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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4969855 No.4969855[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Good morning /ck/. I have time on my hands and have noticed a few good cook-along threads in the recent days (which is a good thing!)

If anyone collected those into verticals, please repost them here and I will upload and tag them on the booru for future reference.

Same for any verticals that might not be on the booru due to them being recent.

tl;dr : repost OC and/or recent verticals that need to be added to the archive.

>> No.4969933

That's a noble mission, but nowadays everybody who creates new verticals adds them to the booru if he wants to.

>> No.4969946

I find that most people don't bother. And repetitive data entry is fun for me (because I am weird that way) so once in a while I make these collection threads as I browse the board for new stuff. I grabbed the Thai Beed curry one, for instance.

>> No.4969959

Lol, that's mine. I didn't want to add it because it's not that good... but allright, if you added it no problem.

>> No.4969995

I can delete it if it bugs you. It's better then some of the others that are there, nothing to be ashamed of.

>> No.4969997

I've always wanted to post some of my own vertical recipes. But I don't really think I'm good enough of a chef to post them.

Like, my meals are pretty simple and shit so I don't think they'd be worth contributing.

>> No.4970002

Simple is good. Tasty is good. Home/everyday cooking is good.

Not everything needs to be high level/professional chef grade. We get enough people who are new at cooking, just moving out of their parents' place and such... Simple recipe are a -great- thing to contribute.

>> No.4970004

Maybe I'll make some verticals then. Next time I cook simple stuff.

I had 2 verticals made up already, without text, but since I didn't think they'd be worth it I deleted them.

>> No.4970006

text helps, so you can explain what you are doing and identify the ingredients :-)

>> No.4970021
File: 347 KB, 968x1677, falafel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved this for when another anon made falafels. I think there is already a falafel on there but it is mixed with a bunch of other stuff.

>> No.4970022

sweet, I think I had seen requests for this recipe in an other thread.

>> No.4970046
File: 835 KB, 550x2832, beeftortillas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nono, If someone thinks it's worth adding I'd be stupid telling them not to. Here are my "Enchiladas", obviously not calling it that anymore. Add it if you find it appropriate.

>> No.4970051

that looks tasty :-)

>> No.4970082

You're BubbleBurst? Do I know you from the ckchallenge two years ago maybe?

>> No.4970090

Yup, I was one of the runner ups in the first challenge, but I was eliminated quite early this year. I tend to only post with a name during challenge threads, however.

Were you one of the contestants?

>> No.4970098

Only in the qualifying, I am/was seylow (as it says under my few verticals). But I didn't have the time to cook something everytime a new challenge was given... It was fun to see all the good stuff though.

>> No.4970101

yup. Too bad hearts no longer has the time to organize the mini-challenge that was being discussed for the holiday season.

>> No.4970378
File: 11 KB, 291x389, 1369752916440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to say that I like you OP. Have a nice day.

>> No.4970403

thank you :-)

>> No.4970411
File: 471 KB, 814x1950, 1326694420613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And repetitive data entry is fun for me (because I am weird that way)

Do you enjoy putting things in order to OP?

>> No.4970636

What's the link to the verticals?

>> No.4970641

putting things in order not really. I'm not OCD. I just like the tagging/updating of things such as the verticals.


>> No.4971707
File: 763 KB, 550x2352, cheesychickenspätzle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a few old pics of a thread I made a while ago and since I can't sleep, I made it into another vertical. Again, nothing exciting, but day-to-day bachelor cooking nonetheless.

>> No.4971720


This replace the tortilla for crepe, remove lettuce and tomata replace with heavily saled marinated in lemon shaved Lamb and dessicated mint and parsely and youve got a Turkish mouth waterer

>> No.4971768

Why do I always see this fucking vertical? It's so bad, there's 3 fucking "ingrediants" and why the fuck would you put sriracha on a quesadilla?

>> No.4971798

Why the fuck wouldn't you put sriracha in a quesadilla? If you're going to get mad about it, get mad about the lettuce.

>> No.4971836

Asian Chilli sauce in a pseudo mexican fast food.

>> No.4971853

>food racists of /ck/ at work again
Feels like home.

>> No.4971861

oh no, some chili that originaly came from mexico with some garlic doesn't taste right!


>> No.4971865


>> No.4971880

Sriracha is made from jalapenos

>> No.4972577

Bumb so i an get to this one tonight.

>> No.4973096
File: 1.05 MB, 550x2852, Käsespätzle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ver. 1.1 of my cheese spätzle. Added the "salting"-Step, forgot it in the first draft.

>> No.4974083


>> No.4974296

have been added. Thanks for the bump!