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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5006580 No.5006580 [Reply] [Original]

Insects are recently getting promoted as substitute food for meat, as meat is getting more and more expensive in the future. As I'm open to the idea,post some delicious recipes.

>> No.5006590

I'd rather starve

>> No.5006605

Meh. I'd rather go vegetarian. Tried bugs. Don't like'em. And I already eat a mostly vegetarian diet anyway. I'll worry about that bridge when I get to it, though.

>> No.5006609

Oh look, yet another vegan troll thread on /ck/. What's next, a fast food thread?

This place just keeps going more and more to shit.

>> No.5006616
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Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.5006619

deep fry that shit and then eat it

>> No.5006647



You just went full DERP

>> No.5006895

I would love to try bugs

those fat ass bee larva or whatever look delicious

>> No.5006916
File: 8 KB, 225x225, Feelerino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I actually try to be that guy, but my job keeps me away from home all damn day and fast food is the only option besides packing a lunch but I feel like a faggot doing that for myself. I want a wife to pack me lunch. :'(

>> No.5006917
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>> No.5006928

Larvae in general eat shit (often literally), but bee larvae eat honey, so that actually sounds pretty good.

>> No.5006952

I'm open to eating insects as a unique and interesting form of food, but never as a replacement for meat. I had some bugs at a Vietnamese friend's birthday party once, there was nothing disgusting about it. They were crunchy and nutty. Season 'em well and it's not bad. I guess it depends on which critters you're eating, though, some of them are supposed to taste pretty foul.

>> No.5007004
File: 25 KB, 600x455, working class scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy eating bugs, peasants.

>> No.5007006

This is what happens when we give internet access to third worlders.

>> No.5007042

Try eating some live huhu grubs. Except the head of course, unless you want that.

>> No.5007058

Even with shrimp and those tiny little dried sardines you remove the guts

I don't want to eat whatever it ate

>> No.5007081

I think the proper procedure is to let them starve for couple of day

>> No.5007106

SPAM will always exist.

>> No.5007121
File: 708 KB, 260x146, 1361904552039.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Eating animals that are born in, live in and eat poop


>> No.5007127

Or have them eat something like salad only for few days before cooking

>> No.5007131

so, you don't eat pork?

>> No.5007152

>thinking pigs are dirty animals
muslim detected

>> No.5007485

I'm curious about where i can find a restaurant that would serve such fare in the US [detroit area specifically].

>> No.5007501

any crackden on your block

>> No.5007507

pork "megaproducers had three times the incidence of mycoplasma pneumonia, six times the cases of swine influenza, and twenty-nine times the cases of a new flu strain" compared with farms that had less than 2000 pigs. [shell, cheap, 179] small wonder that 75% of all food-borne illness comes from eating meat.

>> No.5007703

Every year or so there's an article that says that eating bugs is the future. Every single time, nobody's interested.

If people don't want your product, then it's your fault for making a shitty product, no matter how much you try to shift the blame onto the consumers.