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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4985749 No.4985749[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>decide to give rare/medium rare steak a go.
>it all goes well
>take a bite
>can't cut or rip a piece off the meat with my teeth
>"Huh, I guess this is why they use such fancy big knives at restaurants."
>cut it
>eat it
>it's like eating rubber

Fuck you faggots, rare/medium rare is NOT the way to eat meat.

>> No.4985753

You ate a cut that wasn't intended for steak.

>> No.4985755

You fucked up.

>> No.4985756


what cut did you use?

>> No.4985757

Either this or you just can't cook.

>> No.4985758


Though I do love my chuck roast as steak, it's definitely not 'right' for the cooking method.

>> No.4985763


>> No.4985773

Give it another try when your grown up teeth come in.

>> No.4985779
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Every subculture of interests has to have something to get elitist about, and I respect food and cooking enthusiasts for actually taking it as far as to belittle others for not wanting to eat raw or only partially cooked meat.

>> No.4985784

Don't forget to put your dentures in, Mabel.

>> No.4985787

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.4985789


>can't cut rare/medium rare

Do you suffer from some sort of consumption or muscular atrophy? Are you a small child? A toddler?

>it's like eating rubber

You overcooked it. Meat isn't rubber when rare or medium rare. Chances are you just don't know how to cook a steak and overcooked it, or you did something absurd in your marinating/carving that left it dry as fuck.

Meat becomes progressively harder to cut and chew the more you cook it, not the reverse. So either you're lying or you just overcooked it and you don't know enough about cooking to realize it.

Try again, and this time Google a guide to cooking steak or check a YT video.

>> No.4985794
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>decide to give rare/medium rare steak a go.
>it all goes well

>> No.4985798

Where did you buy the meat from? You have to make sure it's been hung for long enough.

>> No.4985799
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>> No.4985800

Seconding. Also, it tastes like under done bloody shit. I prefer well done meats.

>> No.4985802
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>> No.4985804

The people saying "you have babby mouth you can't chew" actually don't chew their food all that much. They are like dogs. They cut off a hunk and gulp it down and proclaim that it is tender.

>> No.4985810

> be child
> dad always orders med-rare
> mom makes me order med or burnter
> finally old enough to make my own choice on cooking
> only order rare

I don't know if I decided rare tastes better, or if I just convinced myself because forbidden fruit.

>> No.4985816

try biting into a rare steak. now try a well done steak. you will notice the latter one is far easier to chew and digest. thats actually one of the reason man started to cook their food.


>> No.4985848

>you will notice the latter one is far easier to chew and diges

>> No.4985852


sounds like you ate a shitty steak and also have a vagina

>> No.4985861

Do you really "think" that? Are you the kind of person that thinks your opinion is fact? Why haven't you been punched in the throat yet?

>> No.4985872

The proper level of done-ness varies for each cut. It depends on the fat content of the meat as well.

6/10 actually mad

>> No.4985883

I had the same experience with medium rare sirloin, try rib eye next time

>> No.4985898

you guys dont have much experience eating rumpsteaks, roastbeef or anything other than sirloin, thats fine i guess

>> No.4985908

Why are you comparing roasts to steak?

>> No.4985938 [DELETED] 
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>still eating meat

>> No.4985950
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>decide to give rare/medium rare steak a go.
>it all goes well
>take a bite
>it's delicious
>take a bunch more bites
>they're also delicious
>steak is now gone
>steak sucks

>> No.4986016


>Every subculture of interests has to have something to get elitist about

Its not really elitist, any restaurant that is meritable will consider you wasting meat if you order it well done

>> No.4986041

Fun fact: if you order well done steak at a restaurant, it's common practice to give you the shittiest piece of meat because you won't be able to tell the difference anyway.

>> No.4986063

Literally billions of people.

>> No.4986094

That's the opposite of the truth.

>> No.4986130

the tooth fairy goes into your room late at night and switches out your teeth for some extra dull teeth if you ever call the male ones a fairy

>> No.4986148

>go to ruths chris on someone elses dime
>order the 10 oz filet mignon rare because there's no way else to cook a steak so worthy
>it comes out nice and seared on the outside on a sizzling hot plate
>let it sit for a few minutes while i enjoy my whiskey
>finally bite into it, blacked on the outside, bright red in the middle and still a little cool
>best steak in my life

>> No.4986159

>didn't like steak all that much, thought it was okay as a kid
>too hard to chew, not that much flavor, never had steak sauce
>find out as I get older that my dad has his "grey" and mom has hers "with a little pink in the middle."
>dad has always made his and the kids' well done, mom med-rare
>try mom's
>it's really good, and so easy to chew
>want to try rare
>"sorry Anon, you might get sick."
>eat med-rare until 19
>neighbor makes his rare
>invites me to dinner
>fucking heaven

My family clearly has never been elitist about steak, and I can tell you that rare and med-rare are objectively easier to cut and chew.

>> No.4986163

unless smoked roast or braised, then you can cook it till it falls apart. for grilling, broiling, or frying you are correct

>> No.4986177

This is my story as well. Steak was always medium-well to well. Brainwashed to think pink was an automatic trip to the hospital. Tried medium-rare once in college because I was a rebellious college kid. Attained Nirvana. Haven't looked back since.

>> No.4986180


when you order well done, you will get the steak that was forgotten in the walk-in for three months because only a well done temp will kill the pathogens that would otherwise develop

well done means overcooked. mid-rare is warmed throughout and not red, but light pink in the middle.

even outback steakhouse has started to give color charts to people they haven't seen before because plebes keep ordering for that one special night out with the missus and not understanding what they actually mean

if the restaurant is screwing that up you need to go to another restaurant. medium rare is normal, delicious, and the meat should be warmed throughout, but not raw or fully cooked - the temp should be just hot enough to have the intramuscular fat rendered

>> No.4986196

you know a steakhouse is good when they include the disclaimer on the menu "not responsible for overcooked steaks."

overcooked = well-done or medium cooked steaks

good steakhouses know that anything more cooked than medium rare will be shit. theres just no way to make it taste good so they claim no responsiblityfor the idiots who ordered it

>> No.4986201
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>> No.4986205


>> No.4986211

I thought that meant that if you want a steak medium rare, and it was medium that they wouldnt give you another steak

>> No.4986212
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>> No.4986220

same here!

>> No.4986233

no, it means there not responsible for your "medium-well" steak tasting like shit, because they know its gonna taste like that anyways. that disclaimer is something you WANT to see on a menu. any reasonable steakhouse will cook you a new steak if for whatever reason its nore done than you ordered it

>> No.4986245

>go out on first date to decent restaurant
>she orders the petite sirloin
>aww yaaa, a girl who eats steak
>"madame, how would you like that prepared?"
>"medium well please"
>absolutely disgusting
>i order a salad and excuse myself to the restroom
>leave out the service/employee door, hop in my convertible and speed off with only the moonlight by my side
>best of all, my fedora fits perfectly and doesnt blow off with the wind

phew, i dodged a bullet there. that petit sirloin she wanted to ruin was like $29!

>> No.4986269

how good of a steakhouse is outback?

>> No.4986280

Extremely generic. Slightly better than Applebees or Standard American Chain Restaurant

>> No.4986290

slightly off topic, but what do you guys think about dry rubs and how would you cook it?

>> No.4986299
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if you have nothing else near you it's good

they don't really age the beef but they do cook it to your preference, and a blooming onion is a future heart attack i'm willing to risk

on a cross country road trip i stopped once at a steak place somewhere in ohio - all i remember about the ambience is that they had peanuts at a heavy (old world wooden) table and you threw the shells on the floor. i think it started with a J but it's not a place you see on the internet

it was the best steak i have ever eaten, well aged but not mass produced - perfectly aged and perfectly cooked, fucking delicious

i will never eat that same steak again even if i visit every steakhouse in ohio (and screw ohio, they don't even irrigate their corn crops judging by the highway vistas)

i relish the memory rather than chase the dream

>> No.4986304
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dry rubs are for barbecue - stewed or braised, tough cuts of meat that require a low and slow cook to make awesome

nobody should dry rub a good steak

>> No.4986312

they dont irrigate their corn crops because they usually get enough rain as is. its not the dustbowl oklahoma your used to u fuckin flyover hick

>> No.4986349

Related question: when you're cooking steak for others, do you even give your guests a choice of doneness?

I do, but only because my brother-in-law prefers his steak bleeding-rare.

Everyone else gets medium-rare, regardless of what they ask for (unless, of course, they ask for rare). The only person who ever complained was my sister who thinks she likes well-done. I made her a hamburger instead.

>> No.4986355
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>The only person who ever complained was my sister who thinks she likes well-done. I made her a hamburger instead.

>> No.4986399
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I know you are probably right twelve years later, but that's not how it looks when you're driving through the state and the corn fields in Pennsylvania and Indiana have plumbing (that locomotes under it's own power) to cover the whole field, and Ohio has dry and stunted crops before the fourth of July.

FFS the border between PA and OH looks like crossing from middle earth into mordor with no esgaroth in between... the pavement changes, the landscape abruptly changes and the white-tailed deer themselves refuse to cross into ohio from pennsylvania - i watched them run away from the highway along the border, narrowly avoiding stepping one hoof into ohio.

it gets better as you get closer to Toledo but then there's Gary and South Bend right after that - the very definition of post-apocalyptic wastelands.

No - Ohio is a waste of real estate except for the one excellent steak house I can't properly remember.

>> No.4986411

As someone who recently escaped from a ten year long stay in Ohio I can confirm this. Ohio is a wasteland where hopes and dreams go to wither and die. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

>> No.4986420

blue is the only way

>> No.4986423

If I'm cooking steaks for people I let them choose the temp, why wouldn't you want your guest to get it done the way they want?

>> No.4986425

My autism is more important to me than my friends.

>> No.4986460
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You're simply a shitty host and an asshole then.

>> No.4986471

I agree with this so much.

>> No.4986486

>why wouldn't you want your guest to get it done the way they want?

If my guest says they'd like to take a bath with my toaster, I wouldn't allow them to. Sometimes people need to be protected from themselves.

In this case, I would be protecting my guest from the experience of eating a shitty carbonized steak.

I'd be doing my guest a favor.

>> No.4986497

>Doesn't see a difference between something that is factually harmful (dropping a toaster in the bathtub) and something that is a matter of opinion (how people like their steak done).

How dare they like something you don't like.

>> No.4986501


Preach it brother.

>> No.4986553

I spend good money buying them a good cut of meat. For them to insist I ruin it is no different than if I served it to them and they threw it out the window.

>it's my steak, I can do with it what I want.

There's such a thing as being a bad guest.

You arguing that a well-done steak isn't a complete waste of meat either means you're trolling or you don't know fuck-all about cuisine.

>> No.4986560

As long as they eat it and enjoy it, how is it a waste if they want it cooked differently from how you like it?

I could see your point of it being a waste of meat if they actually threw it out the window, but as long as they eat it, what's the fucking problem?

>> No.4986567

>decide to give rare a go, usually have medium rare
>45 seconds a side on a 600 degree cast iron skillet
>best steak I've ever had

>> No.4986571


Its like if you made a sauce and your guests covered it in ketchup.

>> No.4986573

>and enjoy it

Do you honestly know someone who both enjoys the hell out of steak and also orders steak well done?

You don't. Don't even try to sputter and bullshit some "Nuh-uh, I totally know a guy..." rubbish.

People who order steak well done do not enjoy steak. This is a fact and is not in dispute. The question is what to do with these fuckwits when you're serving steak.
As anon previously pointed out, serve them hamburger instead.

>> No.4986574

dry the steak with paper towel and rub a little salt on it right before cooking

then before tenting sprinkle of pepper on it

>> No.4986577

the dear on my inlaws farm are suicidal
on multiple occasions they have ran into the jeep when we were driving down the runway

they sure taste good though

>> No.4986586

Generally, a good steak only needs a little salt and pepper.

If pan frying (an underrated method on /ck/) dry it off, pat in some coarse salt and cracked pepper. Sear in the pan, finish it off under the broiler with a knob of butter.

>> No.4986760

This and also grow a pair OP.

>> No.4986762

>the dear

>> No.4986766

Actually, no, I chewed a steak just today.

>> No.4986778
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i think /ck/ only sells pansteaks short because of their (recent) aversion to using and keeping up with cast iron skillets. seriously though, dat heat transfer, dat smooth crusty browning that forms quickly enough to keep a blue rare if you need to

>> No.4986779

>fuck you for having an opinion
>wasting mah $2 a pound dead cow

>> No.4986855


You're eating the wrong cut.

>> No.4986896
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It got more and more rare the deeper I got.

How did I do /ck/?

>> No.4987035
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>OP cooks a steak
>Burnt to a crisp to the consistency of ash
>Throws it in a bowl of ketchup
>rare/medium rare is NOT the way to eat meat

>> No.4987068

Former: First one
Latter: Last one


>> No.4987069
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>steak wars
id rather eat a box of hot pockets stuffed into a food processor with doritos, ground into a dry paste, formed into several golf-ball sized wads and deep fried.

>> No.4987076
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Looks nice. The edges are always a little more cooked.
would chew

>> No.4987104
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>> No.4987242


At least he's honest about it.

>> No.4987345

what are your opinions on sauces to go with steak?
how would you make them?

also, what are your opinions on pans. i've heard a lot of cast iron skillets and stuff in this thread... what do you think about teal non-stick pans vs normal stainless steel pans?

>> No.4987408

Goddamn it am I the only one who's raging that the steak in that picture isn't rested before carving?

>> No.4987545
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OP is a giant trolling faggot, so I'll post the steak I just cooked

>> No.4987546
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>> No.4987548
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>> No.4987549
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>> No.4987554
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>> No.4987556
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>> No.4987557
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>> No.4987561
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And that is how you make a fucking steak.

If you need anything sharper then a butter knife for cutting your steak is shit.

This steak was so soft that you could pretty much pull it apart with your fingers.

>> No.4987573

Thank you

>> No.4987574

protip, cross hatch doesn't maker your steak delicious if you only brown a small fraction of it. use a fucking normal cast iron pan, you idiot. (cross hatches only work properly on GRILLS that get up to 1000F anyways - with the resulting pattern being all brown with BLACK grill marks).

>> No.4987577

looks good but yeah, what >>4987574 said minus the insults.

>> No.4987581

Nice grey steak there, faggot.

>> No.4987583

poors are so amusing with their "haughty" steak rules.

is it still 1638 in pooristan? I thought commoners had ready access to government subsidized factory farmed USDA prime dry aged beastflesh.

you do not require an estate to enjoy meats and you do not need to impress your fellow lords by conspicuously displaying experience with meat eating. it is a normal part of modern life and pretending otherwise is the food version of being a LARPy mead swiller.

>> No.4987640

A good steak doesn't need any sauce.

>> No.4987646

>eating at a restaurant
>order steak medium rare
>its RAW
>politely eat the outermost edges and take the leftovers home to reheat in a skillet with potatoes and garlic.
See it's not too late for salvation when it's too rare.

>> No.4987652
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Quick question, how's the doneness of this steak? 5 minutes in a grill on about 180 degrees.

>> No.4987655


ha, next time I go to a restaurant I'm asking for 'beastflesh'

>> No.4987661

Is that just a block of butter? What the fuck.

>> No.4987663

butter's good for you, if it's grassfed at least

>> No.4987675

Regardless, eating that much pure butter would be disgusting.

>> No.4987680

Who the fuck eats a block of butter for dinner. Also I have the same plates.

>> No.4987683

but what about muh steak

>> No.4987690


I dunno man, I think it looks pretty anaemic for 5 minutes worth of cooking

>> No.4987695

so you're saying it's overcooked? is this what medium-well looks like? I've been staring at colour charts for 10 minutes now but with incandescent light it's hard to see what color it is.

>> No.4987698


No, I'm saying it looks undercooked. Which are you going for? Medium well should be brown and sealed on the outside, yours is just pink and stringy

>> No.4987701

> Which are you going for?
something that my guests would like. I'll try again and make a daylight pic in a few days.

>> No.4987708


Might just be bad lighting or something like that, so long as your guests enjoyed it that's the important thing.

>> No.4987721
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Unlike most others, I think you did well. Good on you for taking the time to post this, which is more time consuming than just throwing insults online.

>If you need anything sharper then a butter knife for cutting your steak is shit.
True if you're eating tenderloin and if your cow was corn finished.

>> No.4987734

My family has never been elitist either and I can tell you well done tastes way better.

>> No.4987797


>> No.4987800

goes well with bearnaise

>> No.4987812

thoughts on best cut of beef?

>> No.4987816

best cut is like best wine.

only icky people think this way.

>> No.4987973

shit cut, shit preparation. would not feed to my dog.

>> No.4987978

samefag detected

>> No.4990377

>finally got a hanger steak a couple weeks ago
>make a marinade, throw it in for a few hours
>toss that shit on the grill for a few minutes
>medium rare
>best steak I've ever had

You fucked up somewhere, man.

>> No.4990499

it's definitely the cut of the steak.
i bought some pieces, one was really chewy and had lots of fat, the other had some fat, but it was still delicious

>> No.4990548
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>> No.4990559


Crushed black pepper. Sea salt or a variety of other salt (cobalt?) is the best you can do.

Don't ruin it with other sauces. But if you have to.. use the leftover juices on the pan to make a cream sauce. Peppery.

>> No.4990675

that's what I usually do and generally prefer.
I just thought i'd ask, seeing as some friends usually like sauce with their steak - usually i find the sauce mediocre.

how would you suggest making a cream sauce?

>> No.4990712

>go to a mexican restaurant
>order steak rare
>it's literally uncooked inside
a whole new world
a new fantastic point of view

>> No.4990725

I would eat mid-rare prime rib at every meal, if I could afford it.