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4980499 No.4980499[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw been eating healthy for months lately
>just started making my own chicken salads for lunch
>baby spinach, cos lettuce, cherry tomatoes and cooked chicken from the local deli
>since eating this stuff my shits have been big and solid
>take a shit
>half the cunt doesn't go down

What can I do about this? On the other hand, I've lost 10kgs :)

>> No.4980504

>cut your poop off halfway
>poop the rest
Or you can take a whisk and beat the shit out of it until it looks like diarrhea.

>> No.4980506

I do get the occasional crazing for chipotle though, and smash two burritos, I'm fucking addicted to that shit.

>> No.4980507

I just squash in between my fingers. Is flushes easy and you're gonna wash your hands anyway right?

>> No.4980509

Disgusting, I did have to separate the poo once, it was fucked and I'd like to avoid having to do that again.

>> No.4980512

Have your own personal poo-whisk

>> No.4980515

Thanks for that mental imagery, serious replies please.

>> No.4980517

Do you guys think I need to call a plumber or something? I have to flush 3 times for them to fuck off.

>> No.4980518


>> No.4980519


Shit in shower, stomp it down the drain.

>> No.4980524

There's something to be said for the waffle stomp.

>> No.4980523

>A diuretic is any substance that promotes the production of urine. This includes forced diuresis. There are several categories of diuretics. All diuretics increase the excretion of water from bodies, although each class does so in a distinct way. Alternatively, an antidiuretic such as vasopressin is an agent or drug which reduces the excretion of water in urine.

How can that help me?

>> No.4980535

First of all, fuck no. Second, I can't. This is the shower drain.

>> No.4980540
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>> No.4980543
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The diuretic also works on the digestive system as well as the urinary. Whenever my clients haven't pooped in 2 days, I will give them coffee. This will loosen the stools.

>> No.4980551

I'm not constipated?

>> No.4980558

It would soften the stool allowing it to be flushed.


>> No.4980560

That's because caffeine stimulates the intestines, and it's not the same as a diuretic effect. Cranberry juice and water pills are diuretics but won't effect the intestines the same way.

>> No.4980563

I don't drink coffee though ._.

>> No.4980567

Mash it into a watery paste.

>> No.4980580

You could start. Or drink tea.

How much water do you drink per day? You might be dehydrated.

>> No.4980578

Does it speed paristalsis? Could you elaborate?

So? Go to Starbucks. Spend 2 dolla. Drink the coffee. Are you daft or trolling?

>> No.4980584

I drink a lot of water in fact, about 3 litres daily, I do love me some tea as well.

>> No.4980727

>Does it speed paristalsis? Could you elaborate?

Yes, caffeine is a stimulant that increases peristalsis. It also induces the secretion of gastric digestive acids.

>> No.4980734

just keep flushing till the toilet is half filled up and then use a plunger to finish the job. make sure you have one of those new-fangled plastic accordian type plungers and not the old style rubber cup ones.

>> No.4980741

malnourished watery shits master race.

>> No.4980746

>tfw really want to eat healthy but I can't stand salad
feels bad

>> No.4980747

Get rid of the chicken next, replace it with walnuts. Healthy as fuck

>> No.4980772

As the poo is coming out, cut it into sections with your sphincter muscles

>> No.4981147

You just gotta sack up and eat it, anon.

>> No.4983273

Congratulations, you have parasites.

>> No.4983275

unless you're allergic to nuts, you vegan fucking dolt. Go back to shitting up your own thread, kthxbai.

>> No.4983280

a) walnuts are not a complete protein
b) walnuts are a terrible source of protein
4) nuts hurt my gums
c) protein protein protein protein

>> No.4983281

maybe you are more of a poop spatula man?

>> No.4983282

Haven't you read that book?
Break it with the brush before you flush.

>> No.4983283

Also, OP needs to increase his water intake by a litre.

>> No.4983332

Keep a wire clothes hanger by the toilet. Use it to break up huge shits into smaller pieces so they flush easier.

>> No.4983364
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Don't listen to this faggot OP, use your hands to really pulp it into a paste, or stomp that shit with your toes.
Or insert something like a mincing grate into your asshole.