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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 51 KB, 500x279, jon-stewart-daily-show-chicago-pizza-rant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4947883 No.4947883 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.4947900

Honestly, it's the first time I've ever wanted to punch his teeth out. And I'm not even from Chicago, but that was obnoxious and fatuous as fuck.

>> No.4947908

I live in chicago. deep dish pizza is a tourist thing. most of my favorite pizza places don't even offer it. when ordering pizza, no one even thinks about getting deep dish.

about the hot dogs, only suburban cubs fans get "chicago style" hot dogs. the rest of us get polish sausage or brats

>> No.4947910

Wow he's getting old. Look at those wrinkles and grays.

>> No.4947921

>getting this rustled by tongue-in-cheek humor involving well known stereotypes

You need to get out more, man.

As for OP question-- I could care less if someone wants to call a turd a baklava. If it tastes good, go for it. I personally prefer New York style because I don't much bread. Chicago style is nice, but I certainly wouldn't want it often.

>> No.4947923

Mind your own business, busybody.

>> No.4947939

Never had a pizza like that, but I like very saucy pizzas so I'd probably like it.

>> No.4947940
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>> No.4947942


i think he is right even he was just making a show.

for me this isnt pizza. its fucking bread with something tomatoish in it.
generally i don't call thick american pizzas as pizzas. its just fucking flat bread with backed toppings on it.

no offense

>> No.4947943

also, as a proud chicagoan, the best piza I've ever had is been in brooklyn (at some famous place in DUMBO i forgot the name)

best pizza outside of nyc is in chicago tho

>> No.4947946
File: 14 KB, 300x200, kid displaying negative response bias by purposely disliking something popular - also known as 'being edgy'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filename related

He isn't a child any more. Yet, he acts like one. He might as well do stand up toilet humor.

>> No.4947950

i think u just dont like it when people call your barf in a bread shell bad

>> No.4947952

>people getting mad at a comedian making a joke

>> No.4947959

this guy gets it

>> No.4947967

I don't care about his disliking Chicago pizza, it was the way he did it. It was just....horribly obnoxious. I like John Stewart, but that got on my nerves to no end and I was glad when it cut to commercial.

>> No.4947971

Two different kinds of food entirely. No one outside of New York (and to a much smaller extent Chicago) gives a shit about this debate.

In literally the entire rest of the world, "pizza" means something other than what New Yorkers insist on. Even in Chicago, they call it "deep dish" or "Chicago-style" because they recognize that there are other acceptable forms of pizza.

You realize that sketch was mostly tongue-in-cheek, right?

>> No.4947972


>> No.4947983

See >>4947967.
Sigh....it's like no one can see past their rose-colored glasses. Or should I say Stewart-colored glasses. Tongue-in-cheek or not, it was annoying.

>> No.4947985

How was it annoying? Because he did it in a stereotypical New Yorker accent?

>> No.4947994

So you don't like exaggerated fake accents. Why do you like John Stewart at all then? That's literally 25% of his schtick.

>> No.4947999

I've never even had a Chicago Pizza in my life. I'm just making an obvious observation. Given your reaction, you've probably never had it either.

>> No.4948010


>comedian does a bit about Chicago / New York rivalry that nobody really gives a fuck about in character as an obnoxious New Yorker stereotype

>faggots complain the obnoxious New Yorker stereotype was obnoxious

>> No.4948011

Why would I completely dislike the guy because of a few crappy sketches? No one has a gold star day every day. Why do people have be one extreme or another? I don't have to love him or hate him. It's okay to not enjoy everything someone does. If I hated everyone who occasionally annoyed me, I'd be a shut in with no friends. OH WAIT, I forgot for a moment where I was...

>> No.4948021

>whiney bitch doesn't like people having differing opinions.

>> No.4948028

It's a joke about the people who take that rivalry about the towers seriously.

If this makes you angry you are the idiots it's making fun of
On both sides of this >debate

>> No.4948030

Honestly both Chicago and NY have totally shit pizza. Deep dish is a fucking pie, not a pizza so stop calling it you slavic squatters. NY pizza is low quality plastic shit, sure you can get a giant slice for a buck, but there is a reason why its a buck

>> No.4948031

What you're doing is the equivalent of bitching about Colbert being self-absorbed and obnoxious. It was a fucking schtick poking fun at New Yorkers and how petty the whole rivalry is. The fact that you're defending your bitching as "opinion" just further demonstrates how fucking stupid you are.

>> No.4948037

deep dish pizza is shit, but chicago style hot dogs are the best in the US

>> No.4948043

I can understand the bitching about Colbert because he's taken one joke character and extended him for years after he'd overstayed his welcome. It's just not funny anymore.

The bitching about Stewart here is about ONE four-minute joke.

>> No.4948052

A New Yorker with a thing against Chicago deep dish? Really? You're pulling my leg.

>> No.4948063
File: 20 KB, 452x339, Thats_the_joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that was obnoxious and fatuous as fuck.

>> No.4948064
File: 297 KB, 1280x960, Chicago-style_hot_dog_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all the shit they put on there and then they complain when somebody wants a simple mustard and ketchup hotdog. It's more salad than hotdog.

>> No.4948074


Get fucked, you uptight whore.

>> No.4948080


the tomatoes and pickle are mild tasting, crisp, and refreshing, they go perfectly with the savory dog, and their texture compliments the soft bun. it's quite beautiful

>> No.4948084

Thats what gets me about chicago dogs, there is so much shit on it that you cant even taste the hot dog anymore, its just a bun with a hot dog buried in a bunch of shit that doesnt belong together

>> No.4948087

more like


>> No.4948095

This. People who prefer Chicago dogs just don't like hot dogs all that much. Keep it fucking simple.

Also, the texture of that celery salt really throws me off along with the mushy everything else.

>> No.4948100

Wrong. How did I take it seriously? Because it was obnoxious and annoying to listen to? Lots of comedians tell terrible jokes, that doesn't mean their jokes are taken "seriously". You're just a petulant child who can't stand it when people don't like what you like.

>> No.4948103

>putting salt on a pickle

what in the world am I looking at

>> No.4948104

>Because it was obnoxious and annoying to listen to?

yes, because that was the joke and you didn't seem to get it.

>> No.4948112

What does a Jew know about good food?

>> No.4948113

No, you stupid fucking fuck, it's doesn't matter that it was the joke. I understood what he was doing, you dumb ass, it just wasn't funny, it was POOR. Good god, what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.4948116

>i-it was j-just a bad joke, guys...
>i totally g-got it

>> No.4948119

Ever eat a corned beef sandwich?

>> No.4948121

Now you're just baiting. Either that, or you really don't understand how stupid you're being. Either way, it's pathetic.

>> No.4948123

It's fine if you don't think it wasn't funny

It wasn't really.
The point is that your complaints were that it was obnoxious and nobody gives a fuck about the pizza rivalry
which was the fucking joke

>> No.4948124

>the mushy everything else.

good lord are you talking about the tomatoes pickle and onion? you have had some truly awful chicago dogs if they are mushy

>> No.4948127

you didn't come here complaining about him making a bad joke, you were complaining that he was "obnoxious" which WAS THE FUCKING JOKE.

There's several people in this thread who think you're a fucking moron.

>> No.4948129

You must be simply horrid to be around, growing so upset at the inconsequential mouthfarts of a New York Jew.
I mean... I don't find South Park funny at all, but nor do I grunt and moan about it like some wounded dairy cow.

>> No.4948136

>tfw in chicago they call pies pizzas and in nyc they call pizzas pies

>> No.4948144


i'm not the guy you're responding to, but jokes can be obnoxious, as a joke, regardless of the content of a joke (even if that content consists of intentionally obnoxious behavior)

if create a joke that isn't funny, and the whole point of the joke is that it's not funny, can you legitimately criticize my joke for not being funny? I would say so, otherwise tyler perry could keep doing his black guy in a dress thing while hiding under the blanket of "well it's SUPPOSED to be obnoxious!"

>> No.4948151
File: 142 KB, 640x400, Guy-Fieri-SNL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG guyz I hate Bobbi Moynahan he's so obnoxious and loud and all the food he shows is is so terrible


>> No.4948150

>otherwise tyler perry could keep doing his black guy in a dress thing while hiding under the blanket of "well it's SUPPOSED to be obnoxious!"

the point of course being, it is obnoxious that he would presume acting like that is funny in the first place

>> No.4948154

Boo hoo. I'm quite sure, given your post, that if someone brought up South Park around you, you'd bray your snotty opinons about it like a fucking plow-ass.
Like I give two fucks what strangers on 4chan think about me. Go take your low brow sense of humor and shove it up your peehole, you mouthbreathing fucktard.

>> No.4948159

>this mad

>> No.4948166
File: 38 KB, 799x444, Butthurt-Butthurt-everywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like I give two fucks what strangers on 4chan think about me. Go take your low brow sense of humor and shove it up your peehole, you mouthbreathing fucktard.

lol, you've practically exhausted the entirety of your vocabulary. Sounds pretty butthurt to me.

>> No.4948169

You're not fooling anyone
you're incredible mad and wishing we would stop pointing and laughing at you

>> No.4948173

>haha i conveniently left out the mustard and pickle relish (yes, alongside the pickle) surely he'll look like an idiot!

Also you missed the main point, which is that you don't actually like the hot dog all that much. The point of toppings are to complement and bring out the flavor of the dog, not to cover it up with a bunch of shit.

>> No.4948170

Maybe he's an obnoxious New Yorker and this has deeply offended him.

>> No.4948190


you didn't say "the mustard and pickle relish," (both of which can not be anything other than mushy, so it goes without saying) you said "the mushy everything else." I addressed the everything else

and I explained why I think it works in [>>4948080]. also, I eat plain hot dogs readily

>> No.4948191
File: 420 KB, 225x236, headbang.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The surest sign of low intelligence. You can't think of anything better to say than "Lol you butthurt". This is barely worth my time, it would almost be more interesting to sit and stare at the wall than this. Pathetic.

>> No.4948199
File: 26 KB, 777x124, everyone in this thread needs to calm down, take a deep breath and close their internet. You don't have to be right all the time. It doesn't matter. Go make a hot drink and read a book instead..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I just remain quiet as I've nothing to say about it. If asked, I'll mention I dislike it and leave at that. If pressed ("Why don't you like it?" rather than something like "You're crazy. SP is good for X, Y and Z reasons," if the latter, I've nothing more to say), "just don't" is a good response.
I'm not confrontational over the various minutia of tastes and I'm not so arrogant as to care what other's opinions are so I might have the opportunity to change them.
You're quite an awful fellow, however, if your interactions with strangers is any indication. Perhaps do as instructed in pic related?

>> No.4948201

> Chicago-style tomato pie
> pizza

pick one

>> No.4948212

>November 16th 2013
>local mentally handicapped boy found hanging in his room
>leaves rambling 5 page suicide letter written in crayon blaming the "bullies" on /ck/ for pushing him into it
>firefighters forced to clear out 6 foot tall stacks of old Chicago deep dish pizza boxes to get to his body

>> No.4948214
File: 1.14 MB, 250x188, 1333413793719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The surest sign of high mad. You can't think of anything better to do than reply to the b8. This is barely worth your time, but you know you have nothing better to do than get mad at jokes you didn't understand. Pathetic.

>> No.4948220
File: 295 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2013-10-25-18-51-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is fucking gay

>> No.4948222
File: 163 KB, 600x808, refinedgentleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hilarious when people try to backtrack and act like they are above caring about anything, when in fact, you wouldn't be replying if you hadn't felt the need to comment on someone else's opinion in the first place, you sad little man. "Perhaps" you should take your own advice.

>> No.4948246

>you sad little man

don't call me perhaps you cocksucker

>> No.4948252

Othet than the 'rat' remark, I think he did pretty well.

Tomato soup in a bread bowl got me.

>> No.4948255

John Stewart sucks.

>> No.4948259

>OMG, you just don't get his jokes, man. u r such a pleb, you don't have a sense of humor, ur sad..blah blah blah

>> No.4948263

We can't all have good taste.

>> No.4948272


No... I guess we all really can't. And it's a damn shame.

>> No.4948288

still mad, i see

>> No.4948300

>I can't stop replying no matter what


>> No.4948317


I normally disagree with everything that witless socialist Jew says, but God damn it EVERY PART of that rant was 100% correct. Fuck your cheese and tomato casserole.

>> No.4948334


>Implying Stewart is in any way better than Colbert

Colbert is actually funny. Stewart keeps trying to have serious interviews with people who agree with him on topics he clearly knows fucking nothing about. He needs to stop "dabbling" in being serious, and focus on being funny. It's a fucking comedy show.

>> No.4948341

>lasagna with an outer layer of bread, HOW DISGUSTING

It's like some retarded inside joke that only I don't get, only surpassed in autism by the 'muh authentic chili' crowd. Shit taste's good.

>> No.4948348

Stewart is pretty smart. Have you ever seen his interviews on the O'Reilly Factor?

>> No.4948354
File: 43 KB, 450x357, y u mad tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4948361
File: 207 KB, 800x810, White Hot Analpocalypse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4948369


>Shit taste's good.
>Using an apostrophe in that situation

Full illiterate. All of your opinions on everything are completely irrelevant as a result


I've seen more of O'Reilly on the Daily Show, which are some of the more funny interview segments with non-comedians/actors Stewart has done.

>> No.4948371

IQs of a turnip detected

>> No.4948396
File: 967 KB, 245x260, Rectal_bleeding.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You started the hysterica insult flinging as opposed to actually arguing. Don't complain when the discourse is subsequently dumbed down when you were the fool who dumbed it down in the first place.

Furthermore, you are obviously mad with much greater intensity than any argument in this thread has reason to cause. How much of a neckbeard virgin are you, exactly?

>> No.4948406

Actually, you idiots started the shit fest. I was responding to OP's query. It's not my fault you can't handle people not agreeing with your moronic attitudes and sense of humor. I made my "argument" early on, and you chuckfucks had to keep on acting the fools that you are. So, carry on I guess, you dimwit fucknut.

>> No.4948500

i don't care about other people's personal tastes

>> No.4948625

>People get this buttmad over a joke
Congrats, you ARE the joke.

Haven't laughed so hard in weeks.

>> No.4948632

I'll never understand how someone can love cardboard over deepdish, it doesn't even compare. The crust alone makes it better.

>> No.4948642

I think you don't understand what buttmad is.

>> No.4948650

>acting the fool
Black or southerner?

>> No.4948658

Neither. That phrase didn't orginate in the American south, even if you ghetto hillbillies took it and ebonicized it.

>> No.4948671

wow /ck/ what happened to you, you used to be one of the best boards on 4chan. What happened?
even sadder, you may still be one of the better boards

>> No.4948672

>you ghetto hillbillies
Friend, I'm not even an American, let alone black or a hillbilly. It's something I've noticed of American speech patterns. People who use that phrase in my experience are either black, southerner or both.

>> No.4948693


>socialist Jew
>implying Stewart is a socialist or you even know what socialism is
>takes his purposely retarded words about pizza in earnest

Damn Cletus, when did you drop out of Flyoverville Middle School?

>> No.4948704

>implying public school
I went to Sweet Baby Jesus Academy but I would have preferred the Holy Mary Sisterhood of Reformed Prostitutes Rum Distillery and Day School but my grandmother said I'd be out of the will if I went cavorting with Catholics.

>> No.4948709

Well, I shouldn't have assumed you're American. But, that phrase didn't originate in the south, so people shouldn't assume that someone who uses it is southern or black, either.

>> No.4948722

People shouldn't be so hair-trigger sensitive that they immediately take offense to something as benign as that anon's original comment. I mean, let's be fair-- you're implying it's bad to be black or from the south. That's profoundly ignorant on your part.

>> No.4948748

No, I'm implying the phrase "acting the fool" has been popularized and bastardized by ghetto hillbillies in the south. I have nothing against southern people, I have relatives there. There's terrible people in every walk of life and location on earth, and the south is no different from anywhere else. What I said is no more "ignorant " than assuming that using the phrase "acting the fool" makes me either southern or black.

>> No.4948752


>this poor level of damage control

>> No.4948772

You should assume everyone is american, this is a american website

>> No.4948787

>You should assume everyone is american, this is a american website
I always laugh when people say this.

>> No.4948826

he makes me so gd mad, he sets my teeth on edge,k him and that colbert guy... but 'specillly That guy. I make it a point to change the channel. if it were't for the likes of him... wait what talklking os pizza, again? do what ya will. two consenting adults can eat whatever pizza they like. in the privacy of their home. he still pisses me off though, cause every body knows ...( I like deep dish, or thin nyc, both are good, different, who gives a shit... now we are talking about hot dogs, see i like me um em mustard chille ( no beans) slaw( mayo), and light onions, not like them fags up noth "draging through the garden" i mean really, if i wanted it that way, i'd order a salad on the side ... wait what... people are hearing this.. live . OK Ladies and Gentlemen, speaking of pizza, I like deep dish and flat. both are = good. it's kind of like barbeque. not just the meat but the sauce great angnst comes of this. even friends that refrain from "Meat" But i Personally will tell you bzzzzzzzzt. and that is my opinion. people been eating flat or yeast bread. thin or thick stuff on it, corn or wheat for thousands of years.( should I tell the that sir? no matter, they wont listen anyways ) nobody knows that you cane piss everyone off with a simple word or tow, um two.; now hand me that totinos 4/5. and put some extra fromage uh chesse on it. canned shsrooms are fine we are ta home now... any thing you want is ok market. know it. thats something don't teach you.; and clean. thrice. ok to be a bit grimy at home, but round here, they will shut you down in a heartbeat. S'not all all bad. but be careful. if the things you liked in college are now elevator muusic, be careful. old heads can sometimes get alzhimers and ramble.

>> No.4948841

you go jgon. um john. you piss me off. and that's a good thing.

>> No.4948846

New york and american pizza is garbage, come up to montreal if you want a reaallll pie

>> No.4948852

>all this mad
you can't even say that this is bait
anyone who would type out that much for something so small is just

>> No.4948853

>not knowing about old rambling guy
Welcome to /ck/

>> No.4948858

Aight so I've asked this before and I'll ask it again, who the fuck is this guy and why does he always post long rants that are entirely incoherent? Does he use text to speech or something?

If you read this, dude, please. I'm dying to know why you do this

>> No.4948863
File: 36 KB, 400x271, 1276814111299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4948867

Bruce is a male name...

>> No.4948881

Is transgender cow, you cisgendered scum.

>> No.4948885

They are actually pretty coherent. If you read carefully you can see his thought process and logic working.

>> No.4948886

This is a fake rambling guy. The first part is too coherent

>> No.4948911
File: 21 KB, 480x360, bruces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Bruce is an Australian name...


>> No.4948916

It still begs the question of why he types like that or uses text to speech. Does anyone know anything about who this person is?

>> No.4949073

No, it doesn't. His point only addresses part of what you asked but is in no way question-begging. It would have to claiming to be a full solution for th

>> No.4949097

>French shit
>real pizza

>> No.4949110

shit that NY pizza looked just awful. theres gotta be something special about it based upon how many people rate it but it looked like tesco's own brand

>> No.4949126
File: 112 KB, 560x416, 1366579627368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although Jon was joking everything he said was true.

Deep Dish is not pizza, it's shit. deal with it.

>> No.4949129

I think the term 'pizza' was an intentional misnomer to get squeemish faggots like you to eat it.

It's a saucy lasagna with a crust. Pretty delicious if you aren't too pretentious to try it.

>> No.4949130

even people who like it admit deepdish isn't actually pizza.

>> No.4949132

Depends on your definition. If it's flatbread with sauce, cheese and toppings then no. If it's american-italian contained within a circular bread crust then sure.

I just don't understand why the terminology turns so many people off of this tasty dish. It's like pop culture autism.

>> No.4949133
File: 3 KB, 300x57, painbut show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just don't compare a sauce pie to actual pizza and say deepdish the the better peetser.

>pic related, me and this thread

>> No.4949141

Unless you're from fucking Italy ( and even certain regions at that), you don't know shit about "real" pizza. Jew York pizza is just as much of an abomination as Shitcago pizza. Fucking deal with that, numbnuts.

>> No.4949147

>jew york
Implying madfriend

>provel master race

>> No.4949149

>implying jew york isn't correct

Do you even shekel?

>> No.4949150


Don't the cows get fed enough corn? Why corn it a second time?

>> No.4949183

eh fuck that kike, NY Pizza is like eating a shingle

>> No.4949187

>provel master race
does that mean you like saint louis style because it's the best?

>> No.4949596

He's right, it's a casserole. Calling this crap pizza is like calling spaghetti bolognese, idk, TANGLED PIZZA

>> No.4949754

In America they feed cows candy.
