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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4997801 No.4997801[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We're both on our death beds, anon. I'm 115 and you're about 65. I'm dying because my heart is failing from a long healthy life. You're dying because you have coronary heart disease.

Some neutral, unbiased people come and get our life's story. They find out I dedicated my life to 100% plant based diet. They find out you ate mammals and animals. They rationalize that on the sentience scale, plants have the least amount of sentience on this planet. They don't say anything to the flesh eater, but they know. They know the truth. Vegans are objectively morally superior. It's not a complicated issue. We only eat plants. Flesh tombs eat the animals that eat the plants. So before you go sperglord about

>all da rodent deaths that plant farming causes

Think about your logic for more than a millisecond. You contribute to BOTH of the things we're discussing. Mainly because the animals you consume eat the fucking plants we eat.

And lastly, kill yourselves please.

>> No.4997805

>inb4 something

>> No.4997810
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>> No.4997817

Good god, they look delicious.

>> No.4997815

While it's true that you're morally superior (in this aspect of your life), it's also uncouth to make threads on a cooking board about it. If you're provoked in a thread by some asshole, go ahead and put him in his place, but it's not something to make a whole thread about

>> No.4997820

Seriously. I could eat two or three just looking at 'em.

>> No.4997824

I'd rather live than merely exist.

>> No.4997827

Isn't there a board for fan-fiction somewhere?

>> No.4997830

>Implying I'm worried about that
>Implying my motorcycle won't kill me before I'm 50

>> No.4997831

If you think you are morally superior to anyone that's a very selfish thing to think.

>> No.4997832

They really are the all-in-wonder animal: bacon, ham, chops, roast, crackling.

>> No.4997838
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OP, I just want to say, from the bottom of my heart, GO FUCK YOURSELF.
Also, you'll die long before you reach 115, no matter what you eat. Cancer is coming for you, darling. Coming in fast.

>> No.4997839

I love me some sausages...

>> No.4997841

Sausages? I know some favour beef, lamb or venison but I think pork is king.

>> No.4997844

Post some more delicious animals please.

>> No.4997848
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>> No.4997855

Shit, how could I forget. Pork sausages and sauerkraut are a New Year's tradition.

>> No.4997857

Beef is fucking awesome but man oh man, you can't beat pork when it comes to sausages... all that delicious fat mixed salt....

Thanks OP. I'm going to go have half a pig now. You were right, why live so long if you're not going to enjoy life!

>> No.4997860

>I'm going to try to argue with meat-eaters by appealing to the notion that they will die earlier than I will because of my diet.
>Hangon, lemme tell them that they should kill themselves.

lel, vegans are the worst people
Hey guess what? Some animals eat meat. Get over it, loser.

>> No.4997861

Is that a black angus?

I wish I had beef that good.

>> No.4997868
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>Some animals eat meat

.... And some don't

>> No.4997869
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I'm soooo hungry now......

>> No.4997870

Do you actually think that your smug attitude and hysterical, constant shitposting is going to change anyone's mind? Damn, i guess purposely depriving your body of nutrients in a futile attempt to feel like a special snowflake really is a bad idea after all. Tough break kid.

>> No.4997872

>Implying that all the soy in your diet isn't going to give you cancer some time in your 30's, and your malnourished body won't have a fighting chance.

Thanks for the laugh, as always.

>> No.4997878


Where did he mention eating soy?

>> No.4997876

So, what's your favorite beef dish anons? I'm a fan a good slow cooked brisket myself.

>> No.4997879


Why the fuck are you even on 4chan?

>> No.4997884
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>depriving your body of nutrients
>by eating vegetables

>> No.4997885

That's okay. But fuck, I could eat a honey coated ham for months...

>> No.4997886

You do, constantly. You even get it in your starbucks. (Cuz nothing sez "saving the planet" like a third world cash crop)

Stop samefagging pls, it's more than pathetic at this point.

>> No.4997891
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>only way he can even begin to argue back is by making false assumptions out of nothing

I think you need to eat some kale, buddy.

>> No.4997895

Damn, you poor thing! I had no idea the brain damage was this severe! How are those supplements of creatine, b12, d3, carsonine, and DHA treatin ya? NVM, if you took those, your brain would function properly and you wouldn't be a shitposting samefagging retard.

>> No.4997903
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>a bunch of things your body makes

Pro-tip: We're animals, we make the same shit every other animal does. Now enjoy all the saturated fat and carcinogenic compounds that you take with yours.

>> No.4997901

Has anyone ever had beef brain? I know it was popular at one time in the US, but every since mad cow scare you won't find anyone to even touch it.

>> No.4997899

How precious, you think this is an argument, and you think anyone is fooled. Seriously, stop samefagging. You are making those that follow alternative diets without being retarded about it look bad. Please get help for your eating disorder, I want you to be healthy

>> No.4997904

Ah, ham. Ever have bear ham? You might never go back to pork.

>> No.4997906


I'd be more afraid of the massive cholesterol content of brains rather than mad cow. It has more cholesterol than eggs.

>> No.4997907
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Your body is killing thousands of living organisms every second without your consent.

>> No.4997908

Nope. But I'm willing to eat every kind of species there is. Where do you even get bear ham?

>> No.4997912

No, actually every animal does not. Cat's have to consume foreign taurine for example. I understand that (with your impaired cognitive abilities) critical thinking is tough for you, but you're gonna have to try harder. As for carcinogens: How's that estrogen from the soy treatin ya?

>> No.4997916

Ya shoot it yourself, typically. Some specialty meat markets carry it, tho.

>> No.4997917


Too drunk; didn't read.

>> No.4997918


A cat is an obligate carnivore. That soy business still doesn't work, as I and probably the OP as well, don't eat it. If that's the only way you can begin to argue, I think we've established that you lost and you're sorry

>> No.4997921

And yet, you disgusting freaks still try to convert cats and dogs to vegan diets. I would love to educate you about the damage your eating disorder is doing to your body! What would you like to know, TheKindLife?

>> No.4997924

Vegetarians are hypocritical enough to ignore all the life thats killed around them to make their lives easier.
They wear clothing and use plenty of stuff all day long that comes from the exact same slaughter they preach against, but as long as they don't 'eat' an animal, somehow they still believe they've got the moral high ground.

>> No.4997927


I've never heard of someone putting a cat on a vegan diet, but dogs are omnivores, and one of the longest-lived dogs in recorded history ate no meat

Also not The Kind Life, I'm another guy who happens to follow a similar diet premise. I'm sure I know a lot more about health than you do, though

>> No.4997931

Soy needs a lot of space to be cultivated. All of their precious soy products destroy just as much land killing hundreds of animals... ahahah..."But I don't EAT it!"

>> No.4997929
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>> No.4997939

Humans aren't one of them.

>> No.4997940


>a list of things that may or may not include animal products depending on the brand, as well as a bunch of things that are easily avoidable altogether

Seriously, you've never seen a brush that wasn't made with cow hair for bristles?


Actually, the vast majority of soy grown is fed to the cows you eat.

>> No.4997941

I doubt it, seeing that you think that depriving your body of vital nutrients is the pinnacle of health. I can't reach you, obviously. The brain damage as a result of your eating disorder is much too severe at this point.


>> No.4997942

Fuck that. I don't mind making my own ham but fuck if my lazy ass is going to go out, stalk a bear, wait for the right moment, hope it doesn't turn me into its meal, kill it, carry it to my truck, clean it, prepare it, store it, prepare it some. Fuck that.

>> No.4997947

False. It was because we became hunters/meat eaters that we evolved a larger brain and formed civilization. Try harder, TKL. And seriously, stop samefagging.



>> No.4997949

those poor cats

>> No.4997950


>"depriving your body of vital nutrients" makes you live longer


>> No.4997951

oh wow, a bullshit article from a biased source? Thank you TKL, consider me converted!

>> No.4997953

But soy cultivation still causes the destruction of other wildlife, and you're taking part of it.

Isn't that what being vegan is all about? Avoiding the unnecessary deaths of innocent creatures?

Aren't you then still partaking in it's activity whilst you self-righteously consume your tofu-dog?

>> No.4997955


You're responding to the wrong guy, but also no amount of meat could possibly make the human brain grow, scientifically that makes no sense, as it uses glucose for energy. It was the development of amylase in our saliva and gut that let us better digest starch sources that allowed our brain to evolve.


Although meat of course did help humans at various times avoid starvation when proper food wasn't readily available

>> No.4997956

Seriously, just stop. Every time you post, you are damaging your cause. I'm sure there are vegans out there that aren't complete retards, but you are not one of them. Go volunteer at a community garden or teach a cooking class at a learning annex, this is very obviously not your forte.

>> No.4997957


>Avoiding the unnecessary deaths of innocent creatures?

Keyword being "unnecessary." There's nothing you can do on the planet, especially large-scale, that isn't going to hurt something. The difference is about 10 billion animal deaths a year for meat production, which is highly unnecessary

>> No.4997959


I don't see what you're opposed to in that link.

>> No.4997960

sweet non-peer reviewed article, bro. Do you even science?



>> No.4997961


Considering it's the only link with actual science in it, you have to accept it.

>> No.4997963

>no amount of meat could possibly make the human brain grow
No amount of vegetation helps yours grow either

>> No.4997962

The fact that it says clearly that the PCRM are nothing but vegan shills, perhaps? I know your brain doesn't work right, but c'mon dude, you have to focus. Seriously, let's get you some counseling. I mean it, I want you to be healthy, mentally and physically. Where are you at? Do you need some hotline numbers?

>> No.4997967

Right. The article with no citations is full of "actual science"? Are you a community college dropout, too? YOu've brought wet firecrackers to a nuclear war, just munch some kale chips (even I'll admit those are good) and cry yourself to sleep like you usually do, since you very obviously are not going to accept my gracious offer of mental health help.

>> No.4997968


What, where it says "promotes a vegan diet"? Why would a collaboration of doctors who find meat and dairy unhealthy and plant foods to be healthy NOT promote a vegan diet? What next, doctors who tell you not to smoke are anti-smoking shills?

>> No.4997971

So it's only okay when your actions help cause animal deaths but only because it's for your cause.

As if I eat hundreds of animals a year. Even so that, according to your logic, makes meat-eaters horrible people.

>> No.4997972

For the same reason a doctor tried to promote the idea that vaccines cause autism: They care nothing for the well-being of others, only about money and advancing an agenda.

>> No.4997976

I would argue that as a sportsman, I kill less animals annually than most vegans.

>> No.4997979

in addition:
>The American Medical Association (AMA) has criticized PCRM’s positions. In 1990, the AMA adopted a resolution condemning PCRM’s activism on the use of animals in research, objecting to PCRM "implying that physicians who support the use of animals in biomedical research are irresponsible, for misrepresenting the critical role animals play in research and teaching, and for obscuring the overwhelming support for such research which exists among practicing physicians in the United States."[27] PCRM notes that this resolution was rescinded in 2006.[28]

Neal Barnard objected in the Journal of the American Medical Association to the use of the term "censure" to describe the resolution, clarifying, “Censure is used by the American Medical Association (AMA) for specific purposes, and PCRM has never been the subject of any such proceeding.”[29] AMA vice president Jarod Loeb replied to Barnard by stating that "[t]he term 'officially censured' refers to a resolution adopted by the AMA House of Delegates in June 1990" and that the resolution "was passed without dissenting vote."[30]

In a 1991 news release, the AMA called PCRM a "pseudo-physicians group" and said that PCRM’s dietary advice promoting vegetarianism "could be dangerous to the health and well-being of Americans."[31] Dr. Roy Schwartz, then a senior vice president of the AMA, told ABC News, "I think they're neither physician nor responsible."[32] Schwartz later responded to PCRM criticism of consuming cow’s milk by asserting that the group was "made up of vegetarians with a vegetarian agenda."[33]

PCRM has responded by acknowledging that it had disagreements with the AMA in the early 1990s over animal testing and vegetarian diets, but that the AMA stated in 2004 that its criticisms of PCRM's stance on vegetarianism did reflect current AMA opinion.[34]

>> No.4997980

ptay a huge difference. 60/50 years. even 30, not so bad. but a big gulf to span. almost impossiplempssiple not quite. but even 15 is a streeach. you have almost nothing in common. four letter word for intercousrse. pro tip, does not begin with f. talk hardest damn thing to do. no shyte sherrlock. not asying it does not happen, but very sel;dom. be careful. both sides. very unusual. actuaslly not so much. kinda weired. ten years is not much. alot in younger years( go to jail) not so much im mid years, a three ring circus, but hard at the end. one will leave before the other at best, 5 years. may - dec romance is bs. couger town. there is not much difference between prey and pray. and gay or straight. a big difference.

>> No.4997981

It's a cooking board for fur sake.

>> No.4997982


>but only because it's for your cause.

If my cause is not starving to death because I need SOMETHING to eat, sure. It is morally justified to plant and harvest crops. It's morally justifed to hunt animals if you can't find adequate food and you're starving to death. What's not justified is going beyond what you need in order to specifically kill billions of animals for the sake of dietary preference and luxury

>> No.4997983


Neal barnard's low-fat vegan diet is also recognized as the most effective diet for treating (and reversing) diabetes.

>> No.4997987


Pretty much everything we do as a human society fucks up the planet and as such, the animals. Do you drive a car, warm your house in the winter, buy plastics etc.?

>> No.4997988
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oh you master ruseman you

>> No.4997990

[citation needed]

>> No.4997995



>> No.4997996

You know what else is luxurious? Lighting an plumbing. That shit kills and pollutes way more than the farming of animals. It does way more harm to natural habitats than raising animals to be eaten.

Do you ever sit on the shitter and think about that? Do you ever think, "I'm not going to support the electric company and their destructive behavior for the luxury of TV and internet. I can take a shit in the woods. I can read a book."

No. You like that shit. And you like not eating meat because it's easy and you can bitch about it all you want and still think that you're making a difference.

>> No.4997998


I don't understand the logic of "if you're not perfect in EVERY way, don't try to do ANYTHING nice"

>> No.4998074

I'm hungry now

>> No.4998115


Exactly. I do plenty of nice things, donate money and such and minding the environment. But I also like eating meat.

>> No.4998125


>minding the environment
>but I like eating the thing that harms the environment more than any other human practice on the planet

>> No.4998144

That's neat bro. Again, as a someone that grows/forages and preserves his own produce and hunts/fishes i would guarantee that my ecological impact is smaller than yours. Do you even plant trees? do you volunteer to fight forest fires? Do you help rehabilitate wild life? Ever pulled ivy? of course not. You sit in your apartment talking shit, because it's all you can do to attempt to justify your pitiful life. You don't do it because you care. You don't do it because you want to be healthy. You lot have never fooled anyone and you never will.