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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 891 KB, 942x1024, 9481403879_48d47d4ae2_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5001964 No.5001964 [Reply] [Original]

McDonald's, 1978.

>> No.5001972

I'll take a .30 english muffin with sum o dat jelly peez

>> No.5001974
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>> No.5001985



lord above my sides

>> No.5001984


I don't see any chicken products on there. Pity. McChicken and Chicken McNuggets are the only reasons I go to McD's

>> No.5001994
File: 76 KB, 600x448, original-mcdonalds-menu-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDonald's, 1943

>> No.5002005


>not getting the Aristocratic Hamburger

>> No.5002008

The Aristocrats!

>> No.5002018

Doesn't anyone else thinks it's depressing that you have to clarify that you're using a "real ingredient" because it's so common for people to sell fake shit to to lower the price of their food?

>> No.5002034
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>there's no tipping

>> No.5002111

>going to McD's after Ray Crock took over
Maybe if you like food for plebs such as yourself

>> No.5002134


>no tipping
>all those apostrophes

>> No.5002144


I would have love to have gone to this McDonald's

>> No.5002153

Hope they had one of these outside.

>> No.5002168

fucking filename lol

>> No.5002204

>dat filename

o lord I lost it

>> No.5002285

Oh shit, Mayor McCheese used to be a cop?

>> No.5002312
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That's Officer Big Mac.

>> No.5002323

They had this Officer Big Mac statue outside of my closest McDonalds until the renovations this year

I miss him.
>the feels

>> No.5002369

I'd give her two great pies, if you know what I'm saying.

>> No.5002453 [DELETED] 
File: 499 KB, 1600x1200, McD-Hot_Cherry_Pie-SNC00823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember those hot cherry pies with fondness. A cousin and I would meet up sometimes and get some McD burgers and cherry pies. We used to count the number of cherries in them to see who got the most that day.

Just a couple kids having some fun after getting stoned and then counting cherries.

>> No.5002487

thats hot but she fucked that black mon wif da aidz in tha back haveva fun mon ;)

>> No.5003611


the counter girl yes, the customer not so much

>> No.5003624

dat McPatrician

>> No.5003634

That is some jive turkey shit right there.

>> No.5003640

Funny that the only thing that has changed in all these years is that they look almost well behaved there.

>> No.5003651
File: 91 KB, 300x600, laughing owl Strix_varia_DM1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first week living in america
>black guy asks me for a cigarette
>apologise, explaining that i don't smoke
>"Man, you is a jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaive turkeh."
>mon visage quand

>> No.5003681

Did you like in america in the 70's?

>> No.5003686

Nothing welcomes someone to America like blacks asking for handouts.

>> No.5003687

>there's no tipping

Wait. So you mean all those no tipping threads here are posted by blacks?

>> No.5003691

More likely euros.

>> No.5003693
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Food not bad years ago.why it suck now?

>> No.5003695

next time I go to McDonalds +and they take a burger out of a plastic tub and put it on my bun .I'm going to throw it into the deep fryer and leave .

>> No.5003699

Statistically Blacks are the shittiest fucking tippers.

>> No.5003704

THAT'S logical

>> No.5003706

I don't know if you're using sarcasm or not.

At least in the US you'll find that africans across the board tip less, but work ya more.

>> No.5003709
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>> No.5003712
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>> No.5003715

I find Africans seldom dine out while black Americans do it often. Have you noticed the same or no?

>> No.5003719
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>> No.5003720

>Coffee: 10c, no wait scratch that, 5c

Must have been shit coffee.

>> No.5003722


Ok. I didn't mean someone who actually came from africa in their lifetime. I'm talking about Black americans.

Also yes I have noticed this.
I think they can cook.

>> No.5003725


back then you made about 20 cents per day, nerd.

>> No.5003727

>hoax from 2011

Funny as fuck though.

>> No.5003728


How is that relevant to what I said?

>> No.5003730

Sorry, I didn't mean to nitpick, just wasn't sure if you meant to include proper Africans in with black Americans or not. I don't know [m]any black Caribbean Islanders well or personally, but maybe you do: are they more like black Americans or black Africans when it comes to dining out?

>> No.5003731

Never been a waiter, wouldn't know.

See non-native Africans all the time but never at restaurants.

I used to know an old lady from Jamaica who made the best fucking chicken on the planet.

I don't think she liked restaurants anyway.

>> No.5003732
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>> No.5003734

I've noticed Africans fucking hate raw onions, and don't know the difference between a cheeseburger and a double cheeseburger. I work at a place that serves single third-pounders by default, and they act surprised that a "double cheeseburger" is $7 but fucking huge.

Must just be a language thing. I should check my native-speaker privilege.

>> No.5003739

Sorry more context needed. Is $7 expensive or cheap? Sorry it's /ck/ so I can never assume. We had that german guy a few weeks ago saying that a $7 chipotle burrito was for wealthy elites only.

>> No.5003741

Where are you from?

$7 is a little under a standard price of a menu item at an average restaurant ($10-12)

In terms of fastfood, its about 7 burgers, 14 sets of fries, or about a thousand fucking tacos.

>> No.5003745

Sidenote, I fucking hate Chipotle(the restaurant). The burritos there do cost $7, but whenever I've gone, they just wrap up 7 layer dip in a tortilla.

Not worth it for me.

>> No.5003749


Where I'm from, a burger from an average restaurant costs between $8 and $12. Fast food burgers, not really sure, probably about $5? I suppose it depends on the restaurant.

>> No.5003751

I used to live next door to a Jamaican family. Huge family. Not getting into the exacts of it unless you're really interested, but they fit fourteen people into a seven bedroom home and kept the place neat and clean.
I could smell everything they cooked wafting in through my bedroom window since I had one of the second floor apartments and my bedroom window was just about directly above their kitchen exhaust fan.
It. Was. Glorious.

>> No.5003759

Expensive. I don't think it's an unfair price, but if you're an FOB at a strange one-off fast food joint and ordering your food phonetically just like you do at McDonalds, I could see where the confusion comes about.

I've also have FOB Caribs as for a "burger king" before, even though we're uhh, not Burger King at all.

>> No.5003782


Did you befriend them with offerings of booze/weed and receive glorious food in return?

>> No.5003799
File: 61 KB, 600x338, McDonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5003861

No, we became friendly just from me being an amicable person in general. They offered me a few things. Chicken in potato curry. Goat in brown stew. Curry-fried chicken. Fried fish poached in vinegar with chilies, peppers and onions. That last one was very similar to a dish I grew up with, differing only that we used pickled chilies rather than fresh and added capers. Oh, and they cooked this tomato sauce with crabs in it that they served over mushy spaghetti. The crabs were poached in tomato then removed. When the sauce was reduced, they cleaned the meat from the crabs and stirred it in. Quite good, just the pasta was horrid.
In return, I helped them with computer problems, speaking at a hearing on their behalf against the neighbourhood association and baked them a few loaves of bread since I'm not going to cook enough to feed fourteen in one go and baking five loaves takes barely any more time and effort than baking one.
To my knowledge, they rarely drank. Their recycling bins seldom had beer or liquor bottles/cans in them and I never noticed the smell of weed coming from their house. The son was a nurse and his wife a schoolteacher. I sometimes questioned whether they were really Jamaican at all. Then they open their mouths and dreadlocks, rasta hats and Usain Bolt fall out.

>> No.5003872

I once saw an entire Basketball American group leave Mcdonalds because the in store radio started playing Weezer.

Why is Weezer the black man's kryptonite /ck/?

>> No.5003881

Weezer and workboots.

>> No.5003895

Yes. It's also funny how the "real ingredients" are most likely processed garbage as well.

>> No.5003905

>days since processed garbage dot jpg

>> No.5003910

Post a pic of your gut.

>> No.5003928
File: 84 KB, 796x533, 1386438041832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5003955

That feel when McDonald's staffed by whites are always ten times better, faster, and cleaner than ghetto McDonald's staffed by niggers.

Have you noticed this? There isn't a force on earth that can get Shaniqua moving product, not even when the line's about to burst out the door.

>> No.5003963

Damn. That brings back memories. I'm only 26 and I remember playing on those.

>> No.5004035

looks like period pie

>> No.5004051

I assure you that the modern baking techniques used to make that pie are in no way done according to the medieval period.
In fact, to make period bread you would take half a bushel of fine flour twice bolted, and a gallon of fair luke-warm water, almost a handful of white salt, and almost a pint of yeast, then temper all these together, without any more liquor, as hard as you can handle it: then let it lie half an hour, then take it up, and make your Manchets, and let them stand almost an hour in the oven. Memorandum, that of every bushel of meal may be made five and twenty cast of bread, and every loaf to weigh a pound beside the chesil.

>> No.5004056 [DELETED] 

stupid nigger

>> No.5004074

Anybody stupid enough eat mcdonalds deserves the cold crudy food.

>> No.5004487
File: 489 KB, 1024x735, 1296640960883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the days when no one cared about the environment and they would pack your food in those styrofoam containers so it would stay warm and snug. Now days they use those thin shitty recycled cardboard boxes and by the time I get home my food's half frozen.

>> No.5004528
File: 165 KB, 510x610, 1298665335031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His mouth was also the jail? That's disturbing.
why not just have a slide coming out of Ronald's asshole?

>> No.5004549
File: 12 KB, 308x291, 1339123061341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that filename

my sides have gone to another dimension

>> No.5004555

Do you live in the Arctic or something

>> No.5004926

Anyone remember these Value Packs at all? I don't, and I was born in 1980

>> No.5004953

Autistic republicans like you.

>> No.5004956

The problem with those containers is the grease always manages to seep through.

>> No.5004962

Can't we deliberately set off earthquakes with nuclear bombs or something?

>> No.5004968
File: 713 KB, 1600x901, 7001263393_2130343044_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These were, in fact, a thing, though I don't believe they were around for very long. Probably just too wasteful packaging-wise.

>> No.5004970


Oh shit, I remember these Play Places. I'm sure lawsuits were involved in the change.

>> No.5004972

Just think, that old lady in the picture is probably dead by now.

>> No.5005019

Sounds like some puerto rican neighbors i had. Help em a little and they will give you the weirdest food in return. God damn it if they didn't manage to make raisins work with empanadas, though. Goddamn delicious.

>> No.5005024

I'm drunk, but even I knew that was gibberish.

>> No.5005031

>I'm drunk, but even I knew that was gibberish.
/ck/ - I'm drunk, but even I knew that was gibberish.
New official motto

>> No.5005140

I never saw the giant cardboard containers like in the pic, but I do remember getting quarter pounders and stuff in the stryofoam. They just put it all in a bag though.

>> No.5005153

I can remember when happy meals came in a plastic container shaped like a car or boat and that was the toy.

>> No.5005162



Nostalgia trippin' balls here

>> No.5005163

The only plastic containers I remember where the ones they gave out in October for Halloween. When did they do cars and boats? That sounds pretty neat.

>> No.5005170

Yeah those look like a pain in the ass to have to deal with in a drive-thru. Either something falls out while giving it to the car, or if you're in the car it tips over when you set it on the seat and makes a mess. It seems like something they would have only really done for the dine-in customers, and it's like, who needs a giant box cluttering up their table?

>> No.5005187

Hm. This sounds like Achewood dialogue

>> No.5005197

Ooooh shit the plastic jack-o-lantern and frankenstein pails

>> No.5005332

It was in Australia so not sure if it was everywhere, was about 20 years ago.
I remember the meal came in the boat shape box and then there were stickers in the box that you would stick all over the box and then take it home, play with it in the bath or whatever.

>> No.5005513

>clean uniforms
>waitresses have good posture and no scowl
>Taking the order parallel to the customer
where the fuck did this go? I'm sure she even made eye contact.
>dirty shirt and hat
>constant scowl with little ot no eye contact as you punch a few buttons and ask
>wuld u lik fris wit dat?
>that constant attitude that the customer is inconveniencing you.

>> No.5005520

>that bag
>those glasses
>that scarf tie thing

fucking hipsters.

>> No.5005523

>McChicken and Chicken McNuggets

You disgust me. They're by far the worst items at a pretty low level place. There are people with horrible taste, and then there's you, too cheap to spent 49 cents more on actual chicken in wrap form.

>> No.5005551

How much do you think they were making back then? About $3 or $4 an hour?

>> No.5005873

probably. The Big Mac costs 7 times what it used to.

>> No.5006168
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>> No.5006174

it was a good product for it's time, but faggots whined over the packaging and shamed them into dropping it.

>> No.5006183
File: 111 KB, 301x199, 1351343823894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what's an "Aristocratic Hamburger"?

>> No.5006191

Are you fucking kidding me?
You know what inflation is right?

>> No.5006200
File: 250 KB, 800x570, 0o8QS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5006202


1943 was in the middle of WW2. Learn your history, kids.

>> No.5006207

The minimum wage was well under $2.00/hr.

>> No.5006214

I'm sure the US had it tough with rationing.

>> No.5006228

Nobody suggested it wasn't. They also had no rationing and absolutely no problem with milk supply.

It's more disturbing that you thought you were adding a relevant contribution to this thread.

>> No.5006232

Oh boo hoo. Maybe if you guys could have kept your shit together we wouldn't have had to rescue you.

We absolutely did have rationing. As suggested before, learn your history, kids.

>> No.5006235

>work fast food
>co-workers are grumpy as fuck
>(seriously, this one old bitch sighs dramatically anytime a customer comes up to the counter, and sighs dramatically again anytime they change their order)
>I try not to be; smiling honestly does make the night go faster
>co-workers wonder why customers are bitchy towards them but pleasant towards me

>> No.5006243

So the allies minus US forces just weren't trying hard enough?
I was just saying that the average American family probably wasn't struggling on half a stick of butter and a pint of milk a week.

>> No.5006248

dairy was a luxury. It was rationing that gave rise to the popularity of margarine.

>> No.5006250

and even if their belts were tightened somewhat it was for 3 years at most.

>> No.5006253

Stop trying to make this thread about how much your grandma suffered in WW2 you whiny bitch. The point was that regardless of what food packaging says today, a rationing-era restaurant menu making mention of "real milk" isn't all that surprising considering that actual milk was, yes, rationed.

That is all. You want to complain about how your country suffered the most in WW2, go to /int/ or some place like that.

>> No.5006261

>making mention of "real milk"
Well this is maccas you're talking about...

>> No.5006265


It was also 70 years ago, only 3 years after the company was started.

70 years ago Braun's main line of business is gassing Jews, but your electric razor makes no mention of this. Why is this I wonder? Could it be that a company changes in 70 years?

>> No.5006268

>your electric razor
Implying I shave.
McDonald's was turned to production line style cheapery as soon as it was taken over by the brothers.

>> No.5006292


>main line of business is gassing Jews

Yes because we all know that building massive gas chambers is the most convenient way to kill people. Couldn't just throw them in a pit or shoot them, they definitely gassed them.

>> No.5006299

So they didn't gas the jews? No jews were gassed in the making of WW2?

>> No.5006306

>No jews were gassed in the making of WW2?

>> No.5006325

Actually, gassing them was more for the benefit of the German soldiers. It sounds simple to execute people by just lining them up and shooting them, but it played hell on morale. It really sounds fucked up when you think that even a fucking nazi had problems with straight up murdering men women and children while looking them in the eyes, but anyone would start to get a little freaked out doing that.

So you remove the human element and have a mass event rather than hoping Pvt. Hans doesn't lose his shit after capping a person for the 24th time in a day.

>> No.5006336

>even a fucking nazi
Very few wermacht dudes were actually Nazis, most just hated the Bolsheviks.
SS and Gestapo shouldn't have had problems with mass executions.

>> No.5006343
File: 258 KB, 1024x1344, 1354998069150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Almost 2014
>Still believing in the gas chamber myth

>> No.5006346


who is behind the conspiracy that has led everyone to believe that the jews were gassed? is it just the zionist bankers? the UN? how were all those nazis convinced to come forward to recount their "crimes"? how can we begin to set the record straight when all the evidence supports a history in which jews were gassed en masse?

>> No.5006349
File: 255 KB, 810x487, 1354997753883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read an article a few years back saying that the Nazi's that confessed were under incredibly intense torture, for years if they wouldn't agree to it.

Not talking "enhanced interrogation".

>> No.5006355

Nope. This was in 2002.

>> No.5006357

As far as >>5006336 is concerned he's right. The wermacht were not the ones tied up in the camp system and all that craziness, that was almost exclusively the SS. Please don't fall into the foolish idea that every German military member was a vile killing machine hellbent on the destruction of all non Germans. It's just not accurate.

>> No.5006358

There used to be a joke when i was a kid up by new york, "what do you call a Jamaican with 3 jobs? a lazy bastard." because some of them did have 3 jobs, and busted their asses to get ahead. they were the workingiest people i ever met.

i remember them from the early 80's, along with the Mac in the Moon guy, and the McDLT, which i had to google to get the name right.


>> No.5006455
File: 65 KB, 400x320, Bandiere Italia Jamaica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odd. The stereotype of Jamaicans where I'm from is that they've a labour allergy and proper work makes them quite ill. There used to be a lot of them when I was a kid in the 80s but most of them left by the mid 90s, either going back to Jamaica or heading to the US, the UK or Canada.
Jamaican food was the "in" thing back then, so many of them owned restaurants. Now, similar to how most Thai restaurants in the US are actually run by Chinese, most Jamaican restaurants in Italy today are run by Ethiopians or Eritreans.
That Jamaican family I lived next door to, though, was in the US.

>> No.5006473
File: 89 KB, 468x487, 1386520846134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they've a labour allergy and proper work makes them quite ill.

Yeah but isn't that also true of Italians?

Also I'm pretty sure the stereotype in Italy of anyone not from Italy is that they're going to steal your white babies and you need to throw bananas at them.

>> No.5006496

>steal white babies
Just the darkies IE Sicilians. The rest of us don't steal white babies, although in the 80s and 90s our shitty sensationalist news reports (so fucking out there, they make Fox News look calm, friendly and trustworthy by comparison) made several claims that Socialist/Communist party leaders running for office may have eaten babies. No joke. It's sad how truly disreputable our news sources are in Italy.
Also, we're a racially mixed country. There are at least six different haplotype groups well-represented in Italy: Slavs, Celts/Gaulish, Romans, Greeks, Teutons and Arabs. My family is mixed, Slav, Celt, Teutonic and Greek (so northern excepting the Greek). Northerners tend to be quite pale with light eyes and hair.
Did you watch the most recent series of MasterChef US? Luca looks like most of my family (from the same basic area, too).

>> No.5006506

Acting like they had no knowledge of what was happening is equally foolish. They knew what they were fighting for.

>> No.5006508

You know, my stepdad worked at McDonald's in the early-to-mid 70s when he was a teenager. I imagine it looked something like that.

>> No.5006514

The black chick looking forward is hawt

>> No.5006551
File: 62 KB, 805x447, comunisti mangiano bambini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>communists eat babies
To showcase this, pic related.
Google translate the highlighted text.

>> No.5006816

this looks fake as hell.

the item typeface was designed in 1974

and thank god for that "1943" floating in the middle of nowhere, otherwise we might not know it was authentic D:

>> No.5007323

>extra-large fries

Fuck you, Morgan Spurlock, and your faggy "documentary".