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5015350 No.5015350[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When's the last time you had a good old-fashioned sloppy joe?

>> No.5015353

High School

>> No.5015369

That looks more like a diarrhea joe.

>> No.5015381

Tomorrow. I call it Ashita no Sloppy Joe.

>> No.5015385

Funny story actually, not too long ago.
I am german and had never heard of it until I recently watched an american show (I think it was HIMYM, but don't nail me down on it) where some mother serves sloppy joes to the gang.

I thought: "That looks like a lot of plain burgers on a plate, why did she call them Sloppy Joes?"

So I googled... and what I found awoke my appetite as seldom something has before. So I made some for the whole family and it was god.

>> No.5015388

A week or so ago. I bought a bunch of ground beef and couldn't think of anything else to make at the time.

>> No.5015394

manwich? or homemade recipe?

>> No.5015398

Homemade of course. Manwich is garbage.

>> No.5015414
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>putting cheese on a sloppy joe

>> No.5015422

You can, but then you have to call it a "Floppy Hoe".

>> No.5015427


>> No.5015434

Very long. Putting meat in tomato sauce on a bun is the last use I would use i for.

>> No.5015436

a properly done sloppy joe is more akin to a chiliburger

>> No.5015444

Been a while, but I need to hit the grocer store tomorrow, so looks like it might be dinner. Probably be pork instead of beef though, cause I'm poor.

>> No.5015445

And I would rather go with chili mac or rice

>> No.5015534
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>> No.5015545

I was just a child

>> No.5015597

Just the other day.

it's a fairly cheap use of ground beef.

>> No.5016178

Do these even taste remotely good?
To non-claps this literally just looks like somebody took a runny shit on two bun halves.

>> No.5016213

Elementary School. It was the most delicious sandwich I ever consumed. A kid thought it looked like shit between two buns, so he gave me his and watched me eat it. It was humiliating but I still did it. I don't even remember the kids name, or his face, but I still remember he and his friends laughter as I licked my fingers.

>> No.5016225

>not putting cheese and tomato on your sloppy joe
it's like you hate deliciousness

>> No.5016247

Brit here. I have no idea what a sloppy joe is. Enlighten me.

>> No.5016258


For me, homemade, it amounts to browning ground beef and combining it with crushed garlic, cumin, ground mustard, a little vinegar, diced onion, tomato sauce/paste and simmering to whatever one considers to be the desired consistency. Then serving it on hamburger buns.

Obviously other items (diced green peppers, or some type of hot peppers), and seasonings/spices could be added if desired.

>> No.5016735

It's not that bad...

>> No.5016739

I used to hate sloppy joes, but now I'll eat 3 - 4 in a sitting. They're worth a shot. Easy and delicious meal.

>> No.5017705


Manwich last night. Just like I remembered. Needed some brown sugar though.

>> No.5017722

It's been a very long time. Well over five years. Fuck, now I would like one. So cheap, so trashy, so tasty.

Speaking of which my grandma used to make a sloppy joe variant that she called "spoon burgers". It was pretty much cooked ground beef mixed with bbq sauce and served on a bun. And damn did they taste good. White trash unhealthy garbage to the max, but its a quick lunch to fix for a room full of kids and fills us up.

>> No.5017725

They taste pretty good, they aren't healthy though. I'd not recommend eating them more than once or twice a year but once in awhile they are a tasty cheap and quick way to use ground beef and get full. It isn't high brow dinner, it's pretty much a hamburger for people too poor to afford cheese and toppings, or too busy to bother.

Try making one though bro, they actually taste good for what it is.

>> No.5017734

>for people too poor to afford cheese and toppings

That's one of the silliest things I've ever read. the whole point of slathering the beef in a flavorful sauce is that you don't need cheese and toppings like you would on a regular hamburger. jesus lol

>> No.5017751



I saw OPs pic with cheese and asked myself why there was cheese on it.

I'm not white, but living in Texas there's always going to be somewhere serving sloppy joes. And they're damn tasty.

>> No.5017781

Exactly. Its perfect for people who have ground beef but don't have enough money or time to go get cheese, tomato, lettuce, onion, mustard, pickles, mayo, bacon, etc. No, sloppy joes don't need any other toppings. Though I like a couple pickles slices and onion on mine if I can. I'm just saying its a quicker lazier cheaper alternative to a burger.

>> No.5017798
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>> No.5017800


>> No.5017876

a few months ago

my girlfriend made them with ground beef, ground liguica, and tossed in some finely chopped jalapenos tossed in. Holy fuck were they great

>> No.5017937
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>not eating sloppy joes with coleslaw


>> No.5017945

Middle school, because it was either that or no lunch. If faced with the dilemma again, I'd just go hungry because sloppy joes are fucking shit. Shit tier sandwich.

>> No.5017949

>he hasn't made his own homemade version yet

Don't let your shitty childhood jade you invisible son, take another crack at 'em yourself and you'd be pleasantly surprised.

>> No.5018084

>Not liking a runny shit between two buns
you yuropoors are surely missingout.

>> No.5018088


>> No.5018145

>a good old-fashioned sloppy joe
Wtf is cheese doing on your sloppy joe? That's bullshit.

And since when were old fashioned sloppy joes EVER good? People only eat them becuase of one of the following reasons:

-poor parents
-dgaf parents
-kids have shit taste
-grew up with one or more of the above and nostalgia

For years I've thought of opening a sloppy joe joint in the East Village just to fleece the handful of such folks who managed to make it, as well as their hipster counterparts who would find the irony delicious. But there'd be no fucking cheese, that's for sure.

And I won't do it because I still have to look in the mirror every morning.

>> No.5018158

For veggiefags: sub lentils for ground beef and spice it a little stronger. Make sure to put lots of minced garlic, onion and diced green pepper. Fucking delicious.

>> No.5018166

>Fucking delicious.
A winrar is you - you just found a way to make a shit tier sandwich even worse.

>> No.5018167

>sloppy joe

Horrible texture. It's like coarse mashed potatoes between white bread. Soft serve hamburger.


>> No.5018168

Depends who's cooking it I guess.

>> No.5018175

Honestly, it's a waste of good hamburger meat. A good hamburger is better than a good sloppy joe. I feel the same way about meatloaf.

>> No.5018178

Doubt it. The premise if flawed, as is your taste.

>> No.5018188

Doubt you've tried it so you wouldn't know.

>> No.5018193

It's not a waste of shitty lentils and you end up with just about the same result. Lentils can make a wicked loaf as well, btw.

>> No.5018212

>Doubt you've tried it so you wouldn't know.
True that. I like lentils, and make many delicious things with them. Drowning them in BBQ sauce is beyond the pale. They've been neither grilled, nor smoked. They have no serious fat content that needs to be cut with a stupid sauce? Seriously, how bad was your upbringing to make that seem like a good culinary decision?

>> No.5020474

Grilled cheese sloppy joes. Cheap and good stoner food.

>> No.5020496

>Cheap and good stoner food.
So is potato chips in sour cream and onion dip.

>> No.5020512
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Why don't you just pic related and call it a day, then?

>> No.5020575
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Hey, look guys, I'm making sloppy joes!

>> No.5020587


>> No.5020596

we always have manwhich or "superburger" once a week.

Superburger is a similar concept, but use a can of cream of mushroom soup mixed with some ground beef on a skillet.

>> No.5020774

How does it feel to know that you poor fu/ck/ers will never taste my mother's homemade sloppy joe sauce? Sweet but tangy, thick, never runny, and the ground beef not minced all to hell but still with some texture. Serve on a hearty sesame seed bun or potato roll, slice of sharp cheddar cheese (no, not American, and yes I know the difference) optional.

>> No.5020785

It's a motherfucking sloppy joe you asshat. Your mother isn't fucking Julia Child.

>> No.5020798

No, my mother isn't fucking Julia Child, since she's not a lesbian necrophiliac.

>> No.5020800

Had my first a few weeks ago. It was a quality burger on a quality bun drowning in guacamole.

Never again. Still, that variant looked ten times better than OP's pic.

>> No.5020853

A few months ago I guess? I can't seem to make it taste like the good ones I had for a short time in elementary school though so I just go to my closest Nation's Burger that has chili and put that inbetween a bun and hope that I will one day find another place that tastes like my first ones.

>> No.5020857

I could sloppy joe your mom under the table.
And I mean that both literally and figuratively.