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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 72 KB, 450x350, 1358960779-chipotle_burrito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4927952 No.4927952 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about Chipotle, /ck/? I like it, but it's a little too pricy for my liking. I can understand why it's so popular because "healthy" though. I justify the price by cutting the burrito in half and making two meals out of it.

>$2 for a scoop of guacamole

That's borderline robbery.

>> No.4927966

Maybe if you are trying to bulk or put some meat on your malnourished frame. Those burritos are calorie bombs. Just because its organic doesn't make it healthy. Being high calorie doesn't make it unhealthy either, just be cautious. If you eat like this all the time you'll be fat soon.

>> No.4927979

Yeah, it's definitely not something I do all the time, but the food isn't awful and they've treated me very well every time I've gone. Can't complain.

>> No.4927981

When I was a kid one burrito was way too much to finish. Then as an adult a doctor put me on a medication to help me sleep, I gained 100 lbs and got dependent on sleep medication and now I'm thankful the portions are so huge because I feel hungry unless I finish at least one whole one. So sad really.

>> No.4928000

Um. I feel like I should offer you a hug or something.

>> No.4928016

So many threads about chipotle....i love chipotle but even I am getting sick of this crap.

>> No.4928154

Do you complain about the daily McDonald's and Taco Bell threads too?

>> No.4928374

>I don't know anything about health

>> No.4928386

How do you pronounce chipotle?

>> No.4928402


>> No.4928562

had it when they first opened it was good for a month or two tops /now its just bland 3/10 for trying

ain't nothing like the real thing baby

>> No.4928571

Overpriced crap. They stiff you on everything and just fill the whole thing with that bland rice. Go to Freebirds instead. They're hipster douchey, but at least they give you some meat and don't pretend they're healthy.

>> No.4928596

Ingredients are definitely far cheaper than the prices they charge; it's the preparation that's a bitch and a half. Imagine if you had to cook each of the elements of the burrito individually. It works out fine for them since mass production and all, but if you're at home, by yourself, and you're starved, I don't see how you can be arsed to pull all that together.

>> No.4928608

This. For slightly more I'm sure I could make 6 burritos, It's just a matter of I don't have 2 crockpots to make Beans and Carnitas, I don't have time to make everything. I'm paying for convenience every now and then.

>> No.4928644

Don't forget to dress up for your discounted Boo-rito, eh OP? Eh??

>> No.4928662

Britfag here, chipolte always looks so appealing to me so I started making my own burritos.

I only have one pan so I boil rice, store it in a container, fry some chorizo, peppers, jalapenos and onions, then add the rice, sweetcorn and black beans with some chilli powder and oregano and serve with cheese. They're pretty nice. Any ideas on how to improve it or mix it up a little? And any tips on portions? I eat for myself and I make a ton of the filling but it gets all stodgy and gross if I keep it in the fridge for more than a day

>> No.4928667

This isn't the kind of thing to make for yourself. This is the kind of meal that you spend hours of work on for a whole family or a party.
>cilantro-lime rice
>cooking beans for a long-ass time
>spending literally hours slow-cooking the meat after marinading
>making your own guacamole/pico de gallo/corn salad
My advice is to cook good portions of everything and invite friends over for burrito night.
the fuck you doin

>> No.4928670

I try to keep things on a budget. Chorizo means I can keep it in the fridge and its pretty tasty and cheap.

It's not worked out too bad. £10 worth of ingredients gets me about 4-5 days worth.



>> No.4928675

F-family then. Hell, neighbors.

Point was even mexican chorizo tastes a hell of a lot different from the meats you'd find at a place like this. Chances are you're using spanish chorizo, which while delicious is even further off the mark.

>> No.4928678

Neither apply ;__;

Yeah its Spanish. I guess its not really a burrito in a true sense. It's just pleb tier meat & rice in a wrap. Fuck I wish we had a chipolte I just want to try it ;__;

>> No.4928679


We have a Moe's in my town. And we're getting a Qudoba, I think. These are better than Chipotle because they aren't overpriced faggotry.

I REALLY want the Qudoba because the Moe's is staffed primarily by fuck ups and morons.

>> No.4928682


This has to be the most intelligent post related to diet I've ever read on /ck/.


Or you could eat less and lose 100lbs.

>> No.4928684

You can definitely imitate the flavors - its not hard. Everything is a mix of cumin, oregano, garlic, peppers, onion, cilantro(coriander leaves) and lime.

For the peppers you can use jalapenos and also chili powder, or ancho chili powder if you can find that. Hell, get your hands on an actual chipotle pepper or some adobo sauce. I don't know what grocers are like over the pond, but you're bound to find most of those easily.

>> No.4928688

Yeah we got 'fresh' jalapenos and chilli powder but the latter im not so sure.

>> No.4928691

That's fine. That's plenty good enough. Just stock up on the general spices and ingredients and toss em together into what tastes good

>> No.4928772

>implying this isnt another viral marketing thread

fuck off and die

>> No.4928835

>complaining about viral
please go do the same

>> No.4929088

I like chipotle
Especially when I miss or have a light lunch

>> No.4929091

>you'll never fucking taste chipotle or Taco Bell or any mex food

>> No.4929392

Do you honestly believe that Chipotle has marketers go on /ck/ and advertise?

Jesus Christ, fuck off.

>> No.4929413


I think that if I didn't like smoked jalapeños, I'd filter the word.

>> No.4929644

Do you have any other options where you live? There are quite a few good burrito places here in Boston, Chipotle is probably the most expensive and the worst of all of them.

>> No.4929672

I made my own burrito bowls in this thread:


>> No.4929749
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The link just died (._. )

Oh well, here's the picture of how it turned out. I spent maybe $20 on ingredients and got probably eight or so meals out of it. I also get the chicken bones/skin/fat for stock.

>> No.4929775

Chipolte is not healthy.

Healthy is low-cal, low fat, low sugar. None of which applies to Chipolte burrito.

You're a fucking retarded amerifat, OP.

>> No.4929780

>Healthy is low-cal, low fat

That's some pretty serious opinion you're stating as fact, there. You can easily have a 1,000 calorie, high-fat meal, depending on the ingredients and your dietary needs.

>> No.4929804
File: 77 KB, 600x417, starving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit. Next you're going to try and tell me that Somalians and North Koreans aren't some of the healthiest people in the world.

>> No.4929839


>> No.4930040

Want an award for your mediocre meals? Chipotle is where employed people get a quick lunch. Not that you'd know anything about that.

>> No.4930053

I get the veggie burrito/bowl so the guacamole is free for me :D.

I love Chipotle. It's delicious, healthy, they're more responsible than your average fast food place and I like that, and I think it's pretty cheap for what you get.

I'm also currently addicted to the sofritas.

>> No.4930055


Why are you being such a dick? Do I want an award? No, I want to share something I cooked on a cooking board. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.4930057

>lettuce in a burrito
It's just to make it look bigger, disgusting

>> No.4930059

I love chipotle. It's the best shit.
Of course, if I ate it all the time, I'd be a fatass.
I consider it fast food.

>> No.4930063 [DELETED] 

White people are so fucking stupid, probably all that amonier in your beef and all the worms in your pig shit.
Primitive humans are supposed to look like that, that is what humans naturally look like without excessive weight. I can tell you right now that they are far far more healthy than you. Fat pig white.

>> No.4930067

>people choosing to add lettuce to their burrito because it just makes the burrito look bigger

you only get lettuce on your burrito at chipotle if you ask for it

>> No.4930084

>White people are so fucking stupid

racism goes here >>>/pol/

>> No.4930088 [DELETED] 

No, what I said was not politically incorrect.
It's not politically incorrect to be critical about crackers.

>> No.4930103
File: 186 KB, 370x394, shiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, because what some fucking idiot says, says a lot about white people.

You fucking idiot go kill yourself, whatever you are.

>> No.4930108

I'm a proud African-Norwegian.

>> No.4930130

get the fuck out of Norway you piece of shit nigger

I bet you live in Oslo and off NAV.

>> No.4930134

>implying they don't
>being this new
>capitalizing jesus christ
Shit son, take a shotgun to the face.

>> No.4930137

>claims people are supposed to look like starving Somalians waiting in line for U.N. food handouts during a famine that resulted in the starvation deaths of over 250k people

>calls other people stupid


>> No.4930267


you must be new here

>> No.4930411

Or he has common sense, neakbeard.

>> No.4930679
File: 302 KB, 1024x683, IMG_0326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prefer the burrito bowls myself because I try to avoid carbs.

>> No.4930705

I just had Qdoba for the first time. Wasn't really impressed. Although mine has $5 burrito Fridays, and students get free drinks, so I'm not complaining too much. Prefer Chipotle if I'm not paying, though

>> No.4930994

Qdoba was always so bland to me, Chipotle is infinity better.

>> No.4931074

Actually you just described every experience I've had with freebirds. I think you typo'd

>> No.4931078

I used to work for a company who did "reputation control" and did infact post on various online fourms including 4chan.

>> No.4931096

Chipotle is shit. Real Latinos hate your food.
Fuck off with your daily viral marketing thread.

>> No.4931142

idk what you niggers are smoking but Qdoba has always been good. Try getting the queso burrito. Try getting steak and chicken (half and half or an extra portion) don't ruin burritos with sour cream either. fuckin sour cream is for pussies and faggots.

>> No.4931153

Because Chipotle wants greasy neckbeards to loiter outside their restaurants scaring off their actual paying customers. You repeat this in literally every Chipotle thread I've seen.

>> No.4931157

>implying anyone gives a shit about what Mexicans like

And see this creature here: >>4931142? Chipotle definitely wants this thing to patronize their establishments.

>> No.4931172

Everything from fucking Chipotle tastes the same. There are so many better local burrito places if you just look around your city.

And if you're in the country/surburban hell/nowhere? Make one yourself. Beans and rice is cheap as shit, and that's the body of it.

>> No.4931176

This just in: Mexicans don't buy organic produce and antibiotic and hormone free meats, and some people work!

I must be blowing your mind right now.

>> No.4931178

if you generally dislike mexican food will chipotle be any different?

>> No.4931186

If you don't have time to make goddamn beans and rice, you live a sad life indeed

>> No.4931191

I couldn't even begin to imagine how delicious a nuked burrito would taste during my lunch break. Take a look in the mirror and please, look for work.

>> No.4931193

some people want more in a burrito than just beans and rice. also beans and rice take a long time to make, they may be simple to make but they certainly take a while to do right

>> No.4931195

out of all the things that go in a burrito I think the rice and beans would take the longest to cook, what are you going on about?

>> No.4931198

>cilantro lime rice
Absolutely disgusting into the trash it goes make a decent rice

>> No.4931199

Jesus fuck, dude, you sound salty as all hell. Calm down and go to sleep.
They take a while but they're practically zero-maintainance, you just do other shit while they're cooking. Time management is the #1 secret to getting meals done on time.

>> No.4931200

Why wouldn't you just soak the beans. Start them simmer and take a shower. Add your rice. Then cool the damned mix and go to work. There, you got a batch of beans and rice in your fridge for the week.

>> No.4931201

>being this edgy
I bet you could cut your skin with a tortilla from chipotle complaining about capitalizing top lel

>> No.4931204

free guacamole? Implying they rather give you guacamole then meat
>this gullible

>> No.4931205

Being honest about nuked food is being salty now? How sad is this board?

>> No.4931208

So according to your attitude, in any situation you will be eating shit. Congratulations

>> No.4931209

rice takes a long time to cook?
Top lul

>> No.4931210

Half a burrito bowl, brown rice and double chicken with their hottest red salsa. I eat this when i'm busy during the day for lunch while i'm on a cut, not bad.

>> No.4931215
File: 229 KB, 640x628, edge master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole goddamn thread

>> No.4931217

How drunk are you right now? What the hell does this have to do with me preferring food that isn't microwaved?

>> No.4931223

yea like 30 minutes for a good amount

>> No.4931224

that sounds like a 30-60 minute ordeal

>> No.4931231

45-ish. How short are your showers? Can you not brush your teeth and shave while the rice is going?

Still, if less than an hour from your day once a week to sustain yourself nutritionally is too much, you may need to rethink your lifestyle.

>> No.4931260

45 ish?! the cooking alone takes 30, that doesnt count prep time, cleaning time, or the time it takes for it to cool so you can pack it away

>> No.4931265

cooking beans alone takes 1-2 hours, I dont know where you guys get your information. even if you cook the rice and beans at the same time (rice takes less time) its still at least 1 hour for cooking alone

>> No.4931267

>buying/soaking dry beans
>not using canned for beans and rice

>> No.4931269

Did you miss the once a week part.

>prep time
>simmered rice and beans
You mean the non-active parts like soaking in water, or are you referring to how long it takes to bring water to a boil and salt it?

>cooling and cleaning
Spread it out and put it in the fucking fridge you jackass. You have one pot, two small ones if you insist on cooking them separately. It will take less than two minutes to wash them out. Or you could just let them sit in the sink, most pans aren't going to rust into oblivion because you let starch residue sit on them for your shift.

You sure do have a lot of excuses for being lazy. Make your own damned food, it is not hard.

>> No.4931271

>canned rice

also we were discussing making burrito stuff yourself, getting canned stuff kind of defeats the purpose

>> No.4931273

I do make my own food, what the hell are you going on about?

why do you think I am lazy? I never said I couldnt cook my own rice and beans because it is too hard just that I dont have the time

I dont know what I did to you to make you hate me so much but im sorry.

>> No.4931840

Lol im rafting people complaining about rice being so time consuming I make rice for my family almost every day and beans I let them cook in a crock pot if im lazy its not hard but what baffles me is people thinking chipotle is anywhere near good my dog eats better

>> No.4931845

it tastes like nothing
everything is just bland chipotle

i've never had guac that tasted like nothing but god damn

>> No.4931856


He does this in every fast food thread, don't bother with him. He's inordinately proud that he taught himself to wrap random stuff in a store bought flour tortillas all by himself (i.e., by watching Chef John or some similar youtube show for retards), and he has to shitpost about it every chance he gets.

Pretty sure he's the same guy who derails any discussion of pasta with his sad boasting about how he learned how to boil tomatoes with garlic and herbs without mommy supervising his every ste.

>> No.4932057

Looks good.

Would devour/10

>> No.4932105

Good after a long shift especially if I forgot to eat. That damn burrito gets killed. I hope they'll have sofrita where I live soon.

>> No.4932139

Hey Chipotle thread, Chipotle employee is here again if you guys have any questions or just want to complain to me.

>> No.4932149


If you exercise everyday you should have a weight problem. Diets don't fix everything. Idiots don't realize you have to do something about it.

>> No.4932163


>> No.4932167

>Moe's staffed by morons

Hahaha, I definitely got that impression too and I've only been there once.

>> No.4932172


>> No.4932231

I have a Moe's around the corner from where I work, so I eat it a lot more than Chipotle. Went to Chipotle the other day because I figured maybe I was missing out, the burrito was pretty ho-hum.

Moe's has more options and doesn't try to rip you off when you ask for extras (though you do pay extra for queso, which Chipotle doesn't even offer).

The Moe's by me has a pretty good staff, except for one new kid who can't roll a burrito. Other than his burritos, every one I get from Moe's holds together really well. Every time I eat Chipotle, the burrito falls apart and none of the ingredients are evenly distributed. There's nothing worse than getting that bite of pure sour cream.

In short: Chipotle has better meat and a spicier salsa. Moe's has more options and and overall better product, and they're not hipsters.

>> No.4932241

I'll also add that Chipotle's guac is much better than Moe's but I'm not willing to add $2 to my order for it. Moe's offers it for free.

>> No.4932284

It's total garbage.

I live in New Mexico and Chipotle is the absolute bottom tier for burritos or anything else. It's almost as bad as going to fucking taco bell.

>> No.4932292

It's free at Chipotle if you don't get meat.

>> No.4932319

>I try to avoid carbs.

You should try to avoid fads instead.

>> No.4932322

So it's free if you're a good person? Cool!

>> No.4932390

You should try not being fat, you'll be less angry.

>> No.4932413

Dat projection

>> No.4932436

In other words, it's not free. You can pay $2 for meat or $2 for guac, or $4 for both.

>> No.4932443

meat isnt $2, its included in the cost of the burrito

>> No.4932452

No, if you can replace meat with guacamole (which is otherwise $2) for no extra charge, that meat is $2. Arithmetic, it's a skill every adult should have.

>> No.4932462

>implying there are any adults on /ck/

>> No.4932496

The veggie bowls are cheaper too though if I'm remembering correctly.

>> No.4932511

Why anyone would pay $7 for a burrito is beyond me... Go to an actual authentic mexican restaurant/shack/taco truck where they don't put fucking rice and whole beans in your burritos and actually taste great for $3-$4 tops

>> No.4932520

2 totally different kinds of food, dumbass.

That's like asking why anyone would pay $7 for a fully loaded hero when you can get grilled cheese for a couple of bucks. Apples to oranges, kid.

>> No.4932534

>>Fully loaded hero to grilled cheese
>>Thinking this is the equivalent to Chipotle and real burritos

My sides

>> No.4932547

>real burritos
I'm Mexican, and what is this. Nice try.

I'll bet next you'll mention that some white people in the North eat burritos. Fucking Arizonans, the lot of them.

>> No.4932560

I got news for you man.... you ain't no real Mexican

>> No.4932569

Chihuahua is where they were born nigger

>> No.4932582

I love rice and whole beans and never get shredded animal carcass in my burritos. You mad?

>> No.4932591

No I expect it from your type

>> No.4932596


>> No.4932603

It's not healthy, it's "Healthy™".

>> No.4932695

There's nothing unhealthy about Chipotle except for the portion sizes and OP has the right idea by splitting it into two meals.

>> No.4932729


This is truth. I've taken to declining rice and instead asking for double black beans to avoid all dose carbs.

>> No.4932789

Mexicans aren't the only Latinos, dumbass
My point was that their "TexMex" gig is only liked by white people with no taste buds

>> No.4932803

>only liked by white people with no taste buds

Yes, taste is an objective thing and does not vary from person to person, I don't know why you and I are the only ones that understand.

>> No.4932810

Sure thing, marketer.

>> No.4932825

>still pretending

You're the reason I post these threads, my plan is to keep you disgusting creatures out of restaurants I frequent. It's working.

>> No.4932828

I'm Japanese and I like Tex Mex.

>> No.4932836

I pretend to be Japanese on /ck/ too, people practically lick my ass for it.

>> No.4932837

>implying they could afford to eat out

That would require money.

>> No.4932838


Sunday morning in Australia, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.4932841

I'm a Chinese American, dumbass.

>> No.4932842


Ching chong nip nong fong. Have you cut up your family with a meat cleaver today, mr. ping?

>> No.4932843

>implying I'm even Latino, or in your case "Mexican"

>> No.4932845

You should probably stick to jacking off to anime, you're not good at this.

>> No.4932848 [DELETED] 

>implying scum doesn't come in a shapes and sizes

>> No.4932851
File: 48 KB, 450x384, mryunioshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stay jealous, ching-chong.

>> No.4932853

>implying scum doesn't come in all shapes and sizes

>> No.4932854

>says the fat, white neckbeard

No amount of obsession will change this fact.

>> No.4932856

You shouldn't call yourself that, anon.

>> No.4932860


I realize it's hard for you to grow up the only ching-chong in town, but there really are other Asians in the world, including on the internet. When you get to college you might meet some of them. Just remember there is a pecking order. At least you're better than Thais and Filipinos.

>> No.4932862

Remember to bring your eye tape and kimono to your next anime con, anon. Need to fit in.

>> No.4932864


More jealousy. Haven't they discovered k-pop yet in your flyover town? In the real world it has completely replaced anime as a white people obsession.

>> No.4932867

I'm just going to let you have the last word, you white kids are bizarre. Last reply you'll get from me, weirdo. The fact that you respond so quickly is funnier than your silly comebacks, this is all you have going on right now and you have no idea how pleasing that it.

>> No.4932870


Takes two to tango, ching-chong. When you're in college, try to join a cultural pride club. It might help with that jealousy. As justifiable as it is, it's not healthy for you to look up to another race like that.

>> No.4932873

It's a good treat once in while but I can make better food at home. The price of their guacamole is rediculous

>> No.4932878

Both of you sound white.

>> No.4932882

Avocados are expensive in some places so they have to hike the price up to balance the expense.

>> No.4932891

I get free guacamole because I get a veggie bowl. The always give me a ton, too.

>> No.4932898

Because of the bigotry or the blatant ignorance?

>> No.4932920

The way they speak.

>> No.4932922

>not ordering barbacoa master race

Do you even Chipotle?!

>> No.4932938

But then he wouldn't get "free" guac...

>> No.4932951

I've never even had the barbacoa there. I went to Chipotle maybe twice before I went vegan and always got a bean burrito anyway. I have been getting the sofritas lately though and it's pretty addictive.

>> No.4932956

Yeah well people who eat meat don't deserve gifts.

>> No.4933026


Apply yourself.

>> No.4933201

I live in an area where I have regular access to Chipotle, Moe's, and Qdoba.

Firstly, anyone who describes Chipotle's burritos as healthy are borderline retarded. They are calorie laden, carb-filled, fat stuffed bombs regardless of configuration. The only real "healthy" options are the corn tacos, salads, or burrito bowls and that's if you skip sour cream, cheese, and guacamole.

That being said, the ranking in terms of flavor is as follows:


Chipotle has the highest quality ingredients undoubtedly. They actually season their meat, rice, beans and that highway robbery guacamole is quite delicious. Qdoba comes in a distant second. Their hot sauces are fairly bland in comparison and their rice and beans and meat are not as well seasoned. They do get +1 for their bad ass nacho cheese. Moe's, despite having the most choices and configurations of all these, falls into a distant third. Their rice, beans, and meat are hardly seasoned at all. Their guacamole sucks, tortillas are not so great, and hot sauces are bland as fuck. They do get +1 for fresh chopped onions and jalapenos.

>> No.4933225

>burrito bowls

so somehow adding a tortilla makes it unhealthy? also chipotle's ingredients are high quality, and not full of sodium like most burrito places. this makes them way more healthy than anything comparable

>> No.4933227

>lol carbs and fats arent healthy

okay there buddy

>> No.4933230

Have you looked up their nutrition facts? Those fucking monstrous 10 inch tortillas add 350 calories and a significant amount of fat and carbs to anything you include it in.

Look dude I don't claim to be a health guru. I used to live in California. I have sampled the finest burrtios this country has to offer on random street corners and famous restaurants alike. I fucking love burritos. I also recognize that a 10 inch fucking tortilla is not something you should be consuming with any regularity unless you're some kind of athlete.

>> No.4933246

C'mon man lrn2read. I never said that. I said carb-filled and fat stuffed foods aren't healthy. If you wanna argue with that go right ahead. Keep in mind this is all from the perspective of an average joe. Not some kind of athlete or other specialized diet.

>> No.4933254
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I think they are tasty and I enjoy their tacos.

>> No.4933415

For that price the tortilla should be fresh made by mexican children pounding the corn. It's not they're expensive to hire

>> No.4934898

I don't want Mexican children touching my food.

>> No.4935001

I did an experiment a couple days ago. I bought all the ingredients for a chipotle style burrito, made one, and double checked how much I used and divided the prices down. Costs me just under $3 per burrito. I expect I could cut the material costs to under $1 per unit if I bought in bulk at wholesale prices.
I've done this before and it causes me to never go back to some restaurants.

>> No.4935012

Where I live, there is a place called Cabo Bob's that's a lot like Chipotle except better and the tortillas are freshly cooked. They also have good fish burritos/tacos. We also have Freebird's. Needless to say, the last time I went to Chipotle was when I was out of state.

>> No.4935017

did it taste any different? not trying to bash your experiment, it's just that I tend to do the same thing and sometimes it just doesn't taste the same

>> No.4935019

confirmed for chipotle viral marketer.

>> No.4935023

>complaining about viral

>> No.4935142

Confirmed full neckbeard loser.

>> No.4935369
File: 320 KB, 1600x1200, chipotle(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still need to try the sofritas, it looks fucking amazing.

>> No.4936294

It doesn't look bad but it certainly doesn't look good.

>> No.4936301

Chipotle is great, but pricey considering it's mostly beans and rice. They're expecting more price increases as the hippie new age crowd has convinced them to go through the trouble of purchasing non-GMO produce. A totally pointless effort to appease Alex Jones types.

Intense love or hatred of Chipotle is just retarded, though. It's a burrito joint. Get a fuckin' life.

>> No.4937321

All hail Monsanto! You Americans are just pathetic.

>> No.4938398

>he eats GMOs

I feel so sorry for you brainless Americlaps.

>> No.4938416

It sucks, tastes like tofu in a cumin//chili sauce

>> No.4938432

Am I a jew for ordering salsa on the side for free instead of "chips and salsa"?

>> No.4938492

i dont even mind chipotle but this viral marketing faggot has pushed me in to a full-on boycott of this awful company

do not buy food from Chipotle ever, /ck/

this neverending shitposting is your reward for spending your money there

If you want real Mexican food, there are a million alternatives, but even if you really want a fake horse shit burrito, Qdoba tastes exactly the same

the next time you consider driving out to Chipotle, remember what they've done to your board and ask whether you're comfortable with paying them to continue doing it

>> No.4938611

This poor thing probably has trouble dressing itself.

>> No.4938638
File: 154 KB, 612x612, 6256912660_18ecba4f68_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like somebody needs a delicious Chipotle burrito.

>> No.4938645
File: 13 KB, 275x305, this-thread-again-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4938784

You don't like Chipotle, anon?

>> No.4938787

>so popular because "healthy" though
except it's not even remotely healthy.

>> No.4938821

>What do you think about Chipotle, /ck/?
It's nothing to write home about.

>> No.4938979

Are you actually retarded or are you just pretending to be a retard on the internet again?

>> No.4939023

>two dog food instant ramen posts on the front page
>criticizing an actual healthy fast food option

I can't help but to feel sorry for you. What the fuck is wrong with you creatures?

>> No.4939041

>Muh aunthenticity

>> No.4939068


Chipoodle is like a half step above fast food. the Panda Express of Mexican food

This chick I know dragged me there saying I'd love it and it was so awesome and it was just sloppy overpriced mall food. they put like a cup of sour cream on my shit

>> No.4939097

Chiptotle, shit food for shit people.

>> No.4939223

You have got to be kidding. Moe's is shit-tier god-awful. Everytime I have been there the rice is not completely cooked and their meat tastes like ass.

>> No.4939925

>the Panda Express of Mexican food

In what universe does Panda Express serve antibiotic and hormone free meats and organic produce?

It's like you're not even trying.

>> No.4939943

>get bowl
>ask for tortilla on the side
>ask for extra rice
>ask for extra beans
>half and half of two different meats
>lettuce, cheese, mild sauce

>> No.4940044

>What do you think about Chipotle, /ck/?

That their food quality has dived considerably in the last few years.

Also, Freebirds is superior.


>> No.4940093

lettuce in any burrito
>go kill yourself

>> No.4940096

Find yourself a local Mexican grocery store with a lunch counter. Same huge burrito as Chipotle, 1/3 the price.

>> No.4940097

>I try to avoid carbs.
Really? Then why did you get rice in that bowl?

>> No.4940138

Yeah what a great fucking burrito lemme tell you what.

>never been to Chipotle
>at mall with fiance
>see Chipotle
>walk in
>line person grabs a chunk of beans, slams in middle of burrito
>grabs a few chunks of meat, slams into middle of burrito
Now, you may guess where I'm going with this...
>takes lettuce, slams a handful into middle of burrito
>takes cheese, slams a handful into middle of burrito
>takes scoop of guacamole, slams to the LEFT of everything
>takes scoop of sour cream, slams to the RIGHT of everything
>literally takes the tortilla, wraps it up like a fucking sleeping bag with a softball-sized planet of mushed up shit in the middle
>guacamole oozing out
>sour cream making everything cold
>one bite is cold, lettuce
>next is warm, meat
>then cold again


Fucking hipster scum.

>> No.4940270

Because everyone knows those owners spring for the best quality ingredients. /s

How fucking dense are you?

>> No.4940272

>what is a lunch break,mommy?
>implying anything would every marry you

It's like fast food restaurants exist for a reason or something.

>> No.4940284

>sour cream making everything cold
What did you expect?
>one bite is cold, lettuce
>next is warm, meat
You can ask them to mix it up.

You dumb, nigga?

>> No.4940314

Because you should really have to specify such a thing at such an amazing restaurant.

Fucking mcfaggots.

>> No.4940318

Damn, you are dumb.

>> No.4940325

So, you should have to inform your fast food professional that they need to properly make your burrito?

Well, good to know.

>> No.4940365

It's like fast food employees making minimum wage don't give a shit or something.

>> No.4940384

>>$2 for a scoop of guacamole
Seriously? that shit should be dirt cheap.

>> No.4940391

That is not a burrito, it is a casserole.

Are chipotletards really this dumb?

>> No.4940405

It's a burrito bowl, dumbass. This board is just depressing.

>> No.4940424

If you take bait that fucking easily, of course it's going to suck

>> No.4940452

>tfw sofritas arent in my area yet or probably will never be

>> No.4940663

That's a bad feel. It's pretty good.

>> No.4940688

Qdoba for life, motherfucker

>> No.4940692
File: 47 KB, 1000x999, qdoba-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Chipotle

>> No.4940730


im pretty sure freebirds is way fucking better price wise

also 2$ for guacamole seems legit as avocados can cost up to 1.50$ and thats by itself seeing as how even the most basic style of guacamole consists of sourcream, milk, and salt.

thats my two cents i guess

>> No.4940760

I live in MN in the suburbs, so it's really the only "super burrito" place I can go to.

I only really eat Chipotle when I'm super fucking hungry, but that's only really because it's only place like that around where I live.

>> No.4940792

>eating microwaved food

>> No.4940796

Try flank steak. There are two ways to go. Carne asada (marinated overnight in lime onions and spices) I actually don't like this as much as it kills the flavor of the meat. People do it because flank is inherently tough and the lime tenderizes the meat.
Aged dry-rub is my method of choice and it's very easy. Take the steak out of the package, pat w/ a dry paper towel, rub generously with spices. I use black pepper, cayenne, papricka, onion and garlic powder, dried thyme and cilantro. DON'T add salt at this point. Place on a tray with some sort of grid to raise it up so air can circulate. Leave it in a cold spot in the fridge for 1-2 days. (any longer than this an you'll need to use cheesecloth and trim the exterior) Salt lightly, add a bit of lime (optional) and cook rare/medium rare and let rest for 5 minutes. Slice thin against the grain. For burritos you may want to briefly toss the stips in a skilit to brown the exposed meat. (it will bleed through the tortilla)

>> No.4940825

It's fast food. Who cares

>> No.4940986

People who aren't plebs care if their fast food is nuked. Plebeian.

>> No.4941203

>microwaving food under any circumstances

Get the fuck out. You do not belong here.

>> No.4941210

You realize half of /ck/ is circle-jerking over fast food, candy and ramen noodles, right?

>> No.4941245

You're making me sad. Stahp. :(

>> No.4941267
File: 131 KB, 262x320, holyguacomole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sour cream
Who the fuck does that, what is the purpose, give me your reasoning and I'll tell you why it's wrong.

>> No.4941330

fuck off viral
if you're not viral fuck off in general there is a perpetual chipotle thread on this board and it's not even for discussing burritos it's for discussing fucking chipotle and if anyone criticezes it there are a million people or one samefag who defends it there is nothing to discuss about it's not even a varied menu and they add new shit at a snails pace. Can you please tell me why you require a new thread when there are chipotle threads in the archive that you can read? I would understand if the menu was changing (other than that soy that was added which was a while ago and has already been discussed) or that they're taking anything off the menu (other than the fact they claimed to be GMO-free and then it came out they were lying about it). Not that I care just questions the integrity of the company. That and advertising on 4chan.

And then that fucking guy who writes three sentences and capitalizes every first word of the sentence in every fucking chipotle thread.

Sage used to go in all the fields.

>> No.4942095


>> No.4942125

i ordered a bean burrito with rice from tacobell, opened it up to pour hotsuace in there and a scoop of beans was laid out next to a scoop of rice, fucking retards

>> No.4942127

Never had one, but would if one was around

Heard nothing but good things about them from those I talk to at work

They look delicious though!

>> No.4942143

this is like the only place i ever get white rice and black beans in my burrito. i like it

>> No.4942150


generally we don't give a shit as long as you're not making a completely shitty product. i hate to pull this card, but as a Latino I can say that people bitching about authenticity are annoying as fuck.

just let people eat what they want to eat, man. if they think taco bell makes the best tacos ever, whatever, it's their money.

>> No.4942169

answer my questions
and why did you bump this

>> No.4942347

>job interview at chipotle on saturday
>imagining eating free chipotle

>> No.4942391

>I hate to pull this card, but as a Latino I can say that people bitching about authenticity are annoying as fuck.

Fucking agreed, it's just fast food..... No one is expecting a home cooked meal. It's a filling meal with decent ingredients. Burritos aren't a rocket science.

>> No.4942396

I get the chips instead of a tortilla. rice, beans, meat, sour cream, cheese, salsa, guac, and you got a killer seven layer dip!

THe barbacoa is fuckin' delicious. THe chicken is pretty good, too. The carnitas tastes weird to me, though. strangely off-putting in some way. I don't do steak unless it's an actual steak or cheese-steak.

>> No.4942456

I agree with you on the carnitas thing, but it might just depend on where you're eating. I moved quite a ways north a while back, and here the carnitas taste dry and peppery, but when I go back home and go to a chipoodle there, it tastes quite a bit better.

>> No.4942488


It is overpriced garbage made of the lowest quality ingredients. You can get better quality food from real mexican restaurants. Particularly those found in mexican grocery stores.

>> No.4942490

Oh look, its this guy

>> No.4942493

lel restaurants inside grocery stores usually use ingredients that are close to expiring or expired so that they don't go to waste.

>> No.4942535

It's like maybe they should be fired for being incompetent or something.

>> No.4942542


Actually their ingredients are pretty damn good for fast food.

I agree 100% that if you want real mexican food you can certainly get a better deal in a mexican grocery. but Chipotle is not mexican, it's not even tex-mex, it's sort of its own thing. california style mexican maybe? I wouldn't even consider it as a competitor to a real mexican place though, they are not the same food at all.

>> No.4942658

Precisely. The plebians.

>> No.4942677


freebirds always tastes mushy too me... like they overcook everything... it's good but chipotle tastes better


lol so that makes taco bell the what of mexican food you moron


shut the fuck up im so sick of this honestly if you compared chipotle to "most mexican restaurants" you would find it's better quality ingredients... most mexican restaurants just use cheap shit they buy in bulk like any fast food place

>> No.4942701

Question about the barbacoa that they serve. Is it actual head/cheek/eye meat or do they just call it that while its just other cuts of beef?

>> No.4942805

continuing to question the need for this thread

>> No.4942808


Oh look. It's this guy. Keep on shitposting.

>> No.4942874

Dang, wisdom about health on /ck/.
What the fuck is habbening.

>> No.4942928

Oh look. It's this guy. Keep on shitposting.

>> No.4943083
File: 2.15 MB, 3648x2736, DSCN1743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more healthy burrito bowls.

>> No.4943094

>$2 scoop for guacamole is borderline robbery
Then don't buy it. No one's forcing you to get guacamole.

>> No.4943203

>work at chipotle
>free burrito when I work
>50% burrito off work
>love it.

>> No.4943232

chipotle has a strong sense of entitlement though. I'm not giving chipotle $2 for something I can go into their kitchen and prepare myself. if chipotle has a problem with that they should have got a better business model. if they don't get it from me their shareholders will be required to live with lower dividends.

this idea that I should give up my 2 dollars extra for something that should be part of the price of the burrito strikes me as lazy. chipotle shareholders are not going to convince me. you should have invested in gold you lazy entitled fucks.

>> No.4943241

>chipotle has a strong sense of entitlement though.
Describe how a business can have a "strong sense of entitlement".

>> No.4943246

>I'm not giving chipotle $2 for something I can go into their kitchen and prepare myself.

To be fair, you can say that about anything on Chipolte's menu. It's not exactly a five-star restaurant.

>> No.4943277

chipotle shareholders detected
your not getting my money. you'll need another investment strategy. maybe you should have elected a different board you lazy entitled fucks.

>> No.4943370

Go back to reddit you circle jerker!

>> No.4943419

>implying Chipotle would want a bunch of greasy neckbeards disgusting their actual customers or be associated with a site like 4chan in way, shape or form
>implying you have money

Good one, neckbeard.

>> No.4943451

>implying Chipotle gives a shit who their customers are as long as they sell food

in my mind, i would think any big fast food company would want to appeal to the growing population of neckbeards who are too lazy to cook for themselves. endless money.

>would you like to earn the cold clammy disposable income of neets?

>> No.4943550


Neckbeards like yourself don't have income. But feel free to repeat yourself in yet another thread. Take a shower too.

>> No.4943560
File: 375 KB, 1024x683, IMG_0638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some burrito porn right here.

>> No.4943562

Yawn. Projecting much?

>> No.4943578

I love how /pol and /ck users both resort to calling opponents shills when they disagree with them. After all, there is no possible way someone isn't getting paid to have an opinion that isn't yours, right?

>> No.4943586

>What do you think about Chipotle
Please refrain from mentioning your copyright and/or trademark while visiting /ck/. Although you may not be aware of this (although I think you are), many people posting on 4chan are not in favor of corporate tyranny.

Therefore, referring to your so-called "intellectual property" can be highly offensive to others, as they visit /ck/ to have fun and freely exchange ideas, not to be reminded of their superiority (as determined by the bad choices of mass consumerism).

I hope you remember this in the future and refrain from using any key words that can be used as copyright identifiers. It really is not that much to ask and will prevent threads from degenerating into flame/troll disasters.

Some of us also choose not to accept compensation for our work and our expectation of receiving equivalent (as we determine it) work for free in return is not a badge of shame. The inherent superficial and highly opportunistic behavior of patent trolls is not attractive to every intellectual, and therefore we do not have to be constantly reminded of your kind while on /ck/. It is not necessary and can be considered, "shilling" (a very just term).

Thank you very much,

- /ck/

>> No.4943698
File: 108 KB, 1024x768, 1276469965518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chipotle threads are very clearly viral marketing.

>"b-but why viral on neckbeard forum"
Because it is easy as fuck to post here and the board is slow as shit so the thread lingers forever. If this thread disappears there will be a new one within a couple hours spouting some lofty bullshit about Chipotle.

I don't frequent this board often enough to really give a fuck but wise the hell up you idiots.

>> No.4943718

>Hello, fellow consumer. What do you think of my- err, Chipotle's burritos? My- err, their guacamole is overpriced.

Interesting strategy, let's see if it works for them.

>> No.4943736

I think some of it is viral and probably some of it is probably pretending to be viral because this is 4chan and we think that's funny.

>> No.4943737

Sage you dumb cunt faggot niggers

>> No.4943745

none of it is viral. people just get off on watching neckbeards upset. thats what 80% of the posts on this board are about

>> No.4943756


>> No.4943764


i think most things on 4chan are a complicated mix of ironic and unironic

>> No.4943768 [DELETED] 


>> No.4943795

To summarize: please cook more homemade burritos because they are cheap, healthy, and fun to make

>> No.4943816


>> No.4943858

And here we have the very reason no restaurant would ever advertise here. Check and mate!

>> No.4943871


Viral market somewhere else, no one is falling for your shitty advertising.

Chipotle scum

>> No.4943876

I will eat dog shit before i eat chipotle

I will also eat some after I'm finished

>> No.4944566

I make about 32 burritos at a time, cuz for some reason they sell tortillas in 8pck at the local grocery stores. I take a pork shoulder cut it in half cuz my slow cooker is a small 6qts. Since I married a fuckin mexican I've gotten better at making things spiced. We take dried peppers, ancho/guajillo boiled in a pan with water for a few minutes until soft. Throw in blender with 1/4 onion, shit ton fresh garlic, salt pepper, water or chicken stock. Rub on the shoulder and slow cook for 6+ hours. Fucking amazing in a burrito with some grilled veggies. Like making tamales it's kind of an ordeal so set sometime aside, and just do it.

>> No.4944638

this is not about opinions
there is no reason for this thread
the thread is "isn't chipotle so great?" and that same guy shitting on anyone who doesn't think it's great.

>> No.4945104

ITT: poor people pretend Chipotle thinks they can afford to eat at their restaurants and that marketers will verbally attack them because that's a great way to advertise

Are you just pretending to be retarded or do you just not understand how marketing works? Like at all? I assumed most people had more common sense than this.

>> No.4945108

The tortilla on the side is free though.

>> No.4945129

Man, I couldn't imagine a company who wouldn't want creatures like this frequenting their establishments. You can practically smell him through your computer screen.

>> No.4945322

MAN I wish there was a chipolte here
LAST time I had some was a couple years ago when I lived in LA
CHIPOLTE is really good, damn, I'll have to find the closest one


>> No.4945338

>>>4943246 writes that Chipolte isn't good food


>> No.4945341

chipotle is bottom line pleb-tier shit. they don't even have a salsa bar for fucks sake.

they don't sell burritos, they sell ingredients.

Family run authentic taco shops blows chipotle out of the water

>> No.4945348

>Sweet corn
>black beans
>chilli powder

ditch all of these ingredients and then replace them with fresh carne asada, guacamole, home made red pepper salsa, sour cream, french frys, and melted cheese on the inside

>> No.4945354

In case you are not a marketer or a troll, you understand that constantly having a picture of chipotle on the front of /ck/ will get people to eat there and regardless of the content of the thread will still have a craving it/be reminded of it, correct? We can no loner see sages but we can see hours where this thread falls pages and pages back only to be bumped back up to the top for no reason at all

>> No.4945356

if it makes people think about their company then it's good marketing

>> No.4945364

it makes me think of the last time i had a good burrito so i can go down to my local taco shop and get a real burrito. not some hipster subway shit

>> No.4945369

Then why didn't you sage the thread?

>> No.4945372

you maybe but not the degenerate 99% amerilards on this board whose culinary horizon doesn't go beyond mcd and chipotle

>> No.4945440

>Family run authentic taco shops blows chipotle out of the water

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but they're not springing for quality ingredients, they're cutting corners whenever possible to keep their doors open. I have a feeling I'm not responding to the most intelligent person on the board. And trust me, you don't want to see the Kitchen Nightmares-tier kitchens they're preparing your food in.

>> No.4945446
File: 654 KB, 2000x1124, 1342541049980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right? Gotta get that delicious Eurolard food.

>> No.4945448

britain != europe

>> No.4945455
File: 463 KB, 1024x776, 8361083648245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Europeans, they're even embarrassed of countries on their own continent. Here, have some delicious Italian pizza.

>> No.4945458

You may have a point but that still has nothing to do with the post I made. Just because you have no rebuttal to it, doesn't mean you have to be right on some other, unrelated argument.

>> No.4945472

What country you're embarrassed of are you going to renounce next? Sweden? Scotland? That picture was taken in Scotland by the way, they're just as disgusting in literally every way.

>> No.4945479

How is that related to the purpose and appeal of marketing?

>> No.4945491

>they're even embarrassed of countries on their own continent

LOL, can't believe you're still with that shit when it's pointed out that UK isn't Europe. At least you finally got it right that the UK is a PART of the continent, which is an improvement over your old retarded way of saying it IS Europe.

lul, the murrfat is (very slowly) learning. d'aww.

>> No.4945501

the worse thing is that he thinks europe is some kind of big country with a single culture

>> No.4945578
File: 92 KB, 546x465, eurolard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TIL Britain isn't part of Europe

Are Europeans really this stupid? And I'm sure more than one person has pointed out how sad your rebuttals are when criticized. "BUT BRITAIN ISN'T EUROPE!" It's also hilarious.

>> No.4945586

>proving our points
thanks but people have done that before you already

>> No.4945591

It's entertaining to me how they think America, a nation of 300+ million people, are all exactly the same despite the country having a huge blend of cultures and people into one system.

Then if you make the same generalization about Europe, they get twice as angry.

Ever wonder why you see more US-bashing than Euro-bashing here? Americans don't feel the need to prove themselves.

Ausfag, btw.

>> No.4945592

worse than either of the two

>> No.4945593

>Ever wonder why you see more US-bashing than Euro-bashing here? Americans don't feel the need to prove themselves.
I think it's because Euroshits don't think they need to put themselves out that much. And because every second thread is about the same degenerate fast food dogshit.

>> No.4945601

>It's entertaining to me how they think America, a nation of 300+ million people, are all exactly the same despite the country having a huge blend of cultures and people into one system.
So uh, just like what America thinks of Europe as, right?

>> No.4945603

keep /pol/ in /pol/ please

>> No.4945610

who cares, at least this thread is auto saging now

>> No.4945632

don't worry there will be a new one soon

>> No.4945634

the marketer never sleeps

>> No.4945638


>> No.4945686

"You're looking pretty black there" said the kettle to the pot.

>> No.4945690

Generally speaking Brits act as if they don't need the EU, so other Europeans return their aloofness.

Oh man, if there was ever a bias.

>> No.4945692

>they get twice as angry.

No it's pretty much dead on, exactly the same.

>> No.4946035


Diet is 80% of the battle, you fool.

Most people aren't going to burn that much on average from exercise.

30 minutes on an eliptical is only 300 calories.

Diet is everything.

>> No.4946196
