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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4963785 No.4963785[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about monosodium glutamate, /ck/.

Why is it so bad for you?

>> No.4963790


It's not. It just makes make your food taste like you added powdered mushrooms

>> No.4963819

Pretty much, MSG is fine.

>> No.4963822

it has almost no effect at all

>> No.4963826

Watch out, MSG, GMO and vaccines are going to kill you according to Obama supporters

>> No.4963827

Apparently it gives some people headaches but this might just be bullshit.

Some people think it's cheating but I don't see anything wrong with it unless you use too much

>> No.4963829

>Apparently it gives some people headaches but this might just be bullshit.
there is absolutely no evidence that it gives anyone headaches

>> No.4963832

It's the idiots ingesting massive amounts of sodium who think MSG is responsible for it.

>> No.4963844


"Dont care as long as it tastes good.



>> No.4963847

>The unwashed masses will eat anything dropped in their trough

>fnarr fnarr fnarr

>> No.4963852

Lots of studies found it can cause headaches. They may be trivial and short-term but your claim is just wrong.

Effect of systemic monosodium glutamate (MSG) on headache and pericranial muscle sensitivity.
Baad-Hansen L, Cairns B, Ernberg M, Svensson P.
Department of Clinical Oral Physiology, School of Dentistry, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark.


We conducted a double-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover study to investigate the occurrence of adverse effects such as headache as well as pain and mechanical sensitivity in pericranial muscles after oral administration of monosodium glutamate (MSG). In three sessions, 14 healthy men drank sugar-free soda that contained either MSG (75 or 150 mg/kg) or NaCl (24 mg/kg, placebo). Plasma glutamate level, pain, pressure pain thresholds and tolerance levels, blood pressure (BP), heart rate and reported adverse effects were assessed for 2 h. No muscle pain or robust changes in mechanical sensitivity were detected, but there was a significant increase in reports of headache and subjectively reported pericranial muscle tenderness after MSG. Systolic BP was elevated in the high MSG session compared with low MSG and placebo. These findings add new information to the concept of MSG headache and craniofacial pain sensitivity.

>> No.4963856
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The only thing bad about it is the way it sounds. MSG and monosodium glutamate sounds like poison. Really its no worse than regular salt though. Some say its cheating, and fuck those people. I put some in almost everything.

"Anon, why does everything you cook taste so awesome?!?! I followed your recipe just like you said and it was good, but not as good as yours......"

>MFW secret unmentioned ingredient is MSG. They'll never know.

>> No.4963857

>14 healthy men
nice sample size you got there

>> No.4963861

>MSG and monosodium glutamate sounds like poison
only to idiots who have never taken a biology or chemistry class

>> No.4963865

I know when something has MSG in it. I'll sneeze up a fucking storm if MSG is in something.

>> No.4963872

Oh no! Salty amino acids, the horror.

>> No.4963871

I don't think this is true, if you believe this it is likely some sort of confirmation bias on your part

>> No.4963875

I pigged out at Raising Canes once and all that night I thought I was going to die. Was misery.

>> No.4963882


I didn't know there was powdered mushrooms.

>> No.4963881

If you're allergic to glutamate then why aren't you dead already?

>> No.4963889
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Every time I eat there I feel the same way. Like I died and went to a heaven of perfect fried chicken and crinkle cut fried goodness.

Goddamit I have two more pounds to lose til I get my reward dinner at Cane's. I've been waiting and working all year for this shit.

>> No.4963892
File: 47 KB, 402x549, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reward dinner

>> No.4963893

glutamate is very common in Asian dishes, even the high end restaraunts use it. Dried shrimp has naturally occurring glutamate, boiling kombu seaweed will get you some too. However, its a lot cheaper to buy it processed. They stabilize it with sodium so it becomes monosodium glutmate. No real health risks.

>> No.4963903

>glutamate is very common in Asian dishes
Its actually very common in every cell of every living thing

>> No.4963908

Hey bro, I've lost 60 pounds this year and haven't had fast food since I started. That was my pact at the beginning: no fast food until I hit my goal then I can have my favorite thing ever, the motherfucking box dinner from Cane's. And one epic meal of goodness won't do shit either.

>> No.4963918


/ck/ will.

Attempt to criticize anything that pleases their palate and they become instantly defensive and butthurt.

>> No.4963927

>vaccines are going to kill you according to Obama supporters
>Implying tea party are Obama supporters

>> No.4963936

im no fan of the tea party, but pretty sure the vast majority of the anti-vaccine crowds are liberal middle aged women, led by their hollywood idols

>> No.4963950

Soccer moms are more often conservative, assuming their husbands let them hold political opinions.

>> No.4963961


Soccer mom's are not conservative. Women of pretty much every subsection of the population lean quite liberal. Remember, Romney won the male vote handily. Soccer mom's are pretty prototypical of white guilt liberals, poor understanding of most issues, but feel guilty about their status

If you think conservatives, specifically the religious ones have a whole lot of bad ideas, this anti-vaccine idiocy is not one of them

>> No.4963970

No, it's Christian Science faggots and shit. The problem is you see that it's mothers, you see a woman and assume Democrat. There are lots of retarded mothers on both sides of the divide.

>> No.4963982

>14 men

And this is considered reputable, why?

>> No.4963985

>There are lots of retarded mothers on both sides of the divide.
sure but way more women are liberal than conservative. i understand why this upsets you, but thats just the reality of it

>> No.4963988

People with different political backgrounds think the same thing?

Oh my fucking god, what's next? Cats and dogs living in sin?!

>> No.4964002

Why the fuck is the MSG dosage 3 to 6 times higher than the standard salt dosage? Soda is already salty as fuck. Why increase it's saltiness 6 times?

What is the average dosage in a helping of Chinese food in mg/kg?

Were subjects allowed to drink water after their dosage, or were they put on a water restriction?

I am a medical sciences grad student and what the fuck is this?

>> No.4964008

It is the crutch of a bad cook.

>> No.4964009

MSG isn't salty, it enanhes "umami" not saltyness

>> No.4964018

its both, sodium ions taste salty, glutamate ions taste umami

>> No.4964019

>sure but way more women are liberal than conservative. i understand why this upsets you, but thats just the reality of it

And therefore you believe stupid women are liberals. There are less than twice as many democrat women than republican women. That means for every 2 democratic women theres at least 1 republican.

>> No.4964023

Religious conservatives are anti-vaccine a lot of the time, because of scaaaary science and medicine.

>> No.4964026

face it, the democrat party is the party of females, the exact same subsection of females that are afraid of sciencey things like vaccines. No male in his right mind would want to be associated with such lunacy

>> No.4964029

>Religious conservatives are anti-vaccine a lot of the time, because of scaaaary science and medicine.
Pretty sure any of the remotely common crazy religious sects have no negative stance on vaccine. I am sure there are some obscure sects that do, but as far as the vaccine deniers, they are only a very small portion. Most are scared liberal mothers or straight up anti-science hippies

>> No.4964041

SODIUM is in the chemical name. What the fuck do you think Na+ is?

Don't second guess me. I've had 3 fucking years of chemistry. I'm not the best chem student, but jesus fucking christ.

>> No.4964050

Would you guys stop arguing about such a stupid fucking topic.

There are a variety of people and genders in both parties who have been manipulated into them for varying reasons.

>> No.4964321

Some people are sensitive to MSG and some aren't.

>> No.4964787

Have a large shaker of it in the cabinet, set it on the table when eating and we sprinkle it on everything

>> No.4965100

The "remotely common crazy religious sects" you're referring to recently held a large protest here the other day because CVS is offering flu shots and they're convinced it's Obama trying to secretly microchip them.

>> No.4965108


>>Sodium is the chemical name

Yes indeed. What's your point? Just because it contains sodium doesn't mean it tastes salty. Potassium Chloride tastes an awful lot like table salt--in fact it's used as a sodium-free substitute for people who need to limit their sodium intake. Tastes the same, no sodium to be found.

MSG is to savory/umami what sugar is to sweet, vinegar is to sour, and what salt is to salty. Just because it contains sodium doesn't mean it tastes like salt.

>> No.4965109

Sodium does taste salty, Potassium also does, it is very chemically similar to sodium

>> No.4965126


>some guy on the internet thinks I'm using MSG as a crutch

Meanwhile all my savory dishes taste that much better. It's a crutch just like salt or sugar is a crutch.

>> No.4965127


Sodium bicarbonate (aka baking soda) doesn't taste salty. Why are you so hung up on the "sodium" thing? Yes, some things containing sodium taste salty. But it's no guarantee.

>> No.4965132

This. For most people MSG is simply a flavor additive that creates a meaty taste. For a very small proportion of the population, MGS can cause some short-term sickness.

When I was younger I would get stomach aches and diarrhea nearly every day. My parents and doctor recommended cutting out various foods from my diet in order to see what was causing it. Turns out MSG gives me super bad stomach aches and the squirts.

Last week for every day I ate something with MSG to double check if I am still sensitive to it. Turns out, yep. Fucking wish I could eat MSG flavored things.

>> No.4965133


This thread is bad. I should feel bad for starting it.

>> No.4965135

Sodium ions inherently taste salty. Glutamate tastes Umami, it just so happens that your tongue is sensitive to glutamate in much lower concentrations so sodium glutamate registers mostly as umami. The sodium in MSG is not any less salty tasting than the sodium in NaCl its just that usually with table salt you are using a lot more sodium

Sodium salts (of which MSG and NaCL are included) dissolve very easily and the sodium completely separates from the anion, sodium tastes like sodium regardless of what anion it was linked to before dissolution.

As for your KCl point earlier, look at where Na and K are on the periodic table, they are extremely chemically similar and accordingly taste similar as they bind to the same receptors on your tongue

>> No.4965147

if you look up 'peak umami wired magazine' theres a interesting article on this

>> No.4965165


And ascorbic acid sounds terrifying right?