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5010960 No.5010960 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread, we discuss the magic that is tamales.

Recipes, tips, etc. I will be monitoring this thread and will be more than happy to help in any way.

>> No.5010966


>> No.5010971
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I laughed so hard.

>> No.5011462
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Those r tamales

>> No.5011475

You planning on making a bunch up for Christmas this year? I was considering it.

>> No.5011561

To this day I still don't understand the appeal of sweet tamales. Cheese ones I understand, but why would people eat something that is just sweetened masa.

>> No.5011562

same reason people eat regular tamales, theyre delicious

>> No.5011612

Yesssss! I was also planning on making some myself for the very first time. Scared im gonna fuck it up some how :/

>> No.5011644

If I wasnt on my way to work right now id call my OG grandma from Guadalajara and post her recipe, if this is still up on my brake I wil

>> No.5011721
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Veracruz-Style tamales. The best tamales you could ever eat.


>> No.5011726


I fucking love tamales.

>> No.5012022
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Yeah, already got some orders from work. Gonna' make bank.

It's not as bad as people make it out to be. What about it scares you?

>> No.5012109
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Potato tamales?

>> No.5012193

when well made they are made with lard so they have a nice pork smell to them, also you can add raisins, coconut, or other sweet morsels inside

Op I reccomend you think about chicharron en salsa, queso con rajas, vegetable tamales, pipian tamales, rancheros with pork and hard boiled egg, smoked marlin if you can find it.

If you want recipes I could be bothered to go and look them up for you

>> No.5012322
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Tamales oaxaqueños de mole. I'd eat this shit every single day for the rest of my life if i could.

>> No.5012370

When I lived in Tampa this place called Taco Bus would have tamales every weekend. Fucking great. They even had a vegan tamale for like $3, and they were big as fuck. Right before I moved they took it off the menu I think or made some sort of vital change to the deal, I don't really remember. RIP in pieces Taco Bus tamales.

>> No.5013414
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Yes, they are so good.

Ohhhh shit, dame las y te la mamo.

>> No.5013439

I was watching the Food Network on a hotel TV one night and douchebag Guy was on doing his "Triple D" retardation. He showed a place that was literally down the road from me called The Tamale Place. Having never heard of it (and also never having had tamales), I decided to go down and have a taste.

It was amazing, OP. My mom is hispanic, but she's never made these. I go there at least once a month now.

>> No.5013820
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Never eaten one, or made one in my life. I think theres like one or two mexican places in my city that may cook them.

Do you actually need lard to make em?

I have this book. Maybe ill check out dem recipes.

>> No.5013856

Living in AZ you can get great tamales, but I recent tried some Nacatamales


It has pork shoulder, potatoes and a bunch of other good stuff.

>> No.5013862

I can't eat saturated fats for legit health reasons and was trying out tamale recipes this past week without the lard. The bottom line is that they sucked.

First I tried subbing it with greek yogurt. Flavorless and dry (stuck to the wrapper)

Second batch I used canola oil, only about 2-3 tablespoons. Still came out flavorless and dry (a bit less so).

The lard is there for a reason. It gives the masa its characteristic moistness, flavor, and satisfying mouth feel (think MSG).

If health isn't a concern then go for a full lard recipe. If it is a concern, then use vegetable shortening (it's still bad but less so than lard) and compensate with a flavorful broth for the masa.

>> No.5013865

I should add, that masa is really fucking bland.

I used a minimal amount of salt and it came out bland. Oversalt your masa and or broth. It's really all about the broth. You need a kick ass broth for your masa and filling. That's the biggest tip I can give you. Oh and dried chiles are really overpowering. Use more than 3 and the sauce comes out too hot or bitter. Stick to two chile anchos and maybe a little tomato paste to cut the hotness for your mole.

>> No.5013897

>Gonna' make bank.
What's probably going to get in the way of me making up a batch of my own this year is the number of ambitious Mexican women in my neighborhood with the same idea. Impossible to compete with abuela's version sold from a shopping cart on the street for a buck fifty a pop.

And Christmas is the only time I eat them, because these things are so heavy they're best reserved for holidays. Unfortunately the competition is fierce here at Christmas time, because I live in a Mexican neighborhood.

>> No.5014024

A buck fifty is a rip. For $10 of ingredients, you can make at least two dozen tamales. That comes out to 40 cent a pop. It's not even that labor intensive. You throw a chunk of meat in a crock pot, shred it, add a store bought or homemade mole sauce to it and then you just stuff with your masa (which can also be bought pre-mixed from an ethnic market).

People have this idea that making tamales is hard as fuck. It's really not. Making a lasagna for example is harder and that's really not that hard either.

>> No.5014074

>corn and potatos together

No thanks,>>5013856

>> No.5014106

Tamales have potato in them. I'm Mexican.

>> No.5014115

>A buck fifty is a rip
tbh, the buck fifty is for a tamale with a chile relleno inside of it, which is double the work (and double the fun). The ones with just meat are less, I believe.