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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4939728 No.4939728[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Kombucha is similar to yogurt, in that it is a living probiotic food.

its kind of like a tea. or a mushroom. or a beer. type of thing....

people have drank it for thousands of years.

making it is similar but definitely NOT the same as fermentation.

do your research about kombucha and ask your doctor before doing anything- for safety reasons.

you want to AVOID mold contamination, don't drink that stuff.

alot of people let it grow to the point that it actually forms a mushroom type "mother" like in vinegar/wine related stuff, but you don't have to/want to let it get that far.

what you will need:

one big glass Jar or container that is safe for food. it should be able to hold a gallon or more of liquid and have a big open top that your hand can fit through.

rubberbands and a cotton cloth (for securing the lid) your going to want to use that instead of any lid it came with.

a little sea salt.

Honey. the more natural the better. no fake stuff full of corn syrup.

wholefoods: Brags apple cider vinegar (is the best and its not worth buying a different vinegar.)

in their cold section, look for a small glass kombucha drink bottle that will likely be fruit or ginger flavored. make sure you read it and it says that it has living bacteria and real kombucha
try to get the red one with rainbow colors on it, or orange looking one, you can also ask someone for help too.

use spring water with no fluoride if you can.

>> No.4939730


in the big glass container add some water, and then some of the kombucha drink, (a little less than half, you can drink the rest) to get the bacteria started.
1 half cup of honey
tiny pinch of sea salt
big splash of brag apple cider vinegar
fill it the rest of the way up with water but give it VERY generous room from the top, because it can foam like a shook up soda can, treat it gently.

so place the cloth over top and put on a rubber band so that it can breath, but so that bugs can't get in.

the honey + apple cider vinegar + sea salt feeds it. using normal white sugar isn't really the best.

let the kombucha sit in a normal to cool/ dry slightly dark place, away from loud noises and chaos.

check on it once every two days, to just see how its doing.

after a week and a half or so, you should notice it bubbling a little, you can put it in the fridge now with the containers original lid, and mix it with your favorite fruit juices.

also: you can save some of the kombucha you made and add more honey/vinegar/water/sea salt/ and let it grow all over again while your busy drinking the stuff you just made.

you can keep growing it back again all the time, but you might want to refresh it every once in a while (rarely) if the flavor changes too much with another splash of the wholefoods kombucha stuff.

its a living thing, and keeps on living in your stomach. its a symbiotic relationship pretty much.

you keep on eating healthy and natural and it stays in your digestive system helping keep you healthy and assisting digestion etc.

some health benefits may include:

amino acids

it can help

>> No.4939734

boost energy
improve digestion
prevent acid reflux issues
help with weight loss
improve sleep
relieve constipation
really good for skin and hair
good for circulation
helps the body get rid of toxins
can help with arthritis pain

full of b-vitamins and organic acids

you can also make green tea, and give it some of that (after it cools down so you don't shock the kombucha) because it thrives in an alkaline environment.

pro tip: eating really healthy and natural can make your body a more alkaline environment so that it is harder for bad things like cancer and cavities and illness to survive, while making your immune system and stomach etc. full of happy good bacteria and enzymes. you body is a universe, so make sure its run by the jedi and not the evil sith!

see what i mean?

happy enzymatic culturing! :D

let me know how its turned out and/or every step of the way in this thread!

i made my own many times, but i also add extra probiotics to it. (more complicated)

peace! :)

>> No.4939749

How bad does this make you sht?

Does it all come out at once, or is it scattered throughout the day

>> No.4939812
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The American Cancer society says "Available scientific evidence does not support claims that Kombucha tea promotes good health, prevents any ailments, or ... works to treat cancer or any other disease. Serious side effects and occasional deaths have been linked with drinking Kombucha tea."

Some people have experienced allergic reactions and digestive problems, while others have had toxic reactions and developed metabolic acidosis. Digestive problems including upset stomach and allergic reactions are commonly reported side effects of Kombucha. Some consumers may experience nausea, vomiting, and neck pain. There have also been cases of jaundice associated with Kombucha. As the tea is commonly made at home in nonsterile conditions, a person could be at risk from drinking Kombucha that has contamination resulting from the growth of harmful molds and bacteria. If Kombucha is brewed in glazed ceramic pots, the tea acids can leach lead from the glaze, resulting in lead poisoning. Additional side effects of Kombucha may result from the alcohol content in unpasteurized versions of the tea. The alcohol content of some brands may be as high as 3 percent, or the equivalent of certain beers.

>full of b-vitamins and organic acids
Vitamin A 0%
Vitamin B5 0%
VItamin B6 4%
Vitamin B12 4%
Vitamin C 0%
Vitamin D 0%
Vitamin E 0%
Vitamin K 0%

>> No.4939839

Why the fuck don't you have actual tea in your kombucha? You use cider vinegar and honey. Kombucha is made with tea.

>> No.4939849

>If Kombucha is brewed in glazed ceramic pots, the tea acids can leach lead from the glaze, resulting in lead poisoning.

Who on earth still uses lead glazed pottery around their food?

>> No.4939861

You can find kombucha 'mushroom' (or mother) for sale at Yemoos.com. They also sell milk and water kafir grains, ginger beer 'plant', sourdough starter and Finnish villi culture.

>> No.4939918
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>Who on earth still uses lead glazed pottery around their food?

Lead glazes have been popular since Roman times. It's not legally allowed in US cookware, but there's virtually no enforcement, so lots of imported cookware, particularly from China and Mexico, is lead-glazed. Kombucho also reacts badly with colored glass, crystal, plastic, and many metals.

>> No.4939932

The only time I ever drank kombucha I got the most violent shits I've ever had. Never again.

>> No.4939962


if you are new to it, stay near a toilet until you are used to it.

its alot like yogurt but different too.

even if you don't believe in what people say about its health benefits, it is still a really tasty drink to make (if you like it) everyone is different.

also, you obviously do NOT want to let it sit such a long time that it contains a legal at 21 alcohol level type of thing

if it is grown right, there shouldn't be any mold or nasty stuff growing in it. you should use a big clean glass food safe jar like container to make it.

ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.4939963

i mentioned you can use green tea. but you could probably use any tea that you like, right in the place of all that water.

ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.4939968

please share more of that story with /ck/

>where were you
>when was it
>how did it happen
>how much did you drink of the kombucha
>can you describe the kombucha
>can you describe your normal diet (what you eat and drink every day more or less?)

>> No.4940045

The kombucha mushroom people
Sitting around all day
Who can believe you?
Who can believe you?
Let your mother pray

Sugar, sugar

I'm not there all the time you know
Some people, some people, some people
Call it insane, yeah they call it insane
I play Russian Roulette everyday, a man's sport
With a bullet called life, yeah mama called life
You know that every time I try to go
Where I really want to be
It's already where I am
'Cause I'm already there

The kombucha mushroom people
Sitting around all day
Who can believe you?
Who can believe you?
Let your mother pray


I got a gun the other day from Sako
It's cute, small, fits right in my pocket
Yeah, right in my pocket
My girl, you know, she lashes out at me sometimes
And I just fucking kick her, and then ooh baby
She's okay
People are always chasing me down
Trying to push my face to the ground
Where all they really want to do
Is suck out my mother fucking brains, my brains

The kombucha mushroom people
Sitting around all day
Who can believe you?
Who can believe you?
Let your mother pray

I sit, in my desolate room, no lights, no music
Just anger, I've killed everyone
I'm away forever, but I'm feeling better

How do I feel? What do I say?
Fuck you, it all goes away
How do I feel? What do I say?
Fuck you, it all goes away
How do I feel? What do I say?
In the end it all goes away
How do I feel? What do I say?
In the end it all goes away
How do I feel? What do I say?
In the end it all goes away
How do I feel? What do I say?
In the end it all goes away
How do I feel? What do I say?
In the end it all goes away
How do I feel? What do I say?
In the end it all goes away
In the end it all goes away
In the end it all goes away

>> No.4940324 [DELETED] 


>> No.4940355

>making it is similar but definitely NOT the same as fermentation.

No, it is fermentation. I think your confused because it's 'non-alcoholic', and you think fermentation must lead to alcohol. It doesn't.

>do your research about kombucha and ask your doctor before doing anything- for safety reasons.

It's just a fucking drink. Not like you're lacing it with codeine or anything.

>a little sea salt.
>Brags apple cider vinegar

You don't need either of these things. The SCOBY will grow fine on the tea and sugars alone. I've made batches with nothing but tea, table sugar, and store bought kombucha. If anything the vinegar contains a live mother and you will just wind up making shitty vinegar.

>away from loud noises and chaos.

It is yeast and bacteria. It has no ears. It will be fine if you play it Tech N9ne or Mozart or 4' 33".

>you can save some of the kombucha you made and add more honey/vinegar/water/sea salt/ and let it grow all over again while your busy drinking the stuff you just made.

Let your first batch go longer than you normally would let it. The cultures will form a biomass on the top of the container. This is called the SCOBY. Just save this in a little bit of the liquid. You can keep these in a ziplock bag in the fridge for months. They will often through off another layer, which you can give to friends, family, or feed to a dog you dont like.

> its a living thing, and keeps on living in your stomach. its a symbiotic relationship pretty much.

You have no idea how your GI tract works.

>> No.4940357

My turn:

If you really want to make this vinegar tasting swill, just do this

Make a gallon of sweet tea. I dont care if you buy a jug of it at Walmart, just make sure it dosen't have potassium metabisulfite or anything that says "CONTAINS SULFITES" on the jug.

Pour it into a large glass jar

Mix in a bottle of kombucha that has sediment.

Wait two weeks. Gently pick off the giant booger that has formed on top. This is your culture. Take care of it and it will happily make you disgusting hippy drink for as long as you'd like. Keep it moist in about a cup of the liquid.

Throw away the rest of the liquid. Repeat this recipe, replacing the bottled kombucha for your new culture and not throwing away the liquid.

I've made this stuff before and it tastes like absolute piss no matter how you make it. Thats why every bottle you find is flavored strongly with ginger or berries. My advice: Skip this. Save yourself the money, time, and tastebuds.

Please delete this thread. You are of no value to anybody. You should feel bad.

>> No.4940413


>never had good kombucha ever
>inb4 it doesn't exist

>> No.4940546


>> No.4940549

This stuff is fucking disgusting. I am typically a "to each his own" kind of guy, even with vegans, but fuck you people with your toilet vinegar. This is chinese medicine levels of crazy. Health benefits? Yeah right. When's the last time anyone ever had their doctor scold them for not drinking more kombucha?

Fuck all of you.

>> No.4940625
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>> No.4940888

they still have them in mexico
those vitamin counts don't seem right. i bought a bottle of some and the amounts were like 20 percent on some of the b vitamins

>> No.4940907

I've liked the commercial versions I've tried.

>> No.4941026
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>those vitamin counts don't seem right. i bought a bottle of some and the amounts were like 20 percent on some of the b vitamins

The amount of vitamins in a normal glass of kombucha is 0% for every vitamin. A relatively low amount of B vitamins could come from mixing in a healthy fruit drink or extract, but the 20% vitamin B are processed junk food fortified with genetically engineered bacteria like GBI-30 6086. Since these GMOs are considered probiotics just like the other organisms in kombucha, US companies can still just list it as "kombucha" in the ingredients, and don't have to warn consumers in any way. GT's brand still calls their engineered frankendrink "Raw Organic Kombucha." All the mass produced kombuchas underwent reformulations in 2010, when they were pulled from shelves due to post-delivery changing alcohol content. GT's and Coca Cola (the Kombucha market leaders) both settled class action mislabeling lawsuits. Companies had to engineer the existing bacteria, or add new bacteria and chemicals to control the fermentation.

>> No.4941310
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I actually really like kombucha. It tastes great, but I hate how it's marketed as a superfood when it's really about as healthy as soda. I usually buy a couple when I go to whole foods, but I seriously cringe every time I look at the bottle. I mean just look at this bullshit; they just throw a bunch of buzzwords on the label and people buy it thinking it's some magical health drink.

Article related: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/kombucha-tea/AN01658

Anyways, what's you favorite flavor/brand of kombucha? I've only tried GT Dave's multigreen.

>> No.4941351

>they just throw a bunch of buzzwords on the label
I truly admire the evil genius behind GT's label in your picture. The FDA would flip their shit if the bottles said "restores energy, regenerates damaged cells, replenishes nutrients," but all they include are literally the buzzwords: "restore, regenerate, replenish, rejuvenate, regain, revitalize." They're the sleaziest but most successful in the business, pushing against every regulatory and labeling rule without quite breaking them.

>> No.4942123
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>> No.4942145

so the vitamins are in there the same way they're in cereal? all artificially added :/

>> No.4942475

Not exactly the same. Cereals list vitamins among their ingredients, since they're industrially produced and purified separately from the cereal. Industrial vitamin B production is done with specially selected and engineered bacteria using a fermentation process. There's no regulation over what bacteria are supposed to be in kombucha, nor over labeling products with genetically modified organisms in the US, so GT's can use the same patented life forms and processes that vitamin factories use to produce each vitamin or its precursors, add them to the mix to control the levels, and include just "kombucha" on the ingredient list.

So many people grow kombucha from commercial bottles, and pass around and hybridize their "earth mothers" from person to person, that there's no telling how many GMOs are in a homemade batch, or what types/amounts of byproducts they generate in uncontrolled processes.

>> No.4942700

>step 1, accidentally leave your drink out until it spoils
>step 2, let your inner jew come out
>step 3, come up with a new gourmet name for it like "kombucha"
>step 4, sell it to hipsters as a health food

>> No.4943391

so essentially i could make kombucha at home and let it improve and change and become different?

lol'd but no

>> No.4943605

>entially i could make kombucha at home and let it improve and change and become different?
Yes, any large population of bacteria will mutate and change between generations. Whether you consider each generation improved or not depends on your criteria. An evolutionary biologist, Richard Lenski, has been running a famous experiment for the past 25 years where he set up 12 cultures of the same asexual bacterial colony, and tracked their changes over time. They experience a bit over six generations per day, each one transferred to fresh dishes of medium every few hours. They're at over 50,000 generations now. He keeps frozen samples of each generation over time as well, so he can trace when new mutations occurred. Each of the 12 colonies has undergone hundreds of millions of mutations, but only 10 or 20 per population were considered beneficial to the bacteria.

Anyway, drifting way off topic, you can google more on that experiment if you want, but in a nutshell, yes, kombucha changes all the time. Companies that sell starters probably keep frozen samples of their earlier starter bacteria to reset their own supplies to a more original state. You never know when you're going to get a bad mutation or a new contaminant that ruins the batch.

>> No.4943612

>asexual bacterial colony
As opposed to sexual reproductive bacteria?

>They experience a bit over six generations per day
Yeah, pretty sure it is more than that.

>> No.4943974

>As opposed to sexual reproductive bacteria?
I meant as opposed to bacterial conjugation or other forms of recombination, but I guess the reproduction itself would still asexual. In any case an initial strain of E. coli was chosen because it didn't engage in any funny business to change genetically, so evolution would occur only through mutations. :)

>Yeah, pretty sure it is more than that.
The experiment uses a minimal growth medium. "...daily serial dilution in DM25, a minimal salts medium that has 139 μM glucose and 1,700 μM citrate (2). Given 1:100 dilution and regrowth, the populations achieve ≈6.64 generations per day...."

>> No.4943982

Kombucha tastes horrible to me. I don't like it at all.
>one opinion shared

Drink it if you like it. I'll pass.

>> No.4943991

I can remember in my early high school life a friend of mines parents used to make this stuff in their cupboard, it looked pretty gross but it didn't taste too bad. Tasted like tangy apple cider, even had a slight fizz I think.
Was probably about 18 years ago so memory is a little hazy.

>> No.4944015

Goddamit people...

Jap-fag here.

This konbucha (yeah, not sure where the M came from, but it's actually N) doesn't sound like the stuff I drank when I was little.

Or perhaps I'm in the wrong thread here.

>> No.4944032

that's seaweed tea. Kombucha is fermented tea.

>> No.4946055


>> No.4947318


>> No.4947563

wondering... What is the optimal pH for a kombucha starter? And is that the main reason for the vinegar or does it have some other benefit?

Cause I don't have any apple cider vinegar, but I have a jar of acid blend if that's the problem.

>> No.4948110

i don't know.

you don't NEED vinegar, but the only right kind to add if you had some ever, would be braggs ACV

read the bottle and you will understand why.

the same bacterial sediment dusty stuff floats on the bottom as in kombucha can (often enough)

ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.4948215

is there a copy of the bottle text that I can read that'll explain why Braggs is special?

I've made wine, and can make vinegar, but all the recipes on kombucha seem very dogmatic but with little explanation as to why they're the way they are.

>> No.4948249 [DELETED] 

Stop bumping this thread and kill yourself already.


>> No.4948258

Awesome! Do you a recipe for Snake Oil, too?

>> No.4948270

brags apple cider vinegar is raw(its still alive i think)

unfiltered, organic etc.

it has the best health benefits in my opinion

google "braggs acv organic" and look at the images.

>> No.4948271
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why don't you go to a pasta convention and tell people you don't like pasta?

ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.4948296

Different bacteria have wildly different generation lengths.

>> No.4948302

MM delicious placebo.

>> No.4948311

As long as it's delicious, I'm happy.

>> No.4948319

>everyone is the same


in this crazy world you give someone a few potatoes and they starve to death, the other guy survives a few weeks.

people have different tastes, and needs.

different foods are better for different people.

ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.4948322

You seem to really like doctors, bro. Are you from a Jewish family?

>> No.4948328
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No recipe needed, just insist on pure rattlesnake oil from your salesman.

>> No.4948339

Any worthwhile doctor, i.e. not Dr. Oz, will tell you that kombucha doesn't have any substantial health benefits over, say, vinegar mixed with tea.

>> No.4948364

..but muh probiotics.

>> No.4948380

i heard probiotics in yogurt are healthy, so why can't probiotics from kombucha be healthy?

>> No.4948386

Why would a doctor have any knowledge about kombucha or probiotics? They are only as good as what they learned in school, they do not conduct their own research or keep up-to-date with all health-related literature.

>> No.4948445

>keep up-to-date with all health-related literature.
this is exactly what they do. have you never seen any medical drama ever? they have regular lectures and seminars because there's no point in finding the cure for cancer if no one is going to use it for another 6 years

>> No.4948455

Live cultures such as the ones in yogurt can be beneficial, but to make a substantial difference to the average person you'd have to eat huge amounts of it every day. I don't remember the exact number offhand, but it's something like over a liter.

Probiotics can make a difference if you have something seriously wrong with your gut flora, but modern medicine has better ways of fixing that. The easiest way to do so is literally to put healthy poo in your butt, thus reinoculating your intestines.

>> No.4948491

Yeah but it's much easier to eat some yogurt and a banana than to find sterile poo and stuff it up your butt. Tastier too.

>> No.4948498

>this is exactly what they do.
No, they are spoonfed information by pharmaceutical industry-funded "conferences" and newsletters.

>> No.4948503

>keep up-to-date with all health-related literature.
Nobody reads *all* literature, but docs do have Continuing Medical Education requirements to meet, and any good (or particularly successful) doc goes way beyond that. And some do conduct their own research...plenty of university medical faculty, who teach and conduct research, also practice medicine.

>> No.4948518


That would defeat the entire purpose. Yogurt is not going to help you if your gut flora are severely compromised. Yogurt is not going to help you if you are otherwise healthy.

Yogurt is tasty, not magic.

>> No.4948522

>Nobody reads *all* literature, but docs do have Continuing Medical Education requirements to meet
Like 20 hours a year. How up-to-date can you be in the entire field of medicine when you are required to spend less than 2 hours a month on CME.

>> No.4948526

Lots of continuing medical education consists of courses/seminars funded by pharmaceutical companies.

The doctor gets a nice little all-inclusive vacation and gets his hours while the company teaches them lines to feed to their patients.

>> No.4948972


>> No.4949065

Stop fucking shilling for one vinegar company you ignorant fuck.

>> No.4949072
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>nobody is allowed to have a favorite brand of a product for their own honest reasons
>of vinegar
>on a food and cooking discussion board

>> No.4949082

Americans clap while shilling.

Why do I even come here.

>> No.4949113

You sound exactly like the paranoid faggots on /v/ who cry marketer on every thread.

>> No.4949118

Saying 'buy this', rather than 'I buy this' when posting a recipe is a shilling tactic and disrespectful to the reader and makes some people think that that one product is required. Even if it isn't shilling, it's extremely irresponsible and disrespectful and shows no forethought. Plus, he's selling wholefoodsveganorganicsnakeoilbvitamins. Fuck this guy. And fuck you, for making it through this whole thread and choosing my post to take issue with. You have no sense.

>> No.4949197
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>I go on /ck/
>for this recipe you will need onion and-

>> No.4949355


>> No.4949609


>> No.4949761

>Stop fucking shilling for one vinegar company you ignorant fuck.

>You sound exactly like the paranoid faggots on /v/ who cry marketer on every thread.

While I'd agree OP isn't a literal shill, the insistance on a single brand of industrially produced vinegar with who knows what in it, rather than homemade vinegar, without being able to give a single reason, seems irrational.

Recap of the thread so far....

OP says:
wholefoods: Brags apple cider vinegar (is the best and its not worth buying a different vinegar.)

Anon asks:
What is the optimal pH for a kombucha starter? And is that the main reason for the vinegar or does it have some other benefit?

OP says:
you don't NEED vinegar, but the only right kind to add if you had some ever, would be braggs ACV read the bottle and you will understand why.

Anon asks:
is there a copy of the bottle text that I can read that'll explain why Braggs is special? I've made wine, and can make vinegar....

OP says:
brags apple cider vinegar is raw(its still alive i think) unfiltered, organic etc. it has the best health benefits in my opinion google "braggs acv organic" and look at the images.

>> No.4949826
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Wow, just took a trip down the MIRACLE HEALTH TONIC rabbit hole, which I thought we sealed shut in the 1890s. Apparently non-Bragg vinegar "must be avoided for human consumption!" Bragg's website says that if you drink three big glasses of their vinegar per day, every day until you die, "stiffness and misery will be gone from your joints and body. You will discover you can walk or run up several flights of stairs without any effort and pain! You will notice that you look and feel younger! Make The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle a life-long daily habit! Over the years we have seen many stiff-jointed, prematurely old people transform themselves into new, youthful, healthy people!"

Also cures obesity, and Bragg's has compiled a comprehensive list of medical miracles performed by their cider, but unfortunately can't reveal that sacred knowledge to just anyone. For the astonishingly low price of $9.95, you too can "Learn these Powerful Health Qualities For a Longer, Healthier, Youthful Life" in their best-selling paperback (and now eBook!), "Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle Health System!"

>> No.4949966
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of course if you eat 10 burgers and do no exercise at all every day, and then drink some vinegar WOW SUCH SURPRISE IT DOESN'T WORK SUCH SCAM

chilll ouuuuuuuuuuut

also, did i recommend buying a bunch of scammy weird stuff? no....

i said /ck/ yo /ck/ dis mah fav vinegar and this is why- "bla bla bla"

>> No.4949971

of course when someone recommends a recipe, the chef, the person cooking is personally responsible for how they are going to make the dish, unless they got tricked or something with duct tape spoon (NEVER DO THIS) someone might say "you gotta use this vinegar" but of course if their home made vinegar is BETTER, they could make the decision to use that instead, because freedom.

ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.4949979

I only eat 3-4 burgers a day.

>> No.4949983

back on track: the kombucha thread

>#1 thread of the year

this one time i made some kombucha and mixed it with all kinds of nice fruit juice and drank so much of it that i was burping and farting uncontrollably, such probiotic wow.

it tasted great and i can drink more kombucha now without feeling strange digestion effects.

ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.4949985

Funfact: the name Kombucha is actually a mistake. In Japan, Kombucha is Kelp tea while what we call Kombucha has a completely different name.

>> No.4949987
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>> No.4949991

if you read the whole thread, someone mentioned the difference between kombucha and a certain "konbucha"

i don't know anything about kon-bucha.

i made a kombucha thread.

>> No.4950004

What ails you anon? Diabetes? 10 cups of miracle vinegar!

How about you? Aids? One gallon of miracle vinegar will cures what ails you!

What about the guy laying down? He's dead? Twenty four hour soak in vinegar.

>> No.4950196

has anyone else had any experience with kombucha?

>> No.4950313

bump because kombucha

>> No.4950316

>#1 thread of the year
>thread filled with dogmatic preaching, shill marketers, and next to no real information.

Srsly. Brewing threads are 10x better than this POS.

>> No.4950439

your welcome to mention brewing here, its kind of a brewy-type-thingy of a thread but different, but lets talk!

fun fun fun on /ck/

>> No.4950591

Actually there is some evidence vinegar is useful for avoiding/treating diabetes. But so are about a bazillion other foods...for the most part, all the the stuff you're supposed to eat more of anyway...veggies (especially green leafy ones), fruit, nuts, coffee, etc. Based on the oscillation frequency of medical opinion, fish oil helps with diabetes on odd numbered years, and does nothing or harms you on even numbered years.

>> No.4951446

do you even Hepburn romanization?

n before labials is written m - komban wa, sempai, etc.

>> No.4951460

but Japanese people don't pronounce it that way. Why the fuck would you do that?

>> No.4951532

yes, they pronounce it that way

>> No.4952046

are you sure that this whole Japanese related konbucha discussion is even related to the kombucha that people have been drinking a thousand years ago?

>> No.4952100
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I homebrew Kombucha. Within the last year, in an attempt to deal with my IBS I got off sugar and processed glutens. Casting about for something tasty and healthy to drink I discovered Kombucha. Was kind of put off by its price (at least $3 per 16oz bottle). A guy who works at whole foods told me it's easy to make at home so I did some research and did it. I grew a SCOBY from a store-bought bottle on my second attempt.

I'm sure changing my diet did more to help my IBS than Kombucha, but the two were corollary. Besides it's a cheap tasty drink so I keep it going.

I get ~5 16oz bottles a week for the cost of 2/3d a cup of sugar and three teabags.

I also make a lot of tea by boiling fresh ginger. After I've made a few batches of that I'll take the diced boiled ginger and put it in my Kombucha bottles for a little flavor change.

Anyhow, it's tasty and cheap and I feel like it's helped my gut health.

>> No.4952109
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Also, I don't use any vinegar or other shit. It's just sugar, tea, water, and time.

>> No.4952146

if you read the whole thread, some people prefer to use some vinegar.

>> No.4952150

and they only add like 2 teaspoons to a large gallon of tea/water in comparison.

some people don't use it though. its just opinion and taste/ probiotic content/ what health benefits your trying to get (if you believe in that)

i believe in that.

ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.4952176

hey look another hippy scam.

>> No.4952698


>> No.4952762


Only if you store buy it. I can produce mine for ~5 cents a bottle. It's delicious and might even be healthy.

>> No.4952793
File: 2.86 MB, 3888x2592, img_19973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anyone tried eating their kombucha mothers? I heard it's not that great by itself, but some people sprinkle it on their food or blend it into smoothies. Seems a shame to waste nutritious food just cause it looks gross and is chewy and slimy. You can also give it to pets.

>> No.4952812

I usually drink mine before the mother forms, i have yet to find the right jar to make it that way.

>> No.4953140


>> No.4953218

this, my roommate in college poisoned our entire hall, plus a bunch of dumb girls with poorly made kombucha. he was telling people it would help them stay awake for studying, get over/prevent colds and the flu, hangover cure etc. I was like the only one that was skeptical of taking unknown bacterial slushy from the dorm shaman, laughed my ass off when they were all praying to the porcelain gods for the next week

>> No.4953226

What do you think it would feel like if it was heated and used instead of a fleshlight?

>> No.4953371

that would be kinda mean.... poor good germs

>> No.4953654

I think you can cook the mother in sugar syrup to make candy.

>> No.4953673
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pure pwnage. I larfed.

>> No.4953751
File: 171 KB, 907x708, It's Alive!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brags apple cider vinegar is raw(its still alive i think)

>> No.4955835


>> No.4956198


>> No.4956249

anyone else notice how crazy the slogan "living food for the living body" sounds. Its like some crazy cult that just eats live animals.

>> No.4956272

uhhh I can see how a paranoid mind could interpret it as that, I would be lying if i said i didn't think it sounded like that before.

they are probably just trying to sound hipstery and appealing to fancy hippies or something.

what it means: i like yogurt hue hue

which i don't disagree with, yogurt is nice in my opinion.

>> No.4956333

stop bumping this shitty thread. It sucks and is filled with uneducated faggots and corporate shills.

>> No.4956345

>doesn't like kombucha
>keeps posting in the thread

>> No.4956593


>> No.4956605

I'm pretty sure there are a few places in Asia where you can eat live squid. I remember reading news story about it regarding someone who died after they ate one that left something reproducy somewhere obv not good on the way down and killed her.

>> No.4956628

dude eats a live squid or octopus in the park chan-wook film "old boy" it was a interesting sight. fresh food seems like it would be way more healthy for sure

>> No.4956648

this isn't a thread about eating living squids, please make another thread if you like talking about that...

my opinion: thats horrible.

>> No.4956660

Your opinion is shit, nigga

>> No.4956671
File: 14 KB, 225x300, kombucha-facial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh but eating live kombucha mothers and their kids is A-ok huh anon?

>> No.4956686

I feel really bad about eating meat and fish and chicken etc. i don't go out of my way to intentionally seek meat, i feel really bad that an animal dies, probably in not a very nice way, after having lived a not very nice life...

but then i also think, "i have no idea what plants feel" so there is always the possibility that plants are suffering just as much, and bacteria as well, which are constantly being created and destroyed on a massive scale constantly, inside and outside of our bodies, weather we like it or not.

in this strange world it seems as if there is no obvious way to live and survive without something else being destroyed, and this makes me very sad.

a GOOD example of doing something in a less destructive way would be to eat the fruit from a tree and plant its seeds as a favor for the tree, because by eating the fruit that falls from some trees, technically you didn't kill the plant.

so in a way, its like you didn't kill anything, and still got to eat, and the tree was still able to make another tree and survive and live on successfully.

i know that there are many plants somewhere out there that drop fruit/berries that give the body everything it needs without killing the plant itself, but i have not achieved that yet.

for example, if chicken were given a happy living environment unlike many of the horrible places that harvest chickens and their eggs in bad conditions, they lay eggs all the time (i heard without needing to be fertilized) so its possible that its another good source of food that didn't kill or hurt its source.

yes i think about these things and try not to go insane as you realize that i am not trolling.

>> No.4956690

What if we there was an animal that would happily live and eat itself to it's tastiest weight because it wanted to be eaten?

>> No.4956698

I have no idea.... such a creature would most likely have a goal like that because it might somehow know it would continue to make sure its species survived, perhaps achieving some sort of symbiotic relationship with the person who ate it.

for example of there was a watermelon egg creature that basically looked like a watermelon with legs that intentionally grew to be tasty and then walked over to people and presented itself as "free food" providing the consumers (people/animals) with nutrients and tasty food, and then caused the consumers to become pregnant with seed-like-eggs, and well, "bathroom them out" into the dirt causing them to grow into new plants, (in a non painful way), would be a good example of a symbiotic relationship.

oh. and people couldn't "bathroom" the eggs out on a toilet, they would become constipated and have to go outside for the eggs to cooperate.

don't get any /d/ related ideas, this is a creative discussion of a theoretical situation between symbiotic alien fruit creatures, and people/animals in the wild, as a reply to your comment.

(which makes it food related)

>> No.4956722

but anyway, lets talk more about kombucha.

>> No.4956742

There was a case a few years ago in Germany where a guy put up an add looking for people who wanted to be eaten. Der Metzgermeister (the butchermaster), as he came to be known, found a taker, and they cooked and ate his penis together before he died. Der Metzgermeister ate most of the rest of him, but was caught, tried, and convicted of manslaughter. A couple years into his 8 year sentence, prosecutors changed their mind, and tried & convicted him of murder, giving him a life sentence (Germany is lulz like that). Given your bloodthirsty position on killing kombucha and alien watermelon egg monsters, how do you feel about eating people who want to be eaten?

>> No.4956749

are you talking about the "Mein Teil" guy? I remember he got a light sentence, never heard about them giving him life though.

>> No.4956755

this seems like a trick to make me violently ill

>> No.4956783

I think its sick and messed up.

>> No.4956790

But the guy wanted it

>> No.4956798

I don't care what other people do as long as they actually like what they are doing and really want to do it, + it not effecting me or other people/places/things that do not want to be involved.

different variables and situational differences to this reasoning may differ.

>> No.4956800

ask your doctor before doing anything. this is for everyone in the thread.

ask your doctor before doing anything. this is for everyone in the thread.

>> No.4956804

Yep, that's him, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armin_Meiwes . Life in Germany means up for parole in 15 years, but they'll keep you in for life if you keep saying you're innocent.

>> No.4956835

has anyone made any particularly delicious kombucha before?

>> No.4956837
File: 119 KB, 1024x1024, emma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nutritionally, lean human meat is ideal for kids and athletes, barring unusual exposure to heavy metals or other toxins. It has the exact ratio of amino acids you need for optimal growth. That's why farmers feed chicken byproducts to chickens, and why they fed cattle to cattle before the whole mad cow thing caused a fuss.

When the cost of lab-grown cloned muscle tissue come down, /fit/ will be arguing whether LeBron burgers are healthier than Jordan dogs, and /ck/ will have ceaseless threads on why Emma Watson steaks don't need ketchup.

>> No.4956848

her thigh would probably be good with a brown mushroom gravy

>> No.4956850

wonder how many posts in this thread are by OP

>> No.4956851

That does raise the question, thigh meat or breast?

>> No.4956853

thigh. humans don't have much breast meat at all

>> No.4956899

the ones about kombucha.

the ones about cannibalism are trolls that "STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE" can't handle ops thread so they keep trying to derail it, instead of leaving, since nobody forces them to be in the thread, moot even gave an option to hide threads.

lets keep it on topic

>> No.4956908 [DELETED] 

a gay man once used kombucha to seduce me. at least I think that is what he was doing with it.

it happened in brooklyn during a party and as you may know the town is full of hipsters. so I went to the deli and he came with me and they had many hipster products, kombucha being one of them.
he really insisted I try it, I didn't want to because it was all slimy but he insisted.
so I took a sip and as I suspected it was slimy and strange, and he gave me bedroom eyes and said "well what do you think?". I think he knew I thought "wow this is probably what swallowing cum feels like"

>> No.4956913


>> No.4956922 [DELETED] 


Fuck off, OP.

>> No.4956924


>> No.4956934

no actually...


>> No.4956936

I made a really good kombucha with green tea as its starter, with the braggs and some honey.

it got all fizzy and tasted like mead (but no alcohol)

mixed it with lemonade and it was nice

ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.4956948

>boost energy
this is the most bullshit claim ever, and i despise every product/whatever that says it gives energy, boosts energy, etc.

>helps the body get rid of toxins
livers takes care of toxins perfectly fine. it doesn't need help, unless your liver is malfunctioning in the first place.

the rest of your health benefits are either speculative or things that is easily obtainable by just eating and not sitting at home the whole day.

>make your body a more alkaline environment
you CAN NOT make the rest of your body a more alkaline environment by eating or drinking - only your digestive system will be affected by this, and the effect will only last for a short while, as your stomach will produce more gastric acid to make up for the bases introduced. your body WANT your stomach to have a pH-value at about 1-3, and if you try to fuck with it, it'll fix it.

>> No.4956957

(citation needed)

>> No.4957641

>it got all fizzy and tasted like mead (but no alcohol)

alcohol is hard to avoid in kombucha. kids have been kicked out of school for bringing kombucha, lindsay lohan blew a probation booze test supposedly from kombucha, and coca cola got out of the kombucha business entirely after the fed crackdown on their unexpectedly addictive drink. (citations: google)

>> No.4957662

>>boost energy
>this is the most bullshit claim ever, and i despise every product/whatever that says it gives energy, boosts energy, etc.
i hope you're calling bullshit because it's retardedly obvious, not because you dispute it. if there's one ingredient that shouldn't have any problem claiming to "boost energy," it's sugar!

>> No.4957714

nah man. Feds just cracked down because they realized it was easy enough to tax as alcohol.

>> No.4957865
File: 445 KB, 1435x961, kombrewcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there were several factors (safety, label accuracy, product consistency, alcohol regulation, taxation). After they stopped selling kombucha, the guy who started Honest Tea (which made Coke's kombucha) sold the rest of the company to Coca-Cola to start a consistently alcoholic kombucha line, Kombrewcha, which is 2% alcohol by volume.

>> No.4960069


>> No.4960093

crashing is also hard to avoid when driving a car, people have had their licenses taken away from crashing their cars. many people have also broken their probation by driving cars, and soda stopped driving cars entirely after somebody cracked down and told it couldnt drive because its a drink and how can a bottle dribe a care

things are hard to avoid unless you are skilled and know how to do it correctly.

completely dumbasses are guaranteed to mess up.

I am not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.4960150


>> No.4960220


>> No.4960293


>> No.4960429

For the love of god STOP BUMPING THIS THREAD. Its been bumped 17 fucking times now! Enough is enough

>> No.4960458

im sorry that you don't like the topic, perhaps you could make your own thread about a different food item that you enjoy?

nobody is forcing you to stay in a place you don't like.

I personally enjoy kombucha discussion.

have a nice day!

>> No.4960482

bumping thread

>> No.4960914


>> No.4960967
File: 947 KB, 3128x2346, gel-and-float.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask Your Doctor's bumping is no worse than thread respawners like 7-11 Hotdog Man or Best Vegan Recipes Troll. I actually prefer the bumps to the restarts.

>> No.4960971

>that image

I'm not one for hyperbole but that image almost made me vomit

>> No.4960996

I made thisss onccceee whoaaa....

i tasted it, DELICIOUS, like bubble tea but different.

left it in the fridge.

come back next day



drink it fresh when you make it, delicious.

ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.4961322


>> No.4961339 [DELETED] 

stop bumping this awful thread you faggot.

>> No.4961378

>"stop liking what I don't like!"

im going to enjoy this thread because i like kombucha.

haha :)

>> No.4961394


>> No.4961406

lets watch some random youtube videos of kombucha.

I am not a doctor. these videos are not mine.

Ask your doctor before doing anything.








>> No.4961424

I am a doctor and you are a faggot.

>> No.4961425

I like kombucha, I even make my own. But the constant bumping of this thread is really fucking annoying.

>> No.4961440


>> No.4961445

because 50% of the thread is the word "bump".

The thread has already run it's course and is no longer discussing anything remotely positive.

Threads need to naturally die. Then you can start a new one if you like.

>> No.4961447 [DELETED] 
File: 522 KB, 1496x1122, 100_1730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made my own Kombucha for years.
This stuff is great. I used to sell some of the "mother" on craigslist and made several hundred dollars. For all those scared little rabbits that are afraid on Anthrax....go fuck yourself.

>> No.4961449

also you don't need to bump the thing every hour.

/ck/ isn't even that fast. If you're gonna bump, at least post some progress pics or something. And only do it once a day or so.

>> No.4961472

if you fools would stop complaining about "THREAD SUCKS" and went away maybe some kombucha loving hippy anon would have posted something interesting every once in a while, by now.

but your all essentially just bitching so much that you yourselves are attempting to make the thread useless.

I ignore your comments and Keep bumping in hopes of another anon that likes kombucha.

>> No.4961483

I hate kombucha. Bump.

>> No.4961484

Must be lonely bro.

Just let the thread die and start a new one.

>> No.4961497

>starts new thread


>> No.4961509


>> No.4961519

im saying that its pointless to start a new thread because the trolls will just tell me it sucks too.

I want to have a good kombucha conversation in this thread.

>> No.4961649
File: 13 KB, 269x403, popeye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kumbacha’s the drink i’d ban
it grows in a moldy can
it eats lots of sugar
to poop out a booger
kumbacha’s a great big scam!

>> No.4961673

i disagree.

ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.4961695
File: 767 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20131120_235155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brewed this batch up about 10 months ago and never bottled it. It's super sour, about 3 gallons in there now

>> No.4961708
File: 1001 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20131120_235405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shouldn't have touched it, my hands are smell like vinegar for a month. I had no mother at all when I started, all I did was brew up 5 gallons of Lipton tea and poured in a bottle of GT's original when it cooled down

>> No.4961940
File: 7 KB, 194x260, bucha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhhh everybody be quiet, the kombucha is sleeping.

>> No.4962929


>> No.4963139


>> No.4963319

my dad makes this shit all the time i can't fucking stand it, the thing smells so bad and looks like a fucking slimy shit
also tastes like shit tried it when i was like 8 and puked fuck this shit really fuck it

>> No.4963322

I made the mistake of trying to drink a bottle of kombucha. It smells like disgusting armpit feet and tastes like farts. I don't recommend it.

>> No.4965355


>> No.4965356

maybe he just likes to make it in a really strong weird harsh way? kinda like how some dads like REALLY burnt toast.

you probably tried that one kombucha from that certain strain of bacteria that literally smells like farts, i had that one before, it was ok, but YES i know what you mean.

>> No.4965959


>> No.4966248
