.5031203

>or didn't want to serve an extra 70 cent can.
I've been at that house before I think lol

>> No.5031207

Its definitely a race thing.

>> No.5031209

>race thing
Most women can be guilty of this, but asians are much worse, because muh education and high paying jobs. Asian women tend to want to be lazy cunts at home, and expect you to make well over 100k a year. That's why japanese men are turning to 2D. Their cute shit is an act. Go ahead and find this out for yourself though.

>> No.5031228
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>she would put jam on her potatoes

>> No.5031233

>be 10, grocery shopping with dad (he was the one that cooked)
>see brightly colored can of soup
>obviously marketed towards kids
>asked dad if I could try it out
>"You sure anon? Canned soup usually tastes bad."
>say I still want to try it
>go home, pop in microwave, try it out
>tastes like sour liquified shit
I'm glad my dad let me try it out, otherwise I'd have never learned to cook.

>> No.5031256

>Microwaving canned soup
what the fuck why

>> No.5031267

Just put her out of her misery god damn

>> No.5031269

I was 10, I could barely see over the top of the stove.

>> No.5031275

Thank god my dad taught me early that any food that had a commercial during Saturday Morning Cartoons was not fit to eat.

>> No.5031280

Potato Chips, cheese and bbq is vegetarian you idiot.

>> No.5031286

>be 12
>go over to my friends house for the night
>dinner time rolls in
>mom makes "fried rice"
>literally just rice with a lot of soy sauce, peas and cheese mixed in
>they give me chop sticks while everyone eats with a spoon
She didn't have to go out of her way to do this just because I have slanted eyes, lol
I still don't know what she was thinking when she added cheese though, srsly

>> No.5031290

these days a family-sized bag of chips costs around 3 bucks. for that price you could get two pounds of chicken breast, bone-in or even boneless. without going into the price of spices and whatnot, you could cook that chicken with the same bbq sauce and it would be perfectly decent, and save that cheese for a side of crazy cheap potatoes.

even poverty is not an excuse for being disgusting. you don't have to make gourmet food if you aren't made of money, but there is no excuse for using processed, preserved garbage in lieu of food with actual nutritional value

>> No.5031297

fuck, you could even pick up some dried beans and a smoked turkey wing or hamhock, feed your family for like half a week for $3

>> No.5031298

god, please don't give me this shit. it depends on country, where you lived and where they were raised, urban vs rural, etc etc

I live in Japan with my Japanese gf, we both work 2k/month jobs and go half and half on food, rent, utility, and booze while we spend our own money on other shit like clothing and whatnot. We both have college degrees and live in a major urban city, we're both from semi-urban capitals of small states/prefectures. If your girl sucks your money dry, it's your fault for not having better discretion when picking your women and for leading them to safely believe you are a source of ready income for their playtoys. My gf does not need my money for makeup or clothing because she is not looking to replace me.

>> No.5031301
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$3 for 2 pounds of chicken breast? Damn that's fancy. It costs about $8 for the same amount here in Aus.

>> No.5031303

American Asian women are awful.

>> No.5031304

The problem comes if you either can't cook, or don't want to. If you're fairly well-off, you can afford to buy ready cooked stuff, or decent microwave meals, or whatever. If you're poor you're stuck with the potato chips and budget bbq sauce.

>> No.5031306
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What's your point?

>> No.5031310

I went to a coworkers house for dinner. His wife had made boiled chicken. Just a chicken tenderloin....boiled in water, with side of canned corn. I didn't know people lived that way

>> No.5031312

really? I can get fresh breasts in Japan for some 1.71/lb, less if they're pre-frozen, no bone/skin-on. Ionno what you guys are doing, you have better meat production than we do and are in the same regional zone.

Right, but the point is that it's not a poverty excuse. The cost of grilling 2 lbs of chicken is negligible and takes very, very basic understanding of culinary technique.

>American women are awful
Fixed for you. There's nothing about the color of their skin that changes the culture of entitlement the US shoves into all of its females.

>> No.5031321
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I live in California and 1kg of boneless chicken costs about $10 (I shop at FoodMaxx which is really cheap), a large bag of chips is still $3.50. I'm not saying I'm poor, I don't eat chips, it's just that in areas where people make more money things tend to cost more than in poor places like where you live.

>> No.5031322

At Kroger you can walk out with a cooked rotisserie chicken for like 3.99. Two bags of uncle bens microwave rice in assorted flavors for $1.50 each. That feeds my wife and I for two days. I'm upper middle class and we still do that once a week since our student days. Diner is on the table in 90 seconds.

I think half the time cooking can be just as easily as microwaving by the time you pull the box out of the trash to read the directions, cut a slit, 3 minutes, pull out, stir, 3 minutes, stir, sit for a minute, burn the fuck outta your tongue etc..

>> No.5031323

I'm gay because our women are so bad. I am just saying Asians tend to be especially gold-digging and lazy at housework and shitty at parenting with any emotion.

>> No.5031326

When fresh Tyson chicken breasts or tenderloins go on sale (~once a month) they are 99 cents a pound here (Alabama)

>> No.5031328

>poor places like where you live

okay chief. even california has wal-mart and costco though.

I wouldn't know. I've dated white women and black women but never dated an Asian until I moved overseas and was quickly converted.

>> No.5031330
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Just a higher cost of living I guess. It's not so bad, our wages are quite high here. Lamb is the worst offender though. 6 cutlets (0.5kg roughly)? TWENTY DORRA.

Speaking of Japan, I saw a vid recently of a dude buying groceries there. He noted the expensive beef and pork prices.. something like 250g of pork was like.. $8 US or something? That seems obscenely expensive; the beef prices were similar.

Though I did note how cheap the seafood was over there and how broad the selection was from this plain jane grocery store. Mad jelly, I'd give a lot to have such convenient access to that kind of produce.

>> No.5031331
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Well I was talking about non-frozen meat. I'd never eat frozen chicken out of a bag like that. My mistake.

>> No.5031334

was he in Tokyo? gaijin fucking love Tokyo, and it's like living in Paris or New York, you're not going to find prices acceptable for most standards of living.

regular grocery stores can be kind of expensive when they're not on sale, but a few have really good deals. Seiyu (Wal-Mart) often has beef cuts for grilling at 120-150 to the 100g (540-675/lb). The local store near where I used to study almost always had chicken breasts on sale for 25-35 to the 100g (as low as 1.13/lb). I do most of my shopping at a costco-inspired Japanese chain, where fresh pork can be bought as low as 80/100g and most frozen beef is 100/100g. There's also Costco itself, where ground pork costs fucking 60/100g but I just do not eat that much pork ever (their ground beef and bulgogi cuts are a steal though). I live within the second most expensive city outside of the Tokyo supermetro

>> No.5031344

OK chief, I live in California, and ground beef is cheaper than chicken here. At Costco and Wal-mart the cheapest you can get ground beef is $2.80 a pound in the big packs that you have to divide up and freeze.

>> No.5031347

well I guess poor people shouldn't live in California then

bbq-sauce flavored burgers doesn't sound bad for poverty food though

>> No.5031349


I believe he lives on the outskirts of Tokyo. Dude's been living in Japan for years. Even had a wife and kid, though she ditched him. Probably because he spends all his money on retro vidya games.

And I guess that makes sense then, I've heard Tokyo is very expensive to live in.

>> No.5031351

That's sad. All they want to do is make their grandkids happy too.

>> No.5031352

Could have been worse - Could have been ketchup.

>> No.5031353

Sound like a bunch of twats to me

>> No.5031363

They mostly live in the south.

>> No.5031372

and in the south, chicken is fucking cheap.

>> No.5031400

Well I had one friend who had a PS1, he was cool and all but his mother made him baloney and ketchup sandwiches almost every day, with the reason behind it being
>"you need all that protein to grow up nice and strong"
He's still a scrawny shit.
I could never ea them and he hated them.

>> No.5031418

>burn the fuck outta your tongue
I thought I was the only one

>> No.5031482

depends on the part of california. both bay area and the los angeles area are expensive as fuck to live in. you elsewhere to stockton/fresno/sacramento its priced lower.

also oddly enough, tons of mexicans and shit mexican food

>> No.5031512

I love casual racism.

Same thing has happened to me, except they tried to make stir fried noodles. It was just dry and not good tasting. HEY CAN YOU TEACH US HOW TO USE CHOPSTICKS

>> No.5031514

My dad used to serve my friends spaghetti and gravy with canned green beans.

>> No.5031534

>I love casual racism.
It's more like ignorance, and a weak attempt at accommodating the perceived needs of another.

>> No.5031535

That sounds more accurate.

>> No.5031540

>2 lbs.
>at a national average of $3.65/lb

Okay, non-gross food is not mega expensive, but at least don't make outrageous claims like this. There really are people so poor that they eat shit because it's cheaper.

source: http://www.bls.gov/ro3/apmw.htm

>> No.5031575

average includes all grocers and all brands. that includes Whole Foods, local and specialty grocers, organics and top-shelf brands, freshly butchered, and so on. there is no way that Wal-Mart or Ghetto Saving Center in any city is selling 3.50/lb family packs. I lived in New Orleans, which has hilariously jacked up prices compared to the white suburbs in the immediate vicinity, and definitely the price of chicken breasts were higher in local artisan grocers and Louisiana chains like Rouse's, but I could still get my family pack for 1.50/lb at Mr. Ghetto's wally world on any day of the week.

Plus according to that list legs are just as cheap, so if for some reason the only shit you have near you is artisan organic daily butchered, just get the fucking legs and put bbq sauce on that instead.

I'm sorry but shut the fuck up, you're wrong. There's no excuse for serving potato chips as an entree. Even canned tuna from a corner store is cheaper.

>> No.5031599

not exactly friend parents or anything
was actually grandma who lived accross the street
i remember she used to put mayo or sourcream into the mac and cheese, and she wasnt even senile...

>> No.5031608


I remember going to a friend's house and I had a bowl of chocolate Malt O Meal in the evening. It was fairly bland and unfilling. I've leafed through their fridge a few times before and although I've had better meals when I was over, I recall their kitchen being stocked with food with very little nutritional value or little food at all. Like OPs friend's family, my friend and her family were technically poor, white trash (hell, they live all the way in the boonies). Compared to her, although my parents made a similar income, we live in the city and my mom almost always made stuff from scratch. There was always fruit or vegetables available.

I'd rather have the malt o meal for dinner than whatever that was.

>> No.5031627

One of my friends had an Ecuadorian mother so she cooked some weird stuff that didn't suit my palette at that age. Clearly my discomfort must have shown as she decided to do us boiled egg and soldiers which they called 'dippy egg', I thought nothing could go wrong with that surely.

Crack open the egg, clear albumen runs everywhere, the egg was basically raw slightly warm with a thin layer of cooked white on the outside, my friend guzzles down the raw egg I ask to be excused.

>> No.5031631

Sourcream, yes. Cream cheese, yes.
Mayonnaise, no.

>> No.5031634

I had pretty decent meals at my friends places, the only problem I had was their meal size was so huge and I was so nervous I couldn't finish it all and feel bad about it
>I was poorfag
Ironically though, my good mate had a very wealthy yet always liked coming over for my mothers cooking, apparently one time she was really fucked off that her dad came to pick her up earlier than she thought so she missed dinner(which was hard shell tacos)

>oh there was this one time my friends mother was cooking bacon in the microwave... shoved it in and left it for like 10mins, the fuck man

>> No.5031635

>be 11
>go to friend's house
>he asks if i want chili
>pours salsa into a bowl
>covers in kraft singles
>microwave for 1:30

he ate it straight out of the bowl with a spoon

i've seen other members of his family do it too

>> No.5031636

Sounds like a terrible case of white people food

>> No.5031640

>mom is an amazing cook
>any time she brings anything to a family get-together its the first thing to get completely eaten, maybe the only thing

she makes really good grilled "chicken on a stick", fried rice, lumpia, etc. She usually only makes it for these sorts of things because the rest of my family eats that shit up.

And they do shit like make baked beans or boiled hotdogs

>> No.5031643

I was just learning to bake at home, so when I was at a friends house I suggested that we make some scones. She only had plain flour and no baking powder.
>It'll be fine anon, that doesn't really matter!
They didn't have an oven, only a microwave.
>It's just like a big oven, it'll be fine!

It was not fine.

>> No.5031660

Your dad sounds great, anon.

>> No.5031671

Friends mom would constantly force us to eat her shitty lasagna, but he had an N64 before I did, so there was no way I was going home. She would put corn, peas, tons of fake cheese, and salt in this lasagna, and I still don't see how she managed to over-salt a fucking lasagna.

>th-this one gf I have represents how you're lying! Your experiences don't matter!

That being said, all women of all races can be awful, Asian, white, what have you. I hate it when faggots try to defend their weeaboo shit with muh asian women when there is both good and bad in both races. Writing off all asian/white/indian women as one way is complete retardation.

>> No.5031684

>state a universal
>propose a singular case of relevant class that reveals contrary evidence

She's also not the only Asian girl I've dated, the only Asian girl I know, or the only Asian girl I've known to date or date a Westerner. I've seen and heard the positives and negatives, and none of it supports this notion that all Asian women must be walletsuckers.

>> No.5031697

I wasn't him, but the word weeaboo seems to have pissed you off. I've dated asian girls too, faggot. They aren't anything special.
>all Asian women must be walletsuckers.
Of course not, not all women are walletsuckers,but I've known a lot of asian chicks that WERE money whores, both here in canada, and in japan. They should just get the normal female precaution treatment.

>> No.5031698

here in austria your 1kg of boneless chicken breast will cost around 13€ to 15€.
generally I tend to buy the whole chicken now, and just cut it up myself, use whatever I need and make stock with the rest.

>> No.5031702


My white sister is married to a Japanese guy, and he feels pressured as shit to provide for her all the time, no matter how many times she said she doesn't care how much she makes. Asian qts aren't moneysuckers, it's the over-responsible nature of the men, I think.

>> No.5031704

yeah but your welfare recipients receive more than our teachers

>> No.5031705

doesn't care how much *he makes

>> No.5031711


>> No.5031731
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Two pounds for three dollars isn't normal; I've never seen it go under $2/lb here (GA, USA). Pic related is from this week's Kroger ad.

>> No.5031735

then you probably don't shop at Wal-mart

>> No.5031741

But it's not Vegan dumbass. He didn't say vegetarian.

>> No.5031745

Once I ate at a friend's house, his dad made extremely plain white rice with ground meat. All very undersalted and generally unseasoned, I feel sorry for everyone that had to grow up with parents that don't know how to cook

>> No.5031746

>shopping at walmart

>> No.5031752

That's weird. I've never lives in a place where ground beef is cheaper then chicken. I grow my own chicken now anyways.

>> No.5031762

Yeah but gay asian dudes are pretty much ignored outside of fetish communities and I usually see them paired up with much older men because that is the best they can do. I have never seen a gay male asian top in porn.

>> No.5031764

Are you me?

>> No.5031773

>being poor

>> No.5031776

nice story, greatest ally

>> No.5031786

Some years ago, while my mom, best friend and I were driving back from a summer vacation our car died and stranded us in some stupid mid michigan village (Kalkaska). A friend of the family's mom offered us a place to stay while getting the car fixed since she lived near there, so this nice old lady is coming to get us and we are all hungry and stressed out at this point hoping the car ends up ok, or someone else can come get us, etc. Well she gets to wherever we are and my friend and I being child-like ask to stop at a burger king (because roadtrip, whatever) but the lady is all like, "Oh no, I have a turkey cooking in the oven", ok cool, she drives us to her house.
>It's a fucking turkey loaf. Not a turkey meat loaf, a premade loaf of turkey, with the bottom half dark meat and top half light meat.
The meal was turkey loaf, bread and butter pickles, tortillas, shredded cheese and diet coke zero. Also our room had scary dolls. Surreal fucking return journey on that trip.

>> No.5031794

My best friend in late grade school and middle school was the son of our pastor. They had done missionary work. Not the 'I spent 4 years in Maine' or 'We spread the word in Poland for 2 years!' Nah son, this was the real dog eating deal. Africa. I can't remember what one, but they still cooked and ate African dishes. Whitest family you can imagine. I never cared for the one that they seemed to like the most, it was some kind of leaf wrapped around some unappealing grey beef. Not incredibly tasty, and then they would serve it with this really dry crusty bread and milk flavored with fruit juice since they didn't believe in soda, coffee, tea and our small town had recently nixed fluoride so his mom didn't want us drinking tap water.

>> No.5031811

fucking cereal

>> No.5031831


is /ck/ getting all sjw?

>> No.5031840

>be 16-17
>go to girlfriends house for first time
>meet parents, they're okay, but old
>dinner will be ready in an hour
>sit there making small talk
>dinner is whole frozen chicken breasts, dumped in uncle bens honey mustard cook-in sauce, and baked for 2 hours
>roast potatoes out of a bag, microwaved veg
>chicken drier than ghandi's flip-flop
>got a funny look for asking for salt and pepper (after tasting it)
>had to eat it all

>> No.5031857

I'm still confused about what a turkey loaf is. A turkey cut into the shape of a loaf? Slices of turkey stacked and formed into a loaf? A loaf of turkey bologna? You gotta give us more details here

>> No.5031892

>be 8 or 9 years old
>visiting a friend
>playing in his garden
>mom yells "dinner is ready"
>get inside
>friends mom: "Anon, you can go home now, we're having dinner."

Weird fucking family.

>> No.5031893


>> No.5031908

That is pretty much what casual racism is.

>> No.5031912

think it's supposed to be a "not bad" reaction image
I hate myself

>> No.5031914

>spoilertags on /ck/
even more so now

>> No.5031917

>lingonberry jam
fuck you dad that shit was so nasty
I remember eating it several times so it wasn't just an "lets empty the fridge" meal

>> No.5031919

>little bro's and my fat 12 yo cousin that lives down the street comes over
>always asks for a snack within a few minutes
>always asks to stay around for dinner
>step dad caved in and said if she asked her parents she could stay for pizza and wings
>she waddles out the door and hops on her bike
>I watch her
>she never goes home, just stops part way and comes back
>told us she got permission
>realize every time she has had dinner at our house she has went home and had a second dinner
>fatties gonna fat

>> No.5031920

You have to admit that's pretty clever though.

>> No.5031924

oh god.
one time I went over my friend's house and his mom let me stay for dinner.
and that bitch tried to make me eat fucking broccoli.

I ran out and never talked to that kid again. freaks.

>> No.5031929

>be me, 17, in NJ
>go to friends house for dinner
>they're an upper middle class white family
>"so mrs. anon, whats for dinner?"
>no shit, white bread, jello, and spaghetti-o's
>get up, don't say a word
>go out to car
>get in, drive home
>get home, stepdad (really cool guy) says "hey anon, you're just in time for dinner
>please let there be a god for this one thing
>what are we having?
>spicy beef enchiladas, linguine tutto mare and your mom wanted fresh asparagus, so i got some of that too.
>thank you food gods
>never go back to that friends house

seriously, they were richer than us, why the hell did i eat better than all of them?

>> No.5031930

>not eating your vegetables

>> No.5031934

Went to an old money rich ass school on their "Give finical aid to an underprivileged one obligatory upper middle class child per so they may attend." program.

The worse thing that ever happened was when a friend's parents served us quail, but told me it was chicken because they were afraid I wouldn't eat it. I was like, 8 or 9.
I was offended they thought that about me....Plus pretty upset they lied and then I kinda just didn't pay attention really enjoy it because I thought it was just chicken. :/

>> No.5031950


your first time on 4chan?

>> No.5031955
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It's ground turkey in the form of a loaf, you fucking cube.

>> No.5031957

>drier than Ghandi's flip-flop


>> No.5031961

I still visited her, I just stopped staying for supper (I am not a bad person). And according to my dad she cooked like that her whole life so it isn't an old person thing.

>> No.5031969

>while everyone else ate together on proper plates in their dining room so they wouldn't "contaminate" their dishes.
This is a thing. I've had many observant Jewish neighbors over the years who kept their kitchens kosher, if only so they could host gatherings for even more observant family/friends. Some of them were more than happy to eat things like pepperoni pizza when they went out, but the home was kept kosher.

Back on topic:

>Be about 8 or 9
>Hanging at friend's place
>Invited to have dinner
>Kids handed paper plates with fish sticks and box mac and cheese
>Eat in the den in front of TV
>It's terrible, but I'm hanging out with friends, so I don't care
>Parents don't eat with us - weird
>When mom comes to pick me up parents sitting down to eat by themselves at the table
>Steak, potatoes, salad, wine
Struck me as a big fuck you to the kids

>> No.5031973

>has never seen a 9/10 southern belle pussy irl
>How Can Pussy Be Real If I'm Not Real

>> No.5031979

It isn't really racism if they have good intentions.

>> No.5031983

They could have at least cooked something simple instead of giving you microwave crap.

>> No.5031992

Turkey loaf is basically turkey that gets ground up until it is pretty much liquified and then poured in a mold and reformed into a loaf shaped thing.

>> No.5031998

Their kids were probably picky and hell and spat at the nice dinner that they were accustomed to eating; they just got bitter and assumed every kid was as picky and dumb as theirs. One of those cases where it's not all about upbringing, sometimes snotnosed kids will still be snotnosed kids and the parents will just opt to keeping their lives on the edge of personal comfort to keep from swallowing a gun and ruining a lineage

>> No.5031999

My brother had a friend like that, except he was thin but still ate like 8 times a day. Sometimes he would go to three different people's houses. I think he did it because his parents only ever made Kraft Dinner.

>> No.5032009

Stuffed peppers, enough said.

Also I once thought sriracha was something you put on food like ranch or hot sauce rather than something used in cooking, that was the worst slice of pizza I ever had.

>> No.5032011

Dude, 8/9 year olds love Mac n cheese and fish sticks. Plus you all were hanging out. They aren't going to stop everything and make you eat with them. You sound like a really stuck up prick.
I could see this being weird if you guys were 15 or 16, but at 8 or 9? Really anon?

>> No.5032021

>I once thought sriracha was something you put on food like ranch or hot sauce

Wait, it's not?

>> No.5032022

Why would they lie about that? Quail isn't even a "weird food" at any level.

>> No.5032028

You'd know better than me, I came to this board on accident just now

Are you only meant to put one drop and spread it around or something? I love things cooked with sriracha but as a condiment its absolutely revolting

>> No.5032030

Your's isn't that unusual. What IS unusual is getting put at the kid's table at the age of FUCKING 15 eating mac and cheese while my cousin who was two weeks older sat with the adults and ate steak and lobster. That was a terrible night. It only got good when my cousin and I secretly went into the cellar and got hammered on expensive port then had sex by the side of the house. That made up for it.

>> No.5032034

You shouldn't be pouring it on something like you would ranch or hot sauce. In fact, you probably shouldn't pour any condiment like that. They're meant to add to the taste, not completely cover it (unless that's what you're trying to do)

>> No.5032038

>banging your cousin at 15
Dayum son

>> No.5032039

Well, she was adopted and we had a secret relationship for about a year before that. We are actually still together (at 19) and the family did eventually get over it.

>> No.5032042

>they just got bitter and assumed every kid was as picky and dumb as theirs
Entirely possible, but I grew up with picky siblings, and my mother managed to dance around it for family meals. Hell, my own sons ruined my cooking for a decade when they went through their picky eater phase. But I still served them real food, just dumbed-down a bit.

Just because kids have shit taste (and most of them do) doesn't make it OK to serve them garbage. I cringe every time I see parents in the supermarket buying boxes of nuggers for their offspring. Though it did crack me up once to see an out of place middle aged "concerned" dad squinting to read the ingredients on a bag of organic nuggers while his precious little ADD case jumped around the frozen food section demanding them.

>> No.5032048

Good for you anon.
If you have kids make sure they don't eat anything like what's going on in this thread.

>> No.5032051

I definitely will be cooking good food. I love cooking (although seeing as I am on this board that is probably self-explanatory).

>> No.5032090

>You sound like a really stuck up prick.
Well, go fuck yourself with a rake.

What struck me as odd was that the parents didn't eat with the kids. My family always ate together, and never in front of the TV. But I thought it was kinda cool. And I was a kid, so I didn't mind the mac and cheese and fish sticks. The kicker was the parents sitting down afterwards to an obviously much better meal. You'd have to be a pretty retarded nine year old to think fish sticks are better than steak. It seemed cruel to me to do that to your kids.

>> No.5032099


thats not that weird, when I was little my parents told me anything that was white meat was chicken.
pork? chicken. fish? chicken. turkey? chicken.

which I'm kinda glad they did, I was a really picky eater when I was little, and now I eat all this stuff I love because they "tricked" me.

>> No.5032118

It's not really self explanatory just for being on this board. Not saying you eat shit, just that not everyone on this board actually eats real food.

>> No.5032119

I had a friend who's mother was a hoarder. She mixed straight up rotten ground beef mixed into a jar of Ragu served on top of store bought garlic bread. It had had been sitting half covered on a pile of food in her fridge. Where it was exposed to air it was dark and crusty, where it was in contact with plastic, it was green. I forced myself to take two bites out of politeness and then said I wasn't hungry. I still got really sick. My friend and her were fine, guess their immune systems were used to it.

>> No.5032123

Not the Anon you're responding to, but I had a funny experience with my picky 12 year old son coming up to me at a catered party telling me how much he loved the "chicken rings". I walked over to the buffet to see what the fuck he was talking about. Fried calamari. Not even a good example of the stuff, but he was wailing on it.

I waited until after the party to tell him he was nowhere nearly as picky an eater as he thought he was. Now he's a young man, not picky at all, and actually a decent cook.

>> No.5032124

I''m going to remake the crispy cheese in OPs post.

>> No.5032127

I would have been that rude guy and straight-up refused that rotten food. Assuming I would have even stepped foot in the house in the first place.

>> No.5032139

I had a friend whose mother was a hoarder and dad was an alcoholic. He ate at my house often. I knew better than to ever eat at his. He and I would sneak booze from his drunk ass dad.

Now that I think back on it WAY too much of my time as a suburban teenager was focused of obtaining alcohol...

>> No.5032155

it is now

>> No.5032177

>I've never seen it go under $2
>posts an ad for $1.99

checkmate atheists

>> No.5032187
File: 31 KB, 314x406, oh god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Staying the night at friends' house, kicking his ass at Goldeneye
>His mom comes into the bedroom with a couple bowls filled with something and a couple packs of crackers
>smell chili
>Awwww yeaahahhh I love chili
>she smiles as she sets the bowls next to us on the floor
>I look at the 'chili'
>its liquid looking coney sauce with finely ground beef and macaroni noodles
>no beans, stewed tomatoes or peppers
>crackers are unsalted
>taste the liquid bullshit
>salty as fuck
>my friend is gulping it down like its the best shit ever

I said I had a stomach ache. First night in my life I ever went to bed hungry.

>> No.5032215

Quit redefining the word you faggot. Racism is making a distinction because of race, nothing more.

>> No.5032219


Isn't there some tax stuff added to it?

>> No.5032221

lol no

>> No.5032222

i want to scream "HE DID IT ON PURPOSE!"

because those "friends dads" can sometimes do really weird things like this...

but I don't know...

>> No.5032224

hmmm let's look at the etymology of the word:

>1932 as a noun, 1938 as an adjective, from race (n.2); racism is first attested 1936 (from French racisme, 1935), originally in the context of Nazi theories. But they replaced earlier words, racialism (1871) and racialist (1917), both often used early 20c. in a British or South African context. In the U.S., race hatred, race prejudice had been used, and, especially in 19c. political contexts, negrophobia.

>> No.5032237

Are you a fucking faggot?

There's no way I'm feeding the high end shit to a fucking 9 year old. And besides it's not like you're entitled to it. Be thankful for what you got brat.

>> No.5032242

THIS. there are good and bad people of all race/religion/gender/sexual orientation

anyone who says "just these type of people are ALLL bad!" is a racist stupid moron who has never left the area they live in.

>> No.5032243

>Racism is making a distinction because of race, nothing more.
Not the Anon you're responding to, but there is an argument that race, as a sociological concept is a practically useless (and meaningless) term pulled out of thin air by pseudoscientists a couple centuries ago. It's high time it was abandoned.

>> No.5032248

>political context

Do you just eat up what you're politically conditioned to believe? How 1984 of you.

>> No.5032251
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>town gets RID of fluoride
>mom tells them to stop drinking the now fluoride-free water....


>> No.5032252

Canned soup is usually concentrated, you needed to add water

>> No.5032256

>There's no way I'm feeding the high end shit to a fucking 9 year old. And besides it's not like you're entitled to it. Be thankful for what you got brat.
You are the kind of person whose kids come here and start threads about fast food.

>> No.5032261

this happened to me.......................

same awkwardness....

I know what you mean....

such strange people......

now when i notice people with personalities like theirs, I just completely avoid them.

>> No.5032267

Happened to me too. Half the time, my friend would come down with his plate of dinner and just eat in in front of me/us even after we've all been there all day.

They were also Jewish (like cheap as hell Jewish), go figure.

>> No.5032271

people are usually malnourished but Reallly fat, because the food is crap, so in order to feel satisfied, some people eat a lot of food to get the same nutrients.

so instead of
>small healthy meal
>feel full

its like
>big unhealthy low nutrition meal
>eat lots, many times a day
>get fat

I am not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5032278

I can understand if someone was trying to FORCE you.

there were lots of foods I used to not like, and when people tried to force me to eat something I didn't want, it always ended up in throwing up, or a me getting mad and screaming **** youuuu

but now I eat what I want because I discovered what makes me happy and I was able to explore foods in my own freedom.

being forced creates pickier people.

>> No.5032299
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I had the exact opposite experience.

my parents would always try to trick me into eating things they knew I already willingly tried, because they never trusted me. they basically thought that when i said "yuck" I was just being a little piece of ****, for no reason of course.

>at dinner
>hey anon try this nasty thing we made extra smelly and bitter too
>I don't know.....
>CMON just tryyyy it you willl lovvvvve it
>I don't knowwww......
>Cmooooooonnnnnnnn don't be selfish
>Cmoooooooooooonnnnnnnnn try it
>FINE wow...
>try (disgusting thing) and gag and spit it right on the floor since it was so gross that I couldn't even take the time to walk to the trash
>it was horrible
>"no it wasn't! it was delicious your a liar"
>NO it was horrible
>leave dinner

here is where it gets really horrible
>exactly the next day
>"hey anoonnnn try this thing you will love it"
>huh? no thats the same thing you tried to give me yesterday
>"no it isn't"
>no thanks.
>five seconds later
>"hey anonnnnn i have a piece of bread for youu"
>its (disgusting thing) pathetically wrapped in a small piece of bread
>mom dad i told you i don't like that
>"what are you talking about?"
>"wow anon your so selfish you never try anything we do so much for you do you know how much dishes we wash for you"

>> No.5032300

wow what sensitive little victim nigger

>> No.5032318
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don't ever have kids, you don't deserve them.

also pic is for you

>> No.5032325

in my story, im jewish and they were not.

funny though right?

(inb4 trolls attack)

>> No.5032327

>don't have kids if you don't spoil them

Well, aren't you a fucking idiot.

>> No.5032353
File: 117 KB, 500x326, tmp_1259559136711548501490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom doesn't like cooking
>dinner is usually cereal or a hot pocket while I eat most of my.calories from school
>bitch goes on multiple cruises every year and doesn't give a fuck
>friend Jonathan is a smart boy and notices, invites me over
> Play outside like a boss, play with his fathers brood mares
>called in for dinner
>fresh made rolls
> homemade fried chicken tenders
>sweet corn
>eat myself damn near to death
>his mom comes over to hug me and tells me I can come over any time for dinner
>I start crying and blubbering thank you
>I ate at their place till I was 14 and my dad got custody

I cried like a mother fucker from how nice they were. After dinner his dad sat me down and held me while I cried and said what my mom did and how she didn't care.

>> No.5032357

>don't have kids if you don't spoil them
>don't have kids if you're not going to teach them
Part of the reason we have an obesity epidemic in this fucking country (USA) is because people don't KNOW what real food is anymore, so they eat fast food or the horrors detailed ITT.

Why don't people know what real food is? Because lazy, stupid parents say, "Fuck it, I'm not feeding anything good to a kid who can't tell the fucking difference. Have some nuggers with blue box mac & cheese and be thankful, brat. Ketchup is your vegetable, lol. I'm having a steak."

Most kids have shit taste, and are quite happy to eat garbage. Part of a parent's job it teaching them to do better than that.

>> No.5032363

>Part of the reason we have an obesity epidemic in this fucking country (USA) is because people don't KNOW what real food is anymore
Far from it, friendo. It begins and ends with portion sizes.

>> No.5032369
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>fill the rest with ketchup and water as above

>> No.5032371
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>> No.5032374

>It begins and ends with portion sizes.
I won't disagree. But that dovetails with my point. No one wants to feel hungry. If you're eating calorie dense garbage it's pretty easy to consume two or three meals' worth of calories before feeling sated. People who eat that way get used to eating outrageous portion sizes.

You can still become obese from eating too much real food, but it takes more work. Real food usually contains enough vegetable fiber to leave you feeling full before you've consumed a supersized portion of it.

And don't even get me started on the brilliant idea of sugar being in every meal and beverage. That's shit tier parenting as well.

>> No.5032379

damn anon, that shit makes me feel all kinds of feels!

>> No.5032390


>> No.5032394

>being so insanely close minded to believe the size of the meal is LITERALLY the only thing that matters

>> No.5032400

you know what? THIS

this this this this this.

im dancing right now and laughing because this is so THIS

>> No.5032406

Yeah....shit sucked. Here's another sad bit:
>Mom finally wises up and gets jealous one day
>for a week she tries to keep me from going
>literally screams.obscenities at me and plays the pity card
>tell John
>his mom sends him plates for me to eat at lunch while I work on my mom
>explain to her one day that when I eat there she can save more money and have more cruise funds, not that exact phrase but whatever
>she buys it
>fucking SPRINT to Johns house, slamming the trailer door
>hop over the fence
>knock on the door furiously, his mom answers

> I'm home Mrs.Anon!

...I hate that woman, thankfully Dad got me and we BOTH went to eat at their house. Dad would always slip them a 100

>> No.5032415

thats sweet.

so you and your dad would go to their house together, and your dad gave them a 100 or something?

were they in need of extra help or something? I mean, everyone kinda is i suppose.

more stories anons more please.

comment on mine too please.

>> No.5032436
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He didn't really know how to cook and just felt it was right to help pay for feeding me.

Second day after the first story
>Stomach is in fucking revolt after having real food
>John is super happy since now he has a friend that's there every day
>his mom picks us up and I call my mom before I go
>Play and shit
>fucking hell
>Bubbles and squeak
>Fresh salad
>soda bread
>mfw I ate so god damn much
>his father has this evil grin
>his mom comes around
>places a bowl of pecan icecream with strawberries and fudge

I...I almost died. I had never had ice cream

>> No.5032437

Your parents are what the average edgy misanthrope on 4chan would do in their position.
Any difficulty is attributed to the OTHER person (kid) being an idiot because obviously they aren't doing anything wrong, ever.
The only reason I don't lie awake at night sweating is the hope that most of the faggots on 4chan eventually grow up and realize how stupid they've been.

I hope you haven't developed anorexia or bulimia from such a shitty childhood, and your relationship with food is healthy. I also hope your parents are rotting away in a retirement home far, far away.

>> No.5032443

Old pasta mostly.

>> No.5032456

You are right, even if these faggots don't get it. Just like sexism is generalizing based on sex, even if it's for the positive. Stating that, say, a certain woman would be better at cooking is sexist, just like saying a black person would be better at cooking would be racist. It isn't just negative stereotypes.

>> No.5032457

True enough. About half the threads are about fast food. Not saying fast food is necessarily bad, but it definitely does not qualify as "good" with the exception of some local places.

>> No.5032471

You may be right in the technical sense, but in modern times racism usually implies something blatantly negative. Also, they were (poorly) attempting to accommodate somebody's culture, not necessarily their race.

>> No.5032475

Um, no. Are you thinking of instant noodles or something?

>> No.5032478

I have had that before too. Or I would be over at somebodies house and they would get ice cream/ some other treat from their parents without offering me any. I can see kicking somebody out for supper if it is like every day or if you aren't prepared, but eating in front of them is frickin rude.

>> No.5032479

One day my step-mom's brother watched my siblings and I, and he took it upon himself to make us mac'n'cheese.
>mfw he brings it out and it's soupy and tastes like shit
Our colander was dirty and he was too lazy to wash it, so he just left all the water in. Even worse, our city water is absolutely shit-tier.

>> No.5032489

I hate it when mothers get practically automatic custody. I have three or four friends with TERRIBLE, selfish, alcoholic mothers and the nicest, most understanding fathers who only got to see their dads on weekends until they finally got beaten enough times to get sent to the father for good.

>> No.5032495

Are you trying to refute the etymology of the word?

>> No.5032501

fuckin this man. sure some fathers are shitty enough that they don't deserve it, but judges don't seem to understand that it goes both ways and the mother can be an insufferable cunt.

>never had ice cream

holy shit even growing up poor as shit and eating pizza from the pizza joint my parents worked at 5 days a week, i got luck enough to eat ice cream as a child.

i hope you explore the awesome world of food moreso than the entitled, picky little assholes i always seem to see these days who just want to eat 1 item over and over and over.

>> No.5032502

When it's changed to suit a political agenda in an Orwellian fashion, and people swallow it hook, line, and sinker, then yes.

>> No.5032515

Not really a nasty story, but I really dislike coconut, so maybe this could apply?
>make a new friend
>go to their house for the first time ever
>it's a few days near my birthday
>apparently they told their mom
>she makes this huge dinner for me
>everything is homemade, from the butter to the bread
>dessert comes
>a huge german chocolate cake
>gives me the biggest piece
>choke it down anyways
They were so fucking nice all of the time. Still are, as a matter of fact.

I had a few poorer friends whose parents would act really weird if they were eating dinner and I was still there. I would even be spending the night and they would give me weird looks when they called us saying dinner was ready. My mom was kind of like that too, but my dad always makes sure everybody has food, even if he's not expecting them to walk in. Once he was making steak and my cousin dropped in with her friend, and he gave up his steak so they wouldn't feel left out, even though they didn't even expect to eat.

I agree with you there. My dad may not be the best, but my mom's abuse contributed to more problems in my life than I like to think about. Fortunately I was about to move out when I was 16, but by then the damage was already done.

>> No.5032520

>the etymology was changed
Find a different source. You don't agree with the origin and are simply saying "it is wrong because you are a sheep".

Provide another source please. Otherwise you are arguing emotionally, which is pretty common for people spouting anti-Orwellian nonsense.

>> No.5032530

i didn't understand most of your comment, but yes I have a very very healthy relationship with food now. I used to be extremely picky because they constantly put so much pressure on me to try things I wasn't ready for. when i finally had the freedom to explore without someone forcing me, I slowly discovered new things.

I lost 100 pounds and gained 20 healthy ones back and then lost some again and did some yoga etc. my parents continue to be obese and try diet fads and weighing their food on little scales and counting imaginary calories, I keep trying to give them advice because I kinda care a bit, they are slowly starting to listen to me, hopefully.

the best advice I can give anyone is to eat 100% natural with no additives like hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup and yellow 5.

basically just eat, real fruits and vegetables of all kinds, nuts berries etc. vitamin B and potassium from prune juice, banana, and dates.

protein from whey protein, nuts, amino acids from other foods.

to drink:

fluoride free water. just avoid fluoride. brush your teeth with fluoride free toothpaste, or make your own by mixing baking soda (no aluminum) and coconut oil.

don't buy juice at the store even if its 100% natural because its almost always packed with sugar even if the bottle says "no sugar added" they can use tricks to add as much as they want.

at home you can use lemons and limes + juice some ginger, some water + honey = actually a nice drink.

get all your vitamins from food. eat lots of herbs like ashwagandha and drink lots of green tea. many trolls will respond. many will disagree. don't listen to them.

I am not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5032534

I had noodles that tasted like nail polish remover once.

Maybe it was the veal that I ate, which I had never had before

>> No.5032629

what the fuck? The groceries stores here are minimum $6 a pound for boneless chicken breasts

>> No.5032639

Arizona here, ground beef is also cheaper than chicken

>> No.5032669

Is any action or attitude, conscious or unconscious, that subordinates an individual or group based on skin colour or race. It can be enacted individually or institutionally.

Source: US Civil Rights Commission

The definition is now being changed to mean negative racial discrimination, which is not it's original definition. I stand by everything I've said.

>> No.5032750

So it's turkey meat loaf, which he said it wasn't

>> No.5032792

did your mom smoke or something when she was pregnant?

>> No.5032810

Except that the argument falls on its face when presented with actual sociological evidence and even genetic line diversity. Different races perform different tasks to a mean that is different than others.

On a tangent, why are you faggots even discussing this on /ck/?

>> No.5032845


Hey. No one fucking cares. We're talking about food experiences here. Take that shit to /pol/ or reddit you faggots

>> No.5032857
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>be around 9 or 10
>go to friends house
>his mom said she'll make us hot dogs and fries if we're hungry
>need to pee
>pass by kitchen and hear some boiling water
>see her putting the weiners in the pot of boiling water
jesus christ. it's one of those childhood memories that still haunt me for some reason. i don't even remember eating them and i think that's for the best.

>> No.5032866

You might as well get a new email now

>> No.5032875

Do you know what etymology means? It is the origin of the word. The US Civil Rights Commission definition is later than the one from the 30's, hence it is not the "original definition".

You seem dense.

>> No.5032879

>not boiling hot dogs in sliced onion, bay leaves and pimento

>> No.5032880

>The definition is now being changed to mean negative racial discrimination, which is not it's original definition. I stand by everything I've said.
Do you know what subordinates means? I guess not, because your definition agrees with what everyone else has been saying.


>> No.5032887
File: 8 KB, 282x179, JAYMAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dating Pakistani girl
>go to her house for dinner
>I'm white as fuck
>sit down to some extremely delicious lamb curry and sides
>curry happens to be the spiciest thing I have ever eaten
>I'm a man who prides himself on being able to eat spicy stuff, if there's a spicy option I will invariably go for it, but this was something else
>first few bites I believe I can do it, I think once it cools down it'll mellow out
>not happenin, face is getting red
>oh god, sweat starts to bead up on my forehead
>won't give up, desperately want her dad to like me and I can't look like a pussy
>I continue to eat, getting more and more sweaty and red in the face
>they begin to grow concerned for my deteriorating physical well being
>"Anon you don't have to finish, do you want me to get you some yogurt? Would you like some milk?"
>"No thanks! This is great! I love spicy food!" as I wipe sweat from out of my eyes
>literally dripping sweat into food
>grandma insists I stop eating
>"No really, I'm fine!"
>"Anon I am veddy worried, this des not look good, you must stop"
>"I'm fiiiine!"
>"Anon please"

I fuckin sat there hating my whiteness and ate salad until I had to take the train home, on which I nearly shit myself as my body rocketed that magma-esque dinner though my digestive system at mach 4.

>> No.5032897

>mfw that's primarily how I ate my hotdogs
What's wrong with boiling them? Hotdogs are basically just bologna sausages anyway

>> No.5032903

whats the problem ? ok the water shouldn't boil but should be around 85 C but still thats a legit way of preparing them

>> No.5032905
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>age 9 sleeping over at some friend's house
>his mother is canadian asian, don't know if that has anything to do with this situation just thought I should mention it
>friend says his mom makes amazing spaghetti
>dinner time comes
>she serves us a bowl
>look down at the soup, ask ' I thought we were having spaghetti? '
>him and his mom look at me like I've just shit all over their floors
>anon you're so silly it is spaghetti
>he stirs my bowl and reveals it's spaghetti noodles under a mountain of very very wet tomato sauce and moist ground beef
>ask why it's so soupy
>his mom chimes in saying she scoops a bit of the drained pasta water for flavor
>let out a simple 'oooh'
>take a few spoonfuls and then chew on garlic bread they made
>mfw they both had seconds and told me I didn't know what I was missing

>> No.5032906

Because America.

>> No.5032910

>Eating just corn
Did everyone get Pellagra and die?

>> No.5032912

Pure comedy gold

>> No.5032924

No because meatloaf is made with ground meat, which is different than liquefied meat. Turkey loaves are sometimes called "Boneless Turkey Roast" or something along those lines. The meat is moreso the consistency of a giant piece of turkey deli meat than a meatloaf. They're expensive as shit and come frozen where I'm from, and I've only ever seen them made by Butterball.

>> No.5032948

jesus, I was going to type a reply along the same lines as what you replied to but i did a little google fu, and that shit looks nightmarish

>> No.5032954
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>mfw my dad makes turkey loaf all the time
>they're usually preseasoned, and horribly so

>> No.5032980

>Friends with Mexican girl who lived a house away from me as child
>Her mom was a bomb ass cook
>She made amazing Mexican food and for some reason was really good at making Italian food as well
>Still have cravings for that woman's freshly made salsa
>Parents, who were meh cooks
>Mother mostly made cassoroles an stereotypical Midwestern food
>parents catch on to my game of playin with friend until after dinner
>Not allowed to stay for dinner with them anymore
>weep bitter tears

Come to think about it her mother was one of the reasons I learned how to cook. She taught me how to make her salsa, it's a simple fresh tomato/garlic/cilantro/ect salsa but she always made it better for some reason. The best days are when the mother would visit mine and bring a big jar of salsa over. I would just sit there with a bag of chips and eat and eat like the fatty fat fat child I was.

>> No.5032983


No, I just have to step in here and say this is not correct.

Americans have the highest median disposable income in the OECD.

>> No.5032995

This was lovely.

>> No.5033003

This reminds me of the time my ex mother in law took the most expensive organic chicken breasts and insisted on cooking them in a large can of enchilada sauce.
At that moment I admitted defeat and made some lentil dish on the stove as I knew she was not going to leave the kitchen until that can and chicken met.

>> No.5033071

I used to be a fresh, never frozen type, but the IQF Tyson from Costco left to thaw overnight in a zip bag with some saltwater brine makes chicken that is in every way possible equal to the stuff you'll find on the average store's shelves for at least a buck a pound cheaper.

When it's cooking for two on a budget, bulk and freeze is a godsend

>> No.5033092

I hate parents who just flat out reject the kid's statements. That's just poor parenting.

>> No.5033093

>Family full of cooks and chefs
>Grandad was a baker, father a cook, me and my brother both chefs.
> Friends families never want to cook for us because they though we would be picky.
>I just wanted some goddamn food.
> Problem continues today, took 14 months before my girlfriend made me something because she was so scared i would be critical.
> Serves me a really simple pasta dish which i wolf down instantly.

Just because we can cook doesnt mean we're more picky you retards.

>> No.5033112

I live in northern Canada and ground beef is also way cheaper here than chicken. Fresh chicken is ridiculous to buy here. Costco thankfully has boxes of frozen that make it alright.

>> No.5033121

Instead of saying "do you want to eat your broccoli?", my mom would always ask "do you want to eat broccoli or brussel sprouts tonight?" I would eat eat the broccoli thinking I was so clever.

>> No.5033125

Brussle sprouts > Broccoli

>> No.5033133

When I moved out for college I lived in a cute little 100 year old apartment with a very close friend of mine. He was completely against cooking and I was just learning. One of our friends that lived in the basement of the same building had a farm back home, so when we did shit for him he would pay us in meat. We got frozen sausage one day.

So the next morning he comes into my room and says, "Hey this sausage isn't in skins. How do you eat this?"
I thought for a minute and then listed the ways my mother cooks loose sausage. He didn't like any of those ideas; I guess they were too much work. So I said, "I guess you could fry it up and do it in hamburger helper like I always see you do your beef."

Well he did that, but didn't drain the oil off the pan before adding that shit. I came out into the living room/kitchen when he was sitting down to eat and he seemed to be enjoying it. When he got down to the bottom of the bowl, however, he was pretty much just eating grease. He looked like he was in pain.

"Do you want some of this?" He says.
My goodness no; no thank you.

>> No.5033192

Some kids are just mad picky.

Like I once had my friend and her two girls over (they're like 10 and 7.) I had made a baked mac and cheese from scratch and the kids wouldn't touch it.

>> No.5033201

underage b& grow up, you child

>> No.5033204

Not my story but:

>when husband was growing up his mom and dad didn't cook except various horrors
>was left to fend for himself and eat whatever was in the fridge
>still eats strange sandwiches (pretzels and mustard on bread, goldfish and pretzels and mustard and ketchup, peanut butter and american cheese, peanut butter, bacon and lettuce on toast)
>mom used to make lentils with hot dogs
>he hated it
>still hates it
>she gave me a book of her favorite recipes
>lentils with hotdogs in there
>husband rages says he's gonna throw it out

>> No.5033215

Let me guess... you are 13?

>> No.5033217

gr8 post m8

>> No.5033223


Thanks bro. I enjoyed that.

>> No.5033255

>what kind of fucked up meals did your friend's parents try to serve to you as a kid?

"sunday dinner" roast pork. The taste scarred me horribly and I've never eaten pork or any meat since, and that was nearly 20y ago.

>> No.5033258 [DELETED] 


>> No.5033274

Fritos mixed with chilli with cheese melted on top is pretty much the same idea, just different combo. Nothing wrong with this at all

>> No.5033285

>We're having Taco Bell for supper.
Ah fuck no. I excused myself to go to the rest room and went down the street to a Pita Pit and got a sandwich there. They bought Taco Bell to have for breakfast and lunch the next day so they wouldn't have to go out. I ate all there cereal instead.

>> No.5033293

put you off curry niggers for life? You dodged a bullet mate. Dem monkeys are just down from the trees.

>> No.5033295

I didn't realize my friends family was poor until years later. One time they took us all to Mcdonalds, as a treat. Basically everyone ordered off of the dollar menu. Me? Oh, I got my usual, 10 piece chicken nuggets and a mcflurry. They paid for it, but I found out later that apparently what I did was the equivalent of a friend offering to buy you dinner, and getting the highest priced thing on the menu. I wasn't allowed to be around for dinner with their family after then again.

>> No.5033301

fuck you, you taco bell hating nigger

>> No.5033317

That ain't food.

>> No.5033330

Oh man, I was subjected to deer sausage the other day. I could chug a bottle of liquid smoke and have it be more palatable than that stuff was. And just the way it was chewy. It wasn't chewy in the way sausage should be. It was just, wrong. All of it was wrong. But the excessive liquid smoke. Eugh.

>> No.5033950

I really get upset when people say no just to screw someone over.

>anon is eating happy healthy delicious dinner
>everything is fine
>everyone is happy.

does that make her day so bright and shiny or something!?!?!?


>> No.5033955

are you sure you are eating real chicken

>implying even real chicken is healthy
>implying meat at all is healthy

>> No.5033958

lel It must be interesting being married and getting to know a person that well. tfw no gf

>> No.5034001

Potato chips are thin as hell compared to Fritos, though, and chili has substance to it like meat and beans and tomato chunks instead of just a relatively thick but sweet sauce. And they usually at least sprinkle shredded cheddar on top of the chili instead of American. They are extremely different.

>> No.5034012

This is sorta a personal story for me, but it fits the mood:

My dad was in the Marines for 22 years. When I was born, he stayed in for one more year and then retired. We moved to another state when I was 3 and my parents divorced a few years later.

They had split custody and on the weekends I would spend with him our dinners were mostly microwave stuff. One night he was crying (I have seen him do this *maybe* three times in my life, 23 now) because, I would learn later, he felt like he couldn't take care of me like he should. He had tried to cook dinner from scratch that night and I thought it was delicious. Many years later my mom was making fun of him because the dinner I thought was so good was literally a piece of fried bologna.

You cannot imagine the look on his face when I not only said that I liked it but that I wanted it again the next time I came over.

Over the next few years he started cooking more and more, starting with the simplest of stews and spaghetti, then going to various fish and meat dishes, salads, and a few desserts. This man who for many years ate MREs and whatever they could find in Vietnam and later Kuwait, who had never really known gourmet food, taught himself how to cook for my sake.

Two years ago when I moved out and got my first apartment, I decided I needed to learn how to cook. The first thing I made was fried bologna.

Thanks for reading.

>> No.5034024


>> No.5034031


>> No.5034035

My friend is Eastern European. He was technically born here, but both his parents came here later in life. So his mother always had a policy of feeding you 8 servings each of 5 meals a day kind of thing.

And I was young, so I don't know if it exactly went down as I remember it, but I swear to god:

>serves us lunch
>serves three helpings
>I'm going to explode, no more for me thanks
>go to put plate in sink
>on the kitchen bench is a deep oven dish filled with the remaining sausages submerged in oil

Best I can tell the sausages were something like deep fried in a oven pan on the stove top. Holy christ I never ate another sausage again.

>> No.5034067

Oh man, my ex was like that; he loves spicy stuff even though it's bad for him (heck, he's allergic to peaches and almonds) and he hasn't grown up with it as I have (I'm Lao/Thai). At a party, he was offered one of those gimmicky "just one drop" hot sauces from Louisiana and it was so hot that he had trouble breathing. It was legitimately scary.

>> No.5034069
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>> No.5034073

>get's invited to someone's house
>receives free food
>fuk u poor trash scum ur shit lmao

What a fucking baby.

>> No.5034074 [DELETED] 
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Ahh...that feel. It went straight into my heart.

>> No.5034075
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>Though looking back on it now daren's family WERE poor as fuck white-trash scum.

What's funny about this is that the chips, bbq sauce, and cheese combined probably cost more than the ingredients for a (cheap) homecooked halfway healthy meal.

That's my favorite part about poor people.

>muh fats is from my poor and all the salt in the hamburger helper

Fucking hamburger helper is like 3 dollars and barely serves a family. Not to mention you have to buy extra ingredients for it.

>> No.5034076

You should consider writing as a career. There's a lot of shitty stuff posted on here and that's probably one of the best things I've read on here outside of /lit/ in some time.

>> No.5034109


Post results.

>> No.5034114
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>> No.5034119

I second this motion.

>> No.5034120
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>> No.5034127

that's fucking awful of them. if they never told you they were poor and offered to buy you dinner at a fucking fast food joint, how could they blame you for expecting them to pay six or so fucking dollars

>> No.5034138
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I didn't have any sleepover friends until midway through elementary school when I moved to a new town. A really small town. It was strange.

My mother and her side of the family live to cook so I grew up with three elaborate meals a day. But I'm not picky so if a buddys mom or dad boiled a box of Kraft mac and cheese with some sliced shit hot dogs in it I was fine. Didn't really even need the dogs just as long as I got full.

But holy shit - I don't know if it was just because it was a small town or what but I quickly realized whose houses to never stay the night at. Some of these kids NEVER got fed and it wasn't until I was older that I realized a lot of my buddies only ate what they got from school.

Anyway, to stay on topic:

>first night staying at Caseys
>we're 4th grade
>his mom is making mac and cheese - fucking VELVEETA mac and cheese
>so pumped
>i come into the kitchen just as she is pouring fucking ketchup into the pot full of all the goddamn cooked and stirred velveeta
>killed myself right then and there

>> No.5034141

>Some of these kids NEVER got fed and it wasn't until I was older that I realized a lot of my buddies only ate what they got from school.

Also to add to this: years later it hit me when those same kids would stay the night at my house, "Ohhhhhhhhhhh shit - THAT is why they could ten times more than me during dinner and breakfast, they never get fed."

>> No.5034144

>Some of them were more than happy to eat things like pepperoni pizza when they went out, but the home was kept kosher.

We as a family sort of do that, because while I personally don't keep kosher and will eat pepperoni pizza for example, my dad is better at sticking to the rules. So we'll go out, Dad will get a slice of cheese pizza, I'll get pepperoni. But you'll never see us bring a pepperoni pizza into the house. We'll have burgers at home, but have to use faux-cheese if we're doing cheeseburgers because you can't mix meat and dairy.

Speaking of my dad and getting back on topic at the same time, he's as picky as a three year old. Mom's an amazing cook but there's only so much she can make due to what he'll eat. I find myself spending all my free time watching food-based shows on TV now, constantly going "Oooh, that looks good!" when I see something I like or "I'd try that, just to say I did" after seeing something like Bizarre Foods where he'll gnaw on a zebra eyeball or some other thing that white Americans normally don't eat.

>> No.5034146


So wait - you're okay with eating it but not having it in your house? What is the logic behind all of this?

Not being a dick just curious.

>> No.5034156

I might've been unclear. Personally, I don't keep kosher. I'm a horrible Jew and I accept that. My dad, however, DOES try to keep kosher (though he's relaxed about it in some parts like he doesn't insist we have kosher beef because it's fucking expensive compared to normal beef), so we do our best to keep kosher at home. But if we're out at a seafood restaurant you'll see me get shrimp or other shellfish, he'll get salmon or something.

>> No.5034158

I don't have any horror stories eating at friends houses because I had no friends.

Except once I did go to a guy's house in 11th grade. His mom made some kind of potato soup, but it was kind of watery, not thick and creamy. It was pretty good though, but I embarrassed myself by pouring myself a massive bowl full instead of a normal sized portion. They offered me some raw bell peppers to eat with it, which I never heard of anyone doing, but whatever, I stuck with the soup.

>> No.5034169

That doesn't sound... terrible. Spaghetti is just a different shape of noodle, it's pretty versatile. I buy it in bulk at Costco and use it in my stir fry. Although I would hope he put in some beef or something, maybe some other vegetables into the spaghetti too.

>> No.5034241


Aw gee, that is so sweet.

>> No.5034264

>go to a friend's house
>dinner is spaghetti
>but instead of spaghetti sauce it's slathered in mustard, ketchup, a bunch of other condiments, and fucking SALAD DRESSING
I've had to improvise before, but even when I'm hammered I wouldn't think any part of that meal was a good idea. The worst I've done was pasta with salsa instead of sauce, and some sour cream mixed in because the only salsa I had was hot. Mostly I just eat a lot of homemade chili and stuff like that. God tier with the right spices and such in it.

>> No.5034290

A lot of us keep kosher "style". Like we don't buy kosher meat but we don't eat pork and my mom will eat shellfish but not pork, which is weird, she will FLIP OUT if she suspects someone has put bacon in her food. I grew up on tons of turkey bacon. And yeah she would never touch pepperoni pizza but my dad converted so he ate (pork) sausage pizza and my sister ate pepperoni pizza, and I'll eat most stuff but I still feel weird eating pork. My mom used to chew out my babysitter for making me and my sister meals with pork in them and was HORRIFIED when we were invited to her daughter's baptism and my baby-sitter who was filipina served a whole suckling pig.
We know its not logical its just sort of like a custom.

>> No.5034388


We're they Canadian?

>> No.5034434


>i had never had ice cream

right in the fuckin feels ;___;

>> No.5034497


Ha, this reminds me of shit my best friend's grandmother used to do. She was senile, and used to complain my friend and her cousins (also good friends of mine) always broke her glasswate. So if they asked her for something to drink, she'd pour them soda or water in half-cleaned ketchup bottles with mould caked around the rim.

My own gran pulled the same kind of crazy geriatric shit once her Alzheimer's got bad enough. She once tried making me lunch when I got home from school by mixing two cans of expired pickled mushroom, limp over-cooked veggies that were probably boiled in dishwater, and half-raw ground beef. She called it stew, bless her heart.

>> No.5034532
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My mom made the worst fucking food. Everything was either burnt or undercooked. She always acted like she knew shit about cooking (and she still does) which just resulting in everything being fucking terrible.
>mfw her substitute salt phase
>she insisted on salting "the kids' food" because she didn't want us to do it outselves
>being 16 and having my mom sprinkle chlorine tasting shit all over my food

The worst part was, she would get jealous if I said one of my friend's mom's were good cooks, and then wouldn't let me eat over there. Or she would call and see how much I ate and yell at me when I went home.

>> No.5034541

My friend's mom served pizza made with peanut butter and jalapeños once. It was pretty funky.

>> No.5034555
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>stay the night at new friend's house
>big family, kind of dirty
>were not fed dinner
>stay up watching Dawson's Creek (lol 1998)
>next morning
>parents are gone
>all they have is Saltines and shredded cheese
>microwave cheese on crackers
>only so many so I get to eat two
>brothers drinking Hot Damn from the bottle
>"you guys want some fries?"
>yea that sounds great
>they start peeling old squishy smelly potatoes
>drops one on the floor
>nasty ass old carpet that has been mushed down from decades of traffic
>kicks it to his brother
>puts it in the bowl with the rest
>Oh thank god my mom is here to pick me up
>never go back

>> No.5034578

I don't see what the big deal is.

>> No.5034580

Yeah I have had that happen. Just eat yogurt next time. All the indians I work with bring yogurt.

>> No.5034581

Yeah I had a friend's mom who did that. She was a white Canadian though. I would still eat it, but it was pretty bad. Turkey casserole however, I literally vomited.

>> No.5034585

I'm guessing you're American and using the term hot dog for that what a German would describe as würstchen (=small sausage).
You do not fry these things. You boil them.

>> No.5034586

Sometimes I can see where they are coming from (not in the case above, but in other stuff). For example, my younger brother literally refused to eat anything but cheese, milk, and bread. He got a bunch of somewhat serious health issues because of it so my parents started forcing him to consume other things even though he hated them.

>> No.5034590
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I think he means foods with cornstarch, corn syrup, fructose, etc. If you live in America, take a look a the ingredients on the various snack foods and bake mixes the next time you go to a chain grocery store or supermarket. Almost everything in American chain grocery stores is made of corn because the government subsidies the shit out of it.

>> No.5034591

>We know its not logical its just sort of like a custom.
For some. Others view it as the law, part of the covenant with G-d. For them keeping the kitchen in accordance with kashrut is an unquestionable part of being Jewish.

Because strictness of observance varies among family members the kitchen often defaults to the strictest observance, so the family can gather there for meals.

I know some folks who never bothered to keep kosher, but their son grew up to be observant. When he got married and had kids you can bet the parents started keeping the kitchen kosher, because they wanted the grandchildren visiting them as often as possible.

I even know one Gentile family who entertains often, and has a number of observant Jewish friends in their social circle. They keep a kosher knife and an extra set of plates so when entertaining they can just order a platter from a kosher deli, and their observant friends don't have any concerns. For some this shit gets down to the level of whether or not a knife used to cut a piece of fruit was kosher!

(BTW, I'm not even Jewish, but I can pass for it. Lived in the 10002 zip code long enough to pick this shit up through osmosis).

>> No.5034592

>The worst I've done was pasta with salsa instead of sauce, and some sour cream mixed in
That doesn't sound too bad for drunk improvised cooking.

>> No.5034594


>> No.5034596

I had a friend growing up that preferred hotdogs cold straight from the package.

>> No.5034597
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>>We're having Taco Bell for supper.
>I went down the street to a Pita Pit and got a sandwich there

>> No.5034600

Seriously, when i was 10 years old I would be happy as fuck to eat that shit tier food and play video games.

>> No.5034602

I did something similar, but it was at some fancy restaurant. It was really weird, they took us to an expensive restaurant and then everybody ordered the cheapest thing (some sort of fish). I hated fish at the time, so I ordered veal. Yeah, I never got invited again.

>> No.5034606
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>she scoops a bit of the drained pasta water for flavor

>> No.5034607

I don't understand why it's necessary. I understand there's a whole big list of things an observant jew has to do, but I don't see how a food checklist comes into it. Particularly when there doesn't seem to be any ethical underpinning behind it.

>> No.5034608


>> No.5034610

I'm 30 years old and I still order the cheapest thing on the menu when someone is paying.

>> No.5034612

>Around 10, I think
>Go over friend's house
>He frequently tells me of his mom's "experiments" but I don't believe that they could be that bad
>Dinner time
>His mom comes out with some kind of beef-stroganof + beef in a lemon scampi sauce
>For the side was fried carrots - I kid you not
>Begrudgingly eat it, but stop breathing/using my nose so I don't taste it
>What I could taste was still bad.

>> No.5034615

Wow what a bunch of lazy, cheap parents.

>> No.5034618

I had no friends after fifth grade too.

>> No.5034621

I can't think of any bad food I ate while at a friends house. I thought the worst thing was having to do our homework first immediately after school before we could play. Now that fucking sucked.

>> No.5034623

Yes we are Canadian.

>> No.5034628

But my grandma wasn't senile. She was just high all the time.

>> No.5034629

That actually sounds kind of good.

>> No.5034630
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Too much Aspergers here.....

>> No.5034670

Spicy spaghetti
Shit was awful

>> No.5034692

>I don't understand why it's necessary.
It's in the book, so it's necessary. That's how it works. The rules are all written down in the book. The Rabbis sit around discussing exactly how they ought to be interpreted, and depending on which camp you fall in and your level of observance that's what you do.

If it made sense it wouldn't be religion, would it?

I'm just an honorary Jew from 10002, but as I understand it most of the customs with things like food, dress, circumcision and the like serve the purpose of establishing a Jewish identity separate from the non-Jews among which you live. Most people base their identity around their homeland. When you're a tribe without a homeland you develop elaborate customs to maintain your identity wherever you go. And if you take that shit seriously you don't question whether or not it "makes sense". The relevant question is "What does it mean to be a good Jew?"

>> No.5034694

>American Asian women are awful.

Drop the Asian and you're right. All the hormones they dump into the water make a lot of women crazy, I guess

>> No.5034702

>I have never seen a gay male asian top in porn.

You probably should watch some porn not made in the US if you want to see non-white people doing white people stuff.

>> No.5034716

>It isn't really racism if they are ready to assume white man's burden.

Yes, sounds about right.

>> No.5034756

Most jews in the us are reform and thus do not keep kosher. There's a pretty small minority, based primarily in NYC that are more Orthodox and then a number of New England families that are Conservative, but by a huge margin most Jews don't keep kosher but maybe just don't sit there gorging on bacon because that seems a bit over the top.

>> No.5034823


Hot dog sausages are usually boiled, yes. That's how you get the majority of soft sausages ready for consumption worldwide.

>> No.5034866

>Not my story but:

Classic story from school. Used to happen pretty much with every single class:

>One kid: I don't like Spaghetti
>Kid can't do shit now.
>we cook
>we eat
>kid finds out that it fucking loves spaghetti

The problem always was parents using canned meat sauce combined with a lack of peer pressure. Srsly, nothing makes kids try stuff they don't like better than good ol' peer pressure. It's twice as effective if you have older kids telling the younger ones to suck it up and try shit.

>> No.5034898

>Almost everything in American chain grocery stores is made of corn because the government subsidies the shit out of it.

That shit was supposed to destroy the Commies, not America.

>> No.5034941

My parents did this with fish for years

>I don't want this salmon!
>Why, honey?
>It's fish!
>No, it's chickenfish. Totally different thing
>Oh, okay!

I know I was just a kid, but chickenfish was as original as they got and I still couldn't catch on.

>> No.5034944

>Now that I think back on it WAY too much of my time as a suburban teenager was focused of obtaining alcohol...

But that's the ultimate goal of every suburban teen.

I know, because I was a suburban teen.

>> No.5034957

Wow you were pretty dense. I can honestly say that nobody ever tricked me into eating anything. I wasn't picky though (except for onions, I fucking hated those things).

>> No.5034959

I don't know. When I was a suburban teen it was much easier just to by weed. And really, I only had two years to go before I could drink anyway (18 drinking age).

>> No.5034965

I am not saying to order the most expensive thing, but at least order something that is average price for the place you are at.

>> No.5035017

I couldn't have been older than 5, so that kind of accounts for the density. Kind of.

Here in the states it's 21, so alcohol was just as big of a commodity as weed (although weed did seem easier to get by your self, as long as you had older friends/siblings, alcohol was within reach)

>> No.5035036

>be kind of a big guy
>have a skinny friend in high school
>his family is kind of poor but that bad (at least I thought)
>stay for 'dinner'
>it's a single piece of chicken, about the size of a silver dollar, on an equally tiny bun
>his two younger siblings are picking at them. >they all look as emaciated as concentration camp victims
>the little brother complains that he's still hungry, he supplements his meal with the ice scrapings at the bottom of an empty ice cream tub
>afterwards all the family members stand up and just kind of wander around the kitchen, looking dazed and listless

I've never felt so bad about eating a piece of food in my life

>> No.5036622

cheesycrisp sounds fucking great, excellent combo

y'all better tuck in, you got jelly school in the morning

>> No.5036889

Jeez man that's pretty awful.

>> No.5037090

If you killed yourself, how are you posting this?