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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.03 MB, 639x1894, Plant Based Imgur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4962182 No.4962182[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

These are all plant based. No animals whatsoever. Vegan food general? Post your favorites. I'll continue to dump.

>> No.4962185
File: 2.20 MB, 614x1973, Plant Based2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4962189
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>> No.4962192

I'm not vegan or anything, but there are some vegan foods I really enjoy. Particularly, there's this thai place down the ave that is fully vegan and fucking delicious. http://www.teapotvegetarianhouse.com/

check it out if you're in seattle. definitely worth it.

>> No.4962197
File: 11 KB, 384x387, ArtificialEgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


would love that. I don't live in a big fancy city or anything. I plan on making a trip sometime though. Thanks.

>> No.4962202

tacoma here. have you been to pizza pi? i hear a lot of good things about it. also it sucks about your quickie though i forgot when that shut down up there, we've got quickie too down here, mindblowing tofu sandwiches (featuring the crazy jamaican, with jerked tofu and plantain) and good macnyease

>> No.4962207

>BBQ Finger Sandwich
So human fingers don't count as meat? Disgusting.

>> No.4962209


that was the lamest fucking joke

I hope you feel bad

>> No.4962212

OP post some recipes, some of those images you've posted look good. The brussel sprouts catch my fancy. And no I am not vegan.

>> No.4962215


unfortunately, the asshole who posted them didn't post recipes.

>> No.4962225

roasted brussel sprouts are hard to fuck up, and i don't really make out any other ingredients in there. though i like to just add julienned onion. halve sprouts, cut onion, lightly oil/add balsamic and a bit of salt, bake in casserole dish at 350 flipping or just shuffling when the tops are browning

>> No.4962233

i like to toss mine with maple syrup and cover with some chopped almonds or hazelnuts

>> No.4962234

I don't see the point of this kind of food. The benefit of plant foods is that they can be very good for you. These recipes try to be like meat dishes and just end up being about as bad for you

>> No.4962243


It's more of a gentle way to ease someone into The Kind Life.

I agree with you. Raw veggies and fruits are they way to go.

>> No.4962254

>gentle way to easy someone into

So, veganism = ass fucking
Got it.
Vegans confirmed for faggots.

>> No.4962255

There is no such thing as a kind life.

>> No.4962267

Why would I want faux meat? Thats no fun.
Oh, well,
>It's more of a gentle way to ease someone into The Kind Life.
Sentences like that make me want to go outside and beat the ducks around my pond to death for no good reason other than how ridiculous you sound.

Its w/e I just dont like namefags or vegans with a holier than thou attitude.

>> No.4962281


You sound pretty judgmental faggot. Go beat up some ducks you fucking weirdo

>> No.4962287

>an annoying, preachy, holier than thou vegan calls someone else judgmental
>my fucking sides

No, that literally made me laugh. Really though, you need meds.

>> No.4962294

You know anon cruelty takes many many forms.

>> No.4962303

Why go vegan and still eat unhealthy? Those dishes appear to be full of unhealthy fats and oils.

>> No.4962307


are these questions ever asked in omnivore fast food threads?

>> No.4962308

I don't take part in those threads my self. So I could not give you a definitive answer. If I am to make an educated guess I would say no.

>> No.4962310

>EVERY vegan thread on /ck/

>> No.4962311

They don't need to be, fast food is known to be unhealthy. Regardless, this is a vegan dish thread so why are you trolling about other threads?

>> No.4962313


and I guess I'm suppose to explain to that some vegans enjoy unhealthy food? Is that a graspable concept? Or you just trying to dump some of your insecurities on veganism?

>> No.4962314
File: 50 KB, 420x420, FuckThisThreadImOuttaHere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully one day here we can have a decent vegan recipe thread here without all the vegans vs trolls destroying it

>> No.4962317

>projecting your own insecurities

>> No.4962320

You don't really pay much attention around here, do you? Do you even read other threads besides your own shitposting? Every thread, particularly threads related to fast food, or fatty food, or overly meaty, cheesy foods are always full of people saying shitty things about it. I seriously question your sanity because you've targeted the cooking board for your frustrated and mental rants, and are yet so delusional about what goes on here. You seem best suited for /pol/ or /adv/ or some other board that actually addresses lifestyles, so why don't you give those a try.

>> No.4962323
File: 20 KB, 500x281, jim-halpert-john-krasinski-the-office-Favim_com-173661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4962329
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Vegan agenda? You don't say

>> No.4962331
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>> No.4962334
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>> No.4962336
File: 22 KB, 300x300, fuckyurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4962338
File: 109 KB, 480x640, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bone marrow butter

ungh fuuck

>> No.4962343

YOU, sir, are making me hungry. The only torture here is that I can't reach through the computer screen and eat those. NOM. Now I'm craving a pastrami burger.

>> No.4962345
File: 36 KB, 520x390, stuffitupmyASS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know! I'm making my self hungry. I've decided to do a kick ass post roast today!

>> No.4962346

Is that some Eggs in Purgatory? Holy shit. It's like 4:30 am, and now I'm starving.

>> No.4962347
File: 204 KB, 950x633, hunghfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! gotta long way to go till dinner!

>> No.4962349


>> No.4962350

Dude. You're killing me. I'm going to freak out. DO WANT

>> No.4962363
File: 547 KB, 3072x2048, 5jHWBWa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not vegan
>enjoy vegan food
>Y ppl so jerk?
>I cri evrytim

>> No.4963073


Why call someone "preachy" and "holier-than-thou" when they obviously have the moral high ground? Either be more like them or quit bitching about how guilty they make you feel

>> No.4963086

That is an AWFUL bait attempt.
Go back to class, work harder, and come back when you can do better. You can't just post such obvious idiotic fallacies, you have to work harder and make it seem realistic.

>> No.4963102


Explain what's wrong with that statement.

>> No.4963112


Those pecans and mushrooms like pretty good.

>> No.4963116
File: 164 KB, 1000x1400, 06_hunting-scene-on-the-cave-paintings1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegans try as hard as they can to make non-meat taste like meat
"b-but guys eating meat isn't natural we weren't meant to s-seriously"

>> No.4963127

that is the thinnest "udon" i've ever seen

>> No.4963128


Would ancient man really bother painting hunting scenes if they were a common, every-day part of life? Seems like it was more like a rare occurance that left an impression on them. "June 6th, food supplies were running low, so we had to kill and eat a deer. I feel sick"

>> No.4963142

Yeah. You don't win anybody over to your "side" by recreating dishes omnis already eat, because its usually a pain in the ass to recreate without meat.

Besides, there are tons of stupidly good vegan foods already. I'd eat falafel and hummus every day if I could.

>> No.4963159

>Dear Diary, June the 6th
>We where low on food and had to resort to other means...
>The men managed to spontaneously craft something they call bow and arrows, we are lucky the tips where perfect for piercing meat
>For some reason too, we where able to track and hunt the animals even though we never do this
>I can't want for the berries to grow back so I don't ever have to eat calorie rich food again

>> No.4963177


How is it a recipe thread when OP was just posting pics of meals that supposedly are vegan?

>> No.4963192
File: 30 KB, 1100x729, smoking[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>learning how to do something and making a tradition of it means it's a good thing to do

OBVIOUSLY smoking is great for us because if we weren't supposed to smoke tobacco, how come we magically know how to assemble, light, and use cigarettes? IT'S SCIENCE, PEOPLE!

>> No.4963197

Yeah, except that insufficient protein leads to underdeveloped brains.

and it's well documented that cromagnons and neanderthals both had larger brain than modern humans. and also that with advent of agriculture, average height decreased by 4 inches because larger part of food became plant-based.

hint: you don't get protein in berries and roots. you need some pretty damn specific plant-based food for any serious protein intake.

>> No.4963199

"Kind Life" threads are all troll shit and omnivore bait. Better to ignore them.

>> No.4963207


I don't know what "Kind Life" is but okidoki, I'll take your word. This thread is pretty unfly.

>> No.4963211

Better yet, report them. The janitors rekt the last kind life thread.

>> No.4963231


>you don't get protein in berries and roots. you need some pretty damn specific plant-based food for any serious protein intake.

Only things with a lot of protein have any protein, right? There's fruitarian athletes who eat nothing but fruit and meet their protein needs. What's more important for brain development (because there's no guarantee you'll get even SOME through diet), is glucose. Not found in meat

>> No.4963256

You mean besides the flagrant dis-allowance of actual fact and that it's purely based on your own biased opinion and a considerable amount of lies? I think that's enough.

>> No.4963265



>> No.4963282

You wrote two sentences that were based entirely on opinion and lies. I don't need to specify. You didn't make any real points. Your post is to be disregarded because it's nonsensical fallacy.

>> No.4963328


>one group hurts animals for pleasure
>one group doesn't

If you don't think group 2 has moral superiority to group 1, you have to take a lot of moral baggage with it, like the associated support of slavery and torture and rape

>> No.4963426

they were probably referring to the fact that all vegan threads end up this way, not just this thread in particular. Regardless, you're replying to someone who probably is not visiting this thread any longer

>> No.4963486

>vegans are like rapists
>they don't know what the word NO means
>your religion has been rejected
>time to move along

>> No.4963583

what is that? how to make?

>> No.4963649
File: 1.99 MB, 316x237, NBrh65u.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Dumb fucking beasts don't know their ass from their head."

I love cognitive dissonance in action. It's honestly humorous how people can't self diagnose their own moral inconsistencies

>> No.4963658

I like vegan food because I'm vegetarian. There are a lot of good recipes.

>> No.4963689


>> No.4963694

They painted hunting scenes because they were big, incredibly important scenes that happened a lot.

That's actually why they painted them.

>> No.4963733

I don't know enough about group 1 and 2 to be able to make the call that one is superior to the other.

>> No.4963778


The animals look pretty normal, but those hunters, man they are mutants. They aren't humans.

>> No.4963801

see >>4963486
But to add to that, I'd say vegans are like anal rapists. They don't know the word NO, they like to go about everything backwards, they like to try and "slip it in" against people's will, and they enjoy the smell and taste of shit.

>> No.4965223


>> No.4965228

>morality doesn't exist
ha. get fucked, ya postmodern cunt

>> No.4965232

yeah ur right, personal dietary choices are totally devoid of moral or ethical content, i see that now.

>> No.4965235

sometimes i wonder why vegans try to "replicate" meat.

>> No.4965238
File: 402 KB, 670x1029, mac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4965252
File: 184 KB, 736x587, raw spinach pesto pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4965255

Makes the transition from normal food easier.

OP, I like a lot of vegans. I really do. They see a problem in the world, and they try to do something about it.

The problem practically everyone has with statements like:
>The kind life
>meat is murder
or even the pure irony in
>you sound like a judgmental faggot

Being a pompous, smarmy asshole is no way to win people over to your side.

People will always find reason to disagree with any side open to debate, no matter how logical or sound the arguments might be.

You need to learn to let things go.

>> No.4965258
File: 100 KB, 737x1106, grapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grapes fuck yeah

>> No.4965262
File: 77 KB, 384x640, Bologna Rarebit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say this is now a food gore thread, based on OP images. Let it commece.

>> No.4965264
File: 85 KB, 384x640, whopper burgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4965265
File: 67 KB, 640x384, Franks and Rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4965268

Mom's getting hammered

>> No.4965274

so what you're saying is that even though veganism is marked by greater compassion toward, empathy with, and consciousness of other living beings, we shouldn't represent it as such? this seems wrong-headed to me. such an approach implies that most people do not strive to live non-violent lives, and that even by drawing attention to occasions where this desire is at odds with their actual behavior wouldn't rouse them from their apathy. there are, granted, other reasons for adopting a vegetarian/vegan diet, but are they as compelling? statistics show that most people who become vegans do so because they are made aware of the horrific conditions of CAFOs and the abusive treatment of farm animals.

>> No.4965277

You bet your ass she is.

>> No.4965284
File: 57 KB, 520x362, pump_choc icecream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4965286

You have no idea what you're talking about. People who work with animals have squarely the MOST compassion for them. It's fags like you who think that because you just don't eat meat, you have some working knowledge of animals, when in fact, you have the least.

>> No.4965288
File: 95 KB, 384x640, Fish Potato Salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4965295
File: 66 KB, 384x640, Ham Rolls Supreme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4965303


>> No.4965307
File: 106 KB, 737x1106, cinrolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol pwnt

>> No.4965308

I'm not even going to bother. I'm sure it' some PETA produced video of like, a pig being beaten or a chicken being tortured. There's terrible people in every profession and all walks of life. I once saw a car full of teenagers purposefully run over a squirrel, just do they could watch it die. Singular and random examples do not make a whole. I grew up in a farming and ranching community, and everyone treated their animals like royalty. You don't shit on your bread and butter. You still have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.4965332

This is precisely what I'm talking about. You're pushing your point of view on someone while attacking them for being unethical. The only thing this accomplishes is making you seem like a pompous dick.

Practically everyone nowadays knows that factory farming is fucking horrific for the animals. A lot of them are not comfortable with it. The problem is that a major change in diet is difficult, and why should they go through a tremendous amount of effort to do something that is largely symbolic in nature? We have more pressing and immediate issues to deal with, we don't need abstract ones making additional complications.

By strongly pushing the moral aspect of veganism, you alienate those who already eat meat. You're accusing a large part of their way of life to be inherently evil in nature, and they should feel evil as a result. They then begin to view you as holier-than-thou judgmental douches, who are out of touch with their problems, and they'll reject even the objective arguments. This is no way to convince people you are right.

If you really want people to be vegan, simply live your life, present your facts, and let the converts come to you. Attacking them simply invites backlash, like: >>4965286

>> No.4965354

if meat is so bad why does every vegan dish try to replicate it (poorly)?

>> No.4965358


It's a bit of a sticky wicket though. If you don't ever talk about these things, people are content to live their own way as well and don't feel a need to change.

It's very much like how atheism grew in the last few decades; it didn't get much attention until atheists actually started speaking out and calling religious people out on their bullshit. You have to offend people sometimes to make a difference. The people who get extra defensive about it aren't the people who would naturally gravitate towards your point of view anyway if you didn't say anything

>> No.4965367

There's a lot of people who hate atheists too, because of their overly pompous and self aggrandizing nature. That's not a good example.

>> No.4965381


>There's a lot of people who hate atheists too

Yeah, but those people are called "retards"

>> No.4965386

See, this is why no one likes you. You're a rotten human being.

>> No.4965389
File: 16 KB, 538x511, 23198918231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did I just find someone on this website that actually has religious beliefs?

>> No.4965392

there are lots of people on 4chan with religious beliefs. little early for summer son.

>> No.4965397

No, I'm not religious. I do have spiritual beliefs, but that's besides the point. IMO, the subjects of Deism and life after death, etc. are separate from organized religions, which are purely about money and power. If you really feel like you have to give me a label (which most people do feel like they need to do), call me an Epistimilogical Deist.

>> No.4965401

I always want to stick a bunch of "i"s in there for some reason.

>> No.4965410

The growth of atheism is mainly attributed to the current generation of angsty teens who have no creative outlet but the internet.
Atheism is the 'edgy' and popular thing now because its the new way of spitting in the face of their parents and authority figures, much like rock n' roll music and tatoos were so many decades ago.
Now all the anst-ridden youth can easily find an entire flock of fedora wearing euphorics like themselves to circlejerk and pat each other on the back for believing in nothing.
I have a feeling it'll pass once kids find something edgier than atheism to get into.

>> No.4965417

God americlaps and they're deeming food "unhealthy". If you don't eat it with a shovel it can still be eaten in a healthy diet.

>> No.4965422

There are a lot of Jewish people here as well.

>> No.4965423


Atheism is the default position everybody is born into. You were an atheist until your parents turned you into something else. Now you believe stupid things for no reason.

>> No.4965433

Have you tried Trader Joe's Breaded Turkey-Less Roasts with Cranberry Stuffing and Gravy yet?

They are amazing.

>> No.4965435

Yeah but it's come about in an immature way. There are so many atheists that outright hated their father or never had one so the idea of an all powerful god they'd have to answer to angers them.

>> No.4965440

I think people should choose for themselves, but instead its turned into a mob mentality/ peer pressure thing where they don't even try to think about anything outside the realm of whats in front of their eyes. Instead, they see that its a 'cool' thing, it requires no effort or willpower, and 'all my friends are doing it'.
So instead of checking out different theologies, they just shrug and go along with the rest of the crowd.

>> No.4965443


>Yeah but it's come about in an immature way

Does that matter?

>There are so many atheists that outright hated their father or never had one so the idea of an all powerful god they'd have to answer to angers them.

While this is based on nothing at all, I don't think you're describing atheism. Atheism isn't being mad at a god and rejecting them for personal reasons, it's the lack of belief in one. It's exactly how you feel about the Greek gods or the Hindu gods, except atheists apply their disbelief to all of them. They can be angry at religions due to their harmful effects on the world, but anger at something isn't part of atheism

>> No.4965445


>they don't even try to think about anything outside the realm of whats in front of their eyes.

Why would you believe something with no evidence or justification? What we can observe and study is all that makes sense to believe

>> No.4965446

You sound so insecure. The second you learn someone is vegan you start insulting them and calling them holier than though and preachy when all they're doing is posting pictures of food on a food board and asking for recipes.

And then you call them judgmental. The irony.

Maybe the reason you feel that they're acting "holier than thou" is because you feel guilty for your choices?

>> No.4965447
File: 86 KB, 541x608, athiest 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't been here very long, have you?

>> No.4965451
File: 85 KB, 640x480, athiest 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I was saying.

>> No.4965454

I'm not vegan, but I'm not simpleminded enough to not know that some vegans thoroughly enjoy the taste of meat or animal products but abstain from eating them for ethical reasons.

>> No.4965456

Do you even read what you write, or do you actually believe your points are substantial? Fucking ridiculous.

>> No.4965459

Obnoxious atheism stopped being cool on 4chan around 2008. And that was on /b/, not the other boards.

>> No.4965463

>this is what atheists actually believe

>> No.4965465


You can be as obnoxious as you want when we're talking about ridiculous beliefs. I'm sure you wouldn't treat an adult who believed in Santa Claus with respect either

>> No.4965467
File: 182 KB, 452x419, atheist 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is why nobody takes you seriously anymore.

>> No.4965471


Attack my logic, not strawmen

>> No.4965472
File: 123 KB, 500x375, athiest 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on a cooking board, I don't want to have a proper debate with you.

I'll probably link a few more pictures, call you stupid a few times then call it a day.

>> No.4965475

I'm vegan but wouldn't use the term "Kind Life" unless I was referring to the book written by Alicia Silverstone.

While I wouldn't use that term myself because it just sounds like something a hippie would say (no offense to hippies), I think it says more about the people who have a problem with that term than it does the people using it.

People feel better for going vegan because it IS a kinder choice. So to me, there is nothing judgmental about that term. At all. I could only see it being offensive if I were an overly sensitive and defensive omnivore.

It just says a lot to me that vegans can merely state facts like say - heart disease is the number one killer in the U.S. and can be prevented by a plant based diet - and omnivores go nuts trying to defend their diet.

And since when is being judgmental really a bad thing? Everyone judges. If no one judged, slavery would still exist in America and everyone would be raping and stealing with no consequences. Judgment fuels societal evolution.

>> No.4965490

That's such bullshit. I've worked with farmers and while they might tell people bullshit like they respect their animals and they want to care for them because that makes the best product - no. People who are breeding animals for profit barely even see them as feeling creatures. They have to shut a part of their brain off in order to not feel bad when they kill them. They don't respect their animals. They are products. If an animal is being even slightly difficult, they kill them. You can't respect something when you're killing it for profit. lol. It doesn't work that way.

When farmers say they respect their animals, it's just marketing. Or maybe they like to tell themselves that. But the fact is, most farms abuse their animals to some extent. Even "humane" farms will castrate their animals without anesthesia, kill male chicks on their first day of life, sell calves off to become veal, etc.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.4965496

Actually you have no idea what you're talking about. Standard practice in factory farms (where about 95% of animal products come from in the U.S.) is torture.

I really hate when people who come from families that raise cattle for beef try to act like they know about the whole industry.

>> No.4965497


Reminds me of hunters who say they respect nature/animals when they go into the woods and blow a rabbit in half with a shotgun

>> No.4965505

Lies, lies, lies.
I come from a 10th generation ranch, I grew up around farmers and ranchers, and you are full of utter shit. You know nothing of which you speak. I will go into detail later, but right now I have a lunch appointment. See you when I get back, ignorant bitch.

>> No.4965540

lol, can't wait for you to tell me what I'm lying about.

I grew up around farmers and ranchers too. Some of them used to shoot chickens and try to hit them in the neck, then laugh as they ran around with their head hanging off.

But of course when they found out I was vegan they tried to give me bullshit about how they respect their animals.


>> No.4965612

You slime-sucking box of rooster cunts, there's not a goddamn thing kind about life.

So fucking help me, I'm going to dedicate my life to gene-engineering carnivorous rabbits to devour your as yet in descended testes.

Fucking baiting ass piece of shit pissing all over the only board left worth half a squirrel fart. I hope you get arsenic poisoning.

>> No.4965650

Get your emotions under control.

>> No.4965703

More and more lies.
I hope you get permabanned and have to take your sorry, worthless, cocksucking ass to reddit as the only means of distributing your hatemongering, dishonest, scumsucking propaganda.

>> No.4965721


As a neutral party, I'm more inclined to believe that guy. I don't see how it's reasonable to say farmers/ranchers respect animals when their business is to kill them for money

>> No.4965723

The real question is who the fuck uses shot big enough to blow rabbits apart when hunting.

They barely have enough meat on them as it is. Using that big of a shot is just a waste of ammo and a perfectly good rabbit.

That's the real crime here: people who waste perfectly good meat.

>> No.4965735

That's because you have no idea what raising livestock is like. Do you go to work and destroy and abuse everything at your job? I doubt it, because then you'd get fired. I'm sick to death of this terribly ignorant line of thinking. If you came and spent 1 week at any of the ranches around where I live, you'd walk away a completely different person with an entirely new understanding of the human-animal relationship. And it's not just about animals, it's also about the environment and land conservation. There's entire entities devoted to helping farmers and ranchers both succeed at their work while rebuilding the environment like water conservation, reforestation, erosion control, prevention of over-development, and so forth. But most people sit on their fat asses in their muti-story monkey cages and think they're actually helping while consistently being wrong and making it harder on people who are actually in the field, working to improve things.

>> No.4965747

please shut up

>> No.4965756

>vegan doesn't like being made a fool of

LOL, fuck right off.

>> No.4965761

I'm not joining in on your little argument. I'm just telling you both to shut up.

>> No.4965765

Then why don't you just hide the thread like normal people do?

>> No.4965808

seven fold amen. friend, not pubtard or demoquack. had a bumpersticker on a youytota. don't grumble bout farmers with your mouth full. proffits are razor thin. maybe 2% if lucky after taxes. if the weathers good and the creek don't rise. some years none. kinda rolling the dice. know Why many farmers pray? they have to.

>> No.4965850

>People feel better for going vegan because it IS a kinder choice

People feel better for going vegan because they have convinced themselves that it is a kinder choice. That doesn't mean it IS a kinder choice. Saying that it is, besides being subjective opinion, also implies that non-vegans are unkind. You really don't see why people would get upset if you told them that? It's a personal attack.

>> No.4965861

You know what a real personal attack is? When you confine animals to spaces so small they can't even turn around for virtually their entire lives, steal their children from them, rip out their genitals without anesthesia, then put a bolt through their head when they're big enough to make a nice profit, then boiling them when they may or may not still be conscious.

>> No.4965868

>oh here comes the overexaggeration and water works.

If you can't have an normal conversation without resorting to over dramatized bullshit, you should just GTFO, because NO ONE here is going to take you remotely seriously.

>> No.4965903

Stop taking it so seriously, autismo

>> No.4965911

get meat raised by mexicans instead of whites. mexicans get more money for more work and can actually can go out into the field and take care of the animals were as whites get paid more for working less and get paid so much and are unionized that they get paid more then enough so that they dont have to go out into a field to take care of animals they just keep animals confined in small cages.

>> No.4965933

Motherfucker this barely happens in the real world.I live at an agricultural college and let me tell you that none of the MANY students families who own farms do this. That shit happens in horribly regulated farms and very little of them at that. I have personally visited many farms and NONE of what you just said happens, except for taking the children. They do have to remove the children from the mothers quick, but thats just good practice.

>> No.4966041

i watched an anti meat video showing how animals are slaughtered. judging by that video one guy pulls the head off of random birds while another guy stomps baby calfs into the ground. according to the anti meat video every animal is killed in a new and brutal way

>> No.4966076

>personal attack

Animals aren't people.

>> No.4966086

>fried avocado with "vegenaise" (whatever the fuck that is)
>fat, deep fried in fat, dipped in fat

How the FUCK anyone would find that even remotely appetizing is disgusting. There is 2 textures: a tiny bit of what looks like breading and just yogurty lard. Veggie food doesn't have to be an abomination.

>> No.4966094

>where about 95% of animal products come from in the U.S
You're fucking retarded.

>> No.4966098

How was that over-dramatized? That's standard practice.

>> No.4966102


HA! Mushrooms aren't vegan! They are grown on a manure substrate!


Sceak: 1
Vegans: 0

>> No.4966106

You need a standard practice lobotomy, you fucktard.

>> No.4966112

You are such a motherfucking idiot. Your students' families don't own factory farms. Factory farms are where about 95% of animal products come from and yes that is standard practice in factory farms. Fucking idiot. It's legal. Maybe not the boiling them while they're still conscious part but it happens more than you'd like to know according to factory farm workers and investigators.

And you're also an idiot because they do rip out testicles even in the "humane", "organic" farms.

>> No.4966115



Naive twat.

>> No.4966120


Holy shit you guys are fucking dumb.

Just because you're ignorant to something doesn't mean it isn't commonplace. That just means you're naive and know very little about the industry. Please don't try to spread your ignorance. Just because you "live at an agricultural college" doesn't mean you know shit.

And obviously they're not going to go bragging about the goat testicles they ripped out with their teeth the other day. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.4966122

>according to factory farm workers and investigators.

Oh, you mean the planted workers by animal rights groups and their own hired "investigators"? They've been outed already, no one believes that shit anymore. They're fucking busted, you cunt.

>> No.4966130

Hey, faggot retardlord, stop sperging over your stupid peta propaganda. Have you ever been to a "factory farm"? Do you realize how LITTLE of our meat comes from them now a days? You are spouting retarded shit from the LATE 80's EARLY 90's that has almost all been rectified and eliminated.

I grew up in a town where over a 100 people worked at a "factory farm" (Which isn't a factory, idiot, it's a HUGE amount of land corralled around a processing plant. The only crowded pens are the ones right near the plant because they are about to be processed. You are an uneducated hyper liberal piece of shit who spouts denigrating propaganda because you have no idea how the real world process works.

You also do realize they numb all bulls before removing their testicles, right? Maybe 1 in 50 thousand isn't properly numbed. Now think about how many medical procedures on humans go wrong you fucktard.

>> No.4966133

why do vegans feel the need to imitate meat dishes

>> No.4966138

all these years of thinking the cattle grazing in the fields of the cattle farm my family comes from is just in fact an illusion. i had no idea the fields are actually tiny cages were the animals can not turn around. must mean nobody ever got trampled in that cattle stamped. i mean how could it have happened if all the cattle are in tiny cages. wow

>> No.4966137


Tell me where they were "busted". And actually I'm talking about USDA investigators.

Your ignorance and bias disgusts me.

>> No.4966139

>posting retarded sites with agendas rather than relying on the statistics for beef, pork, and chicken products from the fda or other government agencies

Yeah, I love confirmation bias.

>> No.4966141

>bragging about the goat testicles they ripped out with their teeth the other day

Dude, we don't live in western Africa. Check your privilege.

>> No.4966147

prease terr me more about dis kindrrr rifuuuu

>> No.4966148

go trespass on the cattle ranch and mess with the cows. you will get shot and killed. how is that for animal rights?

>> No.4966156

I don't follow PETA. I've talked with factory farm workers. And fuck no, most of our meat comes from factory farms. God, why are you wasting my time.


Are you talking about a cattle farm. You fucking idiot. Cattle have it the best of all factory farms but that doesn't mean they have it good either. Holy shit just stop talking. I'm so fucking tired of hearing from people whose families raised cattle acting like they know everything about the industry and every part of the industry works just like theirs. You're the naive one here.

I've worked with local farmers, I've talked with USDA investigators of factory farms, and factory farmers themselves.

You realize they don't do anything for piglets and that's what I was referring to? They just have their testicles dug right out.

Now fuck off.

>> No.4966157

>every animal is killed in a new and brutal way

I always knew /r9k/ had issues, but I didn't know it was a slaughterhouse.

>> No.4966158

I am so fucking tired of people whose families raised cattle thinking they know everything about the industry.

Your arrogance and ignorance makes me want to puke.

>> No.4966161

shot and killed, trip on a cyanide trap, get trampled by the cattle, get gored by a bull, get tangled in barbed wire, get bit by a snake, get run down by a pissed off heifer when you got too close to her calf because "daw I love animals", get run down by an entire herd because you're a stranger and they only like their owners. I think they'd deserve some buckshot and handcuffs, myself, but it would be really satisfying to see the cattle take them out instead.

>> No.4966162

It's actually very common and is the preferred way to castrate goats according to the people I've talked to.

>> No.4966169

>I've done all this crap and talked with all these people

No, no you haven't.

>> No.4966172

>You realize they don't do anything for piglets and that's what I was referring to? They just have their testicles dug right out.

LOL, ok, buddy.

>> No.4966173

Or be eaten by pigs. That'd be a fitting end to these fucking vegans.

>> No.4966176

I didn't know you've lived in the african bush! That's neat-o!

>> No.4966180

Yeah, I fucking have. You have no idea how obsessed I became about this issue. I worked non-stop trying to do something about it.

So you'll have to excuse me if the ignorance of commoners frustrates me.

It's tough, because I've worked so hard and learned so much about this industry but it all means next to nothing if the majority of the population is still uneducated, or worse, misinformed.

>> No.4966187

THAT is a blatant lie. Goats have the tips of their sacks cut off, and the testicles removed by hand, severed, and then sprayed with pain killer and antiseptic just like other livestock. You're a fucking retard who is spreading lies and misinformation.

>> No.4966193

The farmers I talked to sucked them out. I've seen them do it. Different farms do different things. Get over it.

>> No.4966202

They're fucking with you. No matter what you're doing you don't put balls in your mouth.

>> No.4966204

well obviously you know everything about cattle. why dont you explain to me then what all the fuckin cows wondering around in the fields and are doing then? my family is not union neither is the white family who owns one of the largest cattle ranches out in the state were im from. they might sell you our free range cattle and you might put them in small cages for them to wait to be slaughtered. but yeah out here cattle are raised out side. never ever come to my state and go onto property that has signs posted warning people that trespassers will be shot. you fuck with peoples future hamburgers and you will die

>> No.4966207

You're an idiot.

>> No.4966209

You are the biggest piece of shit I've ever seen. You claim factory farms are a problem and then you say sucking out the goats balls is a problem. You do understand how those are conflicting, hypocritical, and retarded statements, right? If 95% of the food comes from factory farms then 95% of goats used for food are fucking numbed, sterilized, and castrated by machines. Or are you saying these factory farms have hundreds of migrant workers simultaneously sucking the balls out of goats?

>> No.4966212

Not one of those people, but I bet they know more about animal welfare and the meat industry than your average pasty, city-dwelling keyboard warrior vegan.

>> No.4966213

>mfw op is getting their information from illegal immigrants who come from dirt farms in Mexico.

It's a well known fact that the only people who do that is illegals. The guys at the livestock auction always joke about it. You're hearing fairy tales and tales relating to a tiny, tiny minority of people. It's called "pulling your leg". Maybe we can get together and I can show you the proper castration technique for livestock.

>> No.4966220

>nigger talks to factory farm worker and is surprised to learn that yeah most of the factory raised meat comes from factory farms.

hurr durrr get away from union workers and get free range meat instead

>> No.4966245

white mans cultures motto is work smarter not harder. the hard labor work is for browns and scence they work hard they are not smart and theirfore shouldnt get paid as much due to thier lack of education

>> No.4966276

I'm not the OP.

And did you guys miss the part where I said I've seen them do it?

They weren't fucking with me.

>> No.4966278


>> No.4966284

You realize they don't make machines that castrate animals, right? Or maybe they do, but I've never seen one.

God damn, people are naive.

I've never personally seen a goat factory farm though. I have seen workers ripping testicles out of piglets though.

>> No.4966286

Are all livestock farmers this dumb?

>> No.4966288

you know that alot of people eat animal balls right? also if you work in a slaughter house you might get hit in the face with a flying cow vagina

>> No.4966292

You were being fucked with. I've seen farmers and ranchers pull lots of pranks involving livestock and/or livestock bits. If they could tell you're not one of them, especially. (which I'm sure was a dead giveaway by how you talk) You're not going to convince anyone here, dude. You've already outed yourself as an outsider to the industry, you will never understand, nor be accepted. Also just FYI, the practice of using teeth has nothing to do with actually biting off anything. Back in the day, before modern advancements, the person working the lamb, or kid, or calf, couldn't hold everything and use both hands with dexterity. So, after they had cut and hooked the testicles (with a knife or castration tool), they would use their teeth to sever the "string". No one was sucking on ball sacks. I've seen gags and videos and pictures of that, and it's a set up, a prank, to freak out city boys. You fell for it. You're not an educated man.

>> No.4966298

i just really find the factory meat farms really offensive. workers should stop socializing with one each other while on the job and go and do some actual work.

>> No.4966299

LOL. My uncle, who is a large animal veterinarian, once used testicles as a prank on Halloween for a haunted house. (Like people do peeled grapes, you know?) It was hilarious.

>> No.4966362
File: 13 KB, 250x333, obiwan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no TJ's in detroit

>> No.4966373

Actually at the time I was genuinely interested in local animal agriculture, even wanted to raise and kill animals myself, so I wanted to learn anything they could teach me.

But over time the disrespect for the animals really bothered me. I tried to shrug it off, but I realized I was lying to myself. That wasn't who I am. The general lack of any empathy at all was really disturbing to me.

And they still do that at some places obviously.

This wasn't a prank...

>> No.4966377


So you're masturbating to food pics without actually contributing a goddamn thing? Fantastic.

>> No.4966385


>Calling someone names

Now, now. That doesn't seem like The Kind Life.

>> No.4966386


What do you squat?

>> No.4966391

315 lb 1rm

>> No.4966392

So, you're basing a single experience of your own and applying it across the board to everyone who works in agriculture. You're a narrow minded fuckhead.

>> No.4966400


>fruitarian athletes


Asking this question, I'd bet money you're going to respond with some hungry skeleton endurance athlete, not anyone with appreciable strength or speed.

>> No.4966403

Actually if you read back I wasn't implying that everyone who worked in agriculture did it. Merely that it was the preferred method according to the people I talked to.

>> No.4966409

Not the person you're asking, but I know of Durian Rider and Freelee from YouTube who are fruitarian athletes.

I would google other fruitarian athletes but I don't care that much personally.

>> No.4966422

The people you spoke to were wrong. Very wrong. Using your teeth to remove testicles from livestock is NEVER the preferred method. Not only is it vulgar, but highly unsanitary for both the animal and the human. Both could get very sick. I still maintain that either you were being fucked with, or you live in a 3rd world environment. As I said before, I'd be happy to show you proper castration techniques.

>> No.4966562


Higher than I would have figured for someone I was certain had never lifted in their life.

Still pretty goddamn low in general. If you'd stop being such a baby about "unhealthy fats and oils" (which aren't going to harm you if your physically active and don't eat your bodyweight in them), you'd get it up to 405.

>> No.4966569

and what's your squat. I'm 5'5" 136 lb female, btw

>> No.4966603
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>> No.4966612

>took him thirty years to achieve what a normal athlete does in two

sounds about right

>> No.4966613

>people actually consider the death of other animals a moral issue
My fucking sides

>> No.4966617


So you're saying I can look like THAT after working out and eating food?! :O

WTF!?!?!?!? 8O

>> No.4966626


>what a normal athelete does in 2
>a normal athlete

From my time at /fit/, I've understood that a "normal athlete" means someone who pumps their body full of every kind of supplement they can find in pursuit of gains

>> No.4966634

Is that a picture of a cheeseburger in the background?

>> No.4966643
File: 90 KB, 499x465, 1382557474575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/fit/ is full of fatties who eat thousands of calories more than their body can use a day (they think its muscle they are gaining lol), guys who don't or barely workout, and roiders. The later two often go hand in hand.

>> No.4966657
File: 228 KB, 400x400, bulking[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't forget all the

>I'm full NATTY, brah
>brb, let me take my creatine supplements to puff my muscles up with water retention, then down 4 artificial chocolate flavored isolated whey protein shakes fortified with BCAAs

>> No.4966764
File: 9 KB, 295x166, typicalvegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4966766


/fit/ isn't normal, I don't think I would consider any board on 4chan normal.

>> No.4966778

there is no cheese... it's retarded to call it mac n' cheese. Can't be a cheese sauce without cheese

>> No.4966963

Vegan Here.
Daily reminder that: "natural"/"unnatural" doesn't necessarily mean something is immoral/moral; there's a subtle but important ethical difference between abusing (killing/imprisoning) animals for survival (people in the jungle who have to) and abusing animals for pleasure/convenience (the majority of people in the first world). Veganism is healthier, more environmentally friendly, more ethical, and more efficient. Consider that just because something is deeply woven into your life, it doesn't mean it's not immoral. Self-defence is the only excusable reason to kill an animal. (This includes killing for meat to survive)

>> No.4966967

The problem with your statement and entire belief system is this.
You feel it is amoral. That is it. When morality is something we as people have made up boils down to them not actually existing. It just makes you look like a fool.

>> No.4967051

My standard of morals is the same as most people's; it's just that there is outstanding hypocrisy and double standards surrounding the way we treat animals in the first world. If I cut my dog's throat and roasted him, then brought it to my neighbour- they would most likely call the police, or at least view me as a bad/weird person.

We are, at our core, compassionate animals with high levels of empathy. This is why a child would cry when forced to watch hundreds of pigs being slaughtered, but not at the sight of a bean farm. I doubt many meat eaters would be willing to take their (hypothetical) small children to a slaughter house. (even a "free range" one) To acknowledge that something that (when applied to our basic moral principles) immoral doesn't have to happen, yet still use justifications such as "it's a part of life" or "it's natural" to excuse something is blatant ignorance/apathy.

>> No.4967062

My dad took my to a slaughter house at the age of 7. I am now an avid hunter and will do the same for me son in 1 year at the age of 7.

>> No.4967064

>Stop doing things I don't like or agree with

>> No.4967075


you don't get it at all, it's the suffering that makes meat so delicous.

>> No.4967079

>This is why a child would cry when forced to watch hundreds of pigs being slaughtered

>had pet ducks
>were killed for food
>and they were delicious
>would help with plucking the live chicken bought from market
>would watch as vermin was thrown into boiling water to die
I'd say I have pretty sturdy morals, but animals are not people and never will be.

>> No.4967094


>pumps their body full of every kind of supplement they can find in pursuit of gains

It's not fucking heroin, most supplements are fucking sugar water with some natural extracts or synthetic derivatives to increase energy (see: caffeine, synephedrine, etc), act as a diuretic (dandelion root), or to increase vasodilation/blood flow (arginine, etc).

This is the kind of shit you can find in OTC medication or in every day foods, it's just provided in ratios and amounts supposedly capable of improving the results of one's work outs or diet.

It's not like they're pinning test e, snorting DNP, and chomping down clen on a daily basis, your average gym rat's supplement cabinet is full of shit that's pretty much harmless, or often mildly beneficial even to the non-athlete.

Although that fruitarian athlete guy is definitely a bit of a joke, if only because the bottom line is that anyone who hits the gym for 10+ years is going to get in shape, so it's not exactly an accomplishment just because you're on a subpar diet protocol.


Found in animal protein sources such as beef, chicken, and dairy.

>whey protein

Literally every protein ever.

You're fucking retarded if you think these mean you aren't natty. Being natty means that you don't utilize proscribed substances like clenbuterol, DNP, or anabolic steroids, i.e. "gear," i.e. shit that cannot be found naturally.

If your supplement is readily available in food and you're just getting it as a supp.. that's still natural. A completely synthetic derivative of human hormones, or medicine designed to alleviate asthma but also induces a thermogenic spike, or shit used to set off dynamite.. bit different. If you don't know what those three are, it's steroids, clen, and DNP respectively.

>> No.4967097


>Do the math

Eats Nothing But Fruit + Lifts Weights = Muscular doesn't add up. I believe the there's an unknown in that equation we have to solve for. It looks like: Eats Nothing But Fruit + Lifts Weights + X = Muscular.

Doing the math, X = steroids. Unless you know some other way you can get that much muscle with next to zero protein in your diet.

>> No.4967103

Yes.. That is generally what people do when they feel atrocities are taking place. Your comment could be applied to literally anything, including genocide.

>> No.4967104


Lift for 20 years and eat enough calories.

You WILL put on mass. Your body is going to respond to the stimulus, even if you're doing a completely shit job of providing it with essential macro and micro nutrients.

Someone goes to the gym and trains with any degree of intensity for 10, 15, 25 years consistently and they're gonna put on some muscle. Even if their diet is complete shit.

>> No.4967106

These isolated cases completely prove that most children wouldn't cry when seeing animals being killed. Well done.

>> No.4967348
File: 93 KB, 450x370, 1330806760417.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy vegan faux meat
>stroke-inducing ingredients from hell
>9000 billion calories
>tastes like pressed rabbit turds boiled in sewage

I'd rather roast some veggies, thank you very much.

>> No.4967456

When I was a little kid, my dad wanted my brother and I to raise some chickens. We were supposed to get one rooster and 20 hens. Well, the label had been mixed up at the feed store, so we ended up with 20 roosters and one hen. Imagine the cacophony. So, naturally, as soon as they were old enough, we had to have them slaughtered. I went along and watched the entire process. Yes, I was shocked by it, not because they were killed (because I knew beforehand that they were gong to be killed) but because I'd never seen a chicken centrifuge before. That was really interesting.
tl;dr they were delicious.

>> No.4967472


What's with the fucked up colors? Is that also because there is no meat in the photos?

>> No.4967538

Even if you don't give a shit about animals because you're a sociopath, if you care about your life, your quality of life, or the survival of other people on this planet, veganism makes sense.

Our resources are draining and we're destroying the environment through animal agriculture (Please don't try to tell me we destroy it through growing vegetables too, because while I acknowledge there are problems with that, it's not anywhere near comparable). We won't survive much longer on this planet the way we're eating.

And you will very likely die a horrible, pathetic death if you continue eating animal products. Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the U.S., and animal products contribute to and cause a long list of other ailments, diseases, and cancers.

So good luck with that.

>> No.4967549


Most children wouldn't cry when seeing animals being killed. The only reason children do cry is because of the glut of cartoons with anthropomorphic animals. Bambi, Blue's Clues, whatever. Decades of it.

Go to a country where there isn't a glut of cartoons in this vein and see if the kids give a shit about seeing an animal get killed. They won't. The negative reaction is mostly cultural, not natural.


>animal products contribute to and cause a long list of other ailments, diseases, and cancers

You've never read a medical journal in your life, have you?

>> No.4967550

When I was a kid I thought I was "tough" for being able to see animals getting hurt. I thought other kids were wusses when they didn't want to dissect a frog, etv.

But now I'm older I realized it had nothing to do with toughness, it had to do with a lack of empathy, which is a bad thing. Lacking empathy is something like lacking the ability to read, or severe autism. It's not something to be proud of.

>> No.4967554

Holy shit. You've never read a medical journal written past 1955 have you?

>> No.4967573

Kids in other countries where there aren't cartoons see hunting and tearing apart animals from the time they're babies, so of course they're accustomed to seeing animals in pain and being used to it. They would get used to humans being ripped apart too.

So you're wrong. Kids have empathy, but if their culture is one that harms creatures on a regular basis, they'll have to shut off part of their brain to be comfortable with it. Unless the kid is a sociopath.

>> No.4967575

Haha oh please, agriculture wrecks whole ecosystems and monocrops fit for human consumption lead to massive soil degradation. And let's not even touch the transportation involved so you can have your imaginary guilt-free vegan burger.

You vegfags should all be whipped through a soy field after a combine went though so you can see how guilt-free your inane food cult truly is. Hope you can stomach (lololoolo) all the cut up still living rodents everywhere.

>> No.4967612

Did you miss where I said "please don't try to tell me we destroy it through growing vegetables too because it's not anywhere near comparable"?

Even if you take away all the pollution, land degradation, forest depletion, and health hazards of CAFOs, you're still left with a mass amount of plants that the animals eat, which amounts to way more than any vegan could possibly eat.

So you compare what I might eat (assuming I buy non-local, non-organic, and don't grow my own food) by how much your animals eat, then the vegetables you eat on the side, and you see your diet is causing wayyyyyyyyyy, way more damage.

Now fuck off retard.

>> No.4967624

Supermarkets always overstock meat, so if you don't eat meat, it'll be thrown away, and the animal died for nothing. For every steak you're not eating, there's one rotting away in some dumpster.

>> No.4967653

The theory is the owners will order less meat when there's less demand.

If they don't do that, they're dumb.

>> No.4967681

And the reality is that there won't ever be enough vegans to make any kind of impact.

>> No.4967692

>when there's less demand.
All my lol's. Stay deluded, vegfag.

>> No.4967699

There are vegan grocery stores already. The fact that they offer fake meat in pretty much every grocery store says there are enough of us to make an impact. And that's going to keep increasing. There's too much information to support a vegan diet. The information might be slow in getting out, but it is.

Norway's army is now doing meatless days once a week.

I have a lot of hope for the future.

>> No.4967703

You seem to be confusing a silly fad with realistic shifts.

>> No.4967706

It's not only realistic, it's essential.


>> No.4967976

>die a horrible pathetic death

So, what, you're going out in a blaze of glory? LOL. Every death is pathetic and horrible, that's the NATURE OF DEATH. Good god, it's like you people think that if you just don't eat animals you're going to have a wonderful eternal, glorious life that never ends or ends in some sort of rapturous way. Why don't you ask Steve Jobs how that worked out for him? Oh, yeah.....

>> No.4967981

So, I suppose every doctor, scientist, zoologist, veterinarian, sports medicine professional, physical therapist, etc are all autistic and sociopaths because they can watch humans and animals being hurt or die and separate their feelings from it.
tl;dr you're a stupid faggot

>> No.4968005

EEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH (that's an attempt to mimick the sound of a buzzer.)
You are completely wrong. People who raise livestock have a vested interest in maintaining the richness of vegetation in their pastures and fields. Cattle, goats, sheep (in particular) need a varied amount of grasses, shrub and other plants to eat to get proper nutrition, plus shade, shelter, water, and then there's also the supplementation with enriched feed. Your factory farms aren't raising cattle from birth. They are buying young steers (and occasionally pregnant heifers, although that's less common) through livestock auctions from small ranchers and farmers, who's job it is to maintain their pasture land. You're an uneducated TWAT. Go suck more cock and STFU.

>> No.4968021
File: 462 KB, 1289x1397, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top image in pic's thumbnail looks like a dog's face.

>> No.4968024


>> No.4968027 [DELETED] 

For those that are homo and vegan, there's probably high correlation, if you slurp down man juice are you still vegan?

>> No.4968032

>mfw people don't realize being vegan is about minimizing
>mfw i say i'm vegan and everyone suddenly feels attacked by me and shit their pants

>> No.4968038


And testosterone is made naturally in the body, but injecting yourself with it is considered unnatural. If you eat food to get your creatine and protein and such, fine. Taking a bunch of extracts so you can get unnatural amounts of them without actually eating food to get them is not natural. Like every other /fit/tard, you buy into every supplement marketer on the internet

>> No.4968065 [DELETED] 

> feeling that you're attacked just because of a harmless man juice question
> worse than a religious type that feels the need to project it's religion on others

It was just a question.

>> No.4968107

Most vegans are homos, womyn or both. It's a pretty well-known fact. No one's calling you names. You're the one feeling attacked and getting all defensive.

>> No.4968715


>Norway's army is now doing meatless days once a week.

All two hundred of them?

>> No.4970779

>I want it to be both ways, this way what I say will support my view of the world.

>> No.4970786

>Anything from theguardian
>LAWL my sides

>> No.4970900

Holy shit can people stop bringing up the beef industry as if it represents the entire factory farming industry?

You are so fucking naive it hurts.