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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5020069 No.5020069[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was at work late tonights and decided to stop by a different McDonald's on the way home for dinner. I will be trying Burger King's new "Big Mac" tomorrow and decided to first try a real Big Mac for comparison.

I don't really like Big Macs, but it has been a while since I had one and I just started listening to Stephen King's The Dark Tower III yesterday and wanted to relax and listen for a bit while eating.

I went to the drive through and ordered a Big Mac combo with a medium Diet Coke and McChicken on the side with extra napkins. The order went well but it was noticeably busy at this location. I put my vehicle in park while waiting and tried to drive forward but accidentally ended up revving the car in park, but noticed the problem after a few seconds.

I parked in the lot and proceeded to unwrap and lay out my meal on the passenger seat when I noticed I was not given a straw. This is incredibly vexing because I have sensitive front teeth and cannot drink ice cold drinks without a straw.

>> No.5020074
File: 4 KB, 275x183, mcdonalds restaurant straw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate half my meal and was very thirsty. I thought about how Roland (from The Dark Tower) would deal with this and decided to improvise by creating a small hole in the middle of the cup that I could purse my lips around and avoid tooth contact. I poured some of the drink out when no one was looking and tipped the cup back and used my keys to do this. It worked, but I couldn't stop drinking or else the Diet Coke would spill back out. With the cup against my mouth I used my free hand to grab an extra napkin. I attempted to plug the hole up but the Diet Coke leaked through the napkin and spilled down my neck and on my lap.

I was glad it wasn't sugar and looked to my left and saw a car with 4 teenagers in it looking at me. I looked away quickly but they had been looking at me and laughing. Presumably they were watching me the entire time and saw my pathetic improvisation and klutz move.

It was very embarrassing so I moved to a new spot and finished my meal, wet and thirsty. I went to a grocery store on the way home and bought a package of 250 straws and put them in my glove compartment in case this happens again.

What are some food-related emergencies and the subsequent improvisations you have had to make? What are drive through mistakes that irk you?

>> No.5020083

All hail fatty mcautism returns

>> No.5020091

I have trouble believing these sometimes. This is some severe social anxiety.

>> No.5020098

our king, hail his name.

>> No.5020100

Always Remember >>>5000000

Please tell me someone got a screenshot I forgot :(

>> No.5020102
File: 222 KB, 817x978, Blaine_the_Mono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dark Tower 3

I loved that one. How far into it are you? It gets pretty awesome.

>> No.5020105

It is an audiobook so it is hard to say, but I just finished the part where Roland threw the jawbone in the fire and was relating the story of the boy to the others.

I hope it starts to pick up soon. I was impressed with the other two stories and have high hopes.

I was shocked that he never regained his missing fingers from the Lobstrosities. I don't like when the hero is permanently mutilated in a book, it is always a surprise and I expect a deus ex machina to come along and make everything better. I had a feeling he would take the body of The Pusher, but that didn't happen.

>> No.5020107

i'm just glad they banned that one guy for posting OC of authentic japanese cuisine. i mean, fuck that guy.

>> No.5020113

It picks up, especially in the second half. Its been years since I've read it but there are some very good and memorable moments in the book.

>audio book

The Waste Lands is fucking big, you can't tell since you don't have the physical book. The Gunslinger was pretty thin, The Drawing was normal sized for a nonfiction book, and The Wastelands looks like a bible its so big. They get even longer the farther into the series you go. So give it some time, you've got a ways to go. Its just longer and more fleshed out.

It didn't bother me that he lost his fingers, in a way I think an injured character comes off as more authentic and mortal.

>> No.5020117

I feel like I am really missing out on the experience by listening to the book instead of reading it, but I enjoy listening to audiobooks if I am doing tedious work or driving.

I like long books, but sometimes I think Stephen King needs an editor that isn't afraid to do a bit of cutting. Glad to hear it is a good addition to the series, maybe I will buy the book and enjoy it the proper way.

>> No.5020122

I've actually never experienced a book in audio format, I'm still a dust collecting paperback reader. I'm not sure how hearing it would effect how I experienced it, I do think it would slow me down though. I can read very fast and make these vivid mental pictures of what I'm reading, I don't know if that would carry over to audio or not.

I do think listening when you are distracted by driving or something else would definitely somehow interfere with how you absorb it.

As for Steven King doing some cutting, yes. Some scenes and chapters in the end are just long winded, forgettable, and not necessary to make the story better. Even these chapters are interesting and easy to read page turners because of his writing style, but some of it just isn't needed in the end.

I don't know if you've read The Stand, but alot of it is ridiculously long filler. And after reading all that the ending seems completely rushed and pointless. Still an entertaining read though.

>> No.5020148

>I went to a grocery store on the way home and bought a package of 250 straws and put them in my glove compartment in case this happens again.

This is actually a very good idea. I keep a box of toothpicks in my car for basically the same reason, in case I need one in an emergency. Plus toothpicks aren't something you can get at fastfood anyway, so they're always nice to have on hand.

>> No.5020185


>posting OC of authentic japanese cuisine.

Lots of it was just neatly packaged convenience store meals and bottled drinks, or lots_of_tiny_bowls.jpeg.

Regardless, it was less about the food itself and more about the novelty of it being japanese, it was more /int/ than it was /ck/, and it was pointless

>> No.5020364

good idea

>> No.5020369

>people in fast food threads complaining about a guy posting japanese microtomatoes and $100 burgundies

Stay classy, /ck/

>> No.5020389
File: 28 KB, 500x313, Mcdonald's sauce choice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually keep plasticware and some napkins in my car. The straws thing was a good idea. Also if you have extra sauce packages, they would probably be fine to keep in your car.

Damn teenagers. One time I ate at a restaurant and I wanted to just park the car at this beach by my house and rest for a minute. I was exhausted from the day. I'm sitting there, listening to some music on low and looking at the stars when this couple comes by, sits down and starts acting like I'm intruding on them. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I could've sworn they said something about me fapping to them. I'm just resting, minding my own business and they make these comments and then proceed to bounce up and down on my back bumper, or at least the guy did while the girl obnoxiously laughed. What the hell? If I wasn't dead tired, I'd have gotten out and yelled at them or even just started up the car to scare them off. I ended up just ignoring them, but still, it's like just sitting in your car for five minutes is a crime unless you're driving somewhere.

>> No.5020494

>it's like just sitting in your car for five minutes is a crime unless you're driving somewhere.

It probably will be soon. In this day and age it's already considered "suspicious activity". I knew a guy who was waiting at the bus stop on a fairly isolated street and to cure his boredom he kind of just roamed around that area since there was nothing else to do and you could see the bus coming a mile away, so it's not like he completely abandoned the stop. Some cop pulled up to him and asked what his deal was and it took a while to convince the guy he really was waiting for a bus. Fucking whole world is paranoid out the ass these days.

>> No.5020497

>Some cop pulled up to him and asked what his deal was and it took a while to convince the guy he really was waiting for a bus.

>> No.5021520

Why didn't you just get up and walk into the store to get a straw you fat fuck?

You were only in the lot outside.

>> No.5021551

That reminds me of a time I was drinking and grilling at a friends place and had one or two too many. It was time to go so I went out and sat in my car for awhile trying to sleep some of it off. I doze off and wake up to a damn cop tapping on my window. That faggot was treating me like a straight up car theiving criminal, apparently car theft was an issue in the neighborhood. Then he started giving me shit about public intoxication with intent to drive or some bullshit and was acting like he needed to search my car. I didn't feel like dealing with his shit and just called my parents to come pick me up.

Shit, I was just being responsible and sleeping before I drove home.

>> No.5021553



>> No.5021580

>ordered a Big Mac combo with a medium Diet Coke and McChicken
you fat motherfucker.

>> No.5021589

ITT: that same fatfuck that eats in his car that made every other thread about some fat fuck that eats in his car
>listening to audiobooks while not driving
you couldn't be any more pathetic without being a tripfag.

>> No.5021666

I imagine listening to Stephen king audiobooks to be like the reading of the chicken nugger story

>> No.5021688

holy shit I'm here from /fit/ to laugh at fatties

how are you guys this fucking autistic

opie ur avin a giggle rite m8? RITE?

>> No.5021792

its like you fat haters think we actually care you call us fat? We know, we don't give a shit.

>> No.5021842

>fat guy at work
>accidentally make a fat people comment in front of him
>he gets really quiet and doesn't talk to me for a few days
>"we don't give a shit"

cool story tubbo

>> No.5021957

cool logic

>> No.5021959

Big Macs aren't all that large. Without fries or anything else it's understandable to get something with it.

>> No.5022801

>going through drivethru with SO & sister
>order a combo meal for each of us
>get up to the second window
>guy tries to hand us one small bag "here's your medium fry"
>say "Oh sorry, we ordered three meals."
>dude gets defensive
>"There aren't any orders with three combo meals, dude."
>say "Please check again, we got this, this and this"
>Guy sighs heavily and tries to hand us our drinks
>two small drinks, and a frappe
>not our drinks in the slightest
>guy gets defensive and rude

Like what the fuck, calm down bro. I wasn't even mad and it wasn't busy. Cunt-nuggets

>> No.5022818

Was it a nigger? I've worked fast food too and it gets hectic and chaotic at rush hour, mistakes are made daily. Of course they should be taken care of and mended politely, even at a fast food job I took some pride in my work. Niggers though, its like when they have to actually focus and do some work they get all defensive and mad. If it wasn't even busy then theirs no excuse. I'd keep cool in rush hours from hell.

>> No.5022832

Nope. It was like a really young white guy ~16. I figured maybe he'd had a bad day, tried to be polite about it.

>> No.5022863

did you get it?

>> No.5022882

Get what? My food? Yes

>> No.5022904

He was probably some dude who was on his last legs, like his boss told him if he screwed up one more time he was fired, so he was really trying to not act like there wasn't a problem. He probably got fired right after you left.

>> No.5022909

You get a lot of people acting like that, there's not many good workers with professional conscience any more. Mostly they act like it's just a job, and they forget that they are handling and preparing something that a person will literally consume.