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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4967102 No.4967102[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Mmmmmmm.... Remember how good this was /ck/

>> No.4967111

>no dedicated space for hot sauce

whats wrong with you

>> No.4967122

Sriracha guzzling "foodie" detected.

>> No.4967126

school lunch was honestly the saddest shit i've ever had to deal with

>> No.4967135

where is the ranch dressing??

>> No.4967156

The only day I bought school lunch was fuckin' mashed potato thursday. Dat gravy, dem turkey chunks. They even had some shitty stuffing on the week before thanksgiving. It wasn't good food by any stretch, but it was the best they had in the cafeteria and a decent buy for $1.50.

>> No.4967158

ah yes, the menu says 'pizza squares' -> pizza that perfectly fits in the rectangles in the tray

>> No.4967186

I never ate school lunch. What did the pizza taste like? That literally looks like fucking plastic.

>> No.4967193

It tasted like microwaved cardboard. Was great as a kid though.

>> No.4967213

The only thing my school did right was their chicken fingers. They were ridiculously good. My dad even tried to find the company that sold them, they were based in Georgia and refused to sell them unless you bought ridiculous amounts, more than we could ever afford or fit in our freezer.

>> No.4967214
File: 54 KB, 550x447, school lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is so incredibly sad
I feel bad for Amerifats
I had god-tier school lunch throughout my schools
Pic related, you also always were allowed to eat as much as you wanted

>> No.4967254

so tired of hearing this.

Any cheap processed food ever:

fuck man. it's just cliche at this point.

>bad for Amerifats
That isn't a standard in the US.
My school had all sorts of fast food items, pasta, breadsticks, pizza (high school), salad. this was back in 2005. with all the "healthy eating for kids in school" bullshit going on meals like this are probably pretty rare.

Middle school free lunch was shitty food like this, but those with any kind of money had french fries and burgers, etc. etc.

>> No.4967326
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Why were you in prison for 13 years OP?

>> No.4967330

'cause i grew up with shitty neglectful parents, that was my best meal of the day.

i loved it so much.

>> No.4967332

There was nothing more disgusting than that shit ass school pizza. Even as a little kid I knew it was disgusting

>> No.4967355
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I feel bad for Europoors
Shitty school lunches
Using "*-tier" to describe something

>> No.4967365

Your tears are delicious.

>> No.4967375
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>> No.4967379

I don't understand all of the people hating on the pizza. It was great. They used to have the classic "Rectangle Pizza" up until highschool where they replaced it with some shit brand named "Uno's Pizza" which had substantially less flavor than the classic.

It tasted like regular pizza with parmesan, just the sauce was much sweeter than usual. It honestly was really good tasting.

>> No.4967380

But...I'm not crying.

The stench of 4chan kiddie is strong in this thread.

>> No.4967385

Keep crying.

>> No.4967391

had a particular way to eat school pizza

I take off the cheese and ate the pizza without the cheese

I then proceeded to eat everything else and save the cheese for last

>> No.4967393
File: 29 KB, 466x288, School lunch2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just saying that looks absolutely disgusting
Like fuck are you seriously defending that as good food?
We got really god food and it just makes me feel bad for those didn't have such privilege.
No need to get all defensive.

>> No.4967396

I feel sorry for people who don't save the best for last.

>> No.4967403


I managed to make a very convincing replica of "high school cafeteria spaghetti sauce". I almost wanted to overcook some pasta and buy little shakers for chili and Kraft parmesan for it.

>> No.4967416

I'm still not crying.

Maybe you should switch it up and start calling me butthurt or something?

>> No.4967424

I'm not defending anything. I'm just calling you out as an obtuse cunt.

>> No.4967430
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Pic related was lunch food I took a pic of with a floppy disc (remember floppies?) Sony Mavica 13 years ago in school. Remember: floppy disc, hence the shit photo quality.
It's a pita with tabouleh, chickpeas and other stuff. Not all schools had horrid lunches.

>> No.4967439
File: 133 KB, 283x313, Doubt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have great food in school
>American school lunches look terrible
>point these things out
Okay then

>> No.4967638
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 1346849753423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elementary school = taco boats, pizza rectangles
>Middle school = cookies, salad bar, the above
>High school = Pizza from local place, wraps, sandwiches, salad
>Near the end of senior year of high school = Chef from restaurants would come in every Wednesday to cook, lobster started to be served, food was fucking amazing
>mfw I found out this was going to be the norm next year

I never wanted to go back to school so much.

>> No.4967724

I never ate school food. I just sat quietly and sipped water from a Gatorade bottle.

That fucking smell man...

>> No.4967742

If school pizza tasted like regular pizza then you have never had regular pizza.

>> No.4967751

>not American
>has seen FAR worse than "American" school lunches
>inept child cannot deal with the fact that someone *might* like something he doesn't
>your fragile internet ego has been smashed

Is that enough greentext for you? I still stand by my opinion that you're an argumentative, obtuse cunt. No amount of greentext faggotry on your part will change that.

>> No.4967755

Maybe because child buds are messed up or something but I always like that square pizza, had that shit elementary through high school. Also I always hated how kids would overreact to the taste of school lunches. Yeah its not a gourmet meal and may not be as good as what your parents could make you at home but jesus fuck its not like it was a shit-covered AIDS brick, it was definitely edible and I always found the loud complainers to be edgy faggots.

>> No.4967760

taste buds*

>> No.4967783

Yeah, school lunches were alright. Not terribly healthy or high-quality but good enough.

Usually the kids that hated them were the fat-asses that didn't like it because it wasn't fast-food or whatever disgusting fat-people food their parents made at home.

>> No.4967800

This fellow European anon gets it. My country also gets pretty awesome school lunches.

>> No.4967889

Anyone who claims that public school lunches weren't generally shit either went to school in a really rich area or packed their lunch most of the time. I bought my lunch most days for convenience's sake, I was lucky that my school had a wrap station and the lady that usually worked it was the shit. Everybody called her "Ma" and she made a mean sandwich. The only genuinely good lunch otherwise were God's gift to high schoolers known as the Crunchy Chicken Wrap. They started making them right around when McDonald's released their chicken snack wraps. (Definitely not a coincidence.) For chicken strips, cheese, lettuce, and any kind of sauce you wanted in a tortilla they were fucking delicious.

>> No.4967923

In all three elementary schools I went to, because in the district they were divided by grade level, the lunch schedule was silly. Every Wednesday was Mexican food (aka walking tacos) and every Friday was pizza or fish sandwich. Basically you had two choices: whatever they had decided that day and some sort of sandwich if you didn't like it. However, besides the square pizzas the best food they made was the spaghetti and meat sauce.

In the final elementary school (4th/5th grade) you could always buy ice cream sandwiches or sundae nut cones for 50c each on Fridays, and every other Wednesday the school store would be set up in the cafeteria.

Now in middle school, there was a snack bar and two lunch lines. One lunch line had pizza, hot sandwiches, and subs all the time, the other had another thing of hot sandwiches and whatever was the meal of the day. Usually this was some sort of pasta dish or tacos. The snack bar was basically junk food, plus ice cream, slushies, and nachos. We also had two vending machines, but weren't allowed to use them during school hours.

High school was similar to middle school. Three lunch lines with the same sub/sandwich/pizza/meal-of-the-day set up, but they also had a panini station, and my senior year actually had a salad bar. There was also a snack bar and some vending machines we could actually use.

The only downside is we always had to eat on disposable dishes. It's not that bad, but not a 5 star meal I will admit.

>> No.4967927

My parents never subjected me to this

It's probably why I'm not obese

>> No.4967962

Same. Leftovers from the night before, or PB&J+apple masterrace.

>> No.4968025

Yeah I did the same thing.

The crust under the cheese looked like a brain or something, it was all wrinkly.

>> No.4968035

I got free school lunches, because poor.

The gov't bought me countless square pizzas and little cartons of milk and scoopfuls of mushy peas.

I grew up to be healthy and strong as fuck and 6'2".

Kinda why I support school lunch programs and shit like that, it might be the only square meal a kid gets in a day. It's an investment, without it, society would have a subclass of sickly manlet peasants like they do in shitty countries.

>> No.4968045

>school is offering "chicken parmesan" for lunch
>4 chicken nuggets covered in pizza sauce with a slice of american cheese thrown over it

>> No.4968057

Even as a kid I hated cafeteria pizza.

>> No.4968103

I'm trying to remember my favorite school lunches from my cafeteria. OP is definitely not included.

Cha-Cha Chicken and Rice
Chicken Tetrazzini
Oven Baked and Fried Chicken
Italian Sub Sandwich
Nachos with Chili and Cheese (most popular by far at my school, mad rush to get in line, totally crazy)
Open-faced turkey sandwich with mashed potatos and gravy.

I'm sure there was more, but I can't remember. It was a total steal too, $2.00 for an entree, side, milk or fruit juice, and fruit. $3.50 for non-students.

>> No.4968163
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>inept child cannot deal with the fact that someone *might* like something he doesn't
The point was that, the food looks like trash and not that nutritious either, many anons also marked how it tasted like cardboard. US is also notorious for the shitty school lunches. I just think it's unfair that kids are fed this kinda stuff when I got great food. I don't know how my ego is related to this and why you took it all so personally but whatever makes you feel better.
I took great food in school for granted back then but after I found what some kids are fed in theirs schools I just couldn't help but feel bad for those kids and to feel pretty damn privileged.
That being said, my school did have few lunches I didn't particularly enjoy, but even those were pretty damn good food and I was just picky-shit back then.

>> No.4968175

Yeah, all institutional food is like this with a rotating menu of the same shit all the time. I had school lunches, food in the Army and food in a mental institution and jail and it's all the same.

How it works, is that the manufacturer works on a contract and produces something like a kit, that feeds 50-100 customers. So one kitchen might get multiples of the same kit. Depending on the staff, they might throw out most of it, the kit having the same shit all the time, so while all the meats and shit will get served or spilt into the slop, they have a billion, trillion little salt packets they will either hoard or throw away.

The Army throws away everything (but keeps the can, to recycle it) so if they have extra steaks one day, we would cut open all the frozen steaks, discard the steaks into a pot to go to the slop dumpster, BUT KEEP THE PLASTIC.

Same with other excess, we'd get mushrooms in a kit, to go with steaks, but we'd never be allowed to use them, so we'd open all the big gallon cans of mushrooms, dump them out to keep the can.

Because of recycling rules, lol! Before they just sent it back to the manufacturer, now they are required to recycle everything they get so they waste extraordinary amounts of food... your tax-payer money hard at work.

>> No.4968190

Also for schools they will randomly get food supplements from the fda which they are required to use. Which is why once in a blue moon you will get served something not in the normal rotation. We once recieved 100lbs of dried crab meat.

>> No.4968200
File: 7 KB, 225x222, BLLLAARRRGGGHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it was also noted that the food you pointed out wasn't the norm. And then you had to start with the typical, tired 4chan kiddie bullshit. But...whatever...

>whatever makes you feel better
It really doesn't affect me in any way. You probably think I'm crying or butthurt or whatever your barely post-pubescent mind can regurgitate first.

>> No.4968204
File: 27 KB, 550x412, colasessano-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In high school we had the option of the hot meal, pizza, or salad bar every day. You would get a ticket and redeem it at the area for the meal you wanted.

The daily pizza was microwave tier pizza cooked in an oven, with the tiny squares of pepperoni that look like bacon bits, string cheese quality mozzarella, and a very sugary, unseasoned sauce.

But we would have pizza days with a much higher quality pizza, similar to Colasessano's. And those days were one of the most looked-forward to school lunch days around. Especially because my school was very small and always had leftovers of all the food, so if you had enough time you could keep going back up to the counter and get another piece if you wanted.

The other school lunch day people looked forward to the most was pepperoni roll day. I'm sure most of you have no clue what I'm talking about because it's a WV thing, but it's just pepperoni baked in a thick bread dough. The grease gets trapped in the bread and makes the bottom crispy and buttery. They would give you a stick of cheese to go with it, and if you weren't tearing the end of your pepperoni roll and stuffing the cheese stick in till it melts then you weren't eating it right.

>> No.4968215

I went to a public high school in a lower to middle class area during the late 90's. Whatever food service they used was actually pretty decent. I usually brought food from home except a day or two a week when I'd get the school salad bar.

>> No.4968221

man i remember back in high school every tue they would serve us these spicy chicken wraps with blu cheese thos where the best shit back then

>> No.4968227
File: 12 KB, 150x200, 187764_173374392709017_1915463_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>School breakfast

>A plate of scrambled fake eggs, a single serve bowl of Berry Berry Kix, a chocolate milk, and either a Super Donut or two pack of sausage biscuits.

I ate that shit every day and absolutely loved it.

>> No.4968229


Yeah, in the Army we got to order 300lbs of Maine Lobster for a general that was scheduled to show up. I didn't know this at the time, because it was supposed to be a fake surprise, but the command figured it out 2 days in advance.

The General's entourage shoved me out of the way into a ditch while I was carrying dirty mops to our mudroom while he made his way to his helicopter. Fucking Army.

>> No.4968256
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>And it was also noted that the food you pointed out wasn't the norm
To me it was.
>And then you had to start with the typical, tired 4chan kiddie bullshit. But...whatever...
I don't even

>> No.4968271

>To me it was.
That's your problem, asshole.

>> No.4968294
File: 350 KB, 319x405, you make me sick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm asshole because I had good school lunch
Not quite following your logic here.

>> No.4968315

I always got the 6" tuna subs my school had. No one else did, though.

>> No.4968323
File: 35 KB, 517x373, facepalm_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you're an asshole because you had good school lunches.

>> No.4968519

Am I supposed to know what that is?

>> No.4968525

Hey man I went to school in America and my school lunches looked exactly like yours. Mind you it was an $8000 a year private school.

>> No.4968600

I took my own lunches, which were way better than anything the school had.

>> No.4968603

You are probably a nigger. Not a black/dark skin person but a goddamn ghetto nigger. Go back to dealing with your homies.

>> No.4968613

not even the same anon
but it does
and that tends to be the truth
that pizza was a lot for bread then pizza the only good factor was sometimes it was really crispy and delicious

>> No.4968630

Chocolate milk Calzone and i forgot what else
middle school , nachos...
My middle school was pretty obnoxious.
untucked shirt = picking up trash till you filled up a whole trash bag up and the kids would obviously be a douche if you would come up when they are done with a meal about to throw things out and would throw it in the trashcan right next to you
highschool whatever was in the house or waited till i got home. would get a breakfast burrito from the mexican cart

>> No.4968645

Fucking government mentality.

Open up your parcel of rations, Throw away the meat, keep the plastic. Fucking Back-asswards.

>> No.4970629

That was my favorite too. They came with a roll and I would dip that in the gravy. Great meal, seriously. I know it's shit quality dehydrated instant mashed potatoes, but growing up on it I really got to love it and miss it now. I never found anything quite the same since.

>> No.4970929

My school always had Pizza Hut on pizza day