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File: 385 KB, 1600x1200, Roux_bianco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5022048 No.5022048 [Reply] [Original]

I am watching my weight and I want to know if I can make a roux (for soup) with the appropriate amount of veg. oil and afterwards skim off the fat? What percentage of the fat will be skimmable? How will this work? Advices etc?

>> No.5022056

You can't skim anything out of a roux, it becomes one homogenous substance.

Also, what on earth are you cooking that you're worried about this? Generally a roux is only a very small part of a finished dish. Skimming the fat off, if it were possible, wouldn't accomplish anything significant. It would be like trying to lower your bodyweight by shaving your legs. Just eat one bite less of the finished product--same effect.

>> No.5022080

no you can't, just eat less of it or if you're that concerned thicken it with corn starch although I'd recommend the former

>> No.5022097

Pointless unless you want to be eating bland flavored pisswater.

Fats are GOOD for you in moderation. You need them to live. You will not feel sated after eating this pisswater broth and will end up hungry again soon.

If you really are looking for a flavorful healthy soup base, there's only one way to do it. Go get some bones and start roasting them. Anything else is remotely animal flavored particles suspended in saline that is more unhealthy than anything else you'll put in your body today. You end up compromising every other ingredient and making the whole thing unhealthy to get around the fact that you're essentially cooking with horse brine.

>> No.5022763

>Trying to watch weight
>Making a roux
>Fats combined with simple carbs

>> No.5023246

>Fats combined with simple carbs
not if I am able to remove the fat

>> No.5023294

you will not be able to. the entire fucking point of a roux is to thicken liquids and incorporate fats so they /don't/ pool out. see mornay sauce method of making mac and cheese. as someone else asked, what on earth are you making?

>> No.5023323

then I'll just use a slurry.

>> No.5023330

The carbs are worse for you really

>> No.5023332

you won't be able to get the fats out easily after that, either. do your skimming before you try to thicken.

>> No.5023340


>Fats are GOOD for you in moderation

Luckily every whole food on the planet has fats. You don't need to dump butter on all your food to get fat in your diet, chubbs.

>> No.5023375

>celery has fat
you said it, not me, faggot.

>> No.5023379


Celery has few calories in general, but


> Calories From Fat 1.7 (7.1 kJ)

A banana has fat. Rice has fat. You can't not get some fat unless you're eating pure refined sugar. Every whole food has fat, that's how plants and animals work.

>> No.5023386

oh my god you spergy fuck i know highschool fucking biology. We're not talking about the fucking negligible amounts that make things function. you'll notice people don't extract oil from bananas.

>> No.5023387

Stop eating dairy and and high carb food and count calories. You don't need to worry about fat.

>> No.5023393

>veg. oil
>skim off the fat
what the actual fuck

>> No.5023394

Easy mode: Eat less than calories than you burn a day.

>> No.5023401

>people don't extract oil from bananas

you fucking twat

>> No.5023403


>oh my god you spergy fuck i know highschool fucking biology

Obviously you don't if you felt that smug about claiming celery has no fat in it. Just because something doesn't ooze grease when you poke it doesn't mean it's devoid of fat. And with something like 2% of a banana's calories coming from fat, why WOULD anyone bother extracting banana oil? Bananas have a lot of sugar but they don't extract banana sugar either. You just eat them.

>> No.5023413



I have a jar of banana oil, not sure what to use it for though. Was thinking of using it to replace butter in some banana bread.

>> No.5023415


Or if you want good advice, take this advice and reverse half of it. Stop eating dairy and start eating more high carb food and little fat. You don't need to count calories.

>> No.5023416

what about if you want to gain wait but don't want to eat fucktons of carbs

>> No.5023425


Eat more nuts. I wouldn't advise doing that long-term though, you're going to need to carb up eventually, you can't keep loading up on fat if you want to be in good health

>> No.5023446

how about you eat less soup dipshit
3 or 4 tbl of oil spread out over an entire pot of soup is exactly jack fucking shit

>> No.5023447

at a certain point though, pooping just becomes ridiculous

>> No.5023519


I eat a huge amount of fiber, and I don't shit THAT often. Maybe 2-3 times a day, takes like 1 second to shit, it just slides out all at once, and then I look in the toilet bowl and it's absolutely filled. It's no inconvenience though.

>> No.5023556

nah it's when things get so nutty as to be abrasive

>> No.5023561

>I don't shit THAT often.
>Maybe 2-3 times a day

>> No.5023588

Soups use roux? At that point isn't it a stew?

>> No.5023592
File: 56 KB, 169x178, wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw fatties try to cut down on fat intake, but not the real reason they're such lardasses, carbs

>> No.5023598

I'm a lardass, and I when I go to the dining hall at uni I always start with salad but always follow with junk

it's not that I'm trying to lose weight. I'm just trying to keep my skin from rotting off or something

>> No.5023600

>Fats combined with simple carbs
flour isn't simple carb you ignorant shit

>> No.5023622


Once when I wake up, once when I go to sleep, and very rarely a third shit somewhere in the middle. I don't consider that"TOO often, I consider it the amount a normal healthy human being is supposed to shit.

>> No.5023625


>my face when fat people think carbs = fat and fat = not fat


Everybody in the damn world who eats high carb, low fat is slim.

>> No.5023643

That's got to be the dumbest shit I've seen.

Just because they're fat doesn't mean their diets don't work.
There are dieticians who are overweight. There are doctors who are overweight as well.

Judge their diets based on how well they work for you. Not the advocate's weight.

>> No.5023652
File: 16 KB, 538x511, 23198918231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Just because they're fat doesn't mean their diets don't work.

Assuming they follow their own diets, yes it does.

>> No.5023660

Well, we don't know if they do.

>> No.5023663


It would be very unlikely and extremely hypocritical if they didn't.

>> No.5023679
File: 118 KB, 358x361, 1372135312438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that post
You're so cute and naive.

>> No.5023689

>do as your doctor says, not as your doctor does

seriously, some doctors also smoke

>> No.5023692


Well come on. Assuming their diet worked, it would also be really stupid and unrealistic to, instead of following the working diet (that you're trying to sell to people) and demonstrating its results, to go on a bad diet and look like a fat piece of shit while trying to convince people how to not be a fat piece of shit

>> No.5023699


A standard doctor you find in a clinic is not the same as someone who writes books and gives lectures about a specific dietary path. You'd never find a doctor who toured the country giving hour-long speeches at various colleges about the hazards of smoking and why everyone needs to stop smoking immediately, who himself smokes.

>> No.5023710
File: 51 KB, 324x275, aaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5023711

Maybe they didnt have the determination or willpower to stick to the diet. It might work, they just couldn't stay away from pasta.

>> No.5023714
File: 12 KB, 244x251, 1265948370779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know if you're just fucking with me or what, but I would be amazed if all the fat people promoting high-fat, low-carbohydrate diets were actually eating very little fat and eating a lot of carbohydrates, while all the thin people promoting high-carbohydrate, low-fat diets were actually eating a bunch of fat and little to no carbs