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File: 452 KB, 1024x768, Ribeye-MCB-MaggieO[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4988787 No.4988787[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I can't cook for shit but my mom gave me this boneless ribeye steak when i went home for thanksgiving.

Usually when i cook steak i pan fry it. all i have in my apartment is salt, pepper, olive oil and butter. how can i cook this correctly, and for how long (medium rare)?

>> No.4988830

Season the steak.
Fill skillet with water, about 1/2cm in depth.
Put on low-med heat and cover-- about 8 minutes.

Have never made medium-rare steak/lacked so many ingredients, it's just what I think I'd do...

>> No.4988834

put bread around it and fry it with the bread and oil so it sticks. bacon on it too.

>> No.4988842

Go to Mcdonalds instead.

>> No.4988847

>boiling steak
OP please don't listen to this fuck.

>and for how long (medium rare)?
Until it's medium-rare. There is never a good answer to this question, as it depends on how much you preheat the pan, how thick the pan is, how thick the steak is, etc.

>> No.4988858

Microwave - full power, 1 minute. Perfect I promise

>> No.4988861

When did I say to boil the steak, moron. Only the lowest part of the steak is in the water and you don't ever flip it, faggot.

>> No.4988864
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Okay so I made this steak last night OP. It was fucking PERFECT. Like perfect medium rare, and the taste was phenomenal. I can't believe how crispy the exterior got, but maintained that beautiful red rarity on the inside. It was about 2" on it's thickest point. I meant to post this, but my camera died as soon as I was going to cut the inside open to show the doneness. Major bummer. So instead, I'm going to live vicariously through you in this thread.

I patted the steak dry. I didn't wash it off, some people will say you will get sick. I didn't. I patted it very dry with paper towels. Then, I had some bacon grease slightly warmed and rubbed my steak with it. Then, I added some salt, black pepper, garlic powder, and a small bit of onion powder. Some just like salt and pepper, whatever it's your steak. Lemon pepper is even good with some cuts. Then I let the steak sit on it's side for about 30 minutes. I had let the steak sit at room temp for about 3 hours, just to be sure the internal temp would be perfect. Some let it rest for shorter, but it needs time to come to the right temp.

I also had baked potatoes rubbed with bacon grease in my oven, covered with salt and garlic powder and had holes poked in them by a fork. Delicious potatoes from my neighbors garden.

>> No.4988869
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Cast iron is the way to go for cooking steaks, use this or steel.

>> No.4988873

>braising = boiling
do you even cook

>> No.4988880


>> No.4988885

But that's the best I can do.

>> No.4988887
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Some people say to let your steak sit on one side for 3 minutes, then flip and let it sit for another two. Nope. I flip mine about every 20-25 seconds so that way both sides are cooked to the same temperature.

>> No.4988889
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I like to spoon some of the oil on top to help with the cooking process. Master baster here. Want dat crust.

>> No.4988895
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This picture was probably unnecessary but I felt the need to show it just because of how important resting the meat is. It keeps your juices in and locks in all those flavors that taste delicious.

>> No.4988901
File: 289 KB, 1255x943, staek6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, at least the bacon-greased potatoes turned out great.

>> No.4988906

so you put olive oil and butter into the pan?

>> No.4988902

Steak looks good as fuck, you goddamn co/ck/hound!

>> No.4988899

Thank you for not regurgitating ancient cooking myths people spout to sound like they actually know a goddamn thing about cooking. Flipping your steak regularly makes it cook more evenly. It's fucking science.

>> No.4988910
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how many words is this picture worth?

>> No.4988915
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>> No.4988917

why the fuck would you drop so much butter in your pan when it hasn't even finished browning? holy shit

>> No.4988918
File: 377 KB, 1257x942, staek8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, this is the last picture I could take before my camera died. Yes, those are canned French-style green beans. Yes, I love them. No, I don't care that they're canned. They're probably the only canned vegetable that actually tastes decent to me. Potatoes had small amount of cheese, chives, and sour cream added, with s&p.

>> No.4988928

Very small pan. I regretted putting a tablespoon of peanut oil in there, but if I had just put the butter then it would have burned. I put slightly less than a tablespoon of butter to give it a bit of flavor. The peanut oil is neutral tasting in my opinion.

>> No.4988929


Better than the shitbirds around here, but ultimately is still Shoney's level cooking

>> No.4988933


Taste > Looks

I'm actually trying to enjoy myself, not charge $30 for a fingerling potato with a sneeze of some green cream on the side

>> No.4988934

Please, tell me what you would to improve it

>> No.4988937

you're not supposed to baste it until you're finishing it

>> No.4988938

The steak was .85 lbs, got it on sale for $5.45. It tasted good and the way I like it, so I can't really ask for more. The green beans were like $.60 a can and the potatoes were free. Cheap, filling meal.

Also, I just wanted to note that I didn't eat it all. My gf ate two small potatoes, some green beans, and a couple bites of the steak.

>> No.4988950
File: 310 KB, 1259x942, staek9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to post this picture because the others looked so good, but if you can make out the color of the steak on the inside it is proof that it was cooked Perfectly at medium rare. Delicious. No regrets, and I rested a happy man with a fully belly from a cheap meal that night. My camera on my phone is messed up and I'm getting a new phone here soon, yeah, I know it's really blurry.

>> No.4988949

That looks horrid. And I don't buy the camera conveniently dying before you could cut into it. Shit looks overcooked as fuck.

>> No.4988955

I didn't baste it until the last minute or so.

>> No.4988960

It's too bad the picture he just posted looks fucking wonderful, jackass. If anything, that steak is probably more on the rare side than medium rare.

Nice job anon. Looks delicious.

>> No.4988961

Maybe if you added MORE than water it would sound more appealing.


>No suggestions
>No constructive-criticism

>> No.4988964

samefag detected

>> No.4988975

Well I obviously can't prove it now, but at least I took a shitty picture with my phone. In fact, that was the whole reason I didn't make the thread last night is because I hated how the last picture looked. But, here I am tonight and saw OP's thread and how much it reminded me of my delicious steak last night, and I couldn't help but post what I had planned on doing anyway.

And just for everyone's information, I pre-heated the skillet to medium high heat, then added some peanut oil, turned to high, and dropped my steak in. After a couple minutes, I added a small amount of butter. Small skillet makes it seem like more than it is, but it was just 2 tbsp of oil altogether. Fried the steak at 5 minutes, turning every 20 seconds or so.

Sorry for intruding on your thread OP. Hope I helped in any way. Ask if you have any questions.

>> No.4988981

Have any tips on making some good fries?

>> No.4988983

Looks like you did a good job despite this fucking terrible advice. I hate this fucking board, makes me rage so bad.

The best and most labour intensive way to cook a steak is melt your butter and a little oil in a pan heat and swirl the pan until it foams, put steak in pan and now baste that motherfucker continuously with the foamy butter. it won't burn if you keep it moving, it will evenly brown and impart a nutty depth of flavour. you don't even need to flip it, the heat from the utter will cook the top of the steak

concerning knowing how it's cooked there are loads of variables but really the only way to get it right every time is practise. if you're only cooking for yourself and appearance isn't important don't be afraid to slice it open and have a look. but make sure you give it a really good prod with your finger and you'll learn what feels right.

>> No.4988986
File: 281 KB, 1190x681, staek11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same fag? lol no

I took multiple pictures of it. Shitty camera phone, bad luck that my camera died at the worst time. Yeah, trust me, it pissed me off too but I didn't want to wait on the battery to charge. Had to eat the steak.

>> No.4988987
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>still a fag

>> No.4988993

I have a potato fry cutter. That helps things. If you prefer to use a knife, cut how you want, and fry at 300F degrees for 4 or 5 minutes. Then take them out and dry and cool. Then, stick them back in for a few minutes at 365F and season them when they come out. I like crispiness in a lot of my foods, and I think this gives crispy fries. You can even triple fry it if you want to get that crazy.

"Terrible advice"

>> No.4989001

Is there any type of oil or shortening you recommend? I tried cooking fries once about 3 years ago when I was 16 and they came out soggy or had other problems...

>> No.4989006

you won't get them how you have them in a restaurant without a deep fryer. if you have one:

cut potatoes into desired shape/size, deep fry at 140 degrees C until soft (not too long or fall apart) allow to cool until you can hold them without burning yourself.

turn fryer up to 180-190 and refry them until crispy. this is roughly how most restaurants do it.

without a deep fryer i like to do them in the oven because it's safer. you end up with something more like a roast potato or wedge than a fry but it's pretty good

preheat a tray of oil (about 2" deep) as hot as oven will go (at least 180 deg C)
cut potatoes into shape (larger is better or they fall apart) i like to leave the skin on. place into cold water and bring to the boil. as soon as it boils drain them off and allow to steam dry until they stop steaming


final way: make baked/jacket potatoes (i dunno what america calls them) allow to cool thick slices with sharp knife, careful they are delicate. either shallow fry or cook in oven as per previous method.

these are the closest you can get to frys at home

>>4988983 (samefag here)

>> No.4989014
File: 520 KB, 1371x1029, IMG_0139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just use canola oil. As for the potato, Yukon Golds are always amazing and remain my favorite potato.

>> No.4989015

I meant the bit about boiling steak... who boils a steak.

I know you didn't ask me but any will do really. you want a refined oil with high smoke point like vegetable peanut or rapeseed. dont use extra virgin or olive, don't use butter. you can use beef or duck fat or a mix of those with oil for the second frying for extra flavour

>> No.4989019
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>> No.4989022

^.^ thanks bro means a lot, i'd've tried harder with the spelling if i'd known (it's 4am in UK and i'm sleepy)

>> No.4989024

Not him but I know some people prefer to pan-braise their steaks.
Boiling is when you completely submerge something in water.

>> No.4989031

It's all good. B)

>> No.4989034

surely you would use this method on a tougher cut, not OP's ribeye

>> No.4989044

Not the guy you're replying to, but personally, I think using it for a ribeye would be acceptable. Not for something REALLY delicate like tenderloin, but here I think it's alright.

>> No.4989179

why are yall having so much difficulty answering this?

all you need for a steak is salt (sea salt) and pepper (ground) anyways. not sure on exact measurements but salt/pepper both sides up, i personally throw more salt than pepper but i guess its just preference.

get a cast iron skillet, throw a little butter on there and melt the butter with medium/medium low heat (think 4ish-6, depends on oven but usually 4 is too low). Throw your steak on there, let it cook on one side for ROUGHLY 2 and a half minutes, flip, repeat, and serve.

>> No.4989217

I know you're long gone and probably won't see this, but the fries came out fantastic!

>> No.4989313

dude, you really can't go wrong with that method as long as you're patient and let the oil actually get to temp. unfortunately most of the greasy spoons around where i live don't fucking know how to make fries and send out overbrowned soggy wedges of shame.

>> No.4989325

No worries OP just follow this video step by step.
