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4964040 No.4964040[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is eating fish from stocked urban lakes a terrible idea?

What about canals?

What if I take them home alive and put them in a pond I construct and let them detox?

>> No.4964116
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Heavy metals and PCBs stay in tissues and are not excreted. Read a book.

>> No.4964156

No, they are stocked to be caught to eat. They are farmed, fed purina fish chow, and turned loose for you to catch and eat. They don't spend enough time in a park lake to accumulate toxins.

>> No.4964158

that's exactly what the game and fish website says, says 80% are caught within the first month.

so if I clean them well, they should be good?

>> No.4964172

Depends on the state, depends on the city, depends on the fishing hole.

I mean, c'mon man!

>> No.4964188

>be a asian greaseball
>move to white country
>over fish and destroy the ecosystem

thanks obama

>> No.4964189

>asian greaseball

>> No.4964204

That's it exactly, totally depends, just go by the local government advisory or talk with other anglers at the lake. Pay more attention with kids & pregnant fish eaters. Remember you can have other toxins from lawncare runoff or industrial pollution in a city, but in general annually-stocked urban freshwater lakes will have pretty safe stocked fish.

>> No.4964222
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>fed purina fish chow
tip top good one m8

>> No.4964227


i would strongly recommend you abstain from eating anything you take out of a canal. where i live one will DEFINITELY contract HIV from merely walking alongside the cal sag. don't get me wrong, i enjoy me some fresh water fish, but i wouldn't eat canal fish unless i was starving.

i don't know about stocked lakes. consult environmental/wildlife/recreational/whatever authority.

>> No.4964228

city is Mesa/Phoenix AZ area. fish and game website says they are stocked basically all throughout the year.

>> No.4964270

eating fish of any kind is a terrible idea because fish taste terrible. Can't you cunts just trust your palates?

>> No.4964298 [DELETED] 

flyover land detected

>> No.4964303


Even if you don't live by the great lakes or the gulf, decent frozen seafood is found almost anywhere.

>> No.4964316 [DELETED] 



>> No.4964385

>implying it's not all imitation crab meat

>> No.4964405

>decent frozen seafood

...yeah no , frozen seafood is terrible.

>> No.4964407

Not the anon you 3 replied to, but wtf?

You guys seem so angry and unhappy.

>> No.4964414

not angry in the least , just think that everyone should try fishing/crabbing/clamming. The difference from frozen is very noticeable

>> No.4964417


yeah no, you clearly aren't aware of the process of removing a fish from the water and transporting it to wherever it's either put on a plate or it's sold over a counter. do you seriously think a bunch of fishermen just go out all day long and catch a shit ton of fish and never put them on ice? and no, i don't mean you and uncle jeff back by the pond or in the lake back when he was grooming you for buttsecks, i mean actual commercial fishermen. i bet you don't even like seafood. i bet that you're the kind of person who insisted on shit like linguine fried in butter when you were little because your palette never developed past mashed sweet potatoes and tainted infant formula (because mommy couldnt be bothered to hold off the drinking/smoking a moment longer).


>> No.4964420

I live an hour from the ocean and catch my own fish/crab/clams so commercial fishing practices don`t apply to my statement.

>> No.4964430


in that case i seriously envy you. i used to regularly visit family on the gulf coast and eat shit that was yanked from the water and tossed right onto the grill. i apologize for the mean spirited things i said.

>> No.4964488

no, but you can't compare frozen fish to fresh caught fish, even from a commercial fishery or creek/pond.

>> No.4964499

Of course you can. Flash frozen fish out in the boats are almost but not nearly as good as fresh fish straight to the shore restaurant.

Then again, some frozen fish is just complete ass fucking shit. I can understand going from shore, to substation, to main distributor, tor distributor, to restaurant, but if it's done in a short enough time like four days from flash frozen, why are some restaurants so much lesser quality than others?

>> No.4966353

Protip: look at Asian markets for buying fish, they frequently have good quality stuff (not to mention live fish in tanks.) A few of them have really shitty fish, but you should be able to tell pretty quickly.

>> No.4966376

Just check with your local wildlife management office or whatever local organization controls that stuff. They normally know answers to questions like this. Some even send out advisories with fishing law pamphlets.

>tfw times have changed so much where i live that now i can't eat more than one catfish, bass, or stripped bass that is 24" or less in size in a single month and none over 24". Due to heavy metals, mercury, and PCBs.

>> No.4966420

Bro those Africans at Kiwanis park pull huge catfish out of there and take them home to eat

The trout at Tempe town lake are safe and anything in Chandler and Gilbert is good for tacos

Eat up niggaracci

>> No.4966790

I wouldn't trust Tempe town lake. The amount of chlorine they dump into that thing... Gilbert is good though. I spend a lot of time out at the Riparian preserve. I would be fine eating those fish.

>> No.4966828 [DELETED] 
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I havet this in my fridge, what can I do with it??

>> No.4966853

I'm glad your question wasn't answered.

>> No.4967027

Whats it like living in a shitty flyover state?

>> No.4967059

It's awesome. No Californians, New Yorkers, or other pretentious assholes. What's it like paying half of your income in taxes and having shitty gun laws?

>> No.4967078
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What's it like living in the third world where people don't believe in evolution and reading a book is considered elitist?

>> No.4967089

I don't know, you seem to have a pretty good understanding of it though.

>> No.4967101

Jesus Christ...you sound worse than someone from CA or NY. I'm guessing MA? The most argumentative, obnoxious little shits I've ever seen were in Boston.

>> No.4967110

I lived in Boston and had to get the fuck out of that hellhole. Fucking hipsters and fucking pretentious feministy, le gay rights le wymyn assholes I have ever seen. I don't understand why anyone would pay so much money to live in a shitty place. Especially if you go to ghetto parts of Boston it is still 1,000 bucks a month. Why not just move to a rural place, live safer, more freely and pay next to nothing for rent?

>> No.4967121


Because I'd rather live somewhere people are educated and have a basic understanding of science and logic I must be from MA? Nice logic there Cletus. It's called civilization.

>> No.4967123

So how many fedoras do you own?

>> No.4967127


>le epig meme that'll show them dumb mean atheists to use their fancy book learnings

>> No.4967128

>basic understanding of science and logic

And anyone in what you consider a "flyover" state must be an uneducated lout. Nice logic there Conrad.

>> No.4967129

*tips fedora*

>> No.4967131


Nope, but he's admitted he's from a flyover state and he seemed angry that I consider disbelief in evolution a sign of backwardness so your point is moot.

>> No.4967134

>your point is moot

You keep thinking that, if it makes you feel better.

>> No.4967136
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>> No.4967138
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Kek, even gypsies and Mudslimes are more scientifically literate than the average Amerifat

>> No.4967139
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>euphoric as fuck

>> No.4967140

frankly i'm surprised italy's higher than the netherlands

>> No.4967438


How about you just find someone who's feeding pigeons like a civilized human being?