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5013080 No.5013080[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who here just drinks shitty beer because they really don't care.

Pic related.

>> No.5013082

why would you drink shitty beer that's expensive?

>> No.5013086

I care a little, to the extent that I tend to buy expensive beer when it's a premeditated purchase, but I wouldn't turn down a corona if someone offered, or if I'm at a dive bar or something.

>> No.5013089

At least if you are going to drink shitty beer, drink a cheaper better one like High Life

>> No.5013100

Mexican beer = mediocre at best

Don't get me wrong, an ice cold corona is great on a hot summer day... but it's a one trick pony. No character.

Mexibros gotta step up their beer game

>> No.5013103



But yes, OP, that's me. I just buy whatever is cheapest if I am drinking beer. I don't give a shit. Usually it's either Lone Star, Pabst, or High Life. The other day I scored and Randalls had 4 six packs of Indio at 50% off for some reason (clearing out inventory I guess) as well as a 12 pack of Pacifico... it was nice to get a little variety

>> No.5013109
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>Mexibros gotta step up their beer game

Better yet you could try stepping up your knowledge of beer game.

>> No.5013117

I don't see any of that up north. As far as I'm concerned it's all donkey poss

>> No.5013126


Kind of like how the only beers from Europe are Heineken and Amstel Light, and the only beers from Japan are Asahi and Sapporo?

>> No.5013132
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I don't think you understand what shitty beer means

>> No.5013135

nah yurop gets some quality beers sent across the pond. Stay mad beaner

>> No.5013136

I cannot stand Heineken tbh

>> No.5013142
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> anytime is the right time

>> No.5013143


You know they make these awesome things called passports. I'd suggest you apply for one but I don't know if you could afford airfare.

>> No.5013153


>> No.5013161

I buy Budweiser or High Life every so often, would get Hamm's more but it gives me headaches.

Modelo Negra [sp?] is pretty good

>> No.5013173

Yeah I get that Corona isn't that great. I really like Modelo Especial as well. It just puts me in the beach frame of mind. Which is important here in Minnesota, because its fucking cold and awful.

>> No.5013184

Depends on what you would call shitty beer. I can get two tall cans of PBR at the closest liquor store for 3 dollars. I consider that good beer (I drink actual good beer too).

If you want real shitty beer, you buy the ultra-cheap store-brand stuff at discount shops and Trader Joe's. Some I've tried includes Kodiak Ridge lager, Name Tag, Simpler Times, and the like. Those are pretty bad. Most taste extra sweet and give me a headache.

>> No.5013203

>cold and awful
It's only cold brah. Also,
>not drinking grainbelt
It's cheaper, better, and tastes like mowing the lawn.

>> No.5013214

I do like Grain Belt quite a bit. I just like Corona or Modelo Especial.

Don't act like it's super great here either. It's okay but there are plenty of way cooler places. I just moved here and will only be here for a couple years thankfully.

>> No.5013218

I like Corona or Modelo better is what I meant to say.

>> No.5013223
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>because they really don't care.
but makes a thread

>> No.5013226

I just wanted to discuss more "regular" beers for once. Seems like every beer thread gets loaded with craft beer fags. There's never any threads for just regular, macro-brew beer.

>> No.5013229

I hope you guys are drinking Nordeast

>> No.5013230

Idk I really like Minnesota. It's not the best place ever, but it's one of my favorite states in the US. Where are you residing?

>> No.5013239

I'm in Mankato.

>> No.5013242

Sometimes I feel like drinking craft beer, and sometimes I feel like drinking whichever tallboys are the cheapest

>> No.5013244

That place sucks dick.
I like to switch it up from time to time. Got Nordeast in the fridge currently though.

>> No.5013247

I must concur, Mankato is lame as fuck. Generally anything out in southern farmland is gay (do like New Ulm though)

>> No.5013256

Farthest south I voluntarily go is to the Nike outlet store off 35. Good ass deals yo.

>> No.5013290
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I like good craft ale. I made a 5 gallon batch of IPA over the summer and I'm going to make another batch of ale over winter break. When I want to spend money or when I'm out with my parents I get the really good stuff. I drink way more than I should. I think I qualify as an alcoholic. Despite being a college student who doesn't work I have all the money I could want because my family is well off. I still buy the cheapest stuff when I'm getting wasted by myself. I love 40s of Olde English, Steel Reserve is good, Keystone, Natty Ice are fine. I live in the San Joaquin valley so I get decent wine and sake for $5 or less and just chug it out of the bottle.

Today I'm drinking a bottle of Jagermeister that I got on sale as a gift box with a 750ml bottle and 2 shot glasses for $17. I usually drink liquor that's $10 a bottle but I just finished my last day of classes before finals and I wanted to treat myself. I don't love Jager but I don't have any shot glasses at school and it was on sale.

>> No.5013305
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PBR and Sapporo all day playa!!

i used to be a beer snob too...then i realized i was getting fat, and there is nothing more refreshing than a shitty watery beer right after work

>> No.5013306

You sound like me except without the money
Taaka, old crow and black steel reserves all night erry night

>> No.5013307

why would he want to go to mexico? hell, the mexicans are trying to come to glorious america

>> No.5013313

I'm a beer snob who isn't too proud to drink shitty beers when the times are tough (read: all times)

But I still have some standards. That Mexican shit? Naw. I can get a 6-pack of Miller High Life for 3.99. That's a least a few steps above water.

>> No.5013397

I don't actually know anyone who likes grainbelt. Summit or Surly.

>> No.5013404

I like good and great beers, but the only thing I'm above buying is any variation of light or "lite".

>> No.5013405

I like grainbelt. Not Surly because LOLHOPS, don't really care about summit.
Schell's is my favorite

>> No.5013407

Me too. I'll drink a variety of "shit" beers, but never the light one.

It still baffles me how light beers are so popular. I'm not even a big beer drinker, but light beers just seem crude and watery, the normal versions are at least OK and watery

>> No.5013409
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>Alcoholism: The Beer
It's like they don't even try to hide it.

>> No.5013413

>I came to /ck/ to talk about specifically this

Why all the hate for Corona? I'm drinking some right now, and it goes nicely with the hummus I'm eating.

>> No.5013415

I actually calculated which alcohol would be cheapest per alcohol among the nearby liquor stores. 1st was a $11 handle of vodka, 2nd was a 4 pack of Camo Black Ice for $4.

I either drink good shit or stuff that's as cheap as possible.

>> No.5013417

pick two and only two.

>> No.5013419

I remember looking at some dude's list of "cheapest ways to get drunk" and 5L box of Franzia was the most alcohol/$.

Actually got one for $10 (normally $17 at store) because the box was torn

>> No.5013425
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You must be a real hit at parties.

>> No.5013446

What do you guys think of the $1/bottle beers at Trader Joes?

>> No.5013474

I never drink shitty beer, because I don't drink beer to get drunk. I have a massive tolerance for alcohol; it takes me like 8 drinks to even get a buzz. If I wanted to get drunk off beer, I'd have to drink two and a half six packs. When I want to get drunk I drink liquor.

>> No.5013479

Bro, you're so cool.
Like, how can I be more like you?

>> No.5013482


ausfag here

you can't beat a 2 litre bottle of sherry for $12. It's 18%. So it's like a litre of 36%, which is practically bourbon strength.

So 1 litre of bourbon for $12.
(1 litre is about 36oz for you amerifags)

>> No.5013486

Franzia's the better deal though.
CVS sells Franzia for 11 and you can find it as low as 9 in some places around here.

5 L of 14% ABV shit for 9 bucks?

Tour de Franzia, here I come

>> No.5013498


This. I was born with a massive tolerance, because even when I first tried alcohol at a party I was like "I don't think it's working guise..."

Unfortunately everyone thinks you think you're a hero (see >>5013479) but it just sucks because it costs you so much to get buzzed like everyone else and can be really hard to judge.

I can't get pissed on beer because I just get full to the point where I can't fit any more in, and that happens way before any buzz-like feelings come on.

>> No.5013507


>> No.5013510


> 5 L of 14% for 9 bucks

1.67L of 42% for $9. Holy shit that's a clear winner. But 5 litres of liquid is a marathon effort. Hope you can keep it down!

>> No.5013517

Well when I drink used to drink Franzia relatively often, it was a whole day thing, usually with someone else. So it's me and my friend or whatever and we start drinking at like 2 and it carries on till like 8 or 9 when we go out, good times.

>> No.5013531
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Google's first image for "Franzia" search. LOLZ

>> No.5013539

Yep, that's pretty much it.

Poor college students are great at finding cheap ways to get wasted

>> No.5013540

I buy a 10 pack of the cheap beer for under £3 from Aldi, stick it in the freezer and drink it from a stein along with the good stuff.

Works quite well I find.

>> No.5013772


You know passports are good for visiting many countries right? No you don't, but I'm just pointing that out. Then you could learn about all the great regional beers people drink around the world, instead of shitty international exports.

If you think everyone else lives in mud huts, you're in for a rude shock. Just a little advance warning.

p.s. net migration from Mexico is negative, they're fleeing Murrika because Americans are so desperate now that they're willing to clean toilets for below minimum wage. Glorious america indeed.

>> No.5013989

Surly Furious is the only super hopped beer they have, and that's because it's an IPA. It still isn't even that hopped up IMO. Shit tastes like citrusy piney goodness.

>> No.5013994

>net migration from Mexico is negative
sure it is

>> No.5013995

Just put pinesol in it you fucking IPA drinking fedora

>> No.5013996

Do you have any facts or figures to support your assumption or is it purely emotional?

>> No.5013999

Do you live in Mississippi?

Where the hell are IPAs associated with fedoras?

>> No.5014002

i drink 40s, budweiser, when i dont have the money. when i do have money, i get ipa's. those are delicious

>> No.5014006

>Do you have any facts or figures to support your assumption or is it purely emotional?
I could say the exact same thing to you, your post seemed rather emotional and nonfactual

>> No.5014011


On the internet, where fedora loners come to brag that they can "handle" IPA and IPA gets a bad reputation as a result.

It's the same as anime, everyone below a certain age is more or less familiar with it, and some of it is actually good, but a lot of it is crap, and on the internet even mentioning it creates a feeding frenzy of trolls and people pretending they've never heard of evangelion.

>> No.5014014


take it to /pol/ kids, the adults who read newspapers aren't interested in your underinformed debates

also sage

>> No.5014016

>people can't like thing >:(
Why are you so upset?

>> No.5014018

durrr what is Google


>The shift with Mexico’s northern neighbor is especially stark. Americans now make up more than three-quarters of Mexico’s roughly one million documented foreigners, up from around two-thirds in 2000, leading to a historic milestone: more Americans have been added to the population of Mexico over the past few years than Mexicans have been added to the population of the United States, according to government data in both nations.

>Mexican migration to the United States has reached an equilibrium, with about as many Mexicans moving north from 2005 to 2010 as those returning south.

>> No.5014020

>where fedora loners come to brag that they can "handle" IPA and IPA gets a bad reputation as a result.
where did this ever happen?

Sounds like people trying to justify their bud light consumption just making things up

>> No.5014023

>4chan is serious, KIDS

>> No.5014025

>with about as many Mexicans moving north from 2005 to 2010 as those returning south.
Thats is certainly not the same thing as your claim that americans are fleeing south

Also thats documented migration, everyone knows the vast majority of mexicans coming north are not documented

>> No.5014026
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>there is only IPA and bud light

And here we have one of them.

>> No.5014029

Can you read?

>more Americans have been added to the population of Mexico over the past few years than Mexicans have been added to the population of the United States

>> No.5014033

Are you me?

>mom and stepdad take me out to eat almost every weekend
>they don't give a fuck that I order 5+ expensive as fuck craft beer throughout the evening

>> No.5014036

so thats only including legal migration, which is only a very small percent of mexicans who come to america. America makes it pretty hard to legally migrate there

>> No.5014039

There are plenty of kinds of good beer, but almost exclusively, the kids attacking any kind of good beer drink Bud Light and are ignorant rednecks

>> No.5014044

>which is only a very small percent of mexicans who come to america
Provide a figure please.

>> No.5014048

can we please stop talking about mexican immigration?

>> No.5014049


No one ever attacks rauchbier or barleywine. Just IPA and to a lesser extent imperial stout, because they are so commonly associated with loudmouth ignorant beer neophytes who won't shut the fuck up about how they discovered beer that isn't coors light.

>> No.5014045


>> No.5014055

even if it were only a small portion, the source you provided says the legal immigration is very near an equilibrium so it would still make your initial claim wrong unless you also wish too claim large amounts of americans are illegally immigrating to mexico

>> No.5014057

please go away

>> No.5014058

Why would you drink beer that isn't worth appreciating? If you just want to get drunk, wouldn't you be better off drinking double vodka cokes?

>> No.5014060

>No one ever attacks rauchbier or barleywine
because most bud light rednecks have never heard of them

>> No.5014064

Stop being such a god damned hipster, just because the general population has discovered good beer doesn't mean that good beer is suddenly bad

Why do you have such a ridiculously dumb attitude toward beer?

>> No.5014065

> bud light rednecks

There aren't any such people on /ck/, except maybe BBQ King and he has a very distinctive writing style.

You seem to be mentally stuck in 1991, almost everyone of drinking age knows about different kinds of beer.

>> No.5014069

>good beer is suddenly bad

Are you confused about something? I never said rauchbier, barleywine, or IPA were bad. I am attempting to help you neophytes understand why people react negatively towards your unreasonable obsession with IPA and your insufferable belief that wheat beers, lagers, pilsners, etc are "piss water".

>> No.5014072

Parties I go to don't really have beer. We typically drink hard liquor.

>> No.5014073

>why people react negatively towards your unreasonable obsession with IPA
Who was ever acting obsessed with IPA

You just came in here and started ranting about IPAs and fedoras incessantly. You make no sense and are attacking fake groups of people you delusionally invented in your head

>> No.5014075

>insufferable belief that wheat beers, lagers, pilsners, etc are "piss water".
Who, anywhere, ever said this?

>> No.5014076
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You wanted to know. Don't shoot the messenger.

>> No.5014081

Could someone recommend me a pilsner that isn't piss?

>> No.5014084

Commonly available? Lagunitas makes a decent one.

>> No.5014103

>>5013995 here... it is way to easy to get you guys going hahahaha

>> No.5014114

Le epic troll. You can go back to Facebook now.

>> No.5014123
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>trying sour mash beer for the fist time

>> No.5014196

>beer that isn't worth appreciating
No such thing

>> No.5014544

My parents drink miller lite. Its popular because people that can't handle hard liquor and wine still want to get drunk without having to taste anything. I think the point of lite beer is to have as little flavor as possible, sort of like vodka.

>> No.5014553

Not being able to handle wine or liquor?


>> No.5014560

Yea, there are people out there that can't drink wine and liquor. My mom and aunt will be fucking trashed after 3 or 4 miller lites, I'd have to chug them all in ten minutes to catch a buzz. And she thinks I'm drunk if I take a shot of tequila with my Mexican food. I've tried explaining that a shot is one drink, no more alcohol than a bottle of beer.

>> No.5014564

>Yea, there are people out there that can't drink wine and liquor
or you know they just prefer drinking beer. Of course no one wants to drink straight liquor after college unless it is a nice whiskey, but wine and beer are basically in the same category, wine is much more like beer than it is like liquor

>> No.5014569

>tried explaining that a shot is one drink, no more alcohol than a bottle of beer.
Is she literally retarded? I have never heard of someone being confused about such a thing

>> No.5014680

Corona is a nice light beer, I like it on occasion. In margaritas (bulldogs) or out in the hot sun it is nice and refreshing.

I drink a diverse amount of beers. Least fave is amber

>> No.5014697

the secret to a good beer is a shitload of hops. we're talking about 1/3 of your total volume.

>> No.5014786
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Me. I always drink
>pic related

>> No.5014803
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Sierra Nevada Torpedo is my favorite, but rarely get it due to price (no it's not uber expensive, but akin to OP, I don't mind just drinking cheaper stuff, if it's just to get drunk).

I also like the Sierra Nevada Celebration for the Holidays.

Usually for regular drinking, I get a 36 pack of Boxer for cheap as fuck. That's good for hot days (though it's winter now), or just cracking a beer while watching TV or shit posting online.

>> No.5014818

Any ausfags in this thread?

Never drank beer before (my father and grandfather were alcoholics, grandfather died from alcohol poisoning), might as well give it a try.

What do you recommend?

>> No.5014821
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I only drink shitty beer at bars and concerts because the good beer costs too much. I always order some Lone Stars, its not bad and they're always cheapest beer.

>> No.5014844

>high life
>15 bucks for a 30 rack
>drinkable, even refreshing

It's a godsend.

>> No.5014852

by far the best macro option

>> No.5015160

American microbrewers summed up in one sentence. It's like putting a whole head of garlic and half a bottle of wine into everything you cook and declaring yourself a gourmet.

>> No.5015171

umm i think modelo tastes very similar to corona. lol

>> No.5015173

american craft beer is incredibly diverse

California does not represent all of america

>> No.5015827

Yeah that's why I mentioned it, because I like them both.

>> No.5015866

i drank a corona today cuase it was the only beer in the fridge and im addicted to beer

>> No.5015869

lol i used to pickj up 30packs of kodiak ridge light from grocery outlet for 8.99 until they lowered the price to 7.99, me and my neighbor would go through like 2 or 3 packs a week, lol