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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4965201 No.4965201[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>just finish making a perfect batch of rolls
>put them in a storage container
>snapping lid on as I walk to the pantry
>slippery fingers, drop container
>rolls spill out onto the floor
>"Fuck it, I don't care and the others eating it will never know."
>blow them off and store in the pantry

Do you do the same, anon?

>> No.4965207
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at least baste the surface with rubbing alcohol to disinfect it

>> No.4965218
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>blow them off
you probably got more germs on them by doing that

>> No.4965249


Yeah I don't really care about germs as much as visible debris people will notice.

>> No.4965259

we have 4 cats so the kitchen always has some cat fur on the floor. one time I dropped a box of 3 dozen donuts that I was taking to work and they all fell out and rolled around the place. collected them, took them to work. couple people comment that there was hair on them but everyone ate them anyway

halfway through, people were peeling hairs off their tongues and the roofs of their mouths

fuck the police.

>> No.4965269

You probably wear shoes indoors so that is absolutely disgusting. Just imagine how much fecal matter and disease your shoes come in contact with on a daily basis, and you are putting that in your mouth. Revolting.
This is why i don't wear shoes on my house.

>> No.4965270
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Shit like that is the reason why I do not partake in office potlucks. Never know how filthy someone's kitchen is.

>> No.4965272

I hope you die today.

>> No.4965280

You should be mopping your floors and vacuuming regularly anyways.

>> No.4965289

How regularly would you have to do that just to keep it as clean as not wearing shoes? I am sure filthy ass OP would not be asking this had his/her floor been clean at the time they did this.

>> No.4965300

Probably everyday if you're tracking shoes in and out of the house constantly. But germs are good for you. Keeps the immune system up on current illnesses. It's those people that live in bleach coated bubbles that get sick all the time.

>> No.4965339


OP here, floor is pretty clean.

>> No.4967521


Naw. I'm not like that.

I might eat them, but I would not serve them.

>> No.4967731

I have a question about that.

What do you wear indoors?

Also, if someone comes over, what are they supposed to wear?

Do you ask them to take off their shoes?

>> No.4967805

>see free food from local bakery
>charity event
>look closely at cake
>mold on it under icing
>almost everything had a little mold growing on it

yeah if the event doesn't buy it themselves i usually avoid the food

>> No.4967823

last time a churck bakesale i partook in i had to bring some vanilla sponge cake

i shat in it, fucking religious fucks

>the more you know

>> No.4967839

Grain is planted from genetically modified seeds, doused with chemicals and pesticides to ensure maximum growth. It is then harvested using machines which emit carbon dioxide over the grain as well as some oil leakage. The grain is then treated again with chemicals and processed in a factory using techniques that barely meet minimum health standards. It is then shipped hundreds or thousands of miles, exposed to all the contaminants of its transport, and then handled and processed again by people working for minimum wage.
You then drop them on the floor and they're poison.

>> No.4967846

IMHO whether food can be considered safe after touching the floor really depends on the item - if it's soft or malleable (bread dough, ground beef, cooked vegetables), I wouldn't use it, but I'm going to be honest - at work (and at home), I've dropped steaks and fillets of fish on the floor before and, assuming the accident has not been observed, I just brush off any debris and continue as if nothing happened. As long as there's not dirt left on the raw item in question, hitting the floor isn't going to instantly contaminate it worse than any other surface, and the exterior of such things needs to be exposed to high temperatures anyways.

>> No.4967887

I fucking hate cat people. Goddamn you are awful

>> No.4967911

similar story here
I had to make a dish for an after wedding reception potluck thing and I decided to make mac and cheese
I removed the plastic from a block of cheddar cheese and dropped the block on the floor
I have two cats and two dogs
my hands were wet when handling the cheese so the cheese was all wet and it got covered in hair, it looked like a furry brick
I tried to scrape the hair off and rinse it but most of it stuck
still used it anyway