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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4992505 No.4992505[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You don't think I get it, you weak willed faggots? Is that the confusion between our differences in opinion? Is it because you think I don't understand how awesome flesh and blood tastes?

Let's it get it straight, moral retards. I completely understand. I have eaten meat for most of my life. I have only been murder free for a year now. Make no mistake, meat is delicious. But it is also unacceptable for any intelligent, morally driven person.

Most mature men know this to be true. They either make fun of the men who decided to finally stop participating in the slaughter of 10 billion land mammals a year, or they try to continue the cognitive dissonance with this logic:

>well if da lions do it, why can't the most intelligent and morally aware species to ever grace this earth do it?

hurr durr indeed

Check this picture. It is screaming with flavor. I'm literally salivating. But hat separates me from you morally challenged individuals is that I know that I'll have a reasonable answer for my kids when they ask why I ate mammals.

I don't eat mammals, or any animals for that matter. I eat raw fruits and vegetables. The way god intended.

>> No.4992507

you had me up until

>the way god intended.

your magic sky fairy has no place in a logical argument

>> No.4992508

> claims moral high ground because don't eat animals
>shitposts on 4chan instead of doing anything else better for the community

If vegetarians weren't such egoistic douchebags about their choice there might be proof of some correlation between a vegan lifestyle and being a better person.

>> No.4992510

*tips fedora*

>> No.4992511


still going through that edy atheist phase... Nice. I just got past it. I still don't believe in god, but I am smart enough to realize that you have to believe in the belief of god to get along with anyone.

stay edgy my friend

>> No.4992512

Back in college a girl in our circle of friends went full vegan, she never did tell any of us why. She gradually became hard to deal with, everything from preaching veganism to utterly random statements. Her roommate complained about the stench in the bathroom.
In a few months she had slimmed down so much her bones were becoming visible. Around 4 months she was found dead in her car at the college, vomited blood all over.
We promised each other to eat healthy in her memory and never go vegan.

>> No.4992514

let's go with "ill-intentioned" and "trolls/flames"

>> No.4992518


You're wasting your time bro. Either respond angrily or don't respond at all. I have been banned like thirty times within the past 2 weeks. There's no stopping it. This is a /ck/ regular now. Consider it a weekly special. A program of sorts.

>> No.4992544

>god intended
You ruined the whole good point you were making.

>> No.4992557

your doin it wrong, your suposed to maybe atleast have one of those wonderful taisty bit of meat whenever the fuck you want in the year at whatever amount you wish and not give a fuck.

Not giving a fuck also means not shoving this tripe in peoples faces, 'Oh boy im sane enough not to murder these animals'. One, YOU didnt murder shit you just ate it. Two, the people who prepaired it didnt murder shit, they just cooked it. Three, the people who raised them/sent them to the prossesing plant to slaughter them did.

If your going to have a more varied diet that involves more fruits, vedgetables, fish, fowl or whatever the fuck you want go right ahead and just do it instead of saying 'your more smarter than us dumb fuck murduring carnivores you used to be'. Your not, your as stupid as the rest of us 'and your stuck with us for the rest of your misurible life.'

>> No.4992580


>> No.4992615
File: 46 KB, 355x400, 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..and veg people really expect all those animals to be replaced with vegetables and other crops?
They're fucking delusional.
The only way you could get that sort of yield is by selling your soul to Monsanto and making everything genetically modified to survive being grown year-round.

>> No.4992627

I now feel really, really good about myself for once. It's not what you intended, you intended to make me feel bad about all those deaths my eating habits were causing, but guess what? The creatures eaten not human, so I feel no reason to care about them, and in fact the efficiency of my people around the world at killing lesser creatures impresses me. Humanity, FUCK YEAH!

>> No.4992630

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>> No.4992650

So we replace the animals with veggies. We have to make use of GM food and pesticides and other strange chemical shit to mass produce the veggies because we cut down our supply of food by a ton. Thereafter we get no meat and shitty tasting veggies. Sounds like a win-win situation.