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4987110 No.4987110[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Americlap here. Borderline anorexic but have terrible health due to over-consumption of soft drinks.

The question: How in the hickory smoked fuck do I stop drinking soda?

Beer tastes like garbage.
Juice tastes like garbage.
Both occasions that I tried tea I spit that shit out of my mouth within a second.
Coffee makes me gag.
Milk makes me throw up.
Water is awful. Not even flavorless, it actually tastes horrible, I have to force it down.

Are my taste buds broken? What the fuck

>> No.4987112


>> No.4987114

Yea they are. Enjoy diabetes.

>> No.4987115

something something you've conditioned your tastebuds to shit. keep drinking water until you can deal with it.

>> No.4987119

start with some Snapple, then get to the juice, then water.

>> No.4987121

Try mineral water.

>> No.4987122



It's called soft drink faggot

>> No.4987126

Get those water flavoring things, mio or whatever it's called.

>> No.4987128

>stop drinking soda?

Don't order it. Don't buy it at the gas station, you pathetic sack of shit.

It's too sweet, it doesn't taste good and it is gross.

There. No go on your journey and be proud that you don't drink this sick shit anymore.

>> No.4987132

How can any human dislike water? It's for survival.

>> No.4987145

Try carbonated water.

>> No.4987149

Was going to suggest these as well. I use seltzer as a sub for booze when I cant drink.

>> No.4987151


No one drank water a few generations ago. Europeans, including children and old people, drank beer or wine during the Middle Ages. Many tribes still do this. This was because water was often infected. This can't happen with brewed or alcoholic drinks.

So people who preferred drinking brewed/alcoholic drinks to plain water survived, making it a preferable trait from an evolutionary perspective.

>> No.4987159

>people were wasted all day
Sure they were

>> No.4987163

all of those drinks contain water, fucktard.

>> No.4987165


> In the context of contaminated water supply, ethyl alcohol may indeed have been mother’s milk to a nascent Western civilization. Beer and wine were free of pathogens. And the antiseptic power of alcohol, as well as the natural acidity of wine and beer, killed many pathogens when the alcoholic drinks were diluted with the sullied water supply. Dating from the taming and conscious application of the fermentation process, people of all ages in the West have therefore consumed beer and wine, not water, as their major daily thirst quenchers.


>> No.4987173

try lemonade?

>> No.4987176

>I'm not a retard, I'm just pretending

>I'm sure drinking directly from sewage-ridden water sources had no negative effects whatsoever

>> No.4987178

i learned about this, the alcohol content back then since their beer and wine making methods were so underdeveloped meant beer had at most 2% alcohol content. it was also thick and like bread mixed with water consistency. Its like going to the store and buying the fruit ciders with only .5% alcohol content, totally fine for kids to drink

since then weve improved brewing methods over time to meet societys requirements and you dont need to drink like 5 or 10 pitcher jugs of olden beer to get tipsy.

>> No.4987179

>The question: How the hickory smoked fuck do I stop doing heroin?

>Not doing heroin is garbage
>Not doing heroin makes me vomit
>Not doing heroin makes me want to do heroin

>Is my brain broken? What the fuck

I don't know you fucking moron, maybe try not drinking soda for a few weeks see what happens. But we both know you don't have the willpower to do that, because you're weak mentally.

>> No.4987201

maybe the most retarded comment I have seen.

>> No.4987205

Well he's sorta right

I don't think people back then knew of bacteria and microorganism and shit and had no clue that boiling water would kill them.

>> No.4987215

Try sparkling juice, which is basically soda but slightly healthier, then make your way down to snapple or something

>> No.4987223

you got a sugar addiction fatty

mix some sugar into your water

see if its any better

you god damn cow

coming to the point where you mix sugar into water


>> No.4987224

I stopped drinking soda at 16 because I was fat. Now I'm 22 and have a BMI of 17.something

>> No.4987235

Not really. Mexicans still do this.

>> No.4987245

Try not thinking ANYTHING for a while, getting dehydrated, and then drinking water. If you're thirsting to death and plain cold water doesn't taste like the essence of life to you, you may need a therapist

>> No.4987246




>> No.4987265

Sober me raises his lemon-lime seltezer water to you bro.

>> No.4987274

Fatty here.

I've recently stopped drinking soda and am drinking lots of pure fruit juice instead.

Am I still going to get diabetus?

>> No.4987278

beers were typically weaker in those days.

>> No.4987283

Yes. But at least it's not going to destroy all your vital organs.

>> No.4987284

Yup. Juice is full of sugar, you fat fucking retard. I bet you don't exercise and wonder why you can't lose weight, right?

>> No.4987287

Do you not get how diabetes works or something?

>> No.4987289


You don't get diabetes from just sugar, you get it from a diet both sugary and fatty. Things like cookies, cakes, ice cream etc are a combination of fat like butter + refined sugar and white flour and you'll get diabetes like that

>> No.4987290

The idea of an anorexic drinking nothing but diet soda sounds hilarious.

>> No.4987297

This. Just get used to drinking water.

But also, try eating fruits and vegetables. They won't make you fat, but they will hydrate you.

>> No.4987304

I've been something like OP all my life, but not as extreme. I also drank other drinks. So for about 2 years I'm drinking only tea and water and water still tastes terrible. I hate water, but I just force myself. It's really hard to drink enough if you have to drink piss all day. I also eat healthy and all, so I really don't know why I can't get used to water.

>> No.4987306

drink water and be thankful for it

>> No.4987309
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>>4987110you are that fucking faggot from /fa/ who already rustled my jimmies on /fit/ aren't you?

>> No.4987448

its all in your head that water tastes bad to you. Water is almost tasteless. Just like eating disorders are in your head. You have to convience yourself that water does in fact not taste bad.
I would suggest not buying any soda so that its not around you, just some clean bottled water. Then after you have no soda to drink and you are really thirsty, you will have no choice but to drink water and youll get used to it. Youre a human. Cold water is refreshing as fuck when youre really thirsty.
Not trying to be a dick, but if I couldnt even make myself drink plain water Id kill myself trying.

>> No.4987461

Stop fucking buying it, that's how you stop.

>> No.4987471

I haven't been to a belgian maternity ward in decades, but the last time I was in one they served beer to the mothers.

>> No.4987474

> misinformation

Nope diabetes is completely related to sugar intake.

>> No.4987475

stop the soda, stop the bullshit

>> No.4987478

There is often more sugar in juice than in soda, arguably making it worse for you. However the caffeine and carbonation in soda both have bad effects on your body as well.

>> No.4987491

OP if you said that all to me in person I would just beat the shit out of you. i'm not even a violent person. i just wouldn't be able to resist.

>> No.4987503

This. I used to drink nothing but over sweetened grocery store iced tea, soda, soda and more soda. Water tasted absolutely disgusting to me until one day I dropped soda cold turkey and eventually got used to water.

OP, try Seltzer flavored water. I suggest the one with the polar bear as the logo. Orange vanilla cream and pomegranate taste great. This is coming from someone who normally hates seltzer. I also found freezing water until it's 1/2 ice is amazing. It tastes like nothing, just a cold, refreshing drink.

>> No.4987505

Please be trolling. I can't stand the idea of someone from a 1st world country being this retarded.

>> No.4987510

> caffeine
> bad effects
[citation needed]

>> No.4987512


Get a purifier for your faucet. If you still can't handle it, stop being a baby and suck it up. Drink at least a gallon of water a day, every day, for a couple of weeks.

See if that doesn't clear your shit up. Cut out all that other shit. No beer, no garbage-ass, HFCS-laden juice, no coffee, no milk, and one soda a week.

You stop drinking soda by.. stopping. Don't buy it. Don't drink it. Cut it out entirely.

If you're too much of a bitch to do that, then wean yourself off. How much do you drink in a day? Slash that by half. Keep drinking the gallon of water a day, fuck you if you don't like the taste, don't be a fucking crybaby.

Next week? Slash it again. Next week? Again. And again until you're not drinking soda at all.

If you can't do that, then tough shit. Either you handle your shit or you don't. There's really no other way around it; it's never easy to completely retool your diet or to cut out a substance that you've developed a habit of drinking/eating. But it's going to boil down to willpower at the end of the day, so either you can or you can't.

>> No.4987517


>> No.4987526
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Get a water filter. Your local water might be awful. Once you have a filter there's no excuse so just keep forcing it down until you like it.

>> No.4987527

It's the truth, beer and wine used to be the go to drink back before the days of water purification in order to keep from getting sick due to waterborne microbes/viruses/etc.

>> No.4987547


Dude, they didn't even know about waterborne illnesses until like the 1850s.

>> No.4987551

They knew enough to know that they got sick from drinking water, and not from drinking beer and wine. Doesn't matter if they knew exactly what in the water caused it.

>> No.4987563

"The American Medical Association Council on Scientific Affairs states that moderate tea or coffee drinking likely has no negative effect on health."

>> No.4987565

You are incorrect

>> No.4987616


Rooibos Tea with Honey & Lemon.

Make 2 Liters, put it in the fridge, don't look back on Soda

Works for me at least.

>> No.4987653

Its called pop, dipshit

>> No.4987757

Just stop?

I'm American too. Kentuckian. If you're so pathetic that you can't even quit something as stupid as cokes then you might as well kill yourself.

>> No.4987852

It's called fizzy drink, nigger.

>> No.4987929

>They knew enough to know that they got sick from drinking water, and not from drinking beer and wine.

Exactly, just like in the days before they discovered penicillin doctors would use mold to get rid of infections. They didn't know why it worked, they just knew it did work.

The ignorance of some people in this thread is astounding. I thought it was common knowledge that people used to drink beer in lieu of water, but apparently not. Go read a book, people.

>> No.4987934

OP, don't feel bad, I know how hard it is to quit soda. I've only recently been able to cut myself down to one or two a week. Here are some tips:

--Give yourself one specific soda-drinking day. I usually drink soda only on Fridays. I just keep telling myself, "I can have one on Friday, I can have one on Friday..."
--Don't keep it in the house. I cannot stress this enough. If you buy a soda, but one bottle or can at a time.
--Drink soda made with cane sugar. I find that after drinking one of these, I'm satisfied, whereas if I have one with HFCS I end up wanting more.
--Drink water. I know you hate it, but it really is the best substitute. Try squeezing a lemon into it, maybe?

Hope that helps. Good luck!

>> No.4987953

Go read yourself. Look at London for example. They had citywide piped water as early as the 13th century. You find old wells all over the place.

People took vacations to visit various natural springs.

As noted earlier cholera being water born was discovered because people drank from the same water source.

>> No.4987960

>Water is awful
full fucking pleb

>> No.4987964

what's your race/ethnicity, occupation and annual income?

>> No.4987967

Water could be because of your plumbing. Is bottled OK?
Force yourself to drink everything else. You'll learn to like it in time.

>> No.4987980

Jesus Christ.

>Small beer (also, small ale) is a beer/ale that contains very little alcohol. Sometimes unfiltered and porridge-like, it was a favored drink in Medieval Europe and colonial North America as opposed to the often polluted water and the expensive beer used for festivities. Small beer was also produced in households for consumption by children and servants at those occasions.

Just because some places had clean water doesn't mean every place did. It's even the same today: look at the US versus Mexico. South of the border, it's safer to drink bottled beer than it is to drink tap water. Are you really this stupid? Wait, let me guess, you're only pretending to be retarded.

>> No.4987987


>> No.4987989

stop leeching the system

>> No.4988002

the system owes me

>> No.4988010

Oh god this is why I'm for human euthanasia.

>> No.4988007

[Citation needed]

Only 3 references, 1 a article about a beer originally released in 1989. One a beer recipe and one where small beer is used in a play to denote that something is insignificant.

>> No.4988052


No it actually isn't, diabetes happens when insulin can't push glucose into your cells and the sugar is trapped in your bloodstream, which over time messes up your ability to produce insulin. What blocks glucose from entering cells is intramyocellular lipids (fat in the muscle cells). High fat, high sugar, especially with a sedentary lifestyle where blood sugar isn't readily used as energy = diabetes.

This is why asians didn't have any problems with diabetes despite eating white rice for breakfast lunch and dinner, until they had access to more fatty foods and oils.

>> No.4988064

Okay, so you're not pretending. You really are retarded.

>The lack of fermented drinks on the eastern seaboard of America posed a major problem for those arriving from Europe, who were not accustomed to drinking water, which they considered unsafe. They followed the teaching of the sixteenth-century dietitian Andrew Boorde that "water is not wholesome solely by itself for an Englishman.... If any man do use to drink water with wine, let it be purely strained, and then [boil] it; and after it be cold, let him put it to his wine."

>Alcoholic beverages have long served as thirst quenchers. Water pollution is far from new; to the contrary, supplies have generally been either unhealthful or questionable at best. Ancient writers rarely wrote about water, except as a warning (Ghaliounqui, 1979, p. 3). Travelers crossing what is now Zaire in 1648 reported having to drink water that resembled horse's urine. In the late eighteenth century most Parisians drank water from a very muddy and often chemically polluted Seine (Braudel, 1967, pp. 159-161). Coffee and tea were not introduced into Europe until the mid-seventeenth century, and it was another hundred or more years before they were commonly consumed on a daily basis (Austin, 1985, pp. 251, 254,351, 359,366).

>> No.4988070

>which over time messes up your ability to produce insulin
Not your ability to produce insulin, but your cells' ability to use it effectively-- hence "insulin insensitivity."

>> No.4988116

A sensational book of anecdotes written by a tabloid columnist with not a single reference. Two thumbs up

>> No.4988598

>A sensational book of anecdotes written by a tabloid columnist with not a single reference.

...which of the authors I posted is a tabloid journalist? Is it the one with the PhD?

Also, where the fuck are YOUR references? Where is your proof that people didn't drink beer instead of water? I'll wait.

>> No.4990304

It's called coke, yankee.

>> No.4990320

>Sherman's March

daily reminder

>> No.4990323

It's actually a mixture of both.

>> No.4990408

Yes. Fruit juices are basically sugar water with some natural vitamin C kept in there. It's far more beneficial to just eat the fruits you want to eat and drink plain old water.
You'll lose weight doing it, too-not drinking just one 200-calorie soda per day will leave you 20 pounds lighter over the course of a year.

>> No.4990426

Just fucking drink water you stupid fuck. Stop being such a pleasure seeking, indulgent idiot and just drink the god damn water.

Jesus christ.

>> No.4990427

Because you're addicted to the other stuff in the tea or soda. Your body is trying to clean itself out with the water, but it takes a few days. In the meantime your constant soda/tea habit has saddled you with the equivalent of a 4-cups-of-coffee-per-day caffeine addiction that you're now not feeding and you start going through withdrawal.
The good news is that it's not heroin, and all it takes is 4-5 days to get the stuff out of your system. The bad news is that for those 4 days you will be unproductive as fuck and not able to focus on anything. But once that's past you should feel much better than before.

>> No.4990446

if you ate more food you wouldn't be relying on soda so much for calories

eat food and drink water

>> No.4990577
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Yes, they are.

Choke down water until unsweetened iced tea becomes a magical flavor explosion.

>> No.4990617

Yeah, cut the caffeine, get a water filter. I grew up on well water and it was delicious as fuck. Now that I live in an apartment, it tastes like trash.

Water filter all day. Also, drink cold water, warm water is worse.

>> No.4990622

Step 1: Stop being a man-child
Step 2: Drink water occasionally, black coffee

Given that you are skeleton, drink milk too.

>> No.4990800

>I herd mah back on da jowb, now I cain sit in da toll boof an make a liven

You are what is wrong with people today. I guess this is displayed in you inability to stop gorging yourself on Mountain Dew. Lazy piece of shit.

>> No.4991198

fuck off /pol/

>> No.4991263

I don't drink coffee and the water is fine here. I can't stand any warm drink except tea, so I always drink it ice cold.

I'm addicted to soda? I've never been and now I don't drink it at all anymore. I have had tea-less weeks too, so I'm not addicted to tea either. (is such a thing even possible?) I don't think you really read what I wrote. I do drink mostly water, but I still hate it.

>> No.4991276

Oh, this is just pathetic.

>> No.4991336

>boo hoo nothing tastes good enough for meeeee
Quit your bitching and drink a glass of water. The next time you're thirsty, drink some more water. Repeat until you like the taste of water.

>> No.4991452

Get a water filter, leave it in your fridge, and keep it full. Get a big glass, at least 20 oz. Keep water and ice in the cup at all times and keep that cup near you. Then when you get thirsty, you have it RIGHT THERE and you won't have any excuse to get up and get a soda.

>> No.4991510

>tfw /pol/ is always right

What are you going to shout when redpills outnumber the casuals such as yourself?

>> No.4992234

Realize that these drinks are disgustingly sweet and that you don't actually like this taste.

That's how it went for me.

When I was like 13.... holy shit dude, grow up. Sugar water is for children.