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4952499 No.4952499[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Trying to quit soda entirely
No longer want to rot my teeth and get more obese

What are some good alternatives? Water is fine but want something that tastes different once in awhile. and I can't drink liquor in the middle of the day at work.

>> No.4952508

Club soda
Water with lemon
1 part juice 3 parts club soda or water
Tonic water

>> No.4952513

Mineral water helped me quit dat shit.

>> No.4952525

Iced tea (no sugar)
Squash ?

>> No.4952539


Juice with sparkling water is good. Like, apple juice and mineral water, or orange juice and club soda...pineapple juice also works pretty well. I guess peach juice would be good, too. Fruit cocktail...essentially juice, any juice, and carbonated water.

I like to drink water because it's efficient. It doesn't cost anything, is full of the good stuff that keeps you hydrated (H2O), it's abundant, I don't have to transport it, it doesn't taste anything so it doesn't affect my mood, emotions, perceptions, etc., it always tastes the same (mostly) so it doesn't change me, I don't rely on it for comfort, or whatever else. I get nutrients through pills and the cheapest food I can find.

This is how I reap years of studying nutrition, food, cooking, physiology, etc.

I can live on under $100.00 worth of food a month, and get super adequate nutrition. Actually, better nutrition than most people. Such is life in the Raccoon City underground.


>> No.4952875

That's worse m8

>> No.4952898

coffee (black apart from after dinner, where you can have a nice cappuccino or latte as a dessert)
green/white tea
proper tea, m8 (like yorkshire tea, with milk and up to a teaspoon of sugar - its still way less than in the carbonated jew)
(diet) orange & barley squash (if you must)
(diet) ginger beer and with the juice of a freshly squeezed lime. so good.

good luck, fatass. make sure youre not fat the next time i see you. fucking piece of shit.

>> No.4952906

First: Don't drink fruit juice, it's just as bad as soda.
Second: Don't drink diet anything, just because it's zero calorie doesn't mean it's good for you.

Tea and coffee are the best alternatives -- with no additives. Milk's okay I guess, but not in the diet sense.

>> No.4952942

More soda.

Don't fight it, anon, you resistance will only strengthen it.

>> No.4952951

Just drink fucking water you fatass. Add ice if you want something different.

>> No.4952956

it might not be good to drink coffee all the time, but brominated vegetable oil... yellow 5... high fructose corn syrup...

that is really bad.

>> No.4952957

almond milk

>> No.4952973

You again with yiur fucking gay assed almond milk! Stop pushing your homo adgenda on me, faggot!

>> No.4953002

I just stopped having it in my house, only drink it when I eat out.

Water with lemon juice has been my savior, along with unsweetened tea

>> No.4953029

Iced tea. You can have it in tons of flavors, make a pitcher of it to have at home and you can have a water bottle at work to make it there with. Just fill with water, pour the stick in and you're done. I love it.

>> No.4953070

Carbonated water with water flavorings.

>> No.4953078

Get some mio or whatever, squirt that in your water.

>> No.4953119

V8 is breddy good. It still has a plenty of fructose, but it has a few more redeeming qualities than corn syrup water. Comes in a 12oz can if you're addicted to the 12oz can experience.

>> No.4953216
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I feel your pain OP. I, too, am still looking for a beverage that excites me.

>Add ice if you want something different.
lols were had

>> No.4953320

Maybe this is weird, but carrot juice helped me.
It's really tasty and now I have to stop myself from drinking too much of it. But at least it's better than just drinking mountain dew all day.

>> No.4953324

Drink beer like an adult, faggot.

>> No.4954176

try water with lemon in it.

or try sparkling water with lemon in it.

idk I never really liked soda. Whenever I drink one it tastes and feels like I am drinking more syrup than liquid.

You can also drink coffee or tea. I really like Earl Grey tea for some reason. It's kind of bitter but at the same time has this subtle sweetness to it.

>> No.4954189

juice is an okay alternative, but calorie for calorie and sugar for sugar it is usually just as bad for you as soda is

if you switch to it, increasingly water down your juice so you can wean yourself off that sugar addiction

your goal should be to eventually love and embrace water as the one true provider of liquid nourishment

>> No.4954196

I drink black tea OP. No sugar, just ice and lemon.

>> No.4954289

time to grow up kiddie /grow a pair

>> No.4954649

Black coffee is fine. It's when you start adding stuff to it that makes it bad for you.

Black dick, however, is great for and you should try it sometime.

>> No.4954668

Why are you trying to quit something when moderation exists?

>> No.4954675
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>eating spoiled dick

>> No.4954683

Fucken amerifats. Just fucken drink water you fucken piece of shit. Or tea you fucken piece of british fucken shit.
Jesus fucken christ mate. If you get cravings get some diet soda every once in a while.
Fucken hell

>> No.4954685

>Diet soda

Ausfats still think aspartame is okay.

>> No.4954688
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>being this mad over americans
yep sounds about right.

>> No.4954697

Fucken shit. Aspartame is not okay, but drinking a diet soda once a week is better than drinking normal soda all day erry day right?

Fucking shit. This faggot comes to /ck/ whining "heueheue, I can't stop drinking sugary sparkly water becouse I am a piece of shit pls halp" fuck you you dumb fucking kiddo. If you need fucking help to stop fucking driking sugary water you should fucking keep drinking the shite and get diabeetus and die and weed yourself out of the gene pool.
Jesus fucking christ

>> No.4954701

Drinking regular soda once a week is better than both. Artificial sweeteners fuck up your blood chemistry and cause hunger spikes.

>> No.4954702

But drinking a normal soda once a week is better than drinking a diet soda once a week.

>> No.4954718

dont you people get tired of sodas? i just dont find coca cola tasty anymore, all my life until about 6 months ago i would always down at least 2 colas a day, now i struggle to even drink more than half a cola every 2 or 3 days

what other kind of interesting sodas are there?

>> No.4954748
File: 43 KB, 635x432, alg-robertdowneyjr-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you people

What do you mean, "you people"?

>> No.4954754

ginger beer is delicious

>> No.4954759

What do YOU mean "you people"?

>> No.4954791


>> No.4954893

i quit soda to but it was because i was poor and couldn't buy it
after a day i went into withdrawal fuck was it bad it was like a really bad cold