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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 190 KB, 1600x900, thanksgiving BLOWout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4984328 No.4984328[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's a Thanksgiving BLOWout (emphasis on the BLOW).


What do you all think of this guy?

Can't tell if intricate well-developed troll, or serious straightforward member of the gentry.

He talks to himself as much as he does to the "audience", rarely makes eye contact with the webcam, uses bland and generic terms such as "flavorful", "tasty", "oily", "chewy", "good" and "bad".

I myself, still find myself supporting him. I actually just messaged him a word of support, but told him to broaden his horizons, and perhaps skim through the dictionary, thesaurus, or maybe just some classic books, to further his verbiage.

Let's discuss, "shall we?"

>> No.4984336
File: 191 KB, 1600x900, red baron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



"there's a good amount of pepperoni, not too generous, not too light, so let's...let's try this out, shall we?"

"Not bad. Not bad. Very flavorful"

"It's a bit oily, which might be a problem for others, I suppose, but not for me."

He must be autistic, but he's the endearing, friendly type. I'd love to hang out with him, drink an energy drink, eat a frozen pizza, play some N64 (with our pants off), and bro-fist.

He's a cool dude. Props. He disabled all comments, so I'm guessing he got a bunch of people calling him an autistic retard.

He basically reminds me of Sheldon from TBBT.

>> No.4984340

what do you call that sort of eye shape? I see it in some people, its like their eyes are slanted downwards to the middle of the face instead of downwards towards the ears. Everyone I've known with this distinct type of eyes has been very self centered, scheming, manipulative, and overall bad people to be around.

>> No.4984355

Maybe I'm just a little bit cynical but I can't help but think you're advertising yourself here.

>> No.4984357

Squinty pig eye is the medical term.

>> No.4984365

No, this guy doesn't like 4chan -- /fit/ has an ambiguous man-love for him which he interprets as mocking hatred.

>Can't tell if intricate well-developed troll, or serious straightforward member of the gentry.

That's why he's interesting. Autist or the next Andy Kaufman.

>> No.4984366

These threads are starting to become an everyday thing. Yes /fit/, we know you are obsessed with him. We don't care.

>> No.4984378

Never realized he got popular on /fit/

thought it started here.

>> No.4984384


Same. Can someone give me some details upon him and /fit/?

Why would /fit/ care so much about the real life Sheldon Cooper? Are they mad that he can eat shit and still stay skinny (albeit unhealthy mode?)

Or were they trying to rouse him to start eating oatz and revewin' squatz

>thought it started here.

Same. Never once saw it on /fit/, but I haven't perused as much as I once have.

>> No.4984390

Let me review this MAD DAWG. FAIR ENOUGH
The can is the same color as the drink. FAIR ENOUGH. There's a good amount of carbonation. Let me waft in the scent. It smells good, but I can't really discern anything from smells. FAIR ENOUGH

>> No.4984420

/fit/ isn't mad at him. They genuinely like him in that playful, biting puppy 4chan way.

/fit/ is made of the same fags you see all over the site -- they're just trying to address their weaknesses through physical work. A lot of the struggling guys empathize with the skinny outsider, the guys who have made it see a bit of scrappiness they could take under their wing.

Both camps see a determined young man struggling to become a true individual in a prepackaged and commoditized world, both camps see an autistic retard to make fun of. A lot of people see a little of themselves in him.

>> No.4984427
File: 163 KB, 1600x900, darn good burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he a Mormon?

"Darn good stuff"

"It's a darn good burger."

>> No.4984433

Awwww, he seems really sweet, none of that Chris Chan obnoxious autist mode about him. Do we know anything about him beyond the videos?

>> No.4984439

Isn't this advertising?

>> No.4984453

He does "idle mind" videos that may -- or may not -- be his thoughts on non-food items


>> No.4984465

lol what the fuck

all he eats is junk food and talks about how wonderful it is? and whats with the suits? what dignified food critic reviews dominos pan pizza?

>> No.4984474
File: 42 KB, 600x347, robokid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really? He reminds me of the kid from Robo Cop 3. I keep waiting for the camera to pan over to some guy getting his guy sliced open, then back to the kid, who is gleefully watching.

>> No.4984475

getting his gut*

>> No.4984489

>dignified food critic

The kid is like 15 or something. He's a loner and this is all he has.

>> No.4984493

>Awwww, he seems really sweet, none of that Chris Chan obnoxious autist mode about him.


He isn't seeking anything. He even disables comments for his videos.

I think he's just content doing his own thing, to be honest. Awesome guy, even if a bit weird, but we ALL are weird.


Yes, but those weren't linked in the topic. If you venture into his channel, you'll discover this. Topic was about food, reviews, and his specific viewpoints.


And all you have is 4chan. He has more friends/supporters than you do, bitch.

>> No.4984498

I'm stupid. It's Robo Cop 2

>> No.4984499

>And all you have is 4chan. He has more friends/supporters than you do, bitch.

I wasn't raggin on him. I was saying he's just a kid who does these videos, and not a 'dignified food critic', you stupid faggot.

>> No.4984510

Some of us don't like to swear and find people who do a lesser form of human because they have to act on impulse when speaking.

>> No.4984517

>Some of us don't like to swear and find people who do a lesser form of human because they have to act on impulse when speaking.

>tfw I swear often when I speak sometimes and don't even realize it

How do I stop being such a savage?

>> No.4984520

Don't work in a restaurant.

>> No.4984621
File: 653 KB, 141x198, 2te2y.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you stupid faggot.

Yet you're so defensive.

You call him 15 and a loner, without actually knowing his situation. You're completely oversensitive, and were completely "raggin" upon him.

He, nor I, nor anyone on /ck/ claimed he was a 'dignifed food critic', so it's cool that you're projecting just like the faggot fucking loser you are.

And yes, that last part was unbridled, but deservedly so, because, nobody called him a food critic, nor dignified.

You stupid faggot.

You dumb fucking illiterate bastard.

He still has more friends/supporters than you.

>> No.4984647
File: 39 KB, 450x338, Turkish-islam_isa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some of us don't like to swear

Cool story, bro, tell me everything you know.

>act on impulse when speaking.

Like how you act upon the impulse of being an ceaseless, incessant, valueless, cretin ignoramus imbecile?

God, you are so high above us.

>> No.4984687

I agree mate, swearing is for cunts.

>> No.4984730

It's so strange... he looks happy doing the reviews, like he thinks or knows he's helping people in some minor way.
But the clasped hands and fidgeting is like a nervous behaviour resulting from being told he isn't doing anything.
I hope he finds his way.

>> No.4984758


>> No.4984853
File: 24 KB, 490x368, 12_reynolds_fatsuitx-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What a completely worthwhile, valubale, and beneficial post. You are an exceedingly beneficial member of the community. I hope you never leave.

>> No.4984862


>Can't tell if intricate well-developed troll, or serious straightforward member of the gentry.

No need to make fun of him, he is obviously a lower-middle/working class kid.

>> No.4984869


Who's making fun? That was an earnest and honest inquiry.

Now let's get back to the topic of discussion.


Ass dicks.

>> No.4984887

He's a cool kid man, I don't know why some of you would bash him. He's just doing fast food/frozen food reviews, no reason to get butthurt about his videos. Personally, I like his videos, he's like that slightly weird but always comforting friend you had.

I like watching his videos,

>> No.4984894


>Who's making fun? That was an earnest and honest inquiry.

No it wasn't, unless you just happen to lack any socioeconomic awareness. It was a snide remark.

Actually your thread in general is centered around that mindset. He's just a kid an awkward kid with a camera doing reviews, there is nothing deeper here and you know it. This is the equivalent to doing an in depth lyrical analysis of "Friday" by Rebecca Black. It's nothing more than a mockery in the form of sincerity, just bare bones sarcasm. If you honestly believe the shit you've said in this thread then I can assure you that it is your own mental illness talking.

>> No.4984898

Why is /fit/ bringing their garbage here?

>> No.4984904

Ask the OP, not me.

>> No.4984960 [DELETED] 
File: 549 KB, 800x821, 1381935473860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi /fit/

>> No.4984969


>> No.4984986

That is ReviewBrah dudes.
He's probably the most alpha dude ever to live.

>> No.4984992


this is the most retarded scrolling macro I've ever seen.

>> No.4984994


>> No.4984997
File: 81 KB, 637x645, thanks kojima you fucking asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no need to overanalyze everything in such a critical way

>> No.4985021

He's got a bit of Woody Allen about him. His videos are oddly watchable, it's almost like he is a parody of himself and it's comical because it's so dead pan.