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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4979113 No.4979113[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Evening /ck/entlemen,

Tonight there will be no experiments, I'll show you one of my absolute favourite dishes. In fact it's the dish most of my friends and family request when I cook for them: Spaghetti Bolognese.

500g spaghetti
500g ground meat (half beef half pork)
100g bacon (or pancetta)
1 celery stalk
1 parsley root (or more celery)
2-4 carrots
2 onions
2-3 toes garlic
1 can diced tomatoes
200ml stock (chicken or vegetable)
200ml red wine (dry)
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 tbsp ground oregano
2 tbsp butter + 2 tbsp olive oil
salt & pepper
A nice junk of grana padano or parmesan

>> No.4979119
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Peel onions, carrots, parsley root and the garlic and wash the celery.

Note: I use a lot of vegetables because I really like the taste and the bite in the done sauce, you can reduce the veggies by a third if you're not that big of a fan.

>> No.4979127

Good, good OP.
When I cook this food, however, I don't use bacon, celery and oregano, I think you have enough flavour with the rest of ingredients already.

>> No.4979129
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Finely dice carrots, celery, parsley root, onions and the bacon too. Press or dice the garlic.

If you can find pancetta instead of bacon, it's more "italian". But I like the stronger, lightly smoked taste of bacon better.

>> No.4979137
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Yep, my bolognese is in no way subtle, but that's how I like it.

Heat up the butter and the oil on high heat and sauté the onions, garlic and the bacon for a few minutes.

>> No.4979142

Let the man do his thing, shithead

>> No.4979140

monitoring, this looks pretty good and easy enough for any anon to do.

>> No.4979144

Get lost idiot. I didn't stop him or anything.

>> No.4979145
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Add the vegetables to the mix and fry for another few minutes untill everything is hot and shiny.

>> No.4979149

What, no dash of milk OP?

I use this recipe by Gordon Ramsay, works really well.
That much stock would make the sauce much too watery, imho.

I know Jamie Oliveoil uses stock for the recipe on his site, doesn't look good at all, even on the picture ...

>> No.4979157
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Yeah, he was polite and constructive, no reason to flip some shit guys.

Add the ground meat and fry + stir until every piece of meat is browned.

>> No.4979158

damn forgot the link:


>> No.4979159

No milk, eh? Whatever.
What time should I come over?

Also, +1 for using homophobic pasta.

>> No.4979162
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The watery part is true, but you don't know the most important step yet: time. I'll come to that.

When the meat is brown, add tomatoes, stock, wine, oregano ant tomato paste. Don't be alarmed that it's not red and too watery, everything will be allright.

>> No.4979168

Don't do this, it makes mustard gas.

>> No.4979172
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I've honestly never heard of milk in bolognese, it seems strange and too creamy to me. Will try some time.

Bring everything to a boil and then put a lid on and let it immer on low to medium heat for at least 1 hour. This does the trick: Everything get's tomato red and the liquid disappears into the veggies.

>> No.4979179

Is that the lid from the Jamie Oliver pan or do you use some old one?

>> No.4979181
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When the bolognese is almost done, cook the pasta in salt water until al dente.

Also you should have finished half the bottle of wine by now.

>> No.4979184
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The whole pan is from Jamie Oliver. As I explained in former threads my dad gave it to me and I really love it.

While the spaghetti are boiling it's time to grate the grana padano.

>> No.4979186
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Drain the pasta and plate that shit! I'm two portions in now and it's delicious.

Thank you for watching, guys.

>> No.4979188

I don't see a single piece of meat in there that is browned OP ... and small wonder if you put in the whole "loaf" of meat along with the steam from the vegetables. Das Fleisch dünstet so ja nur und brät nicht.

I always cut the loaf into thin slices, brown them separately first, then set them aside in the lid of the pan (so no meat juices are lost) and only add them again after I have sweated off the vegetables.

>> No.4979191

You could do that of course, I just like the meat in the bolognese to blend with the veggies consistency-wise.

I forgot: Lightly salt and pepper before putting the lid on, then to taste before serving.

>> No.4979203

>cut the loaf into thin slices
i get english isnt your second language so dw i'm not correcting you on that
just what i usually do is make sure my hands (and nails) are spotless, let the mincemeat come to room temperature, and flake it out of the packet onto a plate or bowl by hand

the individual strings of meat brown nicely and make for a much better sauce texture

op i love the vegetables but your product looks way too wet for me, i'd never cook bolognese for a whole hour
it's beef, it doesn't need that

also keeping your ingredients seperate in the pan is nice for presentation here i suppose, but do you always do that? doesn't it lead to irregular cooking?

if you mixed everything in better it wouldn't need an hours cooking to give it flavour, maybe

this isn't an asshole post i'm just makin conversation, thanks for the OC and the tidy, hi res photos

>> No.4979207

Looks good! Keep the OC coming.

>> No.4979217

Nono, I just took the photos after I tup new ingrediences in, of course I mixed it afterwards. Also it's half beef, half pork. The long cooking time isn't for the meat mainly, it's for the veggies, the tomatoes and the wine to fall down into a soft texture.

Just try it sometime, it's really a difference to shorter, fried bolognese.

>> No.4979224

Why would I require you to correct me on that? I meant exactly what I wrote. I cut it in thin slices which I later brown from both sides.

I am not a native speaker but I teach English at the college level for a living. I am pretty sure I can make myself understood reasonably well.

>> No.4979225

Looks good, OP! If you don't mind some critique, I would brown the meat separately on a high heat for a better malliard reaction and stew it longer for a richer taste. I love lots of vegetables in my spaghetti, too! I also like to add mushrooms. While not appropriate for bolognaise, if I'm tired of normal bolognaise, I also enjoy adding olives to basically the same sauce.

I do this Anon's method for browning except I just flake the mince straight into the pan. The excess water also evaporates quickly using this method since 'blocks' of meat don't trap the steam.

I would say bolognaise requires a longer stewing time. It's beef but it's just ground beef. Tomatoes, wine and dried herbs give a better body with more time and the beef flavour melds with the sauce more and the sauce thickens over all.

>> No.4979238

That's why he's not correcting you. He's just saying he does it differently.

>> No.4979272
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Thanks for the constructive comments guys. Browning the meat beforehand is something you really could do.

I'm stuffed now, off to watching some series.

Here's the vertical for anyone who want's it. Getting faster at making those.

>> No.4979294

I just throw things in one at a time so they cook down individually rather than chucking everything and stewing it. But fair enough.

>> No.4979307

>Bring everything to a boil and then put a lid on

I dunno if you're still reading this OP, but if you leave the lid off and cook it longer the sauce becomes more condensed.

I like to use ground veal for my meat, san marzano tomatoes and pretty much the same spices. I also simmered for practically an entire afternoon and used almost an entire bottle of tempranillo-style wine.
It was very flavor packed, and I at least thought it was pretty good.

>> No.4979317

Yup, that's another style... you're reducing the wine. If my recipe is still too watery after 1 hour you can reduce it too for a while, but in my experience the veggies soak up enough liquid for the sauce to get a perfect thickness.

>> No.4979576

Roommate came home, ate it all. Damn, I wanted some for tomorrow. But I guess it's a compliment if he eats so much of it.

>> No.4979604


punch him

>> No.4979622

Nah, I'm glad he liked it. And with all the stuff I cooked the last two weeks now it's his turn again.

>> No.4980069
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final bump, off to sleep now.

>> No.4980086

hey lekker nudeln auf jeden fall. aber:
Barilla ist Homophob!
just sayan.

>> No.4980092

looks good OP. would eat

>> No.4980731


here. Had to go to work. For that amount of sauce, you'd only use 1/2 cup of milk, so it doesn't make it too heavy. I think the idea is that the milk tenderizes the meat (you reduce it until it's dry, before adding other liquids).
But hey, I worked for an Italian guy who didn't like to use it in his Bolognese, so... Different families have different recipes.
Anyway, looks good, keep it up!
Maybe I'll do one when I have some time. Thinking maybe I'll do one some time. Something simple like refried beans.

>> No.4980751

Real Italian Bolognese is just meat, herbs, sauce and pasta.

OP is a massive fag.

>> No.4980782
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Perfect timing OP. I've been looking for a recipe that is easy and tasty. Will cook this recipe this weekend.

>> No.4981363

Nice, you won't be disappointed!

>> No.4981441

Thanks dude, I just moved in with 2 roommates, they'll be on their knees with this.

>> No.4981453

... bacon? And red wine? Son, you done gone full yankee.

>> No.4981455

Red wine is a common ingredient, and the bacon would be pancetta but I like the stronger flavour of bacon.

>> No.4981470

I always like seeing a little drink in the corner of an image, it shows hat the cook is relaxed and confident enough to drink while cooking.

>> No.4981485

I don't quite know if you're being sarcastic, but when I'm cooking with a nice wine of course I'll have a glass or two while preparing.

>> No.4981497
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Thanks for vertical anon. I am going to be busy the next couple weeks with my new job, but as soon as I get the opportunity to (as well as not tired) then I'm going to try to recreate this. I've always wanted to try spaghetti bolognese.

Also, I like that you use similar ingredients for your dishes. Just so happens that I really like all of them!

>> No.4981506

Yeah, I looked at my verticals yesterday and realized I do use some ingrediences a lot. But it's always good and I can buy stuff in a bundle.

>> No.4981537
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>> No.4981539

I don't know how to make verticals, so I've never tried. But yeah, all those vegetables are good to me and I enjoy preparing them different ways.

I'm going to make potato soup with leeks some time after I run out of Thanksgiving leftovers. Also deep frying some frog legs later today with friends and coworkers. Thanks again for recipe, thread saved.

>> No.4981547

no firearm?

>> No.4981592

Ahhh, it's Krautbro from the Enchiladas and Spattzle thread. You should adopt a trip for these threads.

>> No.4981594

Thanks man

>> No.4981607

I sign my verticals with "seylow" but I don't want to trip, you're proof that /ck/ recognises me good enough...

>> No.4981626


>> No.4981630
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>> No.4981632

Maybe I'll use this one in my next thread.
Any dish requests? I've got a bit of time on my hands (as you've noticed)...

>> No.4981638

Can you post your other verticals?

>> No.4981640

I want to second this.

>> No.4981641
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sure, let's see...

>> No.4981643
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>> No.4981646
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>> No.4981650
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>> No.4981651
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>> No.4981654
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This was for the ckchallenge 2 years ago, breakfast challenge.

>> No.4981658
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And this is it. This here was my first one, the pics were from a friend.

>> No.4981660

what an awful bolognese

next time use white wine, brown the meat, use about a cup of milk and let it cook for at least 3 hours

>> No.4981661

How about you just do that and make a thread about it?

>> No.4981667

Looks great OP.
Are you the Bavariabro?

white wine?
you just went full retard.. I mean, I understand the milk part for creamieness but why should white wine be better?

>> No.4981671

Yup. Thanks mate!

>> No.4981688

bacon and pancetta are not fucking interchangeable you fucking pleb
regardless, neither has a place in a Bolognese

>> No.4981691


Also it's hilarious that you latched onto babby's first italian food wikipedia crap, and made no comment on the use of beef instead of veal.

>> No.4981724

less tannins, i think.

and most italian recipes, even ragú bolognese use white over red wine, most of the time.

that said, using red doesn´t do any real harm.

the other poster was right about browning the meat though. also about using milk. depending on the portion sizes i usually cook my ragús way longer than 3 hours though.

last ragú i made was oxtail and pork belly. about two kilos of meat.

i think OP´s sauce was too liquidy though. for me a perfect ragú is very thick and sticks to the pasta through a little pasta water and the fats that released during cooking.

>> No.4982040

beef vs veal is debatable, as spaghetti is PoorPeopleFood(tm) anyway
as for OP... I just came back to the thread and his whole cooking method seems to be "let's boil some shit and dunk it in a bowl"

>> No.4982220

Great thread man, some interesting tips here.

>> No.4982226

When making italian it's either onion or garlic, not both.

>> No.4982245

Aaah, the kitchen police is on it again.

>> No.4982253



>> No.4982423


>> No.4982606

ItaliAnon here.
It's sort of true. There are very few dishes where both are used simultaneously, but at the end of the day, what does it really matter? I mean, OP has already added parsley root and this is not used in bolognese at all, so who really cares if s/he uses onion and garlic together?

Also: bolognese napoletana uses both onion and garlic. I'm not sure if proper bolognese uses both, but bolognese napoletana does. Bolognese napoletana is a double sauce meaning that one first makes finta ragù* which itself is made with onion and garlic then uses it to build bolognese on a foundation of beef mince and a 1:2:3 mixture of carrot:celery:onion (by volume), so the sauce used to build the other one has garlic.

If anyone would like something of a guide for bolognese napoletana, I'd be happy to write one up for you.

>* Finta ragù is a smooth tomato sauce made without meat (beyond the use of a small piece of cured pork to give the impression of a fully meaty dish). Literally, 'finta ragù' means 'false sauce.' Neapolitan cookery appends the word 'finta' to things made without meat as a major ingredient to denote that they are false or improper (or for the poor). Hungarians do something similar with the word 'hamis' such as 'hamisgulyás' which literally means 'false goulash.' Here's a Neapolitan dialect/Neapolitan language/Italian language video of a Neapolitan man making 'finta genovese,' In it, he explains why false sauces are made and a brief explanation of the term: "Questo piatto chiamato finta genovese perchè? In realità, di sostanza d'interno di carne 'nun c'e ne sta'," combining Italian language and Neapolitan dialect saying "Why is this dish called "false genovese?" Really, it's because the major meaty essence "just ain't there.""

>> No.4982611

>When making italian it's either onion or garlic, not both.

>> No.4982613

Derp, and I forgot the video link:
