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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 54 KB, 350x233, Soul Food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4968540 No.4968540[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be staying at sister-in-laws
>she's black
>only cooks black food

They know that their shitty cuisine is based around what garbage the slaveowners gave to the slaves right? Fuck soul food, the stuff is garbage food.

Not to mention my brother has gained nearly 70 pounds in the two years he's been married.

>> No.4968552

It almost sounds like youre complaining. Am I mistaken?

>> No.4968557

I would be fine with that shit if it tasted good but it's unhealthy AND tastes like shit. Just look at that plate. How many calories is in that meal?

>> No.4968558

I agree, but why don't you tell her exactly that?

you don't have the courage because you are a coward. That's why you post it on a anonymous image board

>> No.4968563


>Not to mention my brother has gained nearly 70 pounds in the two years he's been married
>in the two years he's been married
>been married

That is the reason. A large percentage of people let themselves go after tying the knot

>> No.4968565

Because you don't say that shit to family, no matter who you are.

>> No.4968570

>the slaveowners fed their slaves KFC, fresh cornbread, and macaroni salad

OP seems to think slaves had a pretty fucking cushy life.

>> No.4968572

But by that much?

Although I do agree. All my brothers and sisters (I'm from a family of 9 kids, 8 of whom are married) gained at least 20 pounds after getting married.

>> No.4968574

first off, soul food is great. If my grandma were still around she'd make you the best food you've ever tasted, then cold cock your ass as you went in for a second helping.
Second of all, your brother gained weight because he's lazy . Everyone on my dad's side of the family are skinny or average weight and soul food is all they eat.

>> No.4968578

It's about the ingredients son. Collard greens, catfish, etc. It's all the cheap shit.

>> No.4968580


soul food is inspired by the ingredients that were available to slaves, it is not a direct transfer of slave feed as you seem to think. it has to do with old west African imports and cooking styles mixed with southern crops and meats

>> No.4968583

>collard greens
well they're not called collard people you dense retard

>> No.4968585

>tfw no black family members to make soul food for you
Being Russian fucking blows.

>> No.4968596

Are you that dense?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collard_greens

>> No.4968593

Op you are a faggot bitch. Soul food is among the best cuisines out there.

>> No.4968599

I love that show. You know that actor is Bill Murray's older brother?

>> No.4968601

>tfw Italian family
>tfw no one can cook worth shit

Such a missed opportunity. You know how people talk about how they loved grandma's cooking. I can't say that shit because both my grandmas were terrible cooks.

>> No.4968615
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>> No.4968617

It's from a TV show.
Two actually. Goode Family and The Office. Not sure who made the joke first.

>> No.4968618

>OP insinuates that his family isn't black, most likely white
>/pol/itbureau has yet to show itself

Is I in heaven or does this board truly have no /pol/itards?

>> No.4968635

i know that feel. my grandma's idea of a thanksgiving dinner is a storebought, pre-cooked turkey, boxed stuffing, canned cranberries, and storebought pies. Don't live with my parents so I'm not sure what they make.

To her credit though, she's had several strokes and can't feel half her body and is blind, so the fact that she actually goes to the store and attempts to have a thanksgiving dinner still makes me happy. I love that woman.

>> No.4968644

Well you lived with your parents at one point so you must have an idea on what they make.

>> No.4968646

redditors and their knee jerk /pol/ reactions never cease to amaze me

you guys are slaves for punishment

>> No.4968668

>tfw black
>tfw italian husband
>he cooks the lasagna
>i cook the greens and the macaroni
it is a good life
My mother in law is an obligate vegetarian (meat fucks up her digestive system) for thanksgiving I brought collard greens flavored with red pepper flakes and a smocked ham hock, she loved it so much she requires i bring it for every big family meal

>> No.4968676

why do you assume this?

>> No.4968678

>and macaroni

And America wonders why they're fat

>> No.4968681

>And America wonders why they're fat
No we don't. We just don't care enough to do anything about it.

>> No.4968682

Unless you're adopted or spent your time in foster homes, I assume you know how your parents cook.

>> No.4968683

You realize that cooking multiple things doesn't force you to eat them all at once, right? Here in the first world, we have refrigerators that let us store food.

>> No.4968685

or lived with a grandparent.

not that anon, btw, but I assume they live with their grandmother for a reason.

>> No.4968689

How about you fuck off back to Cali, kid. You couldn't last a day in the south, let alone in a black household.

>> No.4968711

Well, there's at least that old saying that if a man gains weight after his marriage then its a happy one. So good on your brother. Probably.

>> No.4968728

>implying I'm even American
>implying I'd ever want to live in the south
>implying black people where I live don't eat normal people food

>> No.4968748 [DELETED] 

Why would he want to live for any amount of time in a nigger household? I couldn't take that self rightous shit for longer than 1 minute let alone a fucking day.

Get the fuck over yourselves already. You're pathetic.

Do you often love on CNN types such as al sharpie sharp? Look up tawanna brawly while your at it you hippocrites.

>> No.4968759

I'm not sure if you meant to call anyone the god of medicine or not. Did you mean "hypocrite?"

>> No.4968762

>white people
>accusing anyone of being "self rightous"

yeah okay

>> No.4968775 [DELETED] 

You both got the point, it's saturday night and my spelling isn't up to par. I wont debate you on spelling, but all niggers got? Spelling?

Just remember look up tawanna brawley for your nigger righteousness and al sharpie sharp sharpton, he's your god isn't he?

>> No.4968786


normal = white

>> No.4968802


can you explain to me how to cook greens? I tried braising, sauteeing, whatever and everytime I fuck up

>> No.4968816

Hello /pol/ how are you doing today?

>> No.4968832

acquire a smocked ham hock or a smoked turkey neck preferably a ham hock
acquire collard greens
wash, trim, and cut your greens
acquire a pot
fill it with water
put greens, and hock in the water
season this mixture with salt and pepper, garlic powder and a bit of red pepper flake ( i don't add too much because my husband doesn't like too much spice)
add adobo, sauted chopped onions and/or garlic if you're feeling extra fancy
simmer for 2-3 hours
enjoy as a soup in a bowl the pot liquor (as the juice is called) is necessary to be consumed with the greens

>> No.4968865

Honestly, that just sounds like hot ham water

>> No.4968885
File: 148 KB, 500x278, Ham+water2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it does, but the greens add a lot of flavor.
its how my granny made it so its how i make it. I know its soupy but i like it like that, and the pot liquor is top for combating cold and illness

>> No.4968889
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A black female on 4chan

>> No.4968900

>pot liquor
you're not a southerner. where you from, huh?

>> No.4968903

Of course this is 4chan. So hating anything done by blacks is done by default. Your opinion isn't really much of a surprise.

Moving along.

>> No.4968904

Oh god, I thought that the magic mammy thing was just in fiction. Apparently real magic mammys can cure illness with their negro food.

>> No.4968905
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>letting your brother, your flesh and blood, marry an ape

>> No.4968906
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Define "normal people" food. Is it like the opposite of supernatural/immortal people food?

>> No.4968911

Local cuisine.

>> No.4968913

meat and veg, not entrails and trotters

>> No.4968916


so Mcdonald's and Applebee's then?

>> No.4968917

soul food, fuck yeah. i had detroit vegan soul again tonight. sooooooooo fucking good!

>> No.4968921

That shit is DELICIOUS and you all are dumb motherfuckers if you don't realize that


>> No.4968927

What part of ">implying I'm American" gives you that idea?

>> No.4968931

>soul food


>> No.4968937

How are you alive?

>> No.4968936
File: 182 KB, 550x366, 1382298774766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes by that much. I'm 29 and have watched a bunch of people get married. They always get FAT. Especially the woman. It's like as soon as they get that ring they decide to gain 200lbs in the first year... I am not joking btw. Occasionally the guys will get as fat, but it isn't as common.

I sit back and sort of chuckle to myself about it because I weigh less than I did at 18 because I exercise and eat right every single day.

>> No.4968945

>9 kids
>8 are married

Let me guess which one isn't...

>> No.4968952


>Why would you want to live for any amount of time in a nigger household?
>I couldn't take that self righteous shit for longer than one minute

Honestly, I'd rather dwell in a black household than to put up with your own evident self righteous bullshit in any white household.

>> No.4968956 [DELETED] 

Nobody's stopping you. Cheers!
Enjoy niggerdom!

>> No.4968957

>weigh less than I did at 18 because I exercise and eat right every single day.
I weight more but have a smaller waist because I exercise and eat right every single day. I've built a lot of muscle mass.

>> No.4968973 [DELETED] 

I think it's more like 'lil chardonnay with 9 kids from 9 baby daddies, none are married and she doesn't know the names of any of them, but all are on government assistance.

'lil chardonnay's just counting down the days til she can pump another one out to increase her government assistance money.

The brits have it worse than we do, their being overrun by gypsys and muslims and they were stupid enough to give their laws over to the EU.

>> No.4968976

lolz ur assumptions are showing

>> No.4968987

Soul food is fucking delicious. Who cares if it's terrible for you, it's not like you're staying forever.

>> No.4968991

muh dick

>> No.4968993 [DELETED] 

Why don't you define it, since you already know from your al sharpie sharp sharpton and jessie jackson classes. You tell us...

You patronizing nigger, you fail.

>> No.4969000 [DELETED] 

Soul food, what a stupid term, did the moron that thought of kwanza think up that one too back in the 70's?

>> No.4969005

Nope. My mother and father produced 9 kids together. White, upper-middle class.

>> No.4969009

Yeah they are because of how many soulfood dishes contain animal products.

>> No.4969015

Do you live in Utah?

>> No.4969017

Fuck, when did /ck/ go full /pol/?

Never go full /pol/.

>> No.4969018

Soul Food is a myth, the majority of black people eat fast food.

>> No.4969021

You don't have the courage.

>> No.4969025 [DELETED] 

Then you're an outlier family, very much not the usual for niggers.

>> No.4969027

I'm American and I care. Speak for yourself only, jackass.

>> No.4969041

Probably a result of the stress and depression of being married.

>> No.4969042

I'm not Mormon if that's what you're asking.

>> No.4969047


>> No.4969049

No. They just had a lot of kids.

>> No.4969054

Irish Catholic?

>> No.4969061

yeah. that's why they assume there cannot be vegan soul food. which in no way diminishes their foolishness.

>> No.4969064

More like soul foolishness

>> No.4969076


he means mcdonalds

>> No.4969077


More than likely, the people who are having a fit over it are gonna go out later this week and get a few Double Doubles from In-n-Out. Or several items from the Dollar Menu at McDonald's. Or order several items from Taco Bell. 4chan is full of hypocrites that love to point fingers at a specific race while they do the most asinine things themselves.

>> No.4969080


It's funny, because societal brainwashing only makes us more hesitant to say it aloud.

This isn't /pol/ speaking, this is real, unfiltered talk.

Go back to your great politically correct happiness space if you can't handle it

>> No.4969083

>one or two loudmouths or the one samefag in a thread being edgy as fuck
>"EVERY on teh internetz fe3l this way!! :0"

>> No.4969084

what a valuable contribution to the thread. thanks alot, where can i read your blog?

>> No.4969087


Way to miss the point, reddit. The majority respects free speech. Just deal with it.

>> No.4969122

No, they're just people who wanted a lot of kids.

>> No.4969123


Try the entire fucking human race.

>> No.4969130

Free speech doesn't excuse racism though.

>> No.4969132

it doesn't, and shouldn't, prohibit it either

>> No.4969141

>Your freedom of speech ends where my feelings begin!

>> No.4969149


>being an edgy try-hard douche makes me feel liberated and happy with my existence

Okay then.

>> No.4969278

wow so much fedora
the problem with your racism is, it's irrelevant. in /pol/ you can shout niggers anywhere and make a discussion out of it, but we discuss food here

>> No.4969282

You hate black people so much that you're lying to yourself about how delicious fried chicken is. This is pathetic.

>> No.4969285


Funnily enough, losers like you only spout off your "real talk" anonymously on the internet because you know you'll be rightfully marginalized in real life.

>> No.4969291

Uh, yeah it does. How fucking stupid are you?

>> No.4969298

Lol yeah right. As soon as the last nigger leaves the room, any crowd of white people is just as racist in real life as we are on 4chan.

We know how sensitive you are so we have the courtesy to drop it when you're around, but rest assured that 50 years of enforced political correctness hasn't made us hate you any less :)

>> No.4969303

pork jowls & collard greens are delicious but jigs usually cook them like shit
we've sold bowls of collard greens at teh restaurant for $12 & pork jowl specials for $34 or more & people love it cause we cook it properly

>> No.4969304

Most soul food is pretty fatty, a lot of it either fried like chicken, catfish, green tomatoes, or drenched in butter like grits, mac and cheese and biscuts. The only thing I can think of tha is remotely healthy is collard greens but that usually has bacon and ham in it.

Also, why must there be sugar in all sourthen food, like coleslaw is sweet, ribs are sweet. cornbread is sweet chicken waffles and syrup no wonder the south is obesity capital of the world.

>> No.4969307

He meant tasteless

>> No.4969308


My mom is from Louisiana and never ate sweet chicken, ribs, or cornbread growing up

I think the sweet element in soul food is something northerners have done to it

>> No.4969310
File: 346 KB, 1332x1000, 1383340235114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking embarrassed to be white right now. Now only are you a racist dickwad, but you used an emoticon, like a 14 year old girl, which is probably how old your mother-aunt was when she had you.

>> No.4969311
File: 311 KB, 677x986, tumblr_mqvfqbxxxx1szox6qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why do you get all pissy when everyone rightfully says most white people are racist. I used to assume white people weren't racist until they proved they were but the internet has shown me that I needed to be doing the reverse test.

>> No.4969312


>soft porn
>tumblr link

Please don't start this...

>> No.4969314
File: 97 KB, 640x480, 1383350832193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not all Ronnie-lovers.

>> No.4969329

>implying 4chan is a remotely good gauge of society

It's a bunch of weirdos living on the outskirts. If you take what you see on 4chan into real life, you're going to have a massivel skewed reality.

>> No.4969330


But louisiana has its own distinct style of food like gumbo and boudan sausage, jambalaya, all of that is cajin cuisine and pretty healthy really because its got peppers, onion, tomato, rice base

but yeah, a lot of northeastern food has sugar in it like macaroni salad and coleslaw is loaded with white sugar: its nasty in my opinion

>> No.4969331

Can you describe this "black food" a bit closer? I'm one of those yuropoor space aliens who don't really get the whole black/white divide due to having seen black people only on the TV.

What goes into the stuff in the picture, for example? How is it prepared, what does it smell and taste like, how's the texture, and so on? I'm kinda curious, since I can't properly identify anything but maybe the one drumstick there.

>> No.4969333

Everything is wet and heavy. So heavy.

>> No.4969339

God damn it, Ronnies makes some fucking Delicious burgers. I'm glad that they;re a part of the white nationalist scene, makes the beef tastier.

>> No.4969353
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>> No.4969356

nope. animal fats, thick roux, fried everything, refined rice

>> No.4969395

>soul food
>is actually garbage food

I'm just a stupid Yankee but even I know the value of true American comfort food. Stick to tofu, OP, and while you're at it ask your gay lover to pick up some more kale juice at the local co-op.

>> No.4969401

>implying I'm a veganfaggot

I'm more a meat and potatoes kind of man myself.

>> No.4969406
File: 47 KB, 510x465, 1385049835460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4969442

Am glad you told that faggot OP off

>> No.4969506

Tumblr. I know I'm funny but calm down.