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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5014823 No.5014823[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the best session brew? One that you can drink a six pack or more of and still want more of the same.

>> No.5014838

do we really need another beer thread on the front page?



>> No.5014847


>> No.5014873

Yes, because all the beer threads are always about 12% ABV imperial stouts or 8% ABV hobo 40's.

Personally, I like Guinness as a session beer.

>> No.5014877

Moon Man would be a better choice than spotted cow

>> No.5014880

No, lets make another fast food thread instead

>> No.5014883

The people that make blue moon also make a beer called "Rounder" that I've often found myself polishing off a sixer on the same damn day I bought it

>> No.5015162

English milds or bitters are good session beers.

>> No.5015181

Fuck you, Wisconsin

Fuck you for not sharing New Glarus

Fortunately, I have to go to Milwaukee in March

>> No.5015184

Wisconsin has to have the best selection of readily available beer

>> No.5015196


>> No.5015501

21st Amendment's Bitter American is pretty solid

>> No.5016728

They make good stuff.
For me I'd go with Bell's Two Hearted. I'd be pretty drunk after a six pack of it, but I could drink that shit every day and not get sick of it. So damn good.

>> No.5016751

What's a session beer?

>> No.5016770


>> No.5016780

I did. It doesn't make sense. A beer that you enjoy drinking a lot of? That can be any beer.

>Guys, let's have a beer-drinking session
What's that, friend?
>We sit around a table and drink beer
Do we eat anything?
Do we drink anything else, like water?
Do we play cards or do anything besides drink beer?
>You can talk about the beer, if you like, as long as it doesn't distract you or others from the actual drinking.
It sounds like we would need a very specialized beer for such a session.
>We would, that's why there's this thread on /ck/

>> No.5016802

Anything from ale asylum.

>> No.5016831

A session beer is served with cookies

>> No.5016862

>One that you can drink a six pack or more of and still want more of the same.
There ya go. A beer that you can sit down and enjoy a good couple of. That was hard.

>> No.5016896

OK, what would an example of a beer that would make a bad session beer?

>> No.5016917

Just read this.

>> No.5016934

One you don't like, or one that has a higher ABV.
I feel like this shouldn't be difficult to understand.

>> No.5016945

I don't fucking understand it either. Must be somesortof Anglican thing

>> No.5017234

Oh, that makes much more sense.

So it's basically a way for beer snobs to get uppity about beers that non-beer-snobs might actually like.

>> No.5017240
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>> No.5017333
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Search your feelings...

>> No.5017381


Looks like shit just like everything else the company makes. People buy it because it looks cool, just like Macfags.

American Adjunct Lagers are the worst beers invented by man. That doesn't mean I don't pound them back at all the sweet parties I go to every weekend because I am cool and desired.

>> No.5017387

i've heard its gross. like an amber bud platinum.

goddamn bud platinum was bad too.

>> No.5017401
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>> No.5017408
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California would like to have a word with you.

>> No.5017409

dorothy goodbody is a really nice beer

>> No.5017420
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Not even close, friend. For as much else as Wisconsin gets wrong, it's a dead heat between Oregon and Wisconsin as far as beer goes.

P.S. I'm not from Wisconsin.

>> No.5017431

Smithwicks Irish red goes down easy and is tasty. I can drink a whole six if I want.

>> No.5017457

Coors Light is just as much a session beer as any other easy drinking craft beer. I'm not sure how much more basic to put it.

>> No.5017462

It's a beer you can drink a lot of and want more. How hard is that?

I like nice dark porters and heavily hopped IPAs, but I wouldn't want to drink a lot of them. A session beer is a quality beer with balance, so that you can drink copious amounts without getting sick of it.

>> No.5017494

easily the most overrated beer state in the union

>> No.5018569
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You're seriously implying that Michigan isn't the best beer state? Bell's Two Hearted knocks Stone's IPA out of the water, Founders and Shorts can match any of New Glarus's eccentric ales.

Also, a really awesome session beer.

>> No.5018630

It's gotta be Dogfish Head 60 minute for me. It's the perfect beer for any occasion.

>> No.5020541

Dogfishhead Piercing Pils, but I have a high tolerance.

>> No.5020545
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all day
every day

>> No.5021498

Threads like these remind me that, while Americans may be creative and well-intentioned brewers, they don't know fuck-all about beer and any decent beer they've ever come up with is either faithfully copying an existing recipe or pure, dumb luck.

>> No.5021501

isn't that cooking though
coming up with something good accidentally and then trying to recreate it
that's the fucking soul of cooking

>> No.5021503
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>> No.5021657


fuck yeah mi beer

>> No.5021664


>> No.5021691

Califriend here,

Pic related is my go-to for price and availability. There's also 21st Amendment's Bitter American ale, which is not as good, but usually cheap.

Drake's makes an alpha session and an omega session, but they're usually sold in 22 oz bottles and not very cheap, so that ruins the session qualities. I did drink an alpha during a stop on a bicycling ride and it was nice.

>> No.5021698
File: 129 KB, 640x439, Sierra-Nevada-Old-Chico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, file, -hicup-

>> No.5021711

No. I dont care if that is a 101 on beer advocate, I'm not drinking anything with Comic Sans on the label.